Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

I don't know anything about IVF and IUI since I am just starting down the process of fertilty testing. I know that with my RE anyway, he is very much about sticking with things that my insurance will pay for and what we can afford. Your RE may be trying to make more money, or he may simply be trying to rush the process because he doesn't want to take the time to spend on IUI if he doesn't think it will work or if he has had more success with IVF before. I have heard of some RE's being very impatient and want to jump straight to IVF because it tends to have a higher success rate (I think, I'm not 100% sure on that) and then they don't have to spend as much time trying to figure out what would work for the patient.

If you aren't comfortable with your RE, I agree with crystal, and you should find a new one. You need to be comfortable with your doctor.

On a positive note: when you went in you were worried they wouldn't even grow with the injectibles. I know that you had a bad experience, but it's a positive thing that they were at least able to grow, even if they were overstimulated. Try to find some positive in this (that your follicles can grow!) and hopefully you can go from there.

My next question is this: do you need IUI/IVF? Or do you just need something to stimulate you to ovulate? Because I was under the impression if everything is good with DH"s sperm, you could just get something to make you ovulate (if Clomid wasn't workin then another drug, as the other ladies have suggested) and then try naturally to BD with DH. Why the need for IUI if his sperm can get there anyway?

i think i missed this post earlier. thank you for your response!

i think it is absolutely wonderful that you RE is all about sticking with what your insurance covers! that's awesome. wish i was in the same situation.

my paranoia about all of this would lessen if my RE was more sympathetic to our financial concerns. im suspicious about the process right now and its not a good feeling. i have reviewed other places and people are quite critical in their reviews of those places as well. There are also positive things about this place, like i can always reach someone if i call and its small enough that i know the people there. i think tomorrow's appointment will be very important for me bc i am going to tell him that i want to try for iui and try femara. if he's receptive toward that, that will be good.

and yea, it is one of those things where i cannot tell if he is motivated by $, or that he is just predicting what will inevitably happen, or if he just does not want to expend the energy trying to figure out how to get me to ovd safely for iui. i actually dont know.

and you are right, there is some positive news in this whole bit. i respond to something at least. would be worse if i still didn't respond to this and we realized that i am unable to ovd. looking on the bright side is so important and i have been trying to do that. all the negativity becomes too much.

the only problem that i have right now has been that i cannot ovd. i dont know if i have another problem b/c we have not ovded yet. DH sperm is excellent. there is no problem there in anyway. iui is not very expensive for us b/c of insurance, so i guess the doc says it could just help b/c it gets more of the sperm in the right place. so even if he does not have a problem, its just helping by doing that? i actually dont know. if anyone else has more thoughts on this, please let me know.

in terms of him pushing ivf, its b/c he has predicted that we are not going to be able to figure out how to get me to only have a few mature follies. he thinks b/c of pcos that it will always be an over-stim situation. that is why i got so down at the appointment b/c he was so negative.

what stage in the fertility process are you at right now? you mentioned you just started with your RE, right? so is DH doing an SA? what tests are they running on you?
Angel you are correct that IVF has a higher success rate. I think IUI is around 20% and IVF is closer to 40% each round. I will say that IVF does involve some trial and error like IUI does. The hospital I went to guessed I should be on a long protocol first time based on my AMH and age which technically worked but I only got 3 eggs (that went on to be 3 embies). Thinking I may make more eggs since they felt maybe the down regulation suppressed me too much, they put me on short protocol which also gave me 3 eggs but they could only get 2 of them out (the 3rd wouldn't come out within the first 3 attempts and was deemed bad quality). So yes the RE would still be attempting to figure out what works for each patient with IVF just like with IUI. As to needing IUI/IVF, I don't know about women with PCOS but some do need to take this step even if their DH's sperm quality is fine. My DH is within the norm (albeit on the lower end) and we needed to go for IUI (at first) even with me Oing normally (which is why they didn't bother trying giving me Clomid I think). IUIs didn't work as there's an underlying unknown issue and we therefore needed to move onto IVF after 6 unsuccessful IUIs. Also it's not always about the sperm being able to get there, there can be unknown reasons for why sperm and egg aren't meeting up which I think has been our main issue since during both IVFs my fertilisation rate was 100% both times (3 embies and then 2 embies).

