Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

well, AF has still not showed. i am very frustrated. the bar is so low if i cannot even get a medically induced AF. basically, i think i told you all that last cycle i was put on provera and it worked to induce AF. but this cycle, i switched to seeing an FS and she put me on prometrium b/c she said it had less side effects. well im not sure if it worked. i stopped taking it on wed and it hasnt show up. last cycle, the provera showed up two days later. i know it might still work and i just need to give it like 2 more days. its just frustrating b/c provera worked. i wish i had just stayed on it. i'll ask my doc to put me on that next cycle even if it does work b/c i dont like all the uncertainty. with provera i felt like it was working b/c i had AF symptoms even before i stopped taking the pills. i feel restless. i just want AF to show up!
Star - sorry about your AF-induction woes. It sounds like there's still time, though. And I'm guessing by fewer side effect your FS didn't mean AF symptoms? Or could she have meant that? Also, why is it you're not sleeping well? E.g., Are you finding your thoughts racing, are you worrying about not being able to sleep while you're trying to sleep, are you a light sleeper and get woken up frequently, etc.?

Oh, this talk of thick pads reminds me of when I was a teenager and suddenly came on my period while I was out shopping, so I bought the first pads I could find and when I put them on in the public washrooms I thought, "wow, these are huge... some women must have some crazy flow," and then realized once I got home that I had in fact bought incontinence pads. I wonder what the checkout person had thought.
Star - sorry about your AF-induction woes. It sounds like there's still time, though. And I'm guessing by fewer side effect your FS didn't mean AF symptoms? Or could she have meant that? Also, why is it you're not sleeping well? E.g., Are you finding your thoughts racing, are you worrying about not being able to sleep while you're trying to sleep, are you a light sleeper and get woken up frequently, etc.?

Oh, this talk of thick pads reminds me of when I was a teenager and suddenly came on my period while I was out shopping, so I bought the first pads I could find and when I put them on in the public washrooms I thought, "wow, these are huge... some women must have some crazy flow," and then realized once I got home that I had in fact bought incontinence pads. I wonder what the checkout person had thought.

I guess I never asked her what she meant by less side effects. im still holding out some hope but I'm restless about it. as far as sleep I worry a lot about not being able to sleep and I have lots of thoughts. sometimes it's bc of stress but other times it's just my mind thinking. and the. I get scared bc I know I neednot sleep and I fear I won't be able to.

how are you doing? any updates?
Good news! Got all of our results back and everything is normal! Really glad we decided to go for it this month rather than wait for the results to ttc, especially since they came back one day after O. Hopefully the issues were from the low progesterone and/or bad luck.
MrsRose - that's great to hear! And it looks like you got BD in at some good times. FX for you!

Star - yeah that sucks when you can't sleep because of worrying about not sleeping, because then you're trying to sleep and sleep doesn't come from putting in effort; it should be effortless. I did a workshop once on treatments for insomnia and I have to say it was probably one of the most interesting workshops I've been to. It's probably some of the stuff you're already aware of, but there was some stuff about how we overestimate the impact of poor sleep so we worry about it more than is even reasonable, how a lot of people assume 8 hours is optimal when really for some people even 6 is all they need, and also how we assume losing sleep each night will have an incremental impact when really our bodies are pretty good at getting the sleep it needs. Some of the things I remember most from it from a treatment perspective (other than to be aware of the above) were to avoid napping at all costs (unless you don't have sleep problems), avoid looking at the clock when you're trying to fall asleep or if you wake up in the night, and to get out of bed every single time you can't fall asleep easily. There was a particularly poignant anecdote about a man who had issues with middle-of-the-night awakenings, so he was told to get out of bed if that happened and watch something on TV that he likes to watch until he gets sleepy. Having already been sold on the idea that lack of sleep wouldn't have as terrible consequences as he thought, he went to bed that night kind of looking forward to getting to watch this TV show he'd been wanting to watch for a while when he inevitably wakes up in the middle of the night. Except he didn't wake up this time because looking forward to waking up made him stop worrying about waking up! Then of course there's relaxation/mindfulness exercises for bedtime. For me, it's been enough to even just stop clock-watching and stop calculating how much sleep I'd get if I fall asleep now... or in half an hour... or in an hour etc., and also reminding myself that the times I've gotten only a few hours of sleep weren't really that bad the next day. And for times I have a lot of anxious thoughts running through my mind, I've figured out this weird thing where I try to focus on the colours that I see when my eyes are closed (there are little patterns that form even in darkness) and I kind of will the patterns to develop and just observe them. Probably 8 times out of 10 I fall asleep within minutes that way and the rest of the time it takes a few times of calmly going back to the patterns after my thoughts intrude. Wow, that was an essay, sorry!

