Hi Moonlady! Welcome, and I hope your TTC journey is short and sweet. I'm also 30, started TTC very recently and only used a period tracker for my first cycle. Then did what you're planning and got OPKs and a BBT, which is when I discovered I O a little later than my period tracker had be believe
Star_e - check you out - I think it's safe to say you O'd! And I have no idea whether a u/s technician can tell whether you ovulated. That's a great question, but I guess it doesn't matter so much now because I'm pretty sure your chart is looking good. FX for next cycle!
Unicorn - Congrats on AF! Gosh, that DOES feel odd. But I get it. It must be nice (and odd?) to be back in the game after going through so much.
Angel - Definitely not silly that you took your sis. Hope all the testing homes back okay and/or with something that's helpful to know and easy to fix.
Kat - Bubba looks perfect! You must have been so happy to see him/her moving around. Oh, remind me - are you planning on finding out the sex? Do you have any guesses right now?
Mrs. Rose - just sending some inter-thread

for you and sticky bean
AFM, I'm soooo procrastinating with school work right now. But I'm done next wednesday and then only have practicum on Thursdays till end of May, plus analyzing data for my research and then writing it up and defending by end of Aug, so I'll probably have a lot more time to obsess over preg stuff as of next week. I wish I didn't, though. I just want to be sedated till 9 months is over.