Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Erm, I've just had two blazing positive opks. Oh no please don't ovulate yet! Maybe I'll have two days of positives for once?!

well even if you did O, you did BD yesterday, so that's good. but if its two days of positives, then you could get the day before and O day right. is the SMEP - EOD until +opk and then ED until after O? fx for you! hope you did get two days of positives.
Star - that is great news! So pleased for you! I think FF has put dotted lines in because your cm has continued to be fertile for quite a few days after the temp drop. Hard to say exactly which day - I'd say sat/sun and monday are a possibility.

Yes, I think SMEP is EOD then every day of +opk and a day after or something.
Just got back from my US. The nurse said there's a lot of fluid around my ovaries, so I definitely have ovulated. :happydance: (not sure why that's so exciting, i know that I do ovulate). I was unsure because of my temp this morning - I had a horrible night sleep and didn't get more than a couple hours of sleep max. :( My lining looks good, measures at 8.5, and I guess they want something >8 so that's also good. I go back in next week Monday for blood draw for progesterone and then make an appointment to meet with the dr to go over all the results from this month's data.

I'm thinking I must have just recently Ovulated because there was a lot of fluid around the ovary. At first she said "oh there's a little fluid you might have ovulated" and then got a better angle and said "oh yeah, there's a ton of fluid there, you've definitely ovulated". But I don't know that for sure. I should have asked if they can tell how long ago the ovulation was based on the fluid amount.

Nurse also gave us "homework". Since we BD yesterday she said to BD again tomorrow, and then 36-48 hours later again. Not sure why 48 hours from tomorrow because I'm pretty sure since I already O'd the egg won't be viable at that point but.... okay.

MrsUnicorn - I'm not sure you have to alter SMEP if you tend to Ov on the day of the +OPK. Since SMEP is to do EOD until +OPK and then the day of the +OPK and the next 2, the goal is to have swimmers there waiting and then the 3 days in a row are in case you Ov on either the +OPK day or any of the next two. Since egg can live up to 24 hours, BD on the day after Ov is also effective. If you get a chance to BD today you should still be okay!

Star - :happydance: Hooray for AF! :) :haha: oddest thing to say on these boards. With the missing temp on Monday it's hard to tell, but it could definitely have been Ovulation up through Monday (the 4th) based on your chart. Based on your CM, Monday the 4th makes more sense. I'm pretty sure FF gave you dotted lines because your CM was fertile for quite awhile after the projected O day and without a temp on Monday it can't estimate another day for O.
Angel - that's all really good news! Looking at your chart maybe you od yesterday with that little dip? Would possibly line up with what the nurse said? Strange that she said about 48 hours later. Maybe it's just incase?

We bd today so wondering whether we should tomorrow or weds now? I said to DH tomorrow would be better and forget Wednesday but I think we'll just see how we feel. I don't think we'll follow the SMEP but it's interesting. We kind of roughly do that. Every other day and sometimes everyday with +opks. It depends if we're all bd out by then!! Oh if only we were 18 again!
Congrats star! Hopefully this is a sign of good things to come. Fx!! From what it sounds like, I would count that as CD1. There's enough of a flow and it doesn't seem like it's just some light spotting. When AF starts for me it just starts full fledged, so I always count that day as CD1. AF usually comes on overnight for me, so that makes the tracking pretty simple. Came later in the day this time but still started right up with a moderate flow so I still counted that as CD1.

I did start using FF upon all of your advice and see you all are able to share your charts in your signature line. How do I set that up? I had a temp drop today from the past three days...not sure what that's about. Possibly due to the new thermometer? First time I used it. Tomorrow I will use both and see if they get different readings. If it isn't related to the new thermometer then it could be yet again that my issue with tracking is that my bbt is unstable.

Am I supposed to be tracking my CM during AF? FF was advising me to enter the data but I never had been doing that didn't occur to me that there'd be a way to distinguish the CM from AF. Do you guys do that? Sounds messy :blush:

Angel: Doctor's appointment sounds promising...but yeah I'd be confused about the advice to BD 48 hours after. Didn't think the egg would still be viable by then. Might as well just get that sperm army prepped with some BD today. Hop on top if the DH claims to be too tired :winkwink:

Mrs. Unicorn: I'm not super familiar with SMEP so can't offer much advice but can offer support that I hope this is the cycle where you catch that egg!
angel i think its great to celebrate each hurdle, even if its one you are accustomed to getting over. so yes, yea b/c you ovd!!!! :)

it is very interesting and potentially really helpful that the nurse said to BD for next 48 hours. i thought the egg lasted only 24 hours after ovd. but you never know with ttc. its such a complicated process that it might just take extra BDing. hope you get it this cycle! i take it they could not tell how many eggs were released? did they take your estraidol level? i know the wait is long, but its exciting that you could be getting a BFP this cycle. good luck! fx for you!

afm, very happy about AF! hope my appointment goes well, i'll keep you all updated and yea, b/c i didn't temp on that monday its tough to tell. im going to try super hard this cycle not to forget to temp, maybe i'll set an alarm. last cycle i just took it when i naturally woke up b/c i always wake up in the middle of the night, except of course the day i forgot to temp ;)
Angel - I always get really excited when I get a +opk!!

