Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Jezika-- EXACTLY! I too have checked, and rechecked, and then rechecked multiple times later, lol. I had an EPT in the house (blue dye, so not great I hear) but used that today with still a BFN. Which is not surprising as it's only 8dpo.

I will probably just keep testing like a maniac, and if my period comes, I'll try to be more reasonable next cycle. I don't know why I'm so psycho this cycle. But I've decided to just lean into the crazy rather than trying to avoid it. :-P

In terms of symptom spotting, all yesterday I had cramping that felt like AF was coming soon. Today the cramping is less. I still feel it, but it's not as strong. So I'm cautiously wondering if the cramping could have been implantation. I had indigestion yesterday, which is unusual for me. I know none of this means anything, but like I said, I'm leaning into the crazy. :-P
Angel so sorry about your friend. that is so very sad. I don't really know anything about ectopic pgs and wasn't aware of the risks associated with not getting an u/s within a certain number of weeks after getting pg. why would doctors wait so long?

good luck at your next appointment.

jezika- how are you doing?

miss doc fx you get a bfp soon. good luck.
Wow I have a lot of catching up to do--

First, Angel: I'm so sorry to hear about your friend! That's so terrible and scary. Eptopic pregnancies are so dangerous that I really can't believe it isn't standard to do US early just to make sure things are where they're supposed to be. I hope you're doing well otherwise. How's your paper coming?

Star: Sounds like you're making the best of a very long week, which is great! I'm sorry that you have to wait so long and are so easily derailed from TTC. I hope your body starts getting with the program soon! How much longer do you have now?

MissDoc: Good luck! The TWW is the worst. I gave up symptom hunting last cycle because honestly time was the only thing that would tell. Easier said than done I know, but hopefully you can find some fun to distract you for a little while.

Jaika: hope your US goes well!

AFM: Temps seem to be a little less jumpy this time around...I've been getting high readings on the digis for the past three days but the wondfos are no where near positive so we'll see. I've also had cramping on my right side every day since AF ended but we haven't had time for any BD, so I'm worried that the endometrosis is back and that's what's causing problems. Heading out of town for a little mini-midweek vacay with DH to celebrate our anniversary, which timing wise could also be good if I'm about to o. We'll see. Fx. Have an appointment set up with my doc on June 7th regardless--am due for an annual and figure if this cycle is a bust, I should probably get cracking on next steps with testing, etc.
Today I go in my for 6w scan. Hoping to see heart beat. I'm so nervous. Had nightmares last night that nothing was there. :cry: I just want to see that my little bean is doing okay. :(

star - most doctors don't do a scan until 8-10 weeks. That's very common in the U.S but also in other countries. My friend was living in Ireland, and they don't typically see pregnant women until around 10-12 weeks I think. An ectopic pregnancy usually will start to have pretty bad pelvic pain, especially one sided pain. With spotting (which may become heavier - which is bad sign), and if it ruptures the tube it becomes dangerous and severe.

Etis - my paper is almost done! :wohoo: Ive submitted it for peer review, and am no working on the presentation piece while I wait for feedback. My presentation is a week from Friday! :wacko:

Have fun on your vacation!
angel - i hope your scan goes well. i understand being nervous, sending you lots of positive energy for your scan. let us know how it goes. fx for you.

etis - that's great that the temps are less rocky. maybe that method will prove to be more consistent for you. hope you do O during your vacay as the timing would be great. i also get you with not symptom spotting. i will def remember that for next cycle b/c i did not O this cycle and i did have what appeared to be ewcm. i still need to get the wondfos. i'll order them today.

afm, today is cd31 and she told me to call her if no AF by cd35. so maybe i'll call on friday (cd33) and set up an appointment for monday (cd36). then they will check to see if the follies have shrunk. she said if there was still one left that she could drain it, which i do not want to happen. she said it is extremely painful, but only lasts for a few seconds. the alternative would be to wait another cycle. my head will spin if the follie has not shrunk. this overstim thing is beyond frustrating. i'll know soon enough.

oh are the O wondfos just called wondfo one step ovulation tests? i just want to make sure i get the right ones. im hoping they are less sensitve than the clear clue which do not work at all for me.
Star: Mine are just called "wondfo 100 ovulation tests and 20 pregnancy tests." Who knows I may have been duped cuz I just realized they were sold by Easy@Home that also sells the exact same pack.

