Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Congrats MrsRose, first noticed you got your BFP now, H&H 9 months:flower:

Congrats Jezika, H&H 9 months:happydance: FXed this is your super sticky bean!

Thanks, Kat! Looks like you're about to hit your 12-week mark...congrats!

Thanks MrsRose:flower:

Thanks Kat! 12 weeks so soon huh? That awesome :D

Mrs. Rose, based on O date, EDD is December 5th. Are you in the December Snowflakes group?

Here is my line progression so far btw. Today is definitely darker than two days ago but I'm still concerned that it's not darker considering there have been two days in-between. It doesn't help that all the Wondfo progression pics online show super dark lines by 13DPO, but then again most of them seem to have had a positive much sooner too (earlier implantation?). The FRER is the only one I have. Not sure if I should buy more. It's already darker than the one I took at 14DPO last cycle.

What do you guys think? I'm so scared of inadequate line progression too.

Thanks Jezika, yeah time goes by kinda quickly although I'll first be more relaxed (because I think not worrying at all is just not gonna happen:haha:) after my nuchal scan on April 6th, we'll also be making an announcement to the rest of DH's family after that scan (only his parents know ATM).

I do see some progression with the Wondfos although I don't know if that brand is good for progression checks:shrug: I'd probably not keep on testing for progression though, it'd personally stress me out too much and give me something to worry about. It's probably best to just try and enjoy the pregnancy and see how things go. I never did take an HPT after my positive beta and didn't get any more betas done (wasn't offered any anyway) and I think it's been good for me so I've had less to obsess about. Trust me, you may soon start feeling all kinds of sensations going on in your body that you'll be obsessing about:winkwink:
That's probably a good idea to stop testing, but while I have Wondfos left I don't think I can stop! I just want to see more progression than last time and to get past the time point that things had gone wrong to put my mind at ease. I don't think it's tenable to keep testing beyond that anyway.

What are you thinking re: telling your side of the fam btw? I know that's a tricky area.
That's probably a good idea to stop testing, but while I have Wondfos left I don't think I can stop! I just want to see more progression than last time and to get past the time point that things had gone wrong to put my mind at ease. I don't think it's tenable to keep testing beyond that anyway.

What are you thinking re: telling your side of the fam btw? I know that's a tricky area.

Yeah I definitely would stop after a few days, at one point I also think it takes longer for the HCG to double as well.

I'm thinking there's no point:nope: My toxic mother, whom I can somewhat handle at this point and who doesn't get to me anymore, knows and that's probably gonna be it unless she gets on good terms with my enabler cousin (they had a huge falling out around Christmas time, long story!) who then tells my siblings. Nothing I can do about that but I won't be telling my siblings myself. My highly toxic brother and his enabler wife completely ignored my birthday greetings to them on FB (while liking and commenting everyone else's) and have shown no interest in communication, I've been completely ostracised at this point. Instead they're making things out on FB to be the picture of a happy family with my sister and eldest brother (who's also toxic to a certain extent) who is visiting them in the US from Denmark, showing how well they all get along - without me in the picture (to yet paint me as the selfish, horrible one to all their friends and family). Honestly with all the drama my brother created before my wedding, I won't be inviting him or any of them to the Christening - they'll just create drama which I don't need again and destroy the moment/day for me in one way or another! Sad but I've completely given up and will be unfriending them all in the near future, either close to my due date or shortly after I've had my baby. Then I'll block their emails so they can't contact me that way and any letters I get will be going in the trash. I've tried long enough to be on good terms with them but when they won't let me set healthy. reasonable boundaries and their answer to it is silent treatment and ostracising me then it's an impossible situation and the best thing for me and my child plus DH is to let them all go.
Thanks Kat! 12 weeks so soon huh? That awesome :D

Mrs. Rose, based on O date, EDD is December 5th. Are you in the December Snowflakes group?

Here is my line progression so far btw. Today is definitely darker than two days ago but I'm still concerned that it's not darker considering there have been two days in-between. It doesn't help that all the Wondfo progression pics online show super dark lines by 13DPO, but then again most of them seem to have had a positive much sooner too (earlier implantation?). The FRER is the only one I have. Not sure if I should buy more. It's already darker than the one I took at 14DPO last cycle.