And I'm good, thanks. Just wondering why my temps are rising but my OPKs are barely getting any darker even though I'm testing twice a day. I also had UTI pain last night so it's really going to compromise our BDing.
MrsRose - that's great to hear! And it looks like you got BD in at some good times. FX for you!

Star - yeah that sucks when you can't sleep because of worrying about not sleeping, because then you're trying to sleep and sleep doesn't come from putting in effort; it should be effortless. I did a workshop once on treatments for insomnia and I have to say it was probably one of the most interesting workshops I've been to. It's probably some of the stuff you're already aware of, but there was some stuff about how we overestimate the impact of poor sleep so we worry about it more than is even reasonable, how a lot of people assume 8 hours is optimal when really for some people even 6 is all they need, and also how we assume losing sleep each night will have an incremental impact when really our bodies are pretty good at getting the sleep it needs. Some of the things I remember most from it from a treatment perspective (other than to be aware of the above) were to avoid napping at all costs (unless you don't have sleep problems), avoid looking at the clock when you're trying to fall asleep or if you wake up in the night, and to get out of bed every single time you can't fall asleep easily. There was a particularly poignant anecdote about a man who had issues with middle-of-the-night awakenings, so he was told to get out of bed if that happened and watch something on TV that he likes to watch until he gets sleepy. Having already been sold on the idea that lack of sleep wouldn't have as terrible consequences as he thought, he went to bed that night kind of looking forward to getting to watch this TV show he'd been wanting to watch for a while when he inevitably wakes up in the middle of the night. Except he didn't wake up this time because looking forward to waking up made him stop worrying about waking up! Then of course there's relaxation/mindfulness exercises for bedtime. For me, it's been enough to even just stop clock-watching and stop calculating how much sleep I'd get if I fall asleep now... or in half an hour... or in an hour etc., and also reminding myself that the times I've gotten only a few hours of sleep weren't really that bad the next day. And for times I have a lot of anxious thoughts running through my mind, I've figured out this weird thing where I try to focus on the colours that I see when my eyes are closed (there are little patterns that form even in darkness) and I kind of will the patterns to develop and just observe them. Probably 8 times out of 10 I fall asleep within minutes that way and the rest of the time it takes a few times of calmly going back to the patterns after my thoughts intrude. Wow, that was an essay, sorry!

And I'm good, thanks. Just wondering why my temps are rising but my OPKs are barely getting any darker even though I'm testing twice a day. I also had UTI pain last night so it's really going to compromise our BDing.

For uti's, try drinking 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper with water 2-3 times a day for a few days. It worked wonders for me!
MrsRose - Thanks for the suggestion, though oh my gosh it sounds like my worst nightmare because I hate anything even remotely spicy! But I'm guessing maybe if you just swallow it straight away it's fine?
MrsRose - Thanks for the suggestion, though oh my gosh it sounds like my worst nightmare because I hate anything even remotely spicy! But I'm guessing maybe if you just swallow it straight away it's fine?

It's really not that bad but I'd suggest sucking it down with a straw. Baking soda also works, I think 1 tsp in water, and it's easier to get down.
Hello I'm new here. This is my first post and I hope that I'm doing this right (still learning all the acronyms). I just turned 30 last month and have been married to my wonderful 27 year old husband for 2 years (together for 5 years). I stopped my birth control in August to see if my cycle would remain regular without it. It's averaging about 30 days. In November we began ntnp and I believed I would become pregnant. It didn't happen and I immediately became discouraged and haven't tried again. It didn't help that the same day I received af my cousin announced on Facebook they were expecting... As for now, I'm on cd4 and I purchased my opk and a bbt thermometer to get back in the game. I can't seem to remember to get my Temps before getting out of bed though. Dh and I are very excited to grow our family and give my parents their first grandchildren. 😊
Hi Tulip. Welcome! I can definitely relate to thinking it'll happen immediately and then being disappointed, and yikes on the bad timing of your cousin announcing she's expecting. Were you guys BDing (having sex) pretty frequently throughout your cycle when you were trying? On my first cycle we were trying to BD around the time my period tracking app told me my fertile window would be, but my HPT (home pregnancy test) gave me a BFN (big fat no). It was only once I started temping and using OPKs during the next cycle that I realized I O'd a bit later than I thought I would, so my BDing wasn't quite as well timed. I actually did get pg (pregnant) with OPKs and temping that next cycle, though it sadly ended in a CP (chemical pregnancy).