star I'm sorry that your cycle isn't going well and you've been overstimulated:hugs: I admit I don't have much knowledge about PCOS or what medications and protocols would work for you. If you're uncomfortable with your RE, it may be worth looking into finding a new one. I'd shop around, find RE's with good reviews on the net and then try interviewing 3-4 different ones to see what they would suggest for you and find one you feel comfortable with and that you feel is giving you good ideas for what they want to try based on your history. It's very important that you feel your RE is listening to you and doing the best for you. I lucked out both with the clinic I did my IUIs at and with the hospital I did my IVFs at because the REs/nurses at both places were so amazing and really nice and it made the whole thing a bit easier.

Kat, i think you mentioned this already, but just want to confirm, you get your bfp on your first ivf attempt, correct? did going through the iuis prove to be be useful for the ivfs?

also, yea, i think if tomorrows appointment does not go well. i will shop around. being suspicious of the process is not good and could have been avoided if they had just injected some positivity about trying to make iui work. even if they ultimately do not work, it would be nice for them to want to try to help us with a protocol that is covered by our insurance. the mere fact of doing that would show me that they are looking out for me. we will see how tomorrow goes. i knew ttc would be hard, but i did not expect to be weighing all these considerations in my mind.
the only problem that i have right now has been that i cannot ovd. i dont know if i have another problem b/c we have not ovded yet. DH sperm is excellent. there is no problem there in anyway. iui is not very expensive for us b/c of insurance, so i guess the doc says it could just help b/c it gets more of the sperm in the right place. so even if he does not have a problem, its just helping by doing that? i actually dont know. if anyone else has more thoughts on this, please let me know.

Yes with IUI more of your DH's good :spermy: are put up in the uterus. But funnily enough I think the odds for IUI working aren't much better than trying naturally since both are around 20% each cycle. That is if you're a "normal fertile" couple though!
Angel you are correct that IVF has a higher success rate. I think IUI is around 20% and IVF is closer to 40% each round. I will say that IVF does involve some trial and error like IUI does. The hospital I went to guessed I should be on a long protocol first time based on my AMH and age which technically worked but I only got 3 eggs (that went on to be 3 embies). Thinking I may make more eggs since they felt maybe the down regulation suppressed me too much, they put me on short protocol which also gave me 3 eggs but they could only get 2 of them out (the 3rd wouldn't come out within the first 3 attempts and was deemed bad quality). So yes the RE would still be attempting to figure out what works for each patient with IVF just like with IUI. As to needing IUI/IVF, I don't know about women with PCOS but some do need to take this step even if their DH's sperm quality is fine. My DH is within the norm (albeit on the lower end) and we needed to go for IUI (at first) even with me Oing normally (which is why they didn't bother trying giving me Clomid I think). IUIs didn't work as there's an underlying unknown issue and we therefore needed to move onto IVF after 6 unsuccessful IUIs. Also it's not always about the sperm being able to get there, there can be unknown reasons for why sperm and egg aren't meeting up which I think has been our main issue since during both IVFs my fertilisation rate was 100% both times (3 embies and then 2 embies).

star I'm sorry that your cycle isn't going well and you've been overstimulated:hugs: I admit I don't have much knowledge about PCOS or what medications and protocols would work for you. If you're uncomfortable with your RE, it may be worth looking into finding a new one. I'd shop around, find RE's with good reviews on the net and then try interviewing 3-4 different ones to see what they would suggest for you and find one you feel comfortable with and that you feel is giving you good ideas for what they want to try based on your history. It's very important that you feel your RE is listening to you and doing the best for you. I lucked out both with the clinic I did my IUIs at and with the hospital I did my IVFs at because the REs/nurses at both places were so amazing and really nice and it made the whole thing a bit easier.