What do you guys think? I'm so scared of inadequate line progression too.

I just joined the snowflakes today :)

I'm the same way with testing and obsessing over progression. My lines never got dark before so it's given me peace of mind to watch them darken this time, although it can also be stressful. I've also heard the sticks aren't good for progression. I heard someone say their lines weren't as dark as the control until 2 weeks after their first bfp. I'd be a hypocrite to tell you not to keep testing...just know that I'm in the same boat with ya!
Mrs.Rose - glad you're not one of the ones who gets an instant super-dark second line! There are so many examples of the most spectacular Wondfo progressions in Google images that it makes me think I have no hope. But hopefully it's not an accurate representation of the standard progression that most people have with Wondfos and that women with great progression lines are more likely to post the online (or so I tell myself!).

Kat - I hear ya on the fam thing. Sounds like not much has changed, which isn't surprising. Good for you for making a decision and owning it.
Kat - I hear ya on the fam thing. Sounds like not much has changed, which isn't surprising. Good for you for making a decision and owning it.

Nope nothing has changed and never will, my brother insists on seeing me in the most sordid, negative light possible and it's a pure waste of time trying to change his mind. I suppose he needs to see me that way to justify his disgusting behavior towards me, including ostracising me from the rest of the family. Thanks:flower:
Jezika - you have a lovely line on the FRER and I have heard some people say that Wondfo's don't have a great progression line. You could have also had a later implantation which might make your lines lighter.

Kat - sorry to hear that things are the same with your family but I applaud you for keeping with a decision to keep them out of your lives. Sounds like the best thing for your health and happiness. :)
oh wow, congrats jezika!!! i am just catching up on the thread. what wonderful news!

and congrats to you too mrs. rose!!!

angel, how are you doing? your temps still high?

afm: doing the injections. not hopeful for this cycle. ive been reading up on these injections and for so many people they need to take 8+ injections to get the follies to grow. for this reason, injections start at the beginning of the cycle. right now i am starting them super late and its just a last hope since clomid did not work. so if on tuesday they havent grown enough, the cycle will be a flop and we will start the injections early in the next cycle so we have a chance to add more and hopefully watch them grow.
jezika, i can also def see your lines getting darker. so i think your progression looks great! so happy for you! my fx are crossed that this sticks!

kat, congrats on the 12 week mark approaching! so exciting. have you been able to relax during the pregnancy? what's it like?

i am just praying that my ovaries respond to these injections. low hopes for this cycle b/c of the late start, but hopefully next cycle. i will consider it successful if i just O. at least then i will know my ovaries respond to the injections and that i'll have a chance.
Kat - sorry to hear that things are the same with your family but I applaud you for keeping with a decision to keep them out of your lives. Sounds like the best thing for your health and happiness. :)

Yeah it truely is although I think DH fails to completely understand it. I think he fears I'll regret my decision later on which I know I won't. He has such great relationships with his brothers so it's hard for him to understand that I just won't have the same with my siblings although I do think he does see there is an issue with how they treat me. Haven't told the in-laws about this decision yet as they'll understand it even less - they're naive people that just don't get that family can be toxic and always take the naive approach e.g. that nasty email my brother sent me was "a misunderstanding":dohh:

kat, congrats on the 12 week mark approaching! so exciting. have you been able to relax during the pregnancy? what's it like?

Nope relaxation seems to be almost impossible as there's always that niggling fear of mc in the back of your mind:nope: Not only that but I seem to be one of those woman that feels every cramp and round ligament pain going on in there and in the beginning some of them were a bit scary as I feared it meant impending mc. But I've heard it's pretty normal for people to be nervous, especially those first 3 months where your risk of mc is at it's highest. I don't think I'll completely relax until this baby is born and then I'll just have a new set of worries instead:haha: I think I may be extra nervous of mc because it took us a little over 2 years and a number of assisted conception treatments to get this far.

