Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Yeah totally see them! I'm not sure but are the digis maybe not as sensitive? And you're still really early! I'm sure it's just they aren't as sensitive. Good idea asking about the bloods too. I'm sure you'll be fine Hun, try not to panic. Xx
Angel still look dark! you appointment is tomorrow? good luck!!!! fx you get your bfp! what a joy that would be!
Hey guys--sorry been swamped today. Meant to check in earlier. Angel, I can see lines. They should get darker. Did you have your doctor do a blood test today? Or well you're west coast so maybe haven't had your appointment yet but still. I would definitely ask.

I'm so excited for you right now but also totally get why you'd be nervous. Breathe!!! Answers will come very soon! Keep us posted!

AFM I took a bunch of opks. Last night the second line was still prominent but not as dark as the control. Same first thing this morning. But with second urine it was just as dark again. BBT dipped today to the lowest I've recorded yet but cm is creamy and my cervix is firm. My body likes to keep me guessing! We'll see if I can swing some BD action tonight but my schedule is insane today, DH was supposed to have the day off but ended up working at least 12 hours. I'm doubtful. And technically we're out this cycle so I'm not going to try to push it too hard. Just doing recon for next cycle.

Star: how are you doing?

Mrs. Unicorn: still anxiously waiting?
Just got back from the doctor. What a whirlwind of a day!!

They took beta tests and progesterone. Will get those results tomorrow between 12-3pm.

Doctor went over our results from our tests. DH has good sperm speed and amount, there is a slightly higher "head abnormality" than he would like (they prefer it below 35% and his is at 40%), but everything else was really good. For future situations they might want to do a "sperm wash".

On my end most of my results came back pretty good except my progesterone. He said it was really low to begin with, and my 7DPO test was way lower than they would like. He said that it is probably the reason I've had 2 CPs and that we have a very short time to get my progesterone up above 15 (right now it's right around 5). I'm on progesterone pills 3x a day and in a couple days they'll do another test. IF however the blood they took today comes back below 5 then I will have to go back in immediately and switch to shots. As it was he stressed very heavily that I had tos tart the progesterone right now, not tomorrow, not later, but RIGHT NOW. They told me to call the pharmacy as soon as I left and make sure they got the prescription and started it ASAP and that I filled it TONIGHT. So I did. :)

They are also concerned that my lining didn't get as thick as they would have liked. He said it slightly increases the chance of losing this pregnancy, but only minutely and he's really hoping the progesterone is able to keep it.

Regarding our MTHFR results: he strongly encouraged both of us to get our homeocystine levels checked by our PCP and I need to increase my folic acid intake to >1g.

I came home and took a FRER. It's a clear, distinct line. I also took a walmart cheapie, also a clear distinct line. the Wondfo's are still such bad squinters I almost can't see them.

..... I'm pregnant. :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:

Please keep everything crossed that this one sticks!!!

Etis - Your body certainly does like to keep you guessing! Good luck getting the egg! I would say that with your BBT still dropping that you are gearing up to O still.


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Angel my fx for you! good luck w the results tomorrow. glad you were able to get your progesterone. and it sounds like your doc wasn't too worried about the genetic testing results. which is good. congrats again. this is such encouraging news. let us know how tomorrow goes.

Ettis hope you are going to O soon. with cm does creamy come before the ewcm? sorry if I missed something but why are you out this cycle?

mrs unicorn any updates?

afm it's going to be a long time before I have any updates. in about three weeks if I have not started AF (which is likely bc I don't ovd on my own) I can call doc and she will check if follies sufficiently shrunk. if they have I have to take prometrium for 10 days just to induce AF.
:( which basically adds another two weeks to this wait. so it's like 5 weeks. :( if one of the follies has not shrunk then she says she will have to drain it and apparently it's very painful. wish AF would come on her own bc that would save me 10 days. but before ttc I had not had one for six months. she comes naturally like twice a year bc of pcos.
Hi ladies!

Congrats, Angel! :D Lovely line on that pic!

AFM - I had my uterine polyp removed last week and a D&C for fun while my FS was in there. It was a quick and easy surgery. I should have taken it easier post-surgery, but I went back to work the next day (there was a meeting I felt obligated to attend). I'm on pelvic rest at the moment, but as soon as the bleeding is done, we're back to TTC. FS's office called and there are no concerns, so we're good to go. I hope the removal has the effect that it said it could online (40-80% improved chance of keeping a pregnancy). Man, I can't wait to get back on the TTC train. (I'm obviously a crazy person)
Angel - good news then? Glad they've got you on progesterone. Fx that does the trick and this little bean sticks! Kmfx for you.

