Just got back from my US. The nurse said there's a lot of fluid around my ovaries, so I definitely have ovulated.

(not sure why that's so exciting, i know that I do ovulate). I was unsure because of my temp this morning - I had a horrible night sleep and didn't get more than a couple hours of sleep max.

My lining looks good, measures at 8.5, and I guess they want something >8 so that's also good. I go back in next week Monday for blood draw for progesterone and then make an appointment to meet with the dr to go over all the results from this month's data.
I'm thinking I must have just recently Ovulated because there was a lot of fluid around the ovary. At first she said "oh there's a little fluid you might have ovulated" and then got a better angle and said "oh yeah, there's a ton of fluid there, you've definitely ovulated". But I don't know that for sure. I should have asked if they can tell how long ago the ovulation was based on the fluid amount.
Nurse also gave us "homework". Since we BD yesterday she said to BD again tomorrow, and then 36-48 hours later again. Not sure why 48 hours from tomorrow because I'm pretty sure since I already O'd the egg won't be viable at that point but.... okay.
MrsUnicorn - I'm not sure you have to alter SMEP if you tend to Ov on the day of the +OPK. Since SMEP is to do EOD until +OPK and then the day of the +OPK and the next 2, the goal is to have swimmers there waiting and then the 3 days in a row are in case you Ov on either the +OPK day or any of the next two. Since egg can live up to 24 hours, BD on the day after Ov is also effective. If you get a chance to BD today you should still be okay!
Star -

Hooray for AF!

oddest thing to say on these boards. With the missing temp on Monday it's hard to tell, but it could definitely have been Ovulation up through Monday (the 4th) based on your chart. Based on your CM, Monday the 4th makes more sense. I'm pretty sure FF gave you dotted lines because your CM was fertile for quite awhile after the projected O day and without a temp on Monday it can't estimate another day for O.