For remembering to temp, you could maybe set a different tone alarm to kind of jog your memory that you have to do something different? Once you get in the habit I'm sure it'll be easy peasy.
Thank you Jezika! I'm so happy to have found this forum. So sorry on the CP... I can imagine that would be very upsetting... I do also have a period tracker and according to my fertile window on that app we BD during that time twice. So I'm excited to see if I O a little later the predicted. Did you wait to use the OPK according to the instructions or did you use it everyday? I'm debating starting it today now that AF has come and gone. And thanks for the suggestion for a different alarm for temping. I will set that up for tomorrow morning.
Cd7! I was suppose to start CB digi today with fmu but totally forgot so I'll start tomorrow. Should still be plenty of time to pick up my surge I think. I've been sporting the last 2 days which is really odd for me. I don't often spot AFTER AF. Then again, I usually have more than a 2 day AF too.

AshNAmber - I got very excited when I saw another girl on here mention video games too. Lol!! :rofl: I like to play games with a story line - thinks like final fantasy, or kingdom hearts (haha I love Disney) and love Star Wars so will sometimes play Star Wars online when I am on the computer or Knights of the Old Repliblic. but I also have been playing this game called Gems of War lately on the Xbox because it doesn't require a lot of time like the story line games do and so I can give myself a 30 minute video game break before going back to papers. DH and I also like to play the Lego games: Lego Star Wars on ps2 or the Wii. Oh and if I get really angry or frustrated with work I'll play GTA just so I can run around and take out my aggression on video game characters. :haha: :blush:

Good job on your midterms!! 96 is awesome!!

Angel!! I have a PS4 and Xbox One you should so friend me!! I love FF I can't wait for the new remake to come out.. I love kingdom of hearts so much I bought a old PS2 just to have all of them. Right now I'm hooked on Destiny and The unwritten tale 2 for xbox one and a strange life on ps4. I was on a kick where I played nothing but GTA :haha: I have a gaming problem :shy:

I hate when I go MIA for a few days but I'm done with midterms now So hopefully I can be more regular again

AFM I'm 10dpo and the only thing I feel coming on is a freaking cold or something.. My throat starting hurting yesterday and I felt like I was freezing I slept half the day away after I got off work yesterday.. Today is the same thing soar throat and feel a little achy with light light crampin pains. My temps are going up but wondering if it's from this sickness I'm starting to get I did take a test this morning and of course it was BFN so if it goes up again ill do another test.
I'm just waiting for fertile time. :coffee: Still getting low reading on Advanced Digi today but last cycle I didn't get the blinky face until CD12 so I've got a day or two before I should expect it to come up. My temps have been flat the last 3 days, I actually made DH take his temp today w/ my thermometer to make sure it wasn't broken. :rofl: It's not. I've just been flat lining. :haha:

star - I usually use 1-2 drops of lavender oil for a few tsp of cocnut oil. Depends on the strength of the lavender.

MrsRose - I had never heard of that for UTIs! Thanks for the suggestion, I"ll have to try that! I use DManose and it seems to help too.

Tulip - Welcome! :wave: It takes time to get used to remember to temp. My thermometer has an alarm in it so I have that go off and it helps e to remember to temp before getting out of bed. It takes some getting used to but once you are used to temping it'll be easier and now for me it's just natural to do without even thinking about it.

What kind of OPKs did you buy? Depending on the type determines when I start. I will use Wondfo's off the internet and I often will start those shortly after AF ends and use them every day, and then sometimes twice a day until I get my +OPK, just because I like to POAS. :haha: When I use regular digi's I actually will just use the cheapies until I start to get close to a +OPK and then will use the digi's to confirm because they read easier. But they are too expensive to use whenever. I also use the advanced digi's lately because I've had so many other problems. Those I follow the directions on exactly because they do more than just detect LH and so for those I recommend follow directions.

Which tracker are you using? Certain ones like Fertility Friend and Kindara will adjust your fertile time predictions based on the information you input (CM, Cervical position, OPKs, etc). Some of the other (like Glow - which is horrible btw) will just give you the standard prediction and that isn't really helpful.

AshNAmber - What is your tag name on Xbox One?! I'm JediMasterAnge1. I think... LoL! I don't have Kingdom Hearts anymore because my ex was an ass and took all my PS2 games to sell when I was out of town so that he could buy drugs. :growlmad: so I have a PS2 again (my sister got me one for xmas a couple years ago) and am slowly recollecting games. I need to rebuy KH and start playing again. I'm very excited for new FF to come out. I don't have a PS4 though. We had to decide between PS4 or XboxOne because we can't afford both. :haha:

Good luck with your temps! :hugs: Hoping this is your cycle!
I'm just waiting for fertile time. :coffee: Still getting low reading on Advanced Digi today but last cycle I didn't get the blinky face until CD12 so I've got a day or two before I should expect it to come up. My temps have been flat the last 3 days, I actually made DH take his temp today w/ my thermometer to make sure it wasn't broken. :rofl: It's not. I've just been flat lining. :haha:

star - I usually use 1-2 drops of lavender oil for a few tsp of cocnut oil. Depends on the strength of the lavender.

MrsRose - I had never heard of that for UTIs! Thanks for the suggestion, I"ll have to try that! I use DManose and it seems to help too.

Tulip - Welcome! :wave: It takes time to get used to remember to temp. My thermometer has an alarm in it so I have that go off and it helps e to remember to temp before getting out of bed. It takes some getting used to but once you are used to temping it'll be easier and now for me it's just natural to do without even thinking about it.

What kind of OPKs did you buy? Depending on the type determines when I start. I will use Wondfo's off the internet and I often will start those shortly after AF ends and use them every day, and then sometimes twice a day until I get my +OPK, just because I like to POAS. :haha: When I use regular digi's I actually will just use the cheapies until I start to get close to a +OPK and then will use the digi's to confirm because they read easier. But they are too expensive to use whenever. I also use the advanced digi's lately because I've had so many other problems. Those I follow the directions on exactly because they do more than just detect LH and so for those I recommend follow directions.

Which tracker are you using? Certain ones like Fertility Friend and Kindara will adjust your fertile time predictions based on the information you input (CM, Cervical position, OPKs, etc). Some of the other (like Glow - which is horrible btw) will just give you the standard prediction and that isn't really helpful.

AshNAmber - What is your tag name on Xbox One?! I'm JediMasterAnge1. I think... LoL! I don't have Kingdom Hearts anymore because my ex was an ass and took all my PS2 games to sell when I was out of town so that he could buy drugs. :growlmad: so I have a PS2 again (my sister got me one for xmas a couple years ago) and am slowly recollecting games. I need to rebuy KH and start playing again. I'm very excited for new FF to come out. I don't have a PS4 though. We had to decide between PS4 or XboxOne because we can't afford both. :haha:

Good luck with your temps! :hugs: Hoping this is your cycle!

I've used D-Mannose with good success but last time even that wouldn't help! I did the baking soda and cayenne and it worked wonders!
Thanks Angel - I purchased the Clear Blue Digital Ovulation Kit. I decided to wait a couple of days since I'm only on CD4 to start that. And as for the tracker I was originally just using one called My Days just to track my period before we began TTC. It also predicted my fertile days and day of ovulation. Thank you for the suggestion, I will try Fertility Friend.
Good news! AF showed up today! I was so surprised. Tomorrow I will call the clinic and go in either tomorrow or next day for us to check for cysts and get prescription for 100mg of clomid. I am so thankful that AF showed up! I thought the prometrium wouldnt works but it did!
Thanks Angel - I purchased the Clear Blue Digital Ovulation Kit. I decided to wait a couple of days since I'm only on CD4 to start that. And as for the tracker I was originally just using one called My Days just to track my period before we began TTC. It also predicted my fertile days and day of ovulation. Thank you for the suggestion, I will try Fertility Friend.

I just started using FF. Today was my first day putting in my temp. Let me know how you get along with it as I am a newbie with it too.
Tulip - is it the regular or advanced kit? I would def follow directions and wait until a little later in your cycle. Those are expensive to waste. If you decide you want to start early try buying some Wondfos on Amazon. They are really cheap and so you can start early without fear of wasting. I used those and then pluses the CB digi (regular) once my cheapies started to look positive and managed to make a pack of 20 digis last 6 months That way. I like to be frugal though :haha:

Star - yay for AF! Hope you like FF. It's one of my favorites at this point
Good news! AF showed up today! I was so surprised. Tomorrow I will call the clinic and go in either tomorrow or next day for us to check for cysts and get prescription for 100mg of clomid. I am so thankful that AF showed up! I thought the prometrium wouldnt works but it did!

Yay! Glad the prometrium worked for you.
Still getting the open circle on my digis :( thought I would have had my blinky face by now. :/ but today's temp did drop so I may be starting to gear up after all

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