Star - I thought af had arrived? Sorry if I missed an update, was it just spotting?

Welcome DBZ - lots of luck for your first cycle back TTC! I'm almost at the end of my first cycle post mc.

Etis - keep doing what you're doing! You're doing a great job of charting even though it must be frustrating. Fx you get a nice clear ov pattern soon. My temps often takes a massive nose dive the day of, or before, ovulation so fx and keep a look out for that temp shift!

AFM - I'm definitely out this cycle guys. 11dpo and bfn. Guess I expected it but it doesn't make it any easier to accept. At least my temps have returned to normal after the squiffy mc cycle.
Angel: Fingers and toes crossed for you for a sticky lil'bean! Hopefully the progesterone will help. All this testing and research is going to pay off, I know it! I'm sure this advice is next to impossible, but still try not to stress too much. It'll help your pregnancy!

Star: Sorry to hear that your wait got extended. Fx that all this waiting will pay off for you soon. What I meant by being technically out is that DH freaked earlier in the cycle when I thought I was about to o and wanted to take this month and possibly next off from ttc cuz of work stress and panic about becoming a parent. We have BDed a few times though for fun (including last night) so it's probably more accurate to say that we're ntnp this month. I'm tracking still with the hopes that I can finally figure out when my elusive o date is. My lady bits are very mysterious lol Oh and I think that the creamy cm comes after sticky but before watery and ecew. I don't really get much ecew if ever though I did have some earlier this cycle around when my digis were +

Mrs unicorn: ughhhh sorry to hear about this cycle. you're probably at that point where you just want AF to hurry up and get there so you can get back to tryin. How long ago was your MC? Maybe it's just that your cycle needs a bit more time to get back to normal?

Hey DBZ! Welcome! Glad to hear your procedures went well and things are looking good. Good luck and keep us posted!

AFM: my chart should be used to design roller coasters. We'll call it Etis' Wild Ride or something :dohh: Honestly at this point I'm just laughing about how ridiculous it's been trying to figure out anything from my data.
dbz glad the procedure went well!

mrs unicorn so sorry about the Bfn. I think each cycle there's like a 30% chance it will work if no other issues are going on. maybe it's just a numbers game. hope next cycle is the one for you. I forgot but were you able to have two days of positive OPKs? oh and you are right I did get my AF this month but I also found out that my follies had not shrunk and so unless AF comes again on her own then it's going to be a really long wait because I've to wait the three weeks for follies to shrink and then if AF has not shown I have to take Prometrium for 10 days to induce AF. The worst case scenario is that the follicle has not shrunk and it needs to be drained. Apparently that's severely painful so I'm not even sure I would want to take that option but I think the alternative would be to keep waiting so I just hope that's not the decision I have to make.

Ettis - i didn't put two and two together that you meant the convo w DH. have you talked about it again?
Hey star--yeah we did. a lot of it was the panic of how our lives and rx will change, fear of feeling resentment of the change, fear of the unknown. That kinda of thing. He's also in a new job where he's playing a lot of catch up right now and is super swamped trying to get the program up and running so the idea of another change happening in the midst of that triggered anxiety as well. I was frustrated at first but am fine with it for now. He initially made it seem like he wanted to call the whole thing off which is what panicked me. Hopefully we get back in the game next cycle because I'm traveling most of July so that will be an off month anyway. But if not, it's not the end of the world just yet. And at least I'll have my summer bbqs, baseball games, and (hopefully) some beach weekends to enjoy!
Etis - My mc cycle was march (erpc on the 4th march) so this is my first proper cycle since. I think everything looks normal so that's comforting.

Star - yep, sorry, I do remember now. That doesn't sound nice, lets hope that af does arrive for you. Hey, she did this time! I only had the one +opk which again is normal for me. I'm going to try doing a couple in the evening this cycle to see if I can catch it the night before. Either way I'm going to make sure we bd to cover ov cd12 or 13 this cycle. Gotta wait till weds for af now - argh I hate the wait between bfn and af :growlmad:
Got my beta test results. HCG is at 38 (that was 11DPO Test). Does anyone know whether that's good or bad? They want me back on Monday to do a follow up (make sure it's doubling). I said okay but then realized I'm out of sick days so I left a message to see if there's any way I can go in Sunday instead, they are open weekends until noon. I'll make it work if I Have to but it'd be easier for my job if I could go in on Sunday.