As said, I feel light on/off cramps plus round ligament pain. Also have had sore breasts on and off and MS (that has gotten a bit worse this week:wacko:) both just nausea but also some vomiting. My appetite has been bad for a number of weeks now and still is although I'm hoping that changes within the next few weeks.
Kat - sorry to hear that things are the same with your family but I applaud you for keeping with a decision to keep them out of your lives. Sounds like the best thing for your health and happiness. :)

Yeah it truely is although I think DH fails to completely understand it. I think he fears I'll regret my decision later on which I know I won't. He has such great relationships with his brothers so it's hard for him to understand that I just won't have the same with my siblings although I do think he does see there is an issue with how they treat me. Haven't told the in-laws about this decision yet as they'll understand it even less - they're naive people that just don't get that family can be toxic and always take the naive approach e.g. that nasty email my brother sent me was "a misunderstanding":dohh:

kat, congrats on the 12 week mark approaching! so exciting. have you been able to relax during the pregnancy? what's it like?

Nope relaxation seems to be almost impossible as there's always that niggling fear of mc in the back of your mind:nope: Not only that but I seem to be one of those woman that feels every cramp and round ligament pain going on in there and in the beginning some of them were a bit scary as I feared it meant impending mc. But I've heard it's pretty normal for people to be nervous, especially those first 3 months where your risk of mc is at it's highest. I don't think I'll completely relax until this baby is born and then I'll just have a new set of worries instead:haha: I think I may be extra nervous of mc because it took us a little over 2 years and a number of assisted conception treatments to get this far.

As said, I feel light on/off cramps plus round ligament pain. Also have had sore breasts on and off and MS (that has gotten a bit worse this week:wacko:) both just nausea but also some vomiting. My appetite has been bad for a number of weeks now and still is although I'm hoping that changes within the next few weeks.

i totally get this. i know i would feel the exact same way in terms of the fear and worry. i can see how every little sensation and especially the painful ones would be scary. do you have to ask your doc about them? how do you know if its something normal or if its something that is cause for concern? I have heard that many pregnant women lose their appetite at the beginning b/c of the ms. is that why your appetite has been different for the last few weeks? its so wonderful that you got your bfp. sending you warm wishes that you get through the next few months and carry that baby to term.
Nope relaxation seems to be almost impossible as there's always that niggling fear of mc in the back of your mind:nope: Not only that but I seem to be one of those woman that feels every cramp and round ligament pain going on in there and in the beginning some of them were a bit scary as I feared it meant impending mc. But I've heard it's pretty normal for people to be nervous, especially those first 3 months where your risk of mc is at it's highest. I don't think I'll completely relax until this baby is born and then I'll just have a new set of worries instead:haha: I think I may be extra nervous of mc because it took us a little over 2 years and a number of assisted conception treatments to get this far.

As said, I feel light on/off cramps plus round ligament pain. Also have had sore breasts on and off and MS (that has gotten a bit worse this week:wacko:) both just nausea but also some vomiting. My appetite has been bad for a number of weeks now and still is although I'm hoping that changes within the next few weeks.

i totally get this. i know i would feel the exact same way in terms of the fear and worry. i can see how every little sensation and especially the painful ones would be scary. do you have to ask your doc about them? how do you know if its something normal or if its something that is cause for concern? I have heard that many pregnant women lose their appetite at the beginning b/c of the ms. is that why your appetite has been different for the last few weeks? its so wonderful that you got your bfp. sending you warm wishes that you get through the next few months and carry that baby to term.

I normally go on the 1st trimester board and ask although Googling can also be helpful as well. Plus I'm also in a Pregnancy group for ladies due in October and since many of them have had kids before I can also ask there. I don't have a very good relationship with my GP because he's an arrogant jerk so avoid him - luckliy I'm moving next month so will get a new GP.

I think it's partly that and that I also have problems finding anything I really want to eat. I've also never eaten very much before pregnancy generally. Think what I've eaten best recently was a grilled cheese sandwich (with lots of cheese) a few days ago. May have to get DH to make another one soon as it's better than not really eating anything. I also seem to have an easier time with salmon with BBQ sauce.