Kat, i think you mentioned this already, but just want to confirm, you get your bfp on your first ivf attempt, correct? did going through the iuis prove to be be useful for the ivfs?

Nope my current bean is from IVF #2. I had a CP for IVF #1 if that's what you're thinking about so technically it was a BFP but diagnosed from my super low beta as a CP.

The only thing I got out of going to IUIs was to find out IUIs don't work for me. I don't think they used my IUI history when going forward with IVF but it was perhaps also because I was at a private clinic for the IUIs and switched to a public hospital for IVFs. Because we got a referral (after having tried for 12 months with 0 BFPs), we had 6 free IUI tries and 3 free IVF tries, in Denmark they send you to a private clinic for IUIs and then to a public hospital for IVFs because IVF is cheaper for the state at the hospitals than the private clinics.
Star - I am just finishing my 13th month TTC. When I first stopped bcp I was having long cycles, with a very late ovulation and a very short luteal phase (about 8 days). I ended up using vitex to help for a few months and then stopped when I was at 9 months TTC so that I Could have some "accurate" charts to present my doctor. the last 2-3 cycles I've actually had a decent cycle on my own without vitex, so I think my body is finally regulating from the bcp and I'm ovulating at a reasonable time of around CD16 and my LP is about 11-12 days give or take. However, I've had 2 chemical pregnancies during that time TTC. My doctor basically said that until either 3 happened or I hit my 1 year mark they wouldn't do anything to help me. When I hit the one year mark I was requested referral to the fertility clinic. Unfortunately I got my appointment with them at about CD4 and so that was too late for them to do any of the testing they want to do (they start testing at CD3) so I have to wait until this cycle ends before I can start my testing.

They are going to be testing me for hormone issues, and checking my uterus to make sure I don't have any blocked tubes or any abnormalities and they are going to check DH's sperm. We haven't had the SA yet because DH has had a busy few weeks and we figured we would schedule the SA after I get AF because there was still a chance I would conceive this cycle on our own.

In my case once AF shows I will go in on CD3 for hormone testing and an us to look at lining thickness etc. Then I have to go in somewhere between CD5-10 to have dye test done on my uterus (not looking forward to that) and then I'll go in again around CD10ish to do another US and/or hormone testing depending on results of previous tests to see how the lining is coming along and if I need to have anything to strengthen that. Then based on that there are several more days I'll go in this cycle to check progress and see where I'm at, plus once i ovulate they'll do more tests to see if my progesterone is low during LP. Lots of testing. I'm just waiting on AF to show now so I can get that started.
Angel you are correct that IVF has a higher success rate. I think IUI is around 20% and IVF is closer to 40% each round. I will say that IVF does involve some trial and error like IUI does. The hospital I went to guessed I should be on a long protocol first time based on my AMH and age which technically worked but I only got 3 eggs (that went on to be 3 embies). Thinking I may make more eggs since they felt maybe the down regulation suppressed me too much, they put me on short protocol which also gave me 3 eggs but they could only get 2 of them out (the 3rd wouldn't come out within the first 3 attempts and was deemed bad quality). So yes the RE would still be attempting to figure out what works for each patient with IVF just like with IUI. As to needing IUI/IVF, I don't know about women with PCOS but some do need to take this step even if their DH's sperm quality is fine. My DH is within the norm (albeit on the lower end) and we needed to go for IUI (at first) even with me Oing normally (which is why they didn't bother trying giving me Clomid I think). IUIs didn't work as there's an underlying unknown issue and we therefore needed to move onto IVF after 6 unsuccessful IUIs. Also it's not always about the sperm being able to get there, there can be unknown reasons for why sperm and egg aren't meeting up which I think has been our main issue since during both IVFs my fertilisation rate was 100% both times (3 embies and then 2 embies).

