Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Hope you get you BFP Angel!!!

Mrs. Rose any updates?

Afm, tomorrow is my second us. it will be cd13. i did an us on cd9 (i told you all this on monday) and the follies were all <10mm. i am very much hoping that they have grown. ive been very nervous about this. i dont want to hear that they are still small tomorrow. though i have read posts where people say that even on cd13 their follies were <10mm but by cd 17 or even a bit later, they were big enough. we shall see. tomorrow could not come sooner for me!

also, i have been temping and i just dont think temping is going to work for me. i take my temp at different times every day. sometimes at 3am when i wake up to use bathroom. sometimes at 4 or 5 or 7 or 9. its usually sometimes between 3 and 9. i think that is probably too wide of a range. my chart looks really weird.

Got my fx that those follies are bigger!

Had bloodwork done yesterday to do my first check of hcg and progesterone. The lines are getting darker, which is a first for me! I just hope that keeps up!

exciting! fx for you! when do you get the results?

Probably this afternoon or tomorrow AM.
oh and has anyone here tried acupuncture?

someone on this thread recommended cinnamon to me and i will start doing that to help with my cm.

I've been doing acupuncture for a couple months! It certainly couldn't hurt anything, plus it's really relaxing. They can also do some points to help with sleep. I'm not a good sleeper either so I feel your pain. I'm now finally able to sleep without any meds but I do still wake up a lot. I've found that reading before bed helps and once I get my sleepy feeling, I'll put an audiobook on so my mind doesn't wander. If I wake up I'll just put the book back on.

Grapefruit juice is supposed to give ewcm too :)

do you think the acupuncture can help with ovd? did you discuss it with your doc before doing it? in the TCOYF book, she recommends discussing it with doc before doing it. maybe i'll ask my doc on friday if she thinks it could help. i'm willing to try anything.

keep us updated on your results. fx for you!
oh and has anyone here tried acupuncture?

someone on this thread recommended cinnamon to me and i will start doing that to help with my cm.

I've been doing acupuncture for a couple months! It certainly couldn't hurt anything, plus it's really relaxing. They can also do some points to help with sleep. I'm not a good sleeper either so I feel your pain. I'm now finally able to sleep without any meds but I do still wake up a lot. I've found that reading before bed helps and once I get my sleepy feeling, I'll put an audiobook on so my mind doesn't wander. If I wake up I'll just put the book back on.

Grapefruit juice is supposed to give ewcm too :)

do you think the acupuncture can help with ovd? did you discuss it with your doc before doing it? in the TCOYF book, she recommends discussing it with doc before doing it. maybe i'll ask my doc on friday if she thinks it could help. i'm willing to try anything.

keep us updated on your results. fx for you!

I'm not sure tbh--you can probably get more info by doing a little googling :).

Some doctors aren't open to alternative medicine but hopefully yours is. Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and many swear by it so there's gotta be something to it!

Ill keep you posted!
Star - No, you won't feel the follicles grow. Honestly, a lot of women don't even feel ovulation pain (I certainly don't).

I don't remember how to post the link to your chart, but here are some links to FF's directions: Add a link and how to share your chart

Temping: if you wake up for only about 10 minutes and fall back asleep then don't worry about it. Really the part that messes up your temps a lot is the getting up and moving around part, or if you are awake for a long time. If you wake up and just roll over and go back to sleep you don't have to stress about that. Honestly I think you are over thinking the temping thing. I think your 3am temp was probably fine since you said that when you temped at 6 you had been awake at 5:30. How long were you awake though? If it was just long enough to realize the time and go back to sleep then that's not probably going to affect your temps a lot. If it was enough to toss and turn for 20 minutes then use the 3am temp. If you are waking up a lot to go to the bathroom and it's around thes ame time (like 3am) then that could just be your temp time. Especially if you've managed to get 3 hours of sleep before that.

CM - try grapefruit juice! It gave me LOADS OF CM! I would suggest actual juice though, don't go buy a bottle of it but actually buy grapefruits and make juice (so it's 100% grapefruit and no added sugars etc). When I drink it regularly I have loads more CM than normal.

