Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Angel - that's all sounding good. Hope the results are too.

AFM - af has arrived!! :thumbup::happydance: (probably don't see this celebrated on here that often) but so happy that my lp has stayed the same after mc. Fx I go back to my 28 day cycles now. This has felt loooonnnngggg! Looking forward to this cycle! X

Well, I'm glad AF came so you can start back up to TTCing full force again. I hope this is your cycle!
Haha guys it's the strangest thing. I've never celebrated afs arrival. Even when I was younger I was always a bit sad I wasn't pregnant even when the timing would have been terrible. It's the waiting around that I find the worst so even when we are TTC I test early so I know!
Hey all
Hubby and I are officially trying for #1-- I just turned 30, and he is 32. It's baby time!!! I haven't done any of the temping or OPKs yet, so I don't know when I ovulate. But I've been tracking with FF for like 2 years and my cycle is pretty regular, between 31 and 33 days. We BD'd on the "fertile days" (5 out of 7). Not sure how accurate it is, but I guess we'll see where that gets us. I have OPKs ready for next cycle, if we need them. AF is due on April 19th.
moonlady - welcome! :wave: Besides tracking AF with FF do you track anything else (CM?) that will help confirm your fertile days and give FF some more information to use. Hopefully you won't have to worry about it though and you'll get your BFP this month! Are you planning to test or just wait for AF?
moonlady - welcome! :wave: Besides tracking AF with FF do you track anything else (CM?) that will help confirm your fertile days and give FF some more information to use. Hopefully you won't have to worry about it though and you'll get your BFP this month! Are you planning to test or just wait for AF?
I'll probably just wait for AF because my hubby bought me a bunch of dollar store tests lol. If I don't get a BFP this time then I will start doing OPKs and temping. I don't know much about CM, I guess I should look more into that.
Hi Moonlady! Welcome, and I hope your TTC journey is short and sweet. I'm also 30, started TTC very recently and only used a period tracker for my first cycle. Then did what you're planning and got OPKs and a BBT, which is when I discovered I O a little later than my period tracker had be believe :dohh:

Star_e - check you out - I think it's safe to say you O'd! And I have no idea whether a u/s technician can tell whether you ovulated. That's a great question, but I guess it doesn't matter so much now because I'm pretty sure your chart is looking good. FX for next cycle!

Unicorn - Congrats on AF! Gosh, that DOES feel odd. But I get it. It must be nice (and odd?) to be back in the game after going through so much.

Angel - Definitely not silly that you took your sis. Hope all the testing homes back okay and/or with something that's helpful to know and easy to fix.

Kat - Bubba looks perfect! You must have been so happy to see him/her moving around. Oh, remind me - are you planning on finding out the sex? Do you have any guesses right now?

Mrs. Rose - just sending some inter-thread <3 for you and sticky bean

AFM, I'm soooo procrastinating with school work right now. But I'm done next wednesday and then only have practicum on Thursdays till end of May, plus analyzing data for my research and then writing it up and defending by end of Aug, so I'll probably have a lot more time to obsess over preg stuff as of next week. I wish I didn't, though. I just want to be sedated till 9 months is over.
I spent the afternoon doing yard work. I'm so proud of the accomplishment we've made on our flower beds! Also put down some moss killer that also acts as a grass fertilizer. Our front yard is 60% moss, and I really want to get rid of it.

So DH has his SA (and blood work) on Tuesday morning and they said he has to make sure he has "cleaned out the pipes" (their words! :haha: ) at least 2 days before but not more than 5 days before. however, I'm not allowed to have sex until after my HSG test Tuesday afternoon. So today I had to remind DH that he needs to "prep" for his SA. :rofl: poor guy. I feel bad (and it feels awkward telling my husbnd he's required to go masturbate! :rofl: ). I mean I guess I could take care of it, but I am not a huge fan of BJs :blush: I don't mind to get things going but I've never been able to really keep it up through the finish. :blush: Anyway, sorry if that was TMI. Just feeling kind of bad (and thinking about it because as I was typing this he went to go take a shower after an afternoon of yard work and I was thinking he is probably giong to be in there for a little while :rofl: )
welcome moonlady! that's awesome that you have been using FF for the past two years and you have a good understanding of your cycle. before starting the ttc journey I knew close to nothing about how body worked. I'm still learning! there is a lot of information to understand. good luck with your cycle. hope you get your BFP.

Angel hope the SA results and your dye results give you good information and that you figure out what the best next steps are to get your bfp.

jezika I hope I ovd. can't really think of why the temps would be high other than maybe overstimulation caused the rise. but did research on this issue and could not find any information suggesting that. so my fx that I did ovd. how are you doing?
Star, based on your temps I def agree with Jezika, it certainly looks like you Ovulated!! Yay! :) I know you can't do anything this cycle, but at least you did O. :)
Welcome moonlady! Good luck for this cycle!

Star - yes def looks like you've o'd to me! Your temps seem to be less rocky too.