Etis - no don't track cm during af, don't think you can really! I normally start a couple of days after she's gone. To share your chart you have to log into FF on a computer not your phone, then there's a sharing tab I think where you copy and paste the code into your signature. I think I googled how to do it!

Star - I sometimes miss temps but if you can try not to around ov week, like a few days before it potentially happens and a few after you should be good. Although I guess that's difficult if you have irregular cycles?
ettis it actually took me a while to figure out how to set up the chart in the signature line when i did.

unless someone knows another way, it seems like a two step process. 1) you need to go to FF and set it to allow you to share your chart; 2) you then have to enter a code in the signature line to get it to link to your chart (so there is a standard code and you have to change part of it with the code of your chart).

below is info i found online that i used when setting up mine. i copied and pasted it from the sources (both were on bnb threads).

for part 1:

"Here is how to link to your FF chart.

1. open fertility friend
2. log in
3. on the left hand tabs click on 'sharing' and then 'home page set up'
4. at the top of this page you will see a box which says: Your Charting Home Page Web Address:
copy and paste the link"

for part 2:

"Here is the code that I use for mine:

[-B]My Ovulation Chart[-/B][-/url][-/CENTER]

You need to remove the - (minus) signs from the code; I had to put those in there to make the code show up. Also, instead of 40b664 (my chart), you would enter the six-digit URL code for your chart. Be sure to do it for both the thumbnail and the URL. "
is anyone having trouble signing on to bnb on computer? the Mother's Day add won't let me do anything. I can X out of it with my phone but not my computer.

oh and great Ettis glad you were able to get the chart up!
Mrs Unicorn - very odd to me that she said 48 hours later. I think it's just an "incase" thing. I don't know why, but I think she just wanted to give me something to "do" while we wait before I can get my progesterone test and meet with the doctor. I get the feeling she wanted me to feel like there was something I could do this cycle besides just them gathering lots of information.

If you can get in BD tomorrow I would do that, but do whatever feels "right". It's hard to make yourself do it all thet ime. When we do every other day sometimes we hit the +OPK and I'm just all burned out by then and don't want to do it anymore. :dohh:

Etis - I don't know that you can have CM when on AF. Just mark in the AF section and ignore the CM for the beginning.

Star - it's very confusing that the nurse said 48 hours because even the doctor told us in our first visit that once the egg ovulates you have only 24 hours before it dies, maybe 36. So I'm pretty sure she was just saying that as added precaution, to give me something "to do" since this cycle is mostly a fact finding mission. They didn't say how many eggs were released but it should just be one. I don't take any meds that would cause multiple follicles to develop and it's not very common for multiple eggs to release without meds. They didn't take my estraidol level. I believe they checked earlier in the cycle, but because my lining was a good level and I have fairly regular cycles now, and ovulate fairly regularly, that doesn't indicate an estrogen problem. Estrogen is important in the first part of the cycle, but once you ovulate progesterone is really important so that is what they'll check next week.
oh yes that's right. I forgot that the estradiol is just at the beginning of the cycle. good luck w the progesterone bloods hope they are high and that this cycle is the one!
I swear this entire process has made me lose any and all sense. But earlier when I googled the cm testing durin AF and saw a bunch of people posting about it on other message boards, I thought "well maybe I'm wrong and this is a thing" :shrug:

As always thanks for humoring me.

Angel good luck with the progesterone test!

Star: on mobile now but wasn't having problems with bnb loading on the computer earlier. What browser are you using? I had an issue with an ad freezing in Firefox but switched to chrome and it was fine

Edit to add: Minutes after posting this I started getting pop ups on my mobile so constant it's making the site almost unusable.
I often get horrible pop ups when I'm on my phone. I found that if I just hit refresh on my mobile browser I can start using it again. I used to try to just hit hte "x" to close the ad but that doesn't always make them go away, but refresh has been working lately.
yea right now the mobile is working well but earlier it didn't matter what browser I was using the movie pop up add for Mother's Day kept coming up and there was no x to close it out. I think it should be fine now as my mobile is working now.
well from one day to the next the news can change. I have bad news.

