Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

We got our results from the DNA testing results. I am positive for CLN3-related NCL. I am also positive as a carrier for MILD MTHFR Deficiency, and my husband is positive for having Mild MTHFR Deficiency. I have the option of counseling with the people from that lab company, but I declined and am going to talk about it with our doctor. They provided a lot of information and it looks like we don't have much to worry about with the CLN3 (whatever that is) but the MTHFR is a higher risk.

I'll have to do some research now.

On the health side: I went back ot the clinic. They gave me a prescription for prednizone (because the last prescription of steroids they gave me my RE told me not to take and to have them change for prednisone) and a new nebulizer med. If I don't get better the doc said I might have to go to the hospital. :dohh:

Etis - I'm taking some Claritin to help and drinking lots of hot tea. I make a tea with lemon, ginger, honey and apple cider vinegar. It's kind of nasty but helps iwth the congestion a lot. It just started raining this afternoon, so hoping that is helping too.
:hugs: Sorry about your DH. Maybe he just needs some time to process. This isn't the first time I've heard about this on the boards, and often times guys just need to wait a bit and after talk it out they are ready to try again. :hugs: Keep tracking and just BD whenever he's up for it and maybe it'll happen "on its own". We're here for you
ettis - i am so very sorry to hear that DH is hesitant right now. that must feel terrifying, and also really difficult to process because as you mentioned, you don't want to force DH, but then again, DH needs to be aware that it's not a good idea to be ready in 4 or 5 years b/c the chances of it becoming a reality at that point is more difficult. it's a fine line to balance. i think mrs. unicorns advice is great. just try to explain things, maybe give it some time. like a week or so. perhaps the new job is overwhelming, as most new jobs are at the beginning. but, even a week can do a lot to settle emotions of discomfort in a new place. i am very hopeful that when he understands the situation more, he will realize on his own, without being pushed, that ttc and having a child is something he wants.

yes, we can be month off buddies, i very much hope that you are ttc in one month. so much can happen in one day (like my news following af that i was out for a month), let alone a month. we never know what will happen, but have to hope for the best. ive been trying to make the most of the time. i had a lot of fun last night and want to continue to do that. i might as well not sit around and be miserable, the time is going to be much longer that way. i mean, it is a long time a month when you think about it.

keep your spirits up etis, this could just be a very temporary hurdle to get through emotionally. maybe yesterday was too much for DH, but that does not mean three weeks from now he will feel the same way. when the time is right, i hope you have a conversation and it sits well with him. i know its difficult, but try to stay positive.:hugs:
angel - i dont know what those acronyms stand for; i hope its something you all can work through. when are you talking with the doc about it?

and so so sorry that you are very ill right now, the hospital? yikes. and with the teenagers in the hot classroom.... that must make it all so much worse. i hope the prescription does wonders in the next few days.

have you been able to sleep alright? oh, wishing you a speedy recovery from this!
Angel - I really hope you are feeling better and don't need to go to hospital :hugs: I also don't know the things you mentioned, I did google them but they sound very confusing! Hope it's something that can be sorted with meds or something. Xxx
Angel, sorry to hear something showed up in your DNA testing. I'm not familiar with CLN3-related NCL, but it seems if your husband doesn't carry it, then you're ok. MTHFR can be managed fairly easily, and once that happens, people go on to have healthy pregnancies. Sometimes it involves taking lovenox injections daily (depending on your dr), and you'll probably have to take a high dose of a certain type of folate.
I'm feeling much better today. After yesterday's clinic visit they forgot to send in my prescription :dohh: but I finally got hold of them 5 minutes before the clinic closed and they sent in the prescription so I was able to start on the prednisone about 8pm last night. Didn't sleep well (lots of wheezing and waking up every couple hours) but today I've been feeling much better. My lungs are still very tight, and they feel coated with a thick lining, but I'm not wheezing and coughing nearly as much as so that's a definite sign the inflammation is decreasing. I've been dealing with severe lung issues since I was a teenager so I know how much of a blessing prednisone can be. Of course, it also makes me irritable and gives me very very sensitive skin. If I lightly scratch at an itch on my arm my scratches welt up and I look like I've been clawed at. :dohh: But it's worht the ability to breathe. I'll be on the prednisone for 2 weeks. You have to slowly wean off of it so I take 5 pills for 3 days, then 4 pills for 3 days, and so on down until I'm taking no pills.

Regarding my DNA testing Acronyms (Star & Mrs Unicorn :) ) - The CLN3 gene can cause severe deteriorative birth defects in my offspring that begin between the ages of 4 and 10 and continue to progress leading to deterioration of a variety of aspects, including blindness. Most experience death by late teens, 20s or 30s. HOWEVER, on the positive side, based on both our genomes, they determine I have a 1 in 22,000 chance of passing on that defect. So I'm not too worried about it. Since DH isn't a carrier it's a pretty good chance we'll be okay.