MrsRose - Yay! Hopefully your bloodwork comes back good.
Got Wednesday's bloodwork back and my hcg was 56 (13dpo) and Progesterone was 36. Those are both records for me! She wants me to have more done today and also on Monday. I'm so hoping they double...I've got a feeling I'll be in the slow riser camp though.
Got Wednesday's bloodwork back and my hcg was 56 (13dpo) and Progesterone was 36. Those are both records for me! She wants me to have more done today and also on Monday. I'm so hoping they double...I've got a feeling I'll be in the slow riser camp though.

that's great news! so you will do another blood test on monday? fx for you! hopefully this is your cycle!

so bad news, follies are still small. only one follie is at 12mm. doc says i am clomid resistant. i was very very sad. DH was with me for this appointment b/c we have both been super hopeful the entire week. doc says clomid just does not work for me. so to me this is very bad news, but she said its not bad in that i wont find something that works. she said it just means clomid does not work. she said that my tests show good ovarian reserves, so there is not problem with that. and that some people don't respond to clomid.

she gave us four shots to take over the next four days. they are follitism shots that are used to help make the follies grow. she says there is a high chance it will work, but if it does not work, its okay bc we will start with injections first thing on the next cycle. right now we are starting them late and its a lot better if we start the cycle with it. so there is still a chance for this cycle, but if not, i have a plan set for next cycle.

im thankful that the ovarian reserve is good, i am just still sad. i wanted clomid to work. hopefully we will find something that will get me to ovulate. my next appointment is tuesday. we take the four shots, one each night and on tuesday we will look to see if they have made the one with 12mm grow. somehow starting the injections at the beginning of the cycle is better, but i didnt ask why. i dont know maybe it gives it more time to work.

so im sad, but trying to remain positive. hopefully there will be growth on tuesday.
Star - No, you won't feel the follicles grow. Honestly, a lot of women don't even feel ovulation pain (I certainly don't).

I don't remember how to post the link to your chart, but here are some links to FF's directions: Add a link and how to share your chart

Temping: if you wake up for only about 10 minutes and fall back asleep then don't worry about it. Really the part that messes up your temps a lot is the getting up and moving around part, or if you are awake for a long time. If you wake up and just roll over and go back to sleep you don't have to stress about that. Honestly I think you are over thinking the temping thing. I think your 3am temp was probably fine since you said that when you temped at 6 you had been awake at 5:30. How long were you awake though? If it was just long enough to realize the time and go back to sleep then that's not probably going to affect your temps a lot. If it was enough to toss and turn for 20 minutes then use the 3am temp. If you are waking up a lot to go to the bathroom and it's around thes ame time (like 3am) then that could just be your temp time. Especially if you've managed to get 3 hours of sleep before that.

CM - try grapefruit juice! It gave me LOADS OF CM! I would suggest actual juice though, don't go buy a bottle of it but actually buy grapefruits and make juice (so it's 100% grapefruit and no added sugars etc). When I drink it regularly I have loads more CM than normal.

MrsRose - Yay! Hopefully your bloodwork comes back good.

i will def try the grapefruit juice, thanks for the tip. and also thanks for the tips with temping. i usually wake up roll over and go back to sleep like 10 mins later, so i wont stress about that part. and yea, maybe taking it at 3am is fine too. i mean my temp times are all over the place but maybe thats fine. i'll try to look into how to post the chart. thank you for giving me those links.

how are you doing? any updates?
Star, try not to feel discouraged. Clomid absolutely didn't work for me either. Femara did, though.
Star, try not to feel discouraged. Clomid absolutely didn't work for me either. Femara did, though.

thanks for the support. I feel a lot better when I hear people had success when clomid didn't work. I'm trying to stay positive. I just want something to work so I can actually have a chance. I need to O. hoping Tuesday shows growth after doing the shots. doc says it's better to start the cycle w them but that we can try to see if we can get a chance at this cycle.
Sorry to hear clomid didn't work for you Star. Hopefully another drug will work. :hugs:

MrsRose sounds like great news! Can't wait tochear about Mondays blood work! FX they are much higher :)

AFM - got my CH. in officially 3 DPO and in the TWW. Broke out I several places on my face :( hoping this isn't going to become a regular post-O experience now that my hormones are becoming more "normal". I had a rough day at work and my students were really not well behaved so I skipped the gym, came home and had a glass of wine and left over pizza. Lol. I wish I had gone to the gym Bc now I just feel bloated and blah. I'll have to make sure I go tomorrow and sunday for sure.
Sorry to hear clomid didn't work for you Star. Hopefully another drug will work. :hugs:

MrsRose sounds like great news! Can't wait tochear about Mondays blood work! FX they are much higher :)

AFM - got my CH. in officially 3 DPO and in the TWW. Broke out I several places on my face :( hoping this isn't going to become a regular post-O experience now that my hormones are becoming more "normal". I had a rough day at work and my students were really not well behaved so I skipped the gym, came home and had a glass of wine and left over pizza. Lol. I wish I had gone to the gym Bc now I just feel bloated and blah. I'll have to make sure I go tomorrow and sunday for sure.