star I'm sorry that your cycle isn't going well and you've been overstimulated:hugs: I admit I don't have much knowledge about PCOS or what medications and protocols would work for you. If you're uncomfortable with your RE, it may be worth looking into finding a new one. I'd shop around, find RE's with good reviews on the net and then try interviewing 3-4 different ones to see what they would suggest for you and find one you feel comfortable with and that you feel is giving you good ideas for what they want to try based on your history. It's very important that you feel your RE is listening to you and doing the best for you. I lucked out both with the clinic I did my IUIs at and with the hospital I did my IVFs at because the REs/nurses at both places were so amazing and really nice and it made the whole thing a bit easier.

Kat, i think you mentioned this already, but just want to confirm, you get your bfp on your first ivf attempt, correct? did going through the iuis prove to be be useful for the ivfs?

Nope my current bean is from IVF #2. I had a CP for IVF #1 if that's what you're thinking about so technically it was a BFP but diagnosed from my super low beta as a CP.

The only thing I got out of going to IUIs was to find out IUIs don't work for me. I don't think they used my IUI history when going forward with IVF but it was perhaps also because I was at a private clinic for the IUIs and switched to a public hospital for IVFs. Because we got a referral (after having tried for 12 months with 0 BFPs), we had 6 free IUI tries and 3 free IVF tries, in Denmark they send you to a private clinic for IUIs and then to a public hospital for IVFs because IVF is cheaper for the state at the hospitals than the private clinics.

oh wow. that's awesome to get the free IVFs. good for you. glad you had that. IVF would be completely out of pocket for me and that's why it's just such a big decision. i hope I don't have to visit that road bc if I get a Cp or a mc then I would have to start all over and pay just becomes very unrealistic for me. I wish my insurance covered at least part of it. but it's no coverage at all.

how are you doing? I know you mentioned it's tough to relax. is it very uncomfortable? can you sleep alright? has your appetite come back?
Star - I am just finishing my 13th month TTC. When I first stopped bcp I was having long cycles, with a very late ovulation and a very short luteal phase (about 8 days). I ended up using vitex to help for a few months and then stopped when I was at 9 months TTC so that I Could have some "accurate" charts to present my doctor. the last 2-3 cycles I've actually had a decent cycle on my own without vitex, so I think my body is finally regulating from the bcp and I'm ovulating at a reasonable time of around CD16 and my LP is about 11-12 days give or take. However, I've had 2 chemical pregnancies during that time TTC. My doctor basically said that until either 3 happened or I hit my 1 year mark they wouldn't do anything to help me. When I hit the one year mark I was requested referral to the fertility clinic. Unfortunately I got my appointment with them at about CD4 and so that was too late for them to do any of the testing they want to do (they start testing at CD3) so I have to wait until this cycle ends before I can start my testing.

They are going to be testing me for hormone issues, and checking my uterus to make sure I don't have any blocked tubes or any abnormalities and they are going to check DH's sperm. We haven't had the SA yet because DH has had a busy few weeks and we figured we would schedule the SA after I get AF because there was still a chance I would conceive this cycle on our own.

In my case once AF shows I will go in on CD3 for hormone testing and an us to look at lining thickness etc. Then I have to go in somewhere between CD5-10 to have dye test done on my uterus (not looking forward to that) and then I'll go in again around CD10ish to do another US and/or hormone testing depending on results of previous tests to see how the lining is coming along and if I need to have anything to strengthen that. Then based on that there are several more days I'll go in this cycle to check progress and see where I'm at, plus once i ovulate they'll do more tests to see if my progesterone is low during LP. Lots of testing. I'm just waiting on AF to show now so I can get that started.