Angel - we have just spent the day doing yard work too. We bought this house in September so have been doing the inside, but now the weather is getting better were tackling the outside. Feels good to do something useful and productive!

Jezika - hope you are doing well and starting to feel a bit more confident about things? It does feel wierd to be TTC again. Very sad at times, sometimes I still can't believe what we've been through. But no use in looking back too much, trying my best to be hopeful for the future.
Hi everyone!

Sorry that I more or less skipped to the end of this thread, as I'm new here. I'm 34, hubs is 35 and we're in our third cycle of ttc#1. I've been having a hard time tracking whether I'm ovulating. Haven't had a positive opk (been testing for three months) and I started temp tracking last month but my bbt seems to be all over the place and can swing as much as a degree to a degree and a half in a day. Also started with cm but never really can get a decent amount of cm..just always seems a little sticky but I don't get near the amount I see in pictures online. Any tips? I'm probably doing it all wrong lol
Star, based on your temps I def agree with Jezika, it certainly looks like you Ovulated!! Yay! :) I know you can't do anything this cycle, but at least you did O. :)

Here's the thing though. When I went in on Monday that is when they told me not to BD b/c of the high chance of multiples since I had 12 follies on Monday. DH and I listened to their advice and did not BD. But we did BD before Monday. We BDed on Wed and Sat before hearing the news. And Saturday is the day FF marked as my O day. So if I did in fact ovd, then I did BD on O day (Saturday) and 3 days before O (on Wednesday). Did not BD the two days before O (no BD Thursday or Friday).

I don't know what to think. :shrug: It does look like my temps suggest O and I cannot think of any other reason as to why they would be consistently high. If I did O, I doubt it was more than one follie b/c on Monday is when they said I had 12.

It would be lovely to think I have a chance and I will be thrilled just to know that I Oed, but something in me says that maybe their something to the idea that the FSH and overstimulation could have caused the raise in temps. Only time will tell.

oh and Angel and mrs unicorn, I would love to have a yard and be doing yardwork. that sounds fun! though I am sure the upkeep can be pretty time consuming.
Hi everyone!

Sorry that I more or less skipped to the end of this thread, as I'm new here. I'm 34, hubs is 35 and we're in our third cycle of ttc#1. I've been having a hard time tracking whether I'm ovulating. Haven't had a positive opk (been testing for three months) and I started temp tracking last month but my bbt seems to be all over the place and can swing as much as a degree to a degree and a half in a day. Also started with cm but never really can get a decent amount of cm..just always seems a little sticky but I don't get near the amount I see in pictures online. Any tips? I'm probably doing it all wrong lol

hi welcome! I'm 34 also. I'm ttc #1 also and don't ovd on my own. I have pcos so my LH is naturally high and so OPKs don't work on me. but I think you should try testing w the opk twice a day on the days closer to O time. I have heard many people say that they were negative in morning but positive by the evening. do you have trouble ovd? in terms of the temps are you taking them after 3 solid blocks of sleep? I take my temp at different times so I'm not a gold star temper. it seems like FF will still make a prediction for an O day even if the temps are rocky. are you telling at the same time? in terms of cm someone on this thread has recommended cinnamon to me and grapefruit juice and you can try to take mucinex to help with cm. but make sure the mucinex ONLY has the ingredient guafissin (prob misspelled). I don't usually have cm either but this cycle i did because I was taking FSH injections bc of the lack of O caused by my pcos.
Tomorrow is my HSG and DH's SA. I will be glad when that's over and we can start the BD process. Probably will hold off until Thursday since DH has the SA and I don't know how much I'll feel up to it after all that.

MrsUnicorn - that's how i'm feeling, we've been doing some work on the inside this year and now that the weather is getting good again we are working on the yard. We have a lot of inside work still to do but it's things that aren't as important at this very moment.

Etisgonnab - Welcome! :wave: Have you read Taking Chart of Your Fertility? It's a great book with tons of advice on tracking. If you have the time, it's definitely worth the read! Otherwise, this group and BnB in general is an awesome support group with tons of women who will be happy to help!

A few thoughts: Are your cycles regular? Are you just coming off hormonal bc? Those things will affect your temps and chart.

For temping are you using a basal thermometer or a regular thermometer? Are you temping at the same time every morning? It needs to be after a consecutive 3 hours of sleep, before you get up and move around. So it should be the first thing you do in the morning. Your temps will vary al day long, and will vary day to day. That's not abnormal. Pre-O temps are lower than post-O temps so you want to look for the shift in temperature. If you are using Fertility Friend they have a great charting "tutorial" That is very informative. If you aren't using FF you can sign up for free just to get the tutorial and that might be helpful too.

For OPKs: What are you using? And when are you testing? The important thing with OPKs is to use with a "3 hour hold" meaning 3 hours between bathroom visits and not a lot of liquid during that time. Concentrated urine is better for detecting the LH hormone that indicates ovulation is coming.