Yay for crosshairs!!

Afm, got my second beta results and they doubled, thank goodness! I hope it keeps up!
So today is the 4th day in a row that my temps are exactly the same. And pre-O I had two sets that were similar, where the temps were flat lined for several days. I double checekd with a second thermometer today just ot make sure and it said the same thing. And I checked my temp this morning around 10am again just to see and it read a different temp (98.9 at 10am), and confirmed that with our "normal" thermometer. So I don't think it's the thermometer.

I double checked old charts and two cycles ago I had the same thing post-O, plus the cycle before that. So I'm beginning to think flat temps are normal for me. Seems odd, but whatever. :crazy:

MrsRose - Oh yay!! :)
So today is the 4th day in a row that my temps are exactly the same. And pre-O I had two sets that were similar, where the temps were flat lined for several days. I double checekd with a second thermometer today just ot make sure and it said the same thing. And I checked my temp this morning around 10am again just to see and it read a different temp (98.9 at 10am), and confirmed that with our "normal" thermometer. So I don't think it's the thermometer.

I double checked old charts and two cycles ago I had the same thing post-O, plus the cycle before that. So I'm beginning to think flat temps are normal for me. Seems odd, but whatever. :crazy:

MrsRose - Oh yay!! :)

Our bodies are so strange sometimes!
Mrs.Rose I don't think I said congrats before, so congrats! That's great that your HCG levels have doubled. I know how scary this part has been for you before.

I got my BFP yesterday morning and obviously completely petrified. Felt myself feeling hopeful this morning but now am convinced it'll be another CP... for no good reason, really, just 'cause it seems to be so damn common. Testing again tomorrow morning so will see if the 48 hours brings darker lines.

Angel, I quite like your flat temps, Mine are always so erratic. Sometimes I've ended up testing when I woke up to pee pretty early, then again three hours later, and again three hours later still and they're always wiiiiildly different. But obviously that's temping at different times so it makes sense it'll be different. You must be a pro temper :)
Angel, I quite like your flat temps, Mine are always so erratic. Sometimes I've ended up testing when I woke up to pee pretty early, then again three hours later, and again three hours later still and they're always wiiiiildly different. But obviously that's temping at different times so it makes sense it'll be different. You must be a pro temper :)

:rofl: I don't know about being a pro-temper but I do temp at 5am every day, even on the weekend.
Congrats MrsRose, first noticed you got your BFP now, H&H 9 months:flower:

Congrats Jezika, H&H 9 months:happydance: FXed this is your super sticky bean!
Mrs.Rose I don't think I said congrats before, so congrats! That's great that your HCG levels have doubled. I know how scary this part has been for you before.

I got my BFP yesterday morning and obviously completely petrified. Felt myself feeling hopeful this morning but now am convinced it'll be another CP... for no good reason, really, just 'cause it seems to be so damn common. Testing again tomorrow morning so will see if the 48 hours brings darker lines.

Angel, I quite like your flat temps, Mine are always so erratic. Sometimes I've ended up testing when I woke up to pee pretty early, then again three hours later, and again three hours later still and they're always wiiiiildly different. But obviously that's temping at different times so it makes sense it'll be different. You must be a pro temper :)

Thanks, Jezika! Congrats to you too! I completely understand how you're feeling. I can't stop POAS to see the progression but it makes me feel better. What is your EDD? Mine is 12/1 based on O date.
Congrats MrsRose, first noticed you got your BFP now, H&H 9 months:flower:

Congrats Jezika, H&H 9 months:happydance: FXed this is your super sticky bean!

Thanks, Kat! Looks like you're about to hit your 12-week mark...congrats!
Thanks Kat! 12 weeks so soon huh? That awesome :D

Mrs. Rose, based on O date, EDD is December 5th. Are you in the December Snowflakes group?

Here is my line progression so far btw. Today is definitely darker than two days ago but I'm still concerned that it's not darker considering there have been two days in-between. It doesn't help that all the Wondfo progression pics online show super dark lines by 13DPO, but then again most of them seem to have had a positive much sooner too (earlier implantation?). The FRER is the only one I have. Not sure if I should buy more. It's already darker than the one I took at 14DPO last cycle.

What do you guys think? I'm so scared of inadequate line progression too.


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