MTHFR deficiency has to do with the inability to process things like Folic Acid and other stuff. At least from what I can gather so far. It has a lot of varying things but can cause multiple miscarriages. I am heterozygous, meaning I only have 1 gene and according to the results that means I am not likely to have many symptoms. DH is homozygous which means he does have the symptoms. It means that he can't process folic acid and needs pure folate. Among other things including B vitamins. We're thinking this could explain some of his random inflammation/joint pain/etc and why he feels so much better when he takes a joint pain pill that we have from a company called Melaleuca, because it has all the vitamin B and folate and niacin and all the other nutrients that people with MTHFR deficiencies are supposed to get.

We will meet with our RE in a week or two to go over all my results from this whole month and DH's SA so we're going to go over these results too then and see what we need to do about them, if anything.

drjo - do you have MTHFR?
Angel- no, I don't, (at least not that I know of), but I'm a labor and delivery nurse so I've taken care of countless patients who have it.
Hello again ladies, I pop in and read here and there but haven't posted in a bit, mostly bc I feel like my news is always changing. I feel like every time I come in and say okay, we're about to start TTC again, something big comes up in our lives, and we put it on pause. This is not me, mind you, but DH that prefers to pause when we have something else to deal with. But we're in it together and I want us on the same page. I gave him time and decided not to push, even tho I'm so antsy to get pregnant.

He is now fully in it, and seems to be 110% ready, finally. He is initiating all of the conversations which just melts my heart. :-) We are (re)starting in true earnest this cycle. Today or tomorrow should be cycle day 1 (hurry up period!), and during our predicted fertile weekend (happens to be our 6yr anniversary) we're actually planning a little weekend trip to make a fun time of it. :-)

Currently, I'm temping, tracking cervical fluid, and will do digital OPK this month.

Sorry I keep popping in and out over the past year, but we're fully in it now!
7dpo! TOok a test all know the addiction is real. :rofl: BFN as expected. Hoping that now I can get it out of my system and avoid testing for awhile. AF due Saturday according to FF.

Woke up wheezing again today. :( But I felt better most of yesterday. I'm going to hope that my nebulizer and the prednisone help. I'm really not looking forward to working this week feeling like this, but I'm about out of sick days and can't keep taking days off. Plus, if I'm gone the students don't get any real lessons because subs can rarely teach math. Bah. I should have chosen an easier subject to PE. :haha:

drjo - oh that makes sense! I seem to remember now that you are a labor and delivery nurse. I had never really heard of MTHFR before this, and I'm wondering how serious my doctor will take it, or if he'll brush it off. I feel like half the sites I see online people say their doctors told them it was nothing and the other half the doctors took it seriously.

MissDoc - Welcome back to the TTC game. ;) So exciting that DH is ready and on-board! I don't think I've seen you before but welcome back! :D
Hey everyone--

Thank you so so much for all of the kind words and support. DH and I have talked a fair amount and he just generally seems to be anxious about the unknown if parenting in general, and worried that he'll end up being resentful of how much our lives would change. All of which are totally understandable and anxieties I too have felt. We're taking this month and maybe next off of totally ttc, instead BD when we feel like it and if it happens to lead to a bfp then even better. We did end up BDinf Friday night and yesterday so depending on when my od was its still technically possible this cycle but not likely.

Star: I took my own advice and went to a baseball game, grabbed drinks with friends, and am cooking up a nice meal tonight. How was your weekend of making the most of it?

Angel: sooooo glad to hear you're finally starting to feel better!!! Fx for continued progress. Thanks for explaining all the testing results. I had no clue what it meant. Is there any way your MTHFR could explain your two cps? Is there anything they'd do differently after your next bfp?

Mrs unicorn: how are you doing? Is it tww time for you?

Hi miss doc! Glad to hear you're back and ttc again! I'm dealing with a similar issue rn with my DH so it made me happy to hear that others have been through this and eventually gotten on the same page, good luck!!
Etis - I'm glad that you and DH talked. Those fears are very common, and very normal. So understandable. Every now and then I freak out about how much our lives will change with a baby. I like my simple life, but I want a kid more. You woudn't be the first woman to take a couple months off of TTC and end up with a BFP after all. ;) And if not, then in a couple months maybe DH will be ready again.

MTHFR could possibly explain my two CPs. I will have to talk more specifically with my doctor, since our results were sent to us through the lab company and I haven't talked to my doctor about them yet. When I go in Monday for my progesterone blood draw I am supposed to make an appointment to meet with the dr to go over all of our results so we will bring this up then too. The big thing I'm finding from my research is that I need to switch to a prenatal that has methylfolate instead of folic acid. Apparently mthfr means you can't process folic acid into the methylfolate form and so that can be a big problem. I guess we'll see what the doctor says in a week or whenever we meet with him.
Welcome missdoc! And good luck!

Angel - good to hear you are slowly on the mend. I hope this week isn't too tough at work.

Etis - so glad you've cleared the air. Like Angel said, pretty sure most people go through this kind of thing. It's fear of the unknown!