I hope AF starts soon so yo can get started with the tests. since you ovd on your own I imagine they won't prescribe you any meds? in any case good luck. fx for you that you get good info from these tests that can help you conceive soon.
I'd most likely be prescribe something for hormones if anything. I'm ovulating on my own, but not keeping the pregnancies. Could be chromosomal abnormalities, could be the lining of my uterus isn't thick enough, could be that my progesterone isn't strong enough, could be a million things. So if anything comes up it'll probably be related to hormones and any meds i get would be hormone related.
I would have thought my recurrent miscarriage issue was hormonal or genetic (as in a clotting disorder or something) but so far, blood tests have turned up nothing. And can I just tell you how frustrating that was.

Then I had an endometrial biopsy, which is also called a "scratch". It changes the environment of the uterus and can help with implantation issues (which could have been my issue). But, the biopsy came back with a possible polyp in the uterus (which might actually be my issue, but it wasn't seen the last two times someone had a look up there, so who knows if that's actually the issue). So many factors and no real idea what is actually causing the rmcs. But, I am getting the polyp removed this month in the hopes that things will go much better the next time I'm lucky enough to get a BFP....
I would have thought my recurrent miscarriage issue was hormonal or genetic (as in a clotting disorder or something) but so far, blood tests have turned up nothing. And can I just tell you how frustrating that was.

Then I had an endometrial biopsy, which is also called a "scratch". It changes the environment of the uterus and can help with implantation issues (which could have been my issue). But, the biopsy came back with a possible polyp in the uterus (which might actually be my issue, but it wasn't seen the last two times someone had a look up there, so who knows if that's actually the issue). So many factors and no real idea what is actually causing the rmcs. But, I am getting the polyp removed this month in the hopes that things will go much better the next time I'm lucky enough to get a BFP....

glad they found the polyp. are they fairly easy to remove? is there any down time involved or can you pretty much get started on ttc right after? hopefully that's been the issue all along. and you can get your sticky bean!
oh wow. that's awesome to get the free IVFs. good for you. glad you had that. IVF would be completely out of pocket for me and that's why it's just such a big decision. i hope I don't have to visit that road bc if I get a Cp or a mc then I would have to start all over and pay just becomes very unrealistic for me. I wish my insurance covered at least part of it. but it's no coverage at all.

how are you doing? I know you mentioned it's tough to relax. is it very uncomfortable? can you sleep alright? has your appetite come back?

Yep in this country infertility is considered a disease. However it's only because we were trying for baby #1 that we were given the free tries. If you're having issues conceiving baby #2 or later, than you have to pay for all treatments yourself.

Still feeling sick some days, today is apparently one of them. Ate an apple and a few minutes after finishing it, up it came:sick: Ugh, I hope it doesn't last much longer but have heard that up to 14-16 weeks of MS is normal (although for some it can continue up until 20 weeks or more) so we'll see. Appetite is still a bit off but trying to eat as much as I can get down since I've lost weight during this trimester and need to start putting some on for my 2nd trimester. Although I did weigh about 6-8 kgs too much before getting pregnant so not a big deal I think that I lost some of that. Sleeping is ok although I often get up earlier since I often have trouble going back to sleep once I wake up, even if I'm still feeling tired. Then I end up napping during the afternoon. The on/off cramps come some days still as well as RLP. Going in for my nuchal scan on Wednesday so hoping to be in the "low risk" category concerning Downs Syndrome and that baby is looking good as DH and I are hoping to tell the rest of his family after the scan (calling his grandmother either Wednesday or Thursday night and then telling his brothers and cousin this coming weekend when they come to paint our new house).
Kat, sorry the MS is still bad. i hope it gets better for the second trimester and very much how that your next appointment goes well and you can tell the rest of the family. that will be pretty exciting. fx for you! congrats on coming this far!


went in for my appointment today. all of the follicles continued to grow. I now have 7 mature follicles. cycle is officially cancelled. DH and I have been instructed not to BD for one to two weeks until these follicles have shrunk. after that I'll have to take the meds for ten days to induce AF. so basically I'm out for another month. unless the follicles shrink in one week but doc said it could take two weeks. even more than wanting to get back to trying to ttc, I want these follies to shrink soon bc I am so uncomfortable! I'm also scared about how much potential pain I'll feel if I ovd on my own given the number of mature follicles. I have an appointment next week for a consultation on what's next for us. if at that appointment they seem negative as to the prospects of a protocol that works with our insurance coverage, I'll look for another clinic.