I went to my appointment and the follicles on the left side shrunk, but there are still three large follicles on the right side. So doc said that I'm out another month. She said that I can come in on Thursday just to see if they have shrunk because it's possible that with the flux of hormones from AF they could shrink in the next two days, but it's highly unlikely. she said I can choose just to not come in and that I can call tomorrow to cancel because it is really unlikely. I'm going to go, but I understand that I need to prepare to wait another month. so I'm extremely disappointed about that and she said in another month if i only have one big one left she could drain it. but they can't do that now because they don't use anesthesia to drain them and it's incredibly painful and because of the pain they can only do it on one not three. she said they only subject a patient to it without anesthesia for one. the prospect of having to do that in one month is terrifying. the simple little blood draws are painful to me. im so sad right now.

anyway as if that wasn't bad enough – I decided to ask for a copy of my medical records (as i mentioned earlier, my clinic does not have an online portal). When I first started talking to the nurse about it, she looked a little surprised that I was asking and said well you can sign a medical release form or you could just bring a notebook and write the information down. And I said yeah I'll bring a notebook that sounds great, but I would like the information that you have on file right now/ current info. So then when I was done seeing the doctor I went outside and asked the lady at the front if I could sign a medical release form so that I can have the records and she just looked really surprised too and i don't know, i may be mistaken, but i felt like tone of the conversation dropped a bit. then the doctor came in and heard us discussing medical release and she looked surprised as well and I felt very confused and uncomfortable. I wanted to say I'm not leaving I just want information to review, but I clamped up and didn't say anything. when the doc left the room, I told the nurse that i can pick up the records and my next appointment if they are ready and that i wanted the information bc I'm curious and she said well you're entitled to it. but she said it in a way that did not seem supportive/it felt negative. So I walked away feeling even worse because I think they think that I was requesting them because I am contemplating leaving, but that is not the case. i just want the info so i can start my own record and keep track of things. i didn't think that desire would lead to an awkward interaction.

overall terrible day.
well from one day to the next the news can change. I have bad news.

I went to my appointment and the follicles on the left side shrunk, but there are still three large follicles on the right side. So doc said that I'm out another month. She said that I can come in on Thursday just to see if they have shrunk because it's possible that with the flux of hormones from AF they could shrink in the next two days, but it's highly unlikely. she said I can choose just to not come in and that I can call tomorrow to cancel because it is really unlikely. I'm going to go, but I understand that I need to prepare to wait another month. so I'm extremely disappointed about that and she said in another month if i only have one big one left she could drain it. but they can't do that now because they don't use anesthesia to drain them and it's incredibly painful and because of the pain they can only do it on one not three. she said they only subject a patient to it without anesthesia for one. the prospect of having to do that in one month is terrifying. the simple little blood draws are painful to me. im so sad right now.

anyway as if that wasn't bad enough – I decided to ask for a copy of my medical records (as i mentioned earlier, my clinic does not have an online portal). When I first started talking to the nurse about it, she looked a little surprised that I was asking and said well you can sign a medical release form or you could just bring a notebook and write the information down. And I said yeah I'll bring a notebook that sounds great, but I would like the information that you have on file right now/ current info. So then when I was done seeing the doctor I went outside and asked the lady at the front if I could sign a medical release form so that I can have the records and she just looked really surprised too and i don't know, i may be mistaken, but i felt like tone of the conversation dropped a bit. then the doctor came in and heard us discussing medical release and she looked surprised as well and I felt very confused and uncomfortable. I wanted to say I'm not leaving I just want information to review, but I clamped up and didn't say anything. when the doc left the room, I told the nurse that i can pick up the records and my next appointment if they are ready and that i wanted the information bc I'm curious and she said well you're entitled to it. but she said it in a way that did not seem supportive/it felt negative. So I walked away feeling even worse because I think they think that I was requesting them because I am contemplating leaving, but that is not the case. i just want the info so i can start my own record and keep track of things. i didn't think that desire would lead to an awkward interaction.

overall terrible day.

I'm so sorry star_e. What a discouraging and frustrating day, especially coming so soon off the excitement about AF. It's demoralizing. Honestly so much of this seems like a battle in which at least we live to fight another day. So keep on fighting. I know it can be hard to be positive on days like today, and you have every right to be sad. Things will work out one way or another even if the process or even the end game doesn't look the way you'd imagine. For now, I'm big hugs sending your way.
Also that stupid Mothers Day ad is back. Despite the fact that it looks like a terrible movie, it does seem to be an insensitive ad to be popping up on a forum filled with people sharing their challenges with TTC. Maybe I'm just sensitive right now
Ettis- thank you for the kind words. feel so down right now. I'll continue to fight though.

and the Mother's Day add is so annoying. at least I've been able to X out of it today. yesterday there was no x for me and it was even more annoying.
Star hunny I'm sorry you had such a rubbish day :hugs::hugs::hugs: I guess our bodies don't always let us work to a plan. It's very disappointing that you'll have to wait another cycle. I guess you're still in the early stages of all this but you'll get there. Xxx

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