As for progesterone: they didn't give me my numbers for that. But I called because my chest turned BRIGHT RED, looked like a bad sun burn. They told me to stop taking the pills and they would prescribe me the vaginal suppository. They said I mihgt have to wait til tomorrow to get it, but I just called my pharmacy and they said they wont' get it for me until MONDAY NIGHT, and it'll cost $350!! Because insurance won't pay. :wacko:

DH says $ is not hte issue, we have credit cards for a reason (I love him <3) but I'm really worried about no progesterone until Monday! I started calling around to all the local pharmacies and no one has it. The lady at safeway said she would call local pharmacies and see if she can find anyone who has it in stock for me, she's going so far as to call non-safeway pharmacies, which is rare. And very nice of her (assuming of course she actually does do it). And then will call me back.

Sooooo my plan is this: I'm taking my pills anyway today. I'm not going to risk it. I'm too scared. AF is due tomorrow....and I'm in the middle of a panic right now at the idea of being without progesterone for that many days after seeing how low my results were from my 7DPO test. I figure if I have a bright red rash this evening then at least I'm at home, and I can be miserable at home tonight (this stuff has some nasty side effects - I've literally been feeling drunk all day - it's not a good feeling -but I'll take it if it gets me my rainbow).

If no one has it, I'll call the dr tomorrow and ask what they want me to do. If someone does have it we will fill it and just pay for it. That's a lot of money but..... at least I'd have it (and they said it has almost no side effects compared to the pills).
Angel hope your betas double by Sunday or Monday. soory the pharms are out of stock. any chance the doc has samples you can use until you get your prescription? maybe ask your doc what he or she recommends until it's filled. hope it's resolved soon. totally understand not wanting to be without it for that many days.
Got my beta test results. HCG is at 38 (that was 11DPO Test). Does anyone know whether that's good or bad? They want me back on Monday to do a follow up (make sure it's doubling). I said okay but then realized I'm out of sick days so I left a message to see if there's any way I can go in Sunday instead, they are open weekends until noon. I'll make it work if I Have to but it'd be easier for my job if I could go in on Sunday.

As for progesterone: they didn't give me my numbers for that. But I called because my chest turned BRIGHT RED, looked like a bad sun burn. They told me to stop taking the pills and they would prescribe me the vaginal suppository. They said I mihgt have to wait til tomorrow to get it, but I just called my pharmacy and they said they wont' get it for me until MONDAY NIGHT, and it'll cost $350!! Because insurance won't pay. :wacko:

DH says $ is not hte issue, we have credit cards for a reason (I love him <3) but I'm really worried about no progesterone until Monday! I started calling around to all the local pharmacies and no one has it. The lady at safeway said she would call local pharmacies and see if she can find anyone who has it in stock for me, she's going so far as to call non-safeway pharmacies, which is rare. And very nice of her (assuming of course she actually does do it). And then will call me back.

Sooooo my plan is this: I'm taking my pills anyway today. I'm not going to risk it. I'm too scared. AF is due tomorrow....and I'm in the middle of a panic right now at the idea of being without progesterone for that many days after seeing how low my results were from my 7DPO test. I figure if I have a bright red rash this evening then at least I'm at home, and I can be miserable at home tonight (this stuff has some nasty side effects - I've literally been feeling drunk all day - it's not a good feeling -but I'll take it if it gets me my rainbow).

If no one has it, I'll call the dr tomorrow and ask what they want me to do. If someone does have it we will fill it and just pay for it. That's a lot of money but..... at least I'd have it (and they said it has almost no side effects compared to the pills).

Angel, that's a great number! Mine was only 56 at 13dpo to give you context. You are on a lot of progesterone so I can imagine how loopy you feel. I only take 1 pill of 200mg at night and sometimes it kicks in really strong and I have to go to bed immediately. Another option in the meantime is OTC progesterone cream---you can get it at any health food store.

Also, a nurse friend of mine said you can use the pills as a suppository if there's not a coating around the pill. Mine do so I have to take them orally.

Good luck with your betas!!:hugs:
Got my beta test results. HCG is at 38 (that was 11DPO Test). Does anyone know whether that's good or bad? They want me back on Monday to do a follow up (make sure it's doubling). I said okay but then realized I'm out of sick days so I left a message to see if there's any way I can go in Sunday instead, they are open weekends until noon. I'll make it work if I Have to but it'd be easier for my job if I could go in on Sunday.

As for progesterone: they didn't give me my numbers for that. But I called because my chest turned BRIGHT RED, looked like a bad sun burn. They told me to stop taking the pills and they would prescribe me the vaginal suppository. They said I mihgt have to wait til tomorrow to get it, but I just called my pharmacy and they said they wont' get it for me until MONDAY NIGHT, and it'll cost $350!! Because insurance won't pay. :wacko:

DH says $ is not hte issue, we have credit cards for a reason (I love him <3) but I'm really worried about no progesterone until Monday! I started calling around to all the local pharmacies and no one has it. The lady at safeway said she would call local pharmacies and see if she can find anyone who has it in stock for me, she's going so far as to call non-safeway pharmacies, which is rare. And very nice of her (assuming of course she actually does do it). And then will call me back.

Sooooo my plan is this: I'm taking my pills anyway today. I'm not going to risk it. I'm too scared. AF is due tomorrow....and I'm in the middle of a panic right now at the idea of being without progesterone for that many days after seeing how low my results were from my 7DPO test. I figure if I have a bright red rash this evening then at least I'm at home, and I can be miserable at home tonight (this stuff has some nasty side effects - I've literally been feeling drunk all day - it's not a good feeling -but I'll take it if it gets me my rainbow).

If no one has it, I'll call the dr tomorrow and ask what they want me to do. If someone does have it we will fill it and just pay for it. That's a lot of money but..... at least I'd have it (and they said it has almost no side effects compared to the pills).

Angel, that's a great number! Mine was only 56 at 13dpo to give you context. You are on a lot of progesterone so I can imagine how loopy you feel. I only take 1 pill of 200mg at night and sometimes it kicks in really strong and I have to go to bed immediately. Another option in the meantime is OTC progesterone cream---you can get it at any health food store.

Also, a nurse friend of mine said you can use the pills as a suppository if there's not a coating around the pill. Mine do so I have to take them orally.

Good luck with your betas!!:hugs:
Angel - 38 is a very good number for 11 DPO. It's hard to compare to others, since HCG can be so variable.

I wouldn't stop the progesterone cold turkey. If you're willing to deal with the rash, I would keep taking the pills until they can get the suppositories. You don't want your progesterone levels to drop suddenly.
Got hold of my doctor today. They decided that I should stay on the pills for now, since I didn't have a reaction last night. But if I have any redness or shortness of breathe again I am to stop again immediately. They don't want me to go until Monday night without progesterone.

Today's pills didn't give me nearly the side effects that they did on Friday. Felt a little fuzzy but not at bad. I'm happy about that!

Because I'm paranoid and crazy (and a POAS ADDICT), today we went to the store and I looked through all the tests until I found the LEAST SENSITIVE test I could (EPT has only an 85% accuracy rate at -1 days before AF, whereas most others are 98%). I know that's a blue dye test but I grabbed it and some WalMart brands (which say to not test until day of missed period) and a CB Digi (because, well, I like to see the word Pregnant). All of them came with clear positives. This makes me a LOT more reassured that my hormones are definitely increasing. Today is only 13DPO!

Doctor appointment Monday to check HCG levels and progesterone levels. And then every 48 hours blood work until my HCG is up to 1500 and thats when they'll do an ultrasound to locate the embryo sac.


I can't believe this is actually happening!

MrsRose - Thank you! That gives me a lot of hope! :) You're only on 1 pill of 200mg?! Dang, I take 3x that! No wonder I'm so messed up! :haha: My pills have a coating so I can't use them as a suppository but for now it looks like I can keep taking them unless I have another reaction.

DBZ Thanks! That's exactly what my thought process was last night. When I talked to the nurse today that's basically what I Told her: that I was more worried about the drop in progesterone than I was about the rash. She seemed to agree. Glad I didn't stop. :)
angel - sounds very positive! so exciting! glad you figured out the progesterone. good luck with your appointment on Monday! and congrats again :)
Angel: it's happening!!! I'm glad you got the progesterone worked out. My mother in law randomly called me last week and offered to call some suppositories in for me last week just in case. I passed lol

Afm: FF seems to think my od was cd9.... Which if true would be interesting cuz we BDed on cd8 and multiple times CD9. So I guess we'll see. I've been drinking and stuff because I was convinced this cycle was out so.... :dohh:I'm pretty surprised it gave me an estimate given how all over the place my bbt has been so I'm not confident in its accuracy.

Hope you ladies are having a nice weekend!
Etis - your temps really are all over hte place. If I was looking at temps alone, I would have said you O'd maybe around CD14. But adding in the Peak reading, plus the fertile CM, it's very possible it was that earlier date, even though your temps have been crazy since. Keeping FX that was your time, because you'd have a great chance!

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