also I had forgot to tell the doc that DH and I BDed on Saturday. so I went back and told the nurse and she said it's okay as long as we don't anymore. she said sperm does not really last beyond two days. i hope this is okay and we didn't make a mistake BDing on Saturday.

also if these eggs shrink, does anyone know what happens to them? are they still potentially good follicles for another cycle or were they harmed in some way by growing and then shrinking?

im starting to really see that this journey is going to be very long.
Kat, sorry the MS is still bad. i hope it gets better for the second trimester and very much how that your next appointment goes well and you can tell the rest of the family. that will be pretty exciting. fx for you! congrats on coming this far!


went in for my appointment today. all of the follicles continued to grow. I now have 7 mature follicles. cycle is officially cancelled. DH and I have been instructed not to BD for one to two weeks until these follicles have shrunk. after that I'll have to take the meds for ten days to induce AF. so basically I'm out for another month. unless the follicles shrink in one week but doc said it could take two weeks. even more than wanting to get back to trying to ttc, I want these follies to shrink soon bc I am so uncomfortable! I'm also scared about how much potential pain I'll feel if I ovd on my own given the number of mature follicles. I have an appointment next week for a consultation on what's next for us. if at that appointment they seem negative as to the prospects of a protocol that works with our insurance coverage, I'll look for another clinic.

also I had forgot to tell the doc that DH and I BDed on Saturday. so I went back and told the nurse and she said it's okay as long as we don't anymore. she said sperm does not really last beyond two days. i hope this is okay and we didn't make a mistake BDing on Saturday.

also if these eggs shrink, does anyone know what happens to them? are they still potentially good follicles for another cycle or were they harmed in some way by growing and then shrinking?

im starting to really see that this journey is going to be very long.

So sorry it was cancelled:hugs: I truely hope that your RE has learned something and your next round goes much better. Or you find another RE that's better. Maybe try Femara like someone else suggested?

As to the nurse's answer I've always heard sperm can live for anywhere between 2-5 days although most only live for 3 I think. But does that mean you may O some of them then since they don't want you BDing? The ones you O are of course gone for next cycle although I'm not sure about the others:shrug: I would think if you O some of them that the others would be "destroyed" by the body. In a natural cycle, you do normally have more than 1 follie that gets big but 1 follie becomes dominant and is the one released while all the others that were growing are absorbed I think.
yea, the doc said not to BD in case i O on my own. i also don't know what happens to the follies that aren't released. i'll ask at my next appointment. im just curious about it. i definitely do not want to end up here again. im super uncomfortable right now.
I spoke too soon this morning. AF is here. Blah. Called the fertility clinic and have my first appointment scheduled for Wednesday 9am. No food/drink after midnight the night before except plain water (how will I survive without my morning coffee?!!?). No sex or exercise for at least 24 hours before (I'm more upset I have to skip my gym day on Tuesday :haha: ). She's going to email me the paperwork for scheduling my dye test since I can't find it ANYWHERE (I think I may have accidentally thrown it away because I can't seem to find it). And apparently I cannot have intercourse at all between now and when the dye test is done at all! :wacko: The dye test is supposed to be somewhere between CD5-10 so this could be a long stretch. Poor DH. We'll make up for it when my fertile period hits. :haha:

DBZ That's so frustrating to find that your tests are coming up with nothing. I hope removing the polyp helps.