For CM: In my case i can never check CM externally. I don't get enough. I have to do an internal check but some women are squeamish about that and identifying CM definitely takes some time and practice. not all women produce a lot of CM. Making sure you are hydrated helps. And if you find you aren't producing any or very little fertile CM there are lots of ways to help produce more. We'll be hapy to help :)
Hey Angel and star_e!

Thank you guys so much for the help!!

I'll start with the temping (forgive me in advance that I don't know all the lingo yet. I feel like I need a glossary reading these posts sometimes!). The thermometer I'm using is a BBT and maybe tmi but I use it anally because it wasn't getting a good reading orally. Generally I've been taking it right when I get up to go to work. Most of the time I remember to have the thermometer next to my bed on the night stand, but sometimes I forget and leave it in the bathroom from cleaning it the day before. I'm not great about testing at the same time on the weekends though and do notice that my bbt is higher when I sleep in. I guess I'll have to keep my alarm set for early morning on the weekends just for consistencies sake. Trying to soak up the luxury to sleep in for as long as I can but we gotta do what we gotta do!

I don't use FF. Right now I've been using Ovia to track everything but it doesn't do the temp charting the same way I see you guys using it. It basically just stores all the data and makes adjustments about when my "fertile window" is.

for the opk: I am using two different kinds right now. For cheapies, I'm using wando because you get so many and can test multiple times a day without feeling bad about it. I previously was using clearblue's digital opk but got nothing but negatives then the holder broke and wouldn't read anything. So I started using clearblue's advanced digital (I think you all use an acronym for this) for this past cycle, but per the instructions discontinued after receiving over nine days of the flashing smilely without ever hitting "peak". I'm going to start over with it next cycle, should I have one. AF is due on Friday and I'm guessing that she'll arrive even though I'm not having my usual PMS symptoms.

As for my cycle, I was on depo but came off of it a year ago. it took about six months for any sort of cycle return and it's been extremely regular since December. 25 days like clockwork. And i have a long period--it'll last around 6 to 7 days--so I'm starting to wonder if I'm actually ovulating much earlier than expected, like as soon as AF packs up her bags and finally leaves.

CM: Not squemish and have been doing internal exams for about a month or so. I just don't know if I'm actually doing it right. It took me a while to figure out where my cervix was...I think I've figured it out now and can notice some changes in the location and feel of it. but never have noticed any watery or ewcm. And certainly am not getting a considerable amount of cm when I'm up there. Just enough to feel whether it is sticky or not basically
My HSG is tomorrow. FX it isn't as painful as some poeple predict. Still working in the morning and then going home after I teach my 3rd period class to take a shower (I like to be extra clean when people are poking around down there) and then have the test at 1. Hoping for good results! I'll update when I'm done. :)

Etisgonnab: :rofl: Yeah, it takes awhile to get the "lingo" down. Just feel free to ask and we'll clarify! :)

I've never heard of temping anally. I know a lot of women who temp vaginally for BBT because orally doesn't work for everyone. If you have to get up to go get your thermometer then that will def affect your temps and so does sleeping in. I temp at the same time on weekends but then go back to sleep after temping (my thermometer has a memory so I can look at it later). That's the easiest for me. Some people still temp whenever they wake up on weekends and can still see a temp shift but I found that for me it was easiest to see temp shifts when temping at the same time on the weekends.

I've heard about Ovia and I know that it tracks everything really well, but most women on here seem to prefer Kindara or Fertility Friend for the charting portion. That doesn't mean you can't use Ovia, just that I can't give you any feedback about the charts.

I use Wondfo's too. They are amazing. What a lot of us do is use the Wondfo's and then when we get lines that look almost positive or close to positive we use a Clearblue Digital (often abbreviated CB Digi) to confirm (using hte same urine). I loved the Advanced Digi, except my Ovulation date moved around enough that it was costing me too much and I finally gave up on it. :( If you don't know when your O date is, Wondfo's are great because you won't feel guilty about it.

How soon in your cycle do you start testing? It's possible you are Ovulating much earlier than expected. My friend Ovulates literally two or three days after AF ends, and has something like an 18 day LP. It seems insane. But she's had 4 kids easily so apparently it works for her.
good luck with the hsg test tomorrow angel! i really hope that it is not painful and that you are one of the lucky ones who reports that it wasn't that bad. let us know how it goes!
Welcome, Etisgonnab! Some great advice from the other ladies, so not sure I can add much.

Angel, good luck tomorrow!

Star, that's very intriguing, but hopefully it's all positive and you'll end up with triplets or something!
i have no idea whats going on but hopefully there is some light at the end of the tunnel; a bfp would be a dream, but honestly i would be thrilled just to know that i ovd b/c that would speed the process up by a lot.

jezika - i think you mentioned you'll be done with some of your school work this week. congrats with that. :)
I have a good feeling you ovulated, though I can't tell you why! Keep us posted of course. And bless you for remembering classes end for me this week! I have a paper due on Wednesday that I barely started. I was supposed to work on it over the weekend AND today but have just procrastinated my time away. Apparently I want to be down to the wire and stressed out to the max?

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