Angel: Hope your scan went well! And glad to hear you're making progress on your paper and presentation! So soon you'll be done! Very exciting

AFM: So my little mini-vacay was AMAZING and much needed. Wish it was longer than a night but I'll take what I can get right now. BDed a few times on CD8&9...which may have been great timing and may not. Once again, my opks cannot agree. I've been getting high readings on both digis since CD5 (using two again this time to test at different points in the day). Had what appeared to be ewcm on CD8&9 but am worried that it might have been arousal and/or seminal fluid that I mistook for ewcm. With one of the digis that I use with fmu, I have not gotten a peak reading. But with the second, that I use later in the evening, I got a peak reading last night (CD9). I had a temperature spike yesterday morning that seems fleeting because my temps this morning dropped again--so it may have been related to the late night BD or the anniversary wine? On top of that, none of my cheapie opks have shown anything close to a + reading. And my cm is back to creamy. So I don't know what to believe.

Oh, and in addition to all of that, we messed up and went into a whirlpool yesterday morning after our couples massage and now I'm worried that we screwed everything up. It wasn't particularly hot, more like a hot bath, but still. I found out after the fact that it was a huge no no when TTC, so I'm all freaked out that we ruined any potentially well-timed BD, as well as BD in the near future due to the negative impact it can have on sperm count. Does anyone know if a woman going into a hot tub around ovulation could ruin her chances if she already had done the deed? Like is the sperm safer to temperature fluctuations inside me?

UGH whyyyy is this so complicated??
I'm on my first month with opks.. Cd 11 vs cd13, getting darker


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6w scan yesterday went very well. Baby is just the right size for 6w+2, right on track. and there was a little heart beat! Couldn't hear it but there was a little flicker that I could just barely make out on the screen that the dr says was the heart beat.

There are a couple Chorionic hematomas (?) I think that's what he said. He said it's nothing to be too concerned about right now, they are going to keep tracking them and make sure they don't get bigger. Basically they are blood pools that hopefully the body will reabsorb. they want to make sure they don't expand and start to move around the placenta sac. He said I could start spotting. If so I am to call them immediately, they'll bring me in to check, and then they'll immediately put me on light duty for awhile regardless of what the results of the U/S are if there is any spotting.

Very thorough. I really like my RE.

star - the wondfos are called Wondfo One Step Ovulation Tests. Honestly, if the clear blue ones didn't work, I doubt these will either. Most Ov tests are about the same in terms of sensitivity. You can try, but don't be too disappointed if they don't wrk.

Etis - I don't think that you going in the whirlpool is going to affect TTC or ruin your BD. I believe that the primary concern with hot tubs during TTC is if the guy is in them very often and it is very hot because that can be damaging to the sperm. But even my RE said that the occasional hot tub is not a problem.

Gagrl - getting darker! Hopefully you get the + Soon! :)
Angel you're right. I'm just being paranoid. Your RE sounds awesome! You're in good hands. They don't sound like they take any chances which has gotta be reassuring.

Gagirl: definitely getting darker! Mine tend to fluctuate a bit before any real positive looking ones, so don't get discouraged if that happens. Hopefully you'll just progressively darker till an obvious pos. might want to try testing mid-morning with smu and in the evening. Sometimes the surge happens fast and later in the day so you can miss it.
Angel so glad your scan went well! It's amazing to see that little heart beating , isn't it:cloud9: Just wait until you can hear it! I don't know much about heamatomas but glad yours don't look serious and being kept an eye on. Will you be staying with your RE, I would think you'd be released at one point and given e.g. a midwife to take over?

FXed to everyone still TTCing :dust:
Angel you're right. I'm just being paranoid. Your RE sounds awesome! You're in good hands. They don't sound like they take any chances which has gotta be reassuring.

Gagirl: definitely getting darker! Mine tend to fluctuate a bit before any real positive looking ones, so don't get discouraged if that happens. Hopefully you'll just progressively darker till an obvious pos. might want to try testing mid-morning with smu and in the evening. Sometimes the surge happens fast and later in the day so you can miss it.

Good to know.. I've been testing at 4:30pm right after work
6w scan yesterday went very well. Baby is just the right size for 6w+2, right on track. and there was a little heart beat! Couldn't hear it but there was a little flicker that I could just barely make out on the screen that the dr says was the heart beat.