Star from whta I understand, in a normal cycle at least, multiple follicles will grow and one becomes dormant and releases the egg and the others are reabsorbed into the body. I'm assuming that as yours shrink again the same thing will happen, they will become reabsorbed into the body. So they won't necessarily be any better or worse for next cycle,
Good luck at your appointment Angel! Hope the procedure is not painful and that all goes well. You'll have plenty of time to BD soon, hope this cycle you learn more about what's been going on and you get your BFP soon. Keep us updated. gluck.
I got my dye test scheduled. It was a bit of a hassle. THe first place I called couldn't work me in. The second refused to schedule me until they had my dr referral. I called my dr and the nurse was very helpful. Suggested a different location (I had been avoiding the location she suggested simply because I wanted one closer to me, but this one is next to her clinic) and told me that they would not only work me in immediately but they would charge infinitely less than the larger radiology places near me. Called that place and they immediately got me an appointment, very friendly, checked my insurance and were willing to give me a quote on what to expect if insurance wouldn't pay.

That appointment is now for the 12th at 1pm. So I can work a half day through lunch (going to make DH take the day off to go with me, he can't work half days so it's all or nothing) and then go to the appointment.

I called my insurance to double check coverage. It looks like my insurance will cover most of the dye test. Since it isn't marked as "infertility" but as "habitual aborter" (as in multiple miscarriages") my customer service people at my insurance seem to think it'll be covered. There was question as to whether the location I'm going was covered in network but it the rep went so far as to call their billing department directly to confirm because she didn't want me to walk in unknowing my costs. I was so very impressed with my insurance people. If it covers at what she seems to think it will I'll only be out $50 MAX for this test (the place I'm going charges approximately $250-$400 for the test). Very pleased with this.

Will keep everyone up to date as I get info but my first appointment won't tell them much except where my base line is I think.
I got my dye test scheduled. It was a bit of a hassle. THe first place I called couldn't work me in. The second refused to schedule me until they had my dr referral. I called my dr and the nurse was very helpful. Suggested a different location (I had been avoiding the location she suggested simply because I wanted one closer to me, but this one is next to her clinic) and told me that they would not only work me in immediately but they would charge infinitely less than the larger radiology places near me. Called that place and they immediately got me an appointment, very friendly, checked my insurance and were willing to give me a quote on what to expect if insurance wouldn't pay.

That appointment is now for the 12th at 1pm. So I can work a half day through lunch (going to make DH take the day off to go with me, he can't work half days so it's all or nothing) and then go to the appointment.

I called my insurance to double check coverage. It looks like my insurance will cover most of the dye test. Since it isn't marked as "infertility" but as "habitual aborter" (as in multiple miscarriages") my customer service people at my insurance seem to think it'll be covered. There was question as to whether the location I'm going was covered in network but it the rep went so far as to call their billing department directly to confirm because she didn't want me to walk in unknowing my costs. I was so very impressed with my insurance people. If it covers at what she seems to think it will I'll only be out $50 MAX for this test (the place I'm going charges approximately $250-$400 for the test). Very pleased with this.

Will keep everyone up to date as I get info but my first appointment won't tell them much except where my base line is I think.

Wow, that's great news!
yea angel, that is great news! glad your insurance people were so helpful, it makes a world of difference when people are willing to help and provide answers.

gluck on the 12th!
went to my appointment. the good news is my faith has been restored in the clinic. the last two visits i had not seen my RE and had to see the other RE who was just negative, not nice and it was not good. but my RE is totally different. She is nice and tells us what the chances are and its not in a negative way, even if she is explaining an option that will have a low chance of success. she was really nice and explained stuff very clearly to me and DH and set aside a lot of time for us to ask questions.

the bad news is that it might take 6 weeks for these follies to shrink! apparently there are 12 mature follies, 6 on each side! even if we had been willing to convert to IVF, which we were not, we would not have been able to because of the high chance of OHSS. she said that i am extremely sensitive to the medicine and that most people do not respond like that to such a low dose.

i am going to pray that it does not take 6 weeks. if AF has not come in 3 weeks, i am to cal them so that they can give me progesterone to bring on AF. if AF comes sooner, that's great b/c i won't have to wait as long.

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