Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Gagrl - definitely getting close! I think you're right, possibly tomorrow or Monday
Definitely getting close Gagirl.

So I mentioned earlier that I was using two digis this cycle because I'm crazy and seem to like blowing money on these things. Anyway as I mentioned one picked up a peak reading three days ago and the other did not....until today. I'm not sure what to make of this. I figured I had o already but now thinking maybe not? Want to BD today to be sure but DH is sick with the flu so not likely. What do you guys make of this? Any insight from comparing to my chart?
Etis - are your digi's advanced or regular? Did you start them both at the same time? Your readings are very odd and don't seem to match your CM. I'd have to get a couple more days worth of temps before I could start to form an opinion.
Etis - are your digi's advanced or regular? Did you start them both at the same time? Your readings are very odd and don't seem to match your CM. I'd have to get a couple more days worth of temps before I could start to form an opinion.

They are the advanced ones. I started one two days before the other (but it was the second one that picked up the first + reading; the first picked up that later + reading). Both picked up the high readings (which is the increase in estrogen) on the same day but one picked up a peak on CD9 in the afternoon but the other never picked up a peak reading until yesterday CD12. The wondfos, however, did not have anywhere near a + reading until today. In the picture below, yesterday's wandfo is on top and today's is on the bottom. Clearly positive and that was only after a 2.5 hour hold. I'd say that I was about to o but am not sure what to make of the possible false + earlier. BD last night and will try again tonight. If an egg is coming I wanna catch it :)
It's possible that your other advanced picked up a surge, but your body didn't actually surge. Or that it just blipped. I had trouble with the advanced ones so I switched to using the regular Digi's as a back up to my Wondfo's. When I got a close to positive wondfo I would use the regular digi to confirm (because they don't require a baseline like the advanced ones do).

That cheapie though is definitely positive! I would trust that this is your true surge. Your temp spiked today, which could be a pre-O spike if you usually have a dip for Ovulation, meaning you may not O until tomorrow or the next day. Def try to BD today and maybe tomorrow if you can! Good luck!!
I would also trust this as your true surge, Etis. Not sure what happened with the first one.

I too have trouble with the advanced ones so stick with the regular digis. But that IC is positive for sure. Get the bd in! And I hope you don't catch the flu from the hubs.

AFM, I'm squarely out today. Period arrived. I'm not as bummed as I could be. I've had a few days to expect it. Overall, it was a very good and predictable cycle length (O'd on CD 14, LP was 14 days). So textbook. So that's promising at least.

This next cycle I will plan to start BDing CD9, and aim for daily through CD 16. We'll see if we can get daily sex in 8 days in a row (probably not), but that's the goal. I'll be using the CB regular digi opk, and continuing to chart temps, cp, and cm. I'll plan to use soft cups I think, and may even try the whole eating pineapple core after o day. Trying to bring out all the big guns this cycle! Lol.
Guess I missed my surge on my opks. Went very light today. So Im not thinking we have any shot this month...
Gagrl Thats not uncommon. Mine would start to get darker then go stark white and then suddenly BAM positive. Keep testing. You have had a lot of fertile cm after the point where FF is giving you CHs so it's possible this is a preO surge. Or it might be your true CH. I would keep testing twice a day until you get a few more temps. Even if you did O then you might still have a chance based on. Your BD times. This cycle we only BD in O day and day after.
mrs. rose - congrats on the panorama results revealing your little bean is a baby girl! such exciting news. i can only imagine how amazing it would feel to hear the heart beat.

angel - glad your scan went well and that you have such a great RE. that’s awesome that they are being so attentive and that they have been throughout the entire process with you.

miss doc - do they not sell the non curved FRER anymore? at my pharmacy i though i saw the straight ones. maybe they are being phased out though. sorry about the evap lines, that would be very frustrating. i hope you find a better test soon. so with the evap lines that you mentioned, the test looks positive, but then the line disappers? so sorry this cycle was a bust for you. fx for you for this coming cycle!

ettis - good luck with this cycle. i don’t know what to make of all the inconsistencies with the tests. i have had the same experience, but for me it’s b/c of pcos. i think its great that you are covering your basis though and not blindly relying on the tests. as you have discovered, some pick up a surge, some don’t, so how are you to know when to BD? i wish these processes were reliable for everyone, but sometimes it’s just hard to tell. covering your basis as you have done is the way to go. for the future though, or for people that might not have a chance to do that for this reason or that, i wonder how to figure out all of this?

gargrl - did you miss your surge in that you did not BD or do you think you did not O this cycle? is it possible to still get a positive if you keep testing? i hope it is and that you still have a shot.

afm: my appointment went well. my ovaries are all clear - the follies shrunk completely. so i can get started. this time i am taking something called endometrim (it's progesterone, 100mg) two times a day for ten days to induce AF (since i have pcos and dont get AF on my own). they had extra so they gave them to me so i didnt have to waste time getting a prescription filled. so in ten days i'll have to wait for a few days for AF to arrive and then call them on cd 1. so the countdown is on. not looking forward to the injections. I just really hope i am able to get to the point where i am able to do the iui, instead of getting held back with the steps beforehand.
mrs. rose - congrats on the panorama results revealing your little bean is a baby girl! such exciting news. i can only imagine how amazing it would feel to hear the heart beat.

angel - glad your scan went well and that you have such a great RE. that’s awesome that they are being so attentive and that they have been throughout the entire process with you.

miss doc - do they not sell the non curved FRER anymore? at my pharmacy i though i saw the straight ones. maybe they are being phased out though. sorry about the evap lines, that would be very frustrating. i hope you find a better test soon. so with the evap lines that you mentioned, the test looks positive, but then the line disappers? so sorry this cycle was a bust for you. fx for you for this coming cycle!

ettis - good luck with this cycle. i don’t know what to make of all the inconsistencies with the tests. i have had the same experience, but for me it’s b/c of pcos. i think its great that you are covering your basis though and not blindly relying on the tests. as you have discovered, some pick up a surge, some don’t, so how are you to know when to BD? i wish these processes were reliable for everyone, but sometimes it’s just hard to tell. covering your basis as you have done is the way to go. for the future though, or for people that might not have a chance to do that for this reason or that, i wonder how to figure out all of this?

gargrl - did you miss your surge in that you did not BD or do you think you did not O this cycle? is it possible to still get a positive if you keep testing? i hope it is and that you still have a shot.

afm: my appointment went well. my ovaries are all clear - the follies shrunk completely. so i can get started. this time i am taking something called endometrim (it's progesterone, 100mg) two times a day for ten days to induce AF (since i have pcos and dont get AF on my own). they had extra so they gave them to me so i didnt have to waste time getting a prescription filled. so in ten days i'll have to wait for a few days for AF to arrive and then call them on cd 1. so the countdown is on. not looking forward to the injections. I just really hope i am able to get to the point where i am able to do the iui, instead of getting held back with the steps beforehand.

Thank you! I'm so glad your follies went down on their own. I was really hoping you wouldn't have to go through that painful procedure.
Star: So great that your follies went down on their own and you didn't have to have a painful procedure! I'm so happy for you that you're now able to get back on track. The shots won't be so bad. My friend is going through a similar procedure and says you just get used to it. You gotta do what you gotta do. Fx you don't have any setbacks so you can get to an IUI!

Gagirl: keep testing. Mine do that too. Try testing a couple times a day, one in the am, on in the evening and see.

AFM: I am trusting that this is my actual surge. I've been doing some digging around online, and I don't seem to be alone in getting false positives from the advance digis. I've noticed a theme in people reporting that when they think they got false +, the dye had run on the test strip after they pulled it out of the holder. That def was the case for my first + reading this cycle, whereas the second + reading had two clear blue lines of the same darkness. I know you're not "supposed" to read the lines on the digis but I wonder if there's something to this.

Anyway, we did manage to sneak in some BD last night and the night before even though my dad is in town visiting and our guest room shares a very thin wall with ours :blush: We've actually BD the last three nights in a row and my temp did go up maybe yesterday was the day! Hopefully so and I catch that egg
thanks you all for the kind thoughts. I'm so thankful they didn't have to painfully drain the follies. I lucked out there. right now I'm taking the endometrim pills vaginally twice a day to bring on AF, but the morning one seems to come out slowly during the day. this is first time on this particular medicine. going to call docs office tomorrow and inquire about this. I hope the effectiveness is not diminished bc it's coming out during the day.
Ettis glad you have covered your basis w the BD. guess just keep monitoring the temps. looks good that it dipped then spiked up. hopefully they will stay high.
Had my 7w scan today! Baby is measuring at 6w+6 (I'm 7w+1), and doctor says this is normal range. He can see that kidneys are functioning now, and thinks that next week we will get to HEAR heart beat! <3 So excited! He made sure to ask about spotting, twice, and pointed out that my embryonic sac is getting closer to the hematoma and that if it hits it I will probably spot, which is okay, but if i do start spotting they'll put me on restricted duty at work. Really really hoping this holds off for another couple weeks!

The bad news is that my next week appointment they had to move from 3:30 to 1:30 so I'll have to take time off. Again. Ugh. So over losing $ !

Star_E - so glad to hear your follicles are clear. Does your insurance cover IUI? Hopefully you can O with the meds this cycle and get a chance to catch the egg on your own.

Gagrl - Your temps are all sorts of crazy. But with your CM def keep testing just in case. I'd go to twice a day tests. It's normal for tests to have decent lines then go blank then lines again, so yours may do that. It just seems odd to have that much fertile CM this long after supposedly O day.

Etis - Sounds about right, regarding the digi's. I know they say don't read the lines, but honestly the digital reader is just reading the lines that are already there. So yeah, this def sounds like your actual surge. FX that was your day and you caught the egg!!


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Angel, I'm thinking I must missed it because cm is back to creamy... Oh well. Not really that concerned this month.
Angel gorgeous image of your little bean! and so wonderful to hear that everything is going well. hopefully you won't ever get the spotting. is it an inevitability? or might the sac not come close to the hematoma and you won't spot at all? if it does what does reduced activity mean? like no standing for long periods of time?

oh and do you all take many vitamins during ttc? I have been taking prenatal vitamins for the past few months. and sometimes omega3 fish oil. is there anything else I need to do or is this good enough?
Gagrl - it looks like FF shifted your CH's slightly, and this new CH looks more accurate, with only 1 day of fertile CM post-CH. Your BD timing looks good though!

Interesting about missing the surge though, some women have shorter or longer surges than others. Also I found that many months if I didn't make sure to have at least a 3 hour hold with almost no liquid during that time then my urine wasn't concentrated enough to pic up a surge. It took me 2-3 cycles of using OPKs before I was able to sort of "get the hang of it" and catch my surge.

Star - It isn't necessarily inevitable, he said that often times the body reabsorbs the hematoma and it's fine, but we could actually see the blood flow in mine so it's an active vein for sure. It occurs when the veins that enter the uterus come across the uterus instead of entering perpendicular to the lining. In very rare cases (1%) they can cause the sac to detach from the placenta, but the doctor doesn't seem worried about that (he didn't even mention it, I found that on my own with some help from Google). He said about 20% of pregnancies have these hematoma's and they aren't major concern we just have to watch for them. He didn't explain what restricted duty at work means. For many people it's less physical work and maybe less hours, but as a teacher that is basically impossible to do. So if I am put on restricted i'll have to have very specific instructions as to what that means.

As for vitamins: I took prenatals during TTC, and occasionally Omega3s. I also took B Complex and vitamin D but that had nothing to do with TTC and everything to do with the fact that I have Vit D deficiency (living on the pacific north west coast will do that) and the B Complex helps give me energy to get through the day. :haha:
Star, glad you didn't have to have that procedure. Such a relief for you I bet. I do take some vitamins. I don't take a prenatal, because something in multivitamins doesn't sit well with me. So I take folic acid, calcium, vit D, vit C, CoQ10, and fish oil/dha. Hopefully that covers the important things I and future baby would need.

Angel, what a lovely scan! How awesomely exciting that you may hear the heartbeat soon. I hope that sac and the hematoma stay far enough away from one another. I work in a hospital and was put on light duty for a med reason once (not ttc related) and it meant I couldn't stand on my feet for more than 5 minutes at a time, or walk long distances. Needed to find every opportunity to sit. That was pretty much it. As a teacher, perhaps it'll mean needing to sit throughout your teaching day.

Gaggirl, hopefully you didn't totally miss it. Fingers crossed for you!
MissDoc- thanks, that's helpful to know! Though I honestly can't see how I could avoid standing for more than 5 minutes at a time!! I guess I could use my document camera instead of writing on the whiteboard and could make students come to me instead of me going around the room when they need help. Honestly, I'd have to tell the students somethign at that point because they would not understand why I was suddenly changing my routine. I'm a very active teacher, and am always moving around the room. I'm just going to hope that nothing happens. :)

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