Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

I do. not real dark, but definitely a line. I didn't test yesterday afternoon because I was drinking a ton of water (felt dehydrated) so I couldn't get a decent hold. But this afternoon I will test again with the Wondfo's and see how much of a line I get. Yesterday I started to get CM that was mostly creamy but just starting to get EWish and CP was High, Medium, starting to open but not quite (if that makes sense) so I know I'm getting close to there, which is why I thought I'd have a blinky today.

I just thought of the time change and there's a good chance the time change messed with me. I don't handle it well, I never have, and so I wouldn't be surprised if my body went "WTF are you doing" and delayed O for a day or two.
I do. not real dark, but definitely a line. I didn't test yesterday afternoon because I was drinking a ton of water (felt dehydrated) so I couldn't get a decent hold. But this afternoon I will test again with the Wondfo's and see how much of a line I get. Yesterday I started to get CM that was mostly creamy but just starting to get EWish and CP was High, Medium, starting to open but not quite (if that makes sense) so I know I'm getting close to there, which is why I thought I'd have a blinky today.

I just thought of the time change and there's a good chance the time change messed with me. I don't handle it well, I never have, and so I wouldn't be surprised if my body went "WTF are you doing" and delayed O for a day or two.

Ah, sounds like you're getting there! Are you testing once a day with the advanced digis?
MrsRose - that's great to hear! And it looks like you got BD in at some good times. FX for you!

Star - yeah that sucks when you can't sleep because of worrying about not sleeping, because then you're trying to sleep and sleep doesn't come from putting in effort; it should be effortless. I did a workshop once on treatments for insomnia and I have to say it was probably one of the most interesting workshops I've been to. It's probably some of the stuff you're already aware of, but there was some stuff about how we overestimate the impact of poor sleep so we worry about it more than is even reasonable, how a lot of people assume 8 hours is optimal when really for some people even 6 is all they need, and also how we assume losing sleep each night will have an incremental impact when really our bodies are pretty good at getting the sleep it needs. Some of the things I remember most from it from a treatment perspective (other than to be aware of the above) were to avoid napping at all costs (unless you don't have sleep problems), avoid looking at the clock when you're trying to fall asleep or if you wake up in the night, and to get out of bed every single time you can't fall asleep easily. There was a particularly poignant anecdote about a man who had issues with middle-of-the-night awakenings, so he was told to get out of bed if that happened and watch something on TV that he likes to watch until he gets sleepy. Having already been sold on the idea that lack of sleep wouldn't have as terrible consequences as he thought, he went to bed that night kind of looking forward to getting to watch this TV show he'd been wanting to watch for a while when he inevitably wakes up in the middle of the night. Except he didn't wake up this time because looking forward to waking up made him stop worrying about waking up! Then of course there's relaxation/mindfulness exercises for bedtime. For me, it's been enough to even just stop clock-watching and stop calculating how much sleep I'd get if I fall asleep now... or in half an hour... or in an hour etc., and also reminding myself that the times I've gotten only a few hours of sleep weren't really that bad the next day. And for times I have a lot of anxious thoughts running through my mind, I've figured out this weird thing where I try to focus on the colours that I see when my eyes are closed (there are little patterns that form even in darkness) and I kind of will the patterns to develop and just observe them. Probably 8 times out of 10 I fall asleep within minutes that way and the rest of the time it takes a few times of calmly going back to the patterns after my thoughts intrude. Wow, that was an essay, sorry!

And I'm good, thanks. Just wondering why my temps are rising but my OPKs are barely getting any darker even though I'm testing twice a day. I also had UTI pain last night so it's really going to compromise our BDing.

I am still catching up on the thread. last week was a really busy week and i am thankful its over. The sleep issues are still here, though I did manage to fall asleep last night with just tylenol PM. I am trying to ween off of ambien and hopefully tylenol PM is okay to take. I really need something. My obgyn last cycle told me to get off ambien and take tylenol PM if i must take something.

jezika are you taking clomid? I cant remember if you are or are not. what cd day are you right now?
Hi Tulip. Welcome! I can definitely relate to thinking it'll happen immediately and then being disappointed, and yikes on the bad timing of your cousin announcing she's expecting. Were you guys BDing (having sex) pretty frequently throughout your cycle when you were trying? On my first cycle we were trying to BD around the time my period tracking app told me my fertile window would be, but my HPT (home pregnancy test) gave me a BFN (big fat no). It was only once I started temping and using OPKs during the next cycle that I realized I O'd a bit later than I thought I would, so my BDing wasn't quite as well timed. I actually did get pg (pregnant) with OPKs and temping that next cycle, though it sadly ended in a CP (chemical pregnancy).