There are a couple Chorionic hematomas (?) I think that's what he said. He said it's nothing to be too concerned about right now, they are going to keep tracking them and make sure they don't get bigger. Basically they are blood pools that hopefully the body will reabsorb. they want to make sure they don't expand and start to move around the placenta sac. He said I could start spotting. If so I am to call them immediately, they'll bring me in to check, and then they'll immediately put me on light duty for awhile regardless of what the results of the U/S are if there is any spotting.

Very thorough. I really like my RE.

star - the wondfos are called Wondfo One Step Ovulation Tests. Honestly, if the clear blue ones didn't work, I doubt these will either. Most Ov tests are about the same in terms of sensitivity. You can try, but don't be too disappointed if they don't wrk.

Etis - I don't think that you going in the whirlpool is going to affect TTC or ruin your BD. I believe that the primary concern with hot tubs during TTC is if the guy is in them very often and it is very hot because that can be damaging to the sperm. But even my RE said that the occasional hot tub is not a problem.

Gagrl - getting darker! Hopefully you get the + Soon! :)

So glad you had another great scan! It's such an amazing feeling to see that little heart flicker, especially when they're only the size of a grain of rice at that point!

Afm, got my Panorama results back and everything came back low risk...and it's a baby girl! I thought for sure it was a boy! I have my 12 week scan today and I'm super nervous about it. I just hope there's still a healthy little one going strong in there.
Kat - my RE will continue to see me through first tri. I start to see my OB at 9weeks but will still continue with the RE - they like to stick with their patients all trnway through first tri at least. I thought they would sort of drop me after the first few weeks or something but they've been amazing. <3

MrsRose - a girl? Congrats!! Can't wait to hear about your 12w scan.
I'm pretty happy with my line progression
Cd11(top), cd13(middle), cd14(bottom)


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Angel, so excited that your scan went well. Sounds like those hematomas are not big deals, but really great that your RE is so attentive.

MrsRose, I'll look forward to hearing how the scan of your little girl goes!

AFM, I'm feeling bummed today. All of my tests have been BFNs, despite having a couple "almost" looking FRERs that upon closer inspection when help up to the light were just the evaporation patterns due to the new stupid curved design. So infuriating. I had one full day a few days ago where I really believed it and thought I was pregnant. Such a bummer.

I don't want to buy the frers anymore because this design is killing me with the evaps. Does anyone have a preference for a good early testing brand that isn't the frer?
Everything went well at the appointment today. They said everything looked great and baby girl is measuring a week ahead! I'm so in love!

MissDoc, I'm so sorry about the evaps on your FRER. Unfortunately I've heard of that happening quite often. I like to use Wondfos and if those show a line, I'd use a FRER. Have you seen the twin packs of the FRERs that have a digital and an old FRER? It might be handy to have a couple of those on hand.


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Kat - my RE will continue to see me through first tri. I start to see my OB at 9weeks but will still continue with the RE - they like to stick with their patients all trnway through first tri at least. I thought they would sort of drop me after the first few weeks or something but they've been amazing. <3

Wow that's pretty nice! My RE discharged me after my 8 week scan but she's at a public hospital. Plus I think there's a lot of people on the waiting list to start IVF (we were on the waiting list ourselves for 6-7 months) so they need to move people along so those waiting can start ASAP.
Gagrl - getting some nice progression there! Mine used to just darken until they hit positive but the last few months they would jump around and get a good line, then almost nothing, and then suddenly "BOOM" positive. Looks like you are leading up to + :)

MissDoc - I also really don't like the new FRER's. The curve pattern creates a bad evap, or traps the liquid so it looks like a line. I personally like the Wondfo's and the Dollar Store brand. I never get any evaps on those and they pick up pretty well I think. The Wondfo line I had was really faint and could only be seen in good lighting, but the line fromt he same day on dollar store was a little better, and a couple days later I took a FRER an got a good line. That worked best for me.

Kat - Yeah, I'm so impressed my RE is keeping me through first Tri. They don't seem to be exceptionally busy, but I think that's because there are several RE's in the area and mine does a little bit of everything, so they see people like me who just need some extra help, and they do IUI and IVF.
I did mine today a bit early so I tested again and look at how much darker it is.. I'm thinking tomorrow Monday for a positive.


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