I'm just waiting for fertile time.

Still getting low reading on Advanced Digi today but last cycle I didn't get the blinky face until CD12 so I've got a day or two before I should expect it to come up. My temps have been flat the last 3 days, I actually made DH take his temp today w/ my thermometer to make sure it wasn't broken.

It's not. I've just been flat lining.
star - I usually use 1-2 drops of lavender oil for a few tsp of cocnut oil. Depends on the strength of the lavender.
MrsRose - I had never heard of that for UTIs! Thanks for the suggestion, I"ll have to try that! I use DManose and it seems to help too.
Tulip - Welcome! :wave: It takes time to get used to remember to temp. My thermometer has an alarm in it so I have that go off and it helps e to remember to temp before getting out of bed. It takes some getting used to but once you are used to temping it'll be easier and now for me it's just natural to do without even thinking about it.
What kind of OPKs did you buy? Depending on the type determines when I start. I will use Wondfo's off the internet and I often will start those shortly after AF ends and use them every day, and then sometimes twice a day until I get my +OPK, just because I like to POAS.

When I use regular digi's I actually will just use the cheapies until I start to get close to a +OPK and then will use the digi's to confirm because they read easier. But they are too expensive to use whenever. I also use the advanced digi's lately because I've had so many other problems. Those I follow the directions on exactly because they do more than just detect LH and so for those I recommend follow directions.
Which tracker are you using? Certain ones like Fertility Friend and Kindara will adjust your fertile time predictions based on the information you input (CM, Cervical position, OPKs, etc). Some of the other (like Glow - which is horrible btw) will just give you the standard prediction and that isn't really helpful.
AshNAmber - What is your tag name on Xbox One?! I'm JediMasterAnge1. I think... LoL! I don't have Kingdom Hearts anymore because my ex was an ass and took all my PS2 games to sell when I was out of town so that he could buy drugs.

so I have a PS2 again (my sister got me one for xmas a couple years ago) and am slowly recollecting games. I need to rebuy KH and start playing again. I'm very excited for new FF to come out. I don't have a PS4 though. We had to decide between PS4 or XboxOne because we can't afford both.
Good luck with your temps!

Hoping this is your cycle!