Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Star, glad you didn't have to have that procedure. Such a relief for you I bet. I do take some vitamins. I don't take a prenatal, because something in multivitamins doesn't sit well with me. So I take folic acid, calcium, vit D, vit C, CoQ10, and fish oil/dha. Hopefully that covers the important things I and future baby would need.

Angel, what a lovely scan! How awesomely exciting that you may hear the heartbeat soon. I hope that sