Jezika- there's no way to know how long recovery will take. Could be a couple weeks to several months. Im preparing to look weird in all my late pregnancy/early motherhood long as the baby isn't affected, I can deal with it.
Welcome m.cleansy! :wave: It's actually very common to ovulate later or earlier than the "average day14", that whole "perfect 28day cycle thing" is really kind of a myth as a lot of women don't actually O right in the middle of a lovely 28 day cycle. If you have a 29-30 day cycle,and are ovulating around day 16-17 then you have a nice 12 ish day LP (Luteal Phase), which is great!
Feel free to ask questions, pop and chat, etc. We're a great group. These forums are some of the best I've found!
Gagrilin Yay for AF!(what an odd thing to say on these boards
MrsRose They are going to check estrogen and progesterone. When I go in at day 3 they are going to do an ultrasound to check the lining thickness and check estrogen for sure, if the lining doesn't appear to be getting thick enough (which could account for CPs) then I may need estrogen to thicken the lining up during the first part of the cycle (I think that's what he said), then they'll also be checking progesterone, because if the progesterone isn't high enough then i can't sustain the pregnancy afterwards.
I took a look at your chart and I think I agree with FF in terms of your temps, though you might have O'd a couple days later if that one temp wasn't so wonky and ruled out. That makes it really difficult to tell. Based on the way your temps are going this month it looks like you are gearing up to O soon though.
drjo - sorry to hear about the Bell's palsy. I actually had to look it up just now because I hadn't heard of it beforeHope you recover soon!
I know right?!?Welcome m.cleansy! :wave: It's actually very common to ovulate later or earlier than the "average day14", that whole "perfect 28day cycle thing" is really kind of a myth as a lot of women don't actually O right in the middle of a lovely 28 day cycle. If you have a 29-30 day cycle,and are ovulating around day 16-17 then you have a nice 12 ish day LP (Luteal Phase), which is great!
Feel free to ask questions, pop and chat, etc. We're a great group. These forums are some of the best I've found!
Gagrilin Yay for AF!(what an odd thing to say on these boards
MrsRose They are going to check estrogen and progesterone. When I go in at day 3 they are going to do an ultrasound to check the lining thickness and check estrogen for sure, if the lining doesn't appear to be getting thick enough (which could account for CPs) then I may need estrogen to thicken the lining up during the first part of the cycle (I think that's what he said), then they'll also be checking progesterone, because if the progesterone isn't high enough then i can't sustain the pregnancy afterwards.
I took a look at your chart and I think I agree with FF in terms of your temps, though you might have O'd a couple days later if that one temp wasn't so wonky and ruled out. That makes it really difficult to tell. Based on the way your temps are going this month it looks like you are gearing up to O soon though.
drjo - sorry to hear about the Bell's palsy. I actually had to look it up just now because I hadn't heard of it beforeHope you recover soon!
Yay, Angel! Glad your appointment went well, and that's so awesome that they're open 7 days a week! Seems like stuff always happens over the weekends when the doctors aren't available so that is great. Are they doing any genetic carrier or chromosomal testing too?
Ash, hopefully this more laid back approach works for you. I can't remember--does your donor already have kids?
AFM, got my flashing smiley this morning--a day later than last month. I was really hoping the Pregnancy Prep would move up my O but oh well! The past couple months I've had 3 days of flashing smileys and solid on the evening of the 4th day so I'm assuming that's what will happen this time. I'm getting a bit stressed trying to plan when to BD since DH has low sperm count and EOD is supposed to be better for us. I may try for tonight, Wednesday and possibly once more on Thursday.
Kat - Yeah, they are really thorough. They know I'm ovulating and they know I can get pregnant, so he wants to figure out why I haven't sustained a pregnancy before now, and because the insurance won't pay for the full panel for the 'multiple losses testing' until I've had 3CPs or more they are going to do all these other tests that the insurance will pay for during this first cycle to rule out what they can.
Thanks for the heads up about the panty liner. They did tell me to bring one for afterwards at the fertility clinic but I wasn't sure what to expect in terms of dye and spotting and what-not. Will a liner be enough or do I need a heavier pad? I don't typically use heavy pads, just liners.
I'd also heard multiple times that CPs and MCs aren't considered abnormal until 3+. The RE told me that at his clinic they get concerned when they see 2 as close together as mine were (September and then again in November)and try to determine if there is a preventable reason before I have to go through a 3rd. I guess a lot of times it's as simple as hormones and he said that it sucks that women have to go through a 3rd or more CPs when sometimes they could have possibly prevented that with some hormones. Which makes sense. And I know that it's very possible that there was nothing except some abnormalities and it's nothing to be concerned about. I just really like that he's being thorough and wants to check everything.
DBZ - thanks for the input! I was hoping someone from here could give me their opinions on the experience. I tend to have a pretty decent pain tolerance, so I think I'll be okay. The dr did suggest that if I have a low pain tolerance they are willing to give me a script for some heavy duty pain killers (vicadin or percaset) but I don't think I'll need it. I'll just take a few tylonel beforehand. He suggests 800mg of Ibuprofen, which will be plenty I'm sure.
Star - So far I've had 3 different ladies from BnB tell me that it isn't nearly as painful as the doctor says it could be. From what I'm getting, if you have a decent pain tolerance it's fine. I think if your tubes are open it's less painful. The dr said at least one of mine has to be open or I wouldn't be ovulating and having CPs so that's a plus.
AshNAmber I've been very similar: midterms and papers (plus I have my students to plan lessons for, etc) and when I'm not doing that I'm playing video games to keep me busy.
Yay, Angel! Glad your appointment went well, and that's so awesome that they're open 7 days a week! Seems like stuff always happens over the weekends when the doctors aren't available so that is great. Are they doing any genetic carrier or chromosomal testing too?
Ash, hopefully this more laid back approach works for you. I can't remember--does your donor already have kids?
AFM, got my flashing smiley this morning--a day later than last month. I was really hoping the Pregnancy Prep would move up my O but oh well! The past couple months I've had 3 days of flashing smileys and solid on the evening of the 4th day so I'm assuming that's what will happen this time. I'm getting a bit stressed trying to plan when to BD since DH has low sperm count and EOD is supposed to be better for us. I may try for tonight, Wednesday and possibly once more on Thursday.
MrsRose I know how stressful it is to have to plan out these things.![]()
My donor has 2 little girls actually.. It's been a big joke that if I have a boy that they will be spoiling him just as wellWe decided that the donor and his wife will be our child's Aunt and Uncle we are all actually really good friends I've known his DW for damn near 20 years
Kat - Yeah, they are really thorough. They know I'm ovulating and they know I can get pregnant, so he wants to figure out why I haven't sustained a pregnancy before now, and because the insurance won't pay for the full panel for the 'multiple losses testing' until I've had 3CPs or more they are going to do all these other tests that the insurance will pay for during this first cycle to rule out what they can.
Thanks for the heads up about the panty liner. They did tell me to bring one for afterwards at the fertility clinic but I wasn't sure what to expect in terms of dye and spotting and what-not. Will a liner be enough or do I need a heavier pad? I don't typically use heavy pads, just liners.
I'd also heard multiple times that CPs and MCs aren't considered abnormal until 3+. The RE told me that at his clinic they get concerned when they see 2 as close together as mine were (September and then again in November)and try to determine if there is a preventable reason before I have to go through a 3rd. I guess a lot of times it's as simple as hormones and he said that it sucks that women have to go through a 3rd or more CPs when sometimes they could have possibly prevented that with some hormones. Which makes sense. And I know that it's very possible that there was nothing except some abnormalities and it's nothing to be concerned about. I just really like that he's being thorough and wants to check everything.
DBZ - thanks for the input! I was hoping someone from here could give me their opinions on the experience. I tend to have a pretty decent pain tolerance, so I think I'll be okay. The dr did suggest that if I have a low pain tolerance they are willing to give me a script for some heavy duty pain killers (vicadin or percaset) but I don't think I'll need it. I'll just take a few tylonel beforehand. He suggests 800mg of Ibuprofen, which will be plenty I'm sure.
Star - So far I've had 3 different ladies from BnB tell me that it isn't nearly as painful as the doctor says it could be. From what I'm getting, if you have a decent pain tolerance it's fine. I think if your tubes are open it's less painful. The dr said at least one of mine has to be open or I wouldn't be ovulating and having CPs so that's a plus.
AshNAmber I've been very similar: midterms and papers (plus I have my students to plan lessons for, etc) and when I'm not doing that I'm playing video games to keep me busy.
Angel!! You play video games?!!? That's exciting to me!! What do you play?!!![]()
I hope you do well on your midterms.. I made a 96 on my first one I have 1 more to go that has 2 parts
AFM I said I wasn't going to temp but I can't help myself. on the bright side days are just flowing by with midterms this week I didn't even realize I was 6DPO I thought I was at 5 until this morningSo lets hope the rest of this week goes like this.
Mrs rose- sometimes I get a temp jump on the day of the +OPK and then a dip the next day. When that happens it usually means I Od the day after the +OPK, which is pretty normal for a lot of people. It's very possible your early temp affected it but probably not by a lot of it's just 30 minutes. And the first temp is def more accurate. Once you've been awake even if you just lay there it will change your temp.
Id say you are probably gearing up and will O tomorrow or the day after. Since you can O up to 2 days after the +OPK I would watch your temps and cm and see what happens. I usually have EW for a day after O (makes sense if egg is good for 24 hours). Good luck!
Angel - A little late but I agree with Kat. A liner or a thin pad (if you like more protection) is probably all you'll need. They gave me a steamboat of a pad after my it made me three inches taller while sitting down.
I've done that beforehonestly for a lot of people sleeping poorly or temping at different times, as log as not crazy different, still produces CH and decent approximation. I've had really bad temps if I am up all night or am sick but if I can get 2.5 hours of sleep before my temp I'm usually ok. I often wake up around 3am and then go back to sleep at temp at 5 and for me as long as I don't get out of bed I do ok temp wise.
I'd be more concerned about looking into why you sleep so poorly. Have you tried something like lavender oil? I use lavender oil in a diffuser to help me sleep sometimes. Also we changed our mattress and it made a world of difference in my sleeping
MrsRose - looking good. Is day you prob Od too.
It sure why I had that spike but it's pretty common for me to have weird spiked early in so I don't make much of it anymore. Lol.
Star - Have you tried melatonin? I know a few people who take it to help them sleep. But that's the only real suggestion I've got. Hope AF shows soon!
Angel - A little late but I agree with Kat. A liner or a thin pad (if you like more protection) is probably all you'll need. They gave me a steamboat of a pad after my it made me three inches taller while sitting down. But it wasn't really necessary. Good luck with the testing! I'm glad they're doing something for you now.![]()
Welcome to the new ladies!
Star - I like to use natural things as often as possible to help me sleep. I use essential oils: lavender oil (buy the good stuff, not just the cheap version you can find in a grocery store) in a humidifer/diffuser by my bed helps me. I also make a lotion/oil that I sometimes put on at night from coconut oil and some lavender oil and it helps me to relax and sleep better. Melatonin is also a good suggestion, it's at least the same thing that your body secretes to help you sleep
Angel - A little late but I agree with Kat. A liner or a thin pad (if you like more protection) is probably all you'll need. They gave me a steamboat of a pad after my it made me three inches taller while sitting down.OMG! That sentence made my day!
Thanks for the info! I'll bring along a thin pad. I'm not a fan of the big thick ones, so uncomfortable!