Thanks star, here's hoping your BFP is just around the corner :dust:
thanks kat. i hope tomorrow i receive encouraging news. right now its a gateway problem. i just have not been able to ovd. hopefully we will find what potion my ovaries need to be coaxed into letting go. these little follies need to get bigger in order for me to just have a chance.

glad you have the thread and the group to bounce ideas around. i think these forums are so important and i really appreciate the support i have received here.

sending you warm wishes and keep us updated on your progress.
FX star_e that your follies will be matured soon enough so that you can be on your merry way!

I caved and took another Wondfo today (was only planning on testing every two days till I run out). I've been obsessing over whether it's darker than yesterday and have been comparing it to day-to-day changes on pics that I Google. What do you guys think? I just want to be past the point it went downhill last time.


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My temps are still up there, got a little rise today (instead of staying flat) which was nice. Have a very strong urge to test this cycle, but managed to avoid it this morning. Not sure how long I'll make it though. :haha:

Star - hopefully the injections work, but if not then at least you'll be able to start early next cycle. It's nie that you didn't have to wait a whole year before they started you on clomid and injections and stuff. My sister has PCOS and they won't even refer her to the fertility clinic until 1 year, even though she's not ovulating at all and she hasn't ovulated since October. :/

Jezika - looks like they are getting darker. I think there's progression. You're at 14DPO? So it might not get way darker for a little while yet. I can't remember exactly how far along you were last time, do you have far to go? :hugs:
FX star_e that your follies will be matured soon enough so that you can be on your merry way!

I caved and took another Wondfo today (was only planning on testing every two days till I run out). I've been obsessing over whether it's darker than yesterday and have been comparing it to day-to-day changes on pics that I Google. What do you guys think? I just want to be past the point it went downhill last time.

I would be doing the same thing. the line is definitely darker!
My temps are still up there, got a little rise today (instead of staying flat) which was nice. Have a very strong urge to test this cycle, but managed to avoid it this morning. Not sure how long I'll make it though. :haha:

Star - hopefully the injections work, but if not then at least you'll be able to start early next cycle. It's nie that you didn't have to wait a whole year before they started you on clomid and injections and stuff. My sister has PCOS and they won't even refer her to the fertility clinic until 1 year, even though she's not ovulating at all and she hasn't ovulated since October. :/

Jezika - looks like they are getting darker. I think there's progression. You're at 14DPO? So it might not get way darker for a little while yet. I can't remember exactly how far along you were last time, do you have far to go? :hugs:

glad your temps are up! and sorry about your sister. I really don't understand why they have to make her wait one year. that's long if she does not ovd. my obgyn sent me straight to RE bc she said given my long history w pcos I would need help.
Unfortunately my sister sees military doctors because her dh is military and they go to base for medical. Not all military Drs are bad, she has some good ones, but her OB sucks. She had a great ObGyn but she decided to go into private practice. I've been trying to convince my sister to move to off base docs. She can, she would just have to pay copays and stuff and right now everything is 100% free. She's almost to her one year at least.
That's so cruel to make your sister wait so long, though I'm glad she won't have to wait much longer. I'd never heard of military docs till recently. That's pretty interesting.

Last time my lines never got darker beyond 14DPO, and they're definitely darker than that this time around, but that could just be because of slightly earlier implantation. I started spotting at 18DPO and bled properly the next day. I was basically a week late for my period. I feel more symptomy this time around at least in terms of nausea and sore breasts. No cramping, though, just rare twinges. It's so hard to remain positive when it feels like everyone has lots of CPs and MCs. It's funny, because I never would've worried about it had I not discovered these forums. But luckily the benefits outweigh the cons, not least 'cause I would've still been (wrongly) guessing at my O timing rather than using OPKs and temping.
Hi ladies, wondering if I can join? I know a couple of you from another thread but here's a little bit about me - I'm 30, DH 34 we got our first bfp at the beginning of Jan on our 3rd attempt. Unfortunately I had some spotting and had an emergency scan at 10 weeks only to find an empty sac. I had an ERPC at the beginning of March and now we are sort of back to TTC.

Jezika - totally understand the line progression obsession. I did the same until I'd used all my tests. Think I got to 23dpo before I ran out! Try not to stress though because they can fluctuate. I was daft and tested everyday, even did 2 a day a couple of times :dohh: not a good idea as they were fainter during the day! How many do you have left?

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