Star - hope you've had a great weekend. X

AFM - 6 DPO and so want to test. I haven't, there's no point. But man, the days are dragging. I don't particularly feel positive about this cycle though. No particular reason, it's just a horrible mix of emotions. All my normal symptoms are so different since the mc so I'm just discounting everything as it could all be normal bfn stuff.
I'm there wth you Mrs. Unicorn. I'm back and forth about whether I'm positive about this cycle or not. Yesterday I was sure I was out. Today, I'm symptom spotting hard core. :dohh:

I checked CM and it's creamy but kind of stretchy, like EW, but definitely creamy. I had this same CM pop up the two cycles I had my CPs. which makes me wonder if I could be .... but I'm only 7DPO so I know I need to chill. Also my breats are tender today which is normal for me about this time in the TWW, BUT usually they start out sore on the sides, near the armpit, but today they are sore on the lower half of the breast. Very different than normal.

Of course I have other issues (dizziness, and incredibly thirsty,a nd peeing all the time) but those are all easily related to the prednisone I'm one for my asthma: I'm drinking sO MUCH WATER because of the cotton mouth that I get from prednisone that I'm in the bathroom all the time. So really I'm just trying to convince myself to stop over analyzing everything.
It is so hard not to analyze every little thing at that point. The crap part is that no matter what the only final answer is time itself.

What are some fun things to do during the tww that can channel that energy into something else? Personally I'm not super crafty but I imagine if I were doing some sort of artistic project could help...something that required planning prior to execution.

Perhaps getting into a new book or show? Something that has nothing to do with babies, planning for them, having them or otherwise. Something that'll keep your mind away from those topics lol
Angel- so sorry you are having to deal with lung issues and that you are out of sick days. I hope the class, at the very least, is not hot. waking up in the middle of the night coughing and wheezing sounds awful. I hope the meds start giving you more relief soon. glad that they have helped you in the past. also fx that you get a bfp soon. 7dpo is very early. hopefully soon you'll receive good news.

Ettis - glad you enjoyed the game and had some drinks. that sounds fun. I hope you get a bfp this cycle. you never know. you might get it when you least expect it. I hope your DH just needs to time get more familiar with the thought of ttc and parenthood and that you'll be on your way soon.

afm DH and I enjoyed wine w dinner and had a nice. night out. went for a walk today. got some sunshine and while I know this is going to feel like a long wait, I do appreciate being able to have a glass of wine. it's a nice.

welcome miss doc and good luck! glad you and your DH are on the same page.
Welcome missdoc! And good luck!

Angel - good to hear you are slowly on the mend. I hope this week isn't too tough at work.

Etis - so glad you've cleared the air. Like Angel said, pretty sure most people go through this kind of thing. It's fear of the unknown!

Star - hope you've had a great weekend. X

AFM - 6 DPO and so want to test. I haven't, there's no point. But man, the days are dragging. I don't particularly feel positive about this cycle though. No particular reason, it's just a horrible mix of emotions. All my normal symptoms are so different since the mc so I'm just discounting everything as it could all be normal bfn stuff.

good luck with the cycle! I definitely know the feeling of thinking the cycle isn't going to work. and the days being sooooo loooonnnggg. sending you lots of positive energy and warm wishes.
Angel - I replied to you on another thread but I'm having the same kind of cm. I think it's a secondary oestrogen surge (according to google) I really hope it means something good for us, but I'm not convinced for myself. I'm literally feeling nothing except for increased fertile like cm and heartburn - nice, that's a new thing for me!

I'm going to be starting a new exercise program from weekend - figured I'll have my bfn by then - as we want to go away in July and I have put so much weight on these past few months, so I gotta try and lose some of it otherwise we won't be going. There's no way I'll be putting on a bikini like this!
Went in for my last set of labs today. Testing progesterone. We meet with the Doctor on Thursday afternoon to go over all of our labs and results. FX!

I tested today, bFN. I saw that coming. LoL!! Going to now seriously try to hold off for a few days. AF due Saturday.

ETis - I keep trying to focus on my graduate research work.... it's not as distracting as I want it to be (mostly because I keep putting it off because work is so tiring I don't have the energy to do the graduate stuff! :( but it's the closest thing I have to my distraction right now. lol

Star - The weather cooled down again so the classroom won'tb e hot this week at least. Next week it'll be back up to 80. :( But at least for now it'll be okay. I was getting better now I'm wheezing again. It sucks. I'm hoping that it starts to get better in a day or two.

MrsUnicorn - Hopefully this is a positive sign for both of us!! :D FX! Good luck with the exercise! I've been going to the gym 3-4 times a week since october/november and it makes a world of difference in both the way I feel physically, and my emotions/mental state. Plus the weight loss is nice too.
Just checking in to see how you all are doing. No major updates on my end. The mystery of my o date continues unless you all can make sense of my bbt chart. Lol thing looks like a roller coaster

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