For remembering to temp, you could maybe set a different tone alarm to kind of jog your memory that you have to do something different? Once you get in the habit I'm sure it'll be easy peasy.

Jezika, the tone suggestion on the alarm is a great one! I have been having trouble remembering too. I am on cd2, and managed to get my temps in, but I foresee forgetting to so i'll try the different tone as well.
I do. not real dark, but definitely a line. I didn't test yesterday afternoon because I was drinking a ton of water (felt dehydrated) so I couldn't get a decent hold. But this afternoon I will test again with the Wondfo's and see how much of a line I get. Yesterday I started to get CM that was mostly creamy but just starting to get EWish and CP was High, Medium, starting to open but not quite (if that makes sense) so I know I'm getting close to there, which is why I thought I'd have a blinky today.

I just thought of the time change and there's a good chance the time change messed with me. I don't handle it well, I never have, and so I wouldn't be surprised if my body went "WTF are you doing" and delayed O for a day or two.

OPKs don't work on me at all b/c i have PCOS and screws it up. It showed positive for two weeks last cycle. Some tests are more sensitive than the others, but I am sure you have probably tried more than one type of opk. I also think its super had to have a 4 hour hold. I forced myself to do it last cycle but I was very uncomfortable!
does anyone here use the easy home digi bbt? i have only used it twice and its on military time. i dont know. i recorded my temp this morning at around 7am and it recorded the time as 19:01. and it recorded it for the date march 13th instead of march 14th. i dont know why it did this. i have been playing around with it to try to get it right, but i am confused.
if anyone has this bbt, do you know if there is a way to set the am and pm? i dont know if mine is defective. it wont do that.
i think i figured it out. this bbt just uses military time. i dont think there is a way to change it. so because i was setting it up the first time in the afternoon, i did not set it right. i think it will work now.

just started temping and using FF. hopefully it does not get too confusing!

btw, i have my appointment tomorrow. hoping they will give me the clomid and i can start ttc again. there was a lot of uncertainty for a while, but AF finally came!
MrsRose - yes, I'm still testing once a day with the advanced digi's. The Wondfo today had a line but still pretty light. Thinking it'll be a few days still.

Star - I believe that's the BBT I have. Is it a pretty big screen, and has a blue back light? Let me knwo if you need help, it took me a little bit to get it worked out.
MrsRose - yes, I'm still testing once a day with the advanced digi's. The Wondfo today had a line but still pretty light. Thinking it'll be a few days still.

Star - I believe that's the BBT I have. Is it a pretty big screen, and has a blue back light? Let me knwo if you need help, it took me a little bit to get it worked out.

thank you angel. that is the one I have. I think I figured it out. I took my temp this morning and it's the correct time and date. I think I just got confused because I thought there would be a way to change it from 24 hour time but there is no way so I'm just using it like that now. it worked fine today.

when temping if you wake up at night to go to bathroom do you just take the temp then instead? if I'm still going to get at least another three hours of sleep I won't take the temp then but if I'm only going to sleep like 1.5 hours I guess I would take the temp.
so went to my appointment. DH's sperm analysis was great, no problem there. my u/s was good too. i got a prescription for clomid, 150mg cd3-7. so i start taking it today. i go back in on monday to check follicle sizes. they also gave me a prescription for a trigger shot. we are doing IUI this cycle. really hope that i can ovd. i want my body to respond properly to the meds.

any updates ladies?
so went to my appointment. DH's sperm analysis was great, no problem there. my u/s was good too. i got a prescription for clomid, 150mg cd3-7. so i start taking it today. i go back in on monday to check follicle sizes. they also gave me a prescription for a trigger shot. we are doing IUI this cycle. really hope that i can ovd. i want my body to respond properly to the meds.

any updates ladies?

Yay!! Not much with me. 5dpo and just playing the waiting game, blah! :coffee:
so went to my appointment. DH's sperm analysis was great, no problem there. my u/s was good too. i got a prescription for clomid, 150mg cd3-7. so i start taking it today. i go back in on monday to check follicle sizes. they also gave me a prescription for a trigger shot. we are doing IUI this cycle. really hope that i can ovd. i want my body to respond properly to the meds.

any updates ladies?

Yay!! Not much with me. 5dpo and just playing the waiting game, blah! :coffee:

fx for you! keep us updated.
Star - typically if I am going to get more than 2 hours of sleep I don't temp. Since you are using a BBT that has a memory, if you are going to only get 1.5 hours of sleep I would recommend temping at the time you get up to go to bathroom and then temp again when your alarm goes off and compare the two temps. I will sometimes average the two and take the middle temp so that it's a little more accurate.

Glad to hear your tests went well!! I'm wondering how everyone else does all these tests. Going in for u/s and SA and then going in a few days later to check follicles and then a few days later.... I'm going to have a really hard time doing all those appointments so close together and getting the time off work. Technically I can take 12 days off each school year without any questions asked, it's just a lot to take off in one month.

AFM - No blinky face. Still waiting to O. I'm not happy about that. I only have 3 advanced digi sticks left. :( Going to use them the next 2 days and then if I don't get my blinky face I won't use the last one until I get a +OPK on the cheapie and will then use the advanced to confirm. Just frustrated about it because it means I won't get my blinky and so I won't have advanced warning O is coming.

Blah. Frustration.
Star - typically if I am going to get more than 2 hours of sleep I don't temp. Since you are using a BBT that has a memory, if you are going to only get 1.5 hours of sleep I would recommend temping at the time you get up to go to bathroom and then temp again when your alarm goes off and compare the two temps. I will sometimes average the two and take the middle temp so that it's a little more accurate.

Glad to hear your tests went well!! I'm wondering how everyone else does all these tests. Going in for u/s and SA and then going in a few days later to check follicles and then a few days later.... I'm going to have a really hard time doing all those appointments so close together and getting the time off work. Technically I can take 12 days off each school year without any questions asked, it's just a lot to take off in one month.

AFM - No blinky face. Still waiting to O. I'm not happy about that. I only have 3 advanced digi sticks left. :( Going to use them the next 2 days and then if I don't get my blinky face I won't use the last one until I get a +OPK on the cheapie and will then use the advanced to confirm. Just frustrated about it because it means I won't get my blinky and so I won't have advanced warning O is coming.

Blah. Frustration.

Angel I really hope you get it soon! are you experiencing secondary fertility signs? which opk blinks? I use to use the clear blue but it didn't blink. it was just a smiley.

great suggestion on averaging the temps. today I woke up to go to bathroom at 5am. the past three days I have been temping around 7:15 I hadn't read your post yet so I didn't temp upon waking up. only before bathroom. the bathroom wake up is so frustrating!

also my temp today shot up. it went from 96.26 to 97.28. something like that. I'm on cd4 just took my first dose of clomid for this cycle yesterday. I wonder if clomid messes with the temps? or are these temp raises normal?
Star - typically if I am going to get more than 2 hours of sleep I don't temp. Since you are using a BBT that has a memory, if you are going to only get 1.5 hours of sleep I would recommend temping at the time you get up to go to bathroom and then temp again when your alarm goes off and compare the two temps. I will sometimes average the two and take the middle temp so that it's a little more accurate.

Glad to hear your tests went well!! I'm wondering how everyone else does all these tests. Going in for u/s and SA and then going in a few days later to check follicles and then a few days later.... I'm going to have a really hard time doing all those appointments so close together and getting the time off work. Technically I can take 12 days off each school year without any questions asked, it's just a lot to take off in one month.

AFM - No blinky face. Still waiting to O. I'm not happy about that. I only have 3 advanced digi sticks left. :( Going to use them the next 2 days and then if I don't get my blinky face I won't use the last one until I get a +OPK on the cheapie and will then use the advanced to confirm. Just frustrated about it because it means I won't get my blinky and so I won't have advanced warning O is coming.

Blah. Frustration.

That's annoying! Maybe you should just start BD'ing EOD since you already have some lines on your ICs.
Ash, any updates from you??

any updates from you mrs rose? or just waiting?

No, not really...only 6dpo :coffee:

I'm having some pelvic twinges on my left side so hopefully that's a good sign. I've had a little bit of nausea around 9am the past two days but feel better if I have a little snack. That's not normal for me, but it could also just be the Progesterone. Who knows! I hate the TWW!

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