Star - typically if I am going to get more than 2 hours of sleep I don't temp. Since you are using a BBT that has a memory, if you are going to only get 1.5 hours of sleep I would recommend temping at the time you get up to go to bathroom and then temp again when your alarm goes off and compare the two temps. I will sometimes average the two and take the middle temp so that it's a little more accurate.
Glad to hear your tests went well!! I'm wondering how everyone else does all these tests. Going in for u/s and SA and then going in a few days later to check follicles and then a few days later.... I'm going to have a really hard time doing all those appointments so close together and getting the time off work. Technically I can take 12 days off each school year without any questions asked, it's just a lot to take off in one month.
AFM - No blinky face. Still waiting to O. I'm not happy about that. I only have 3 advanced digi sticks left.

Going to use them the next 2 days and then if I don't get my blinky face I won't use the last one until I get a +OPK on the cheapie and will then use the advanced to confirm. Just frustrated about it because it means I won't get my blinky and so I won't have advanced warning O is coming.
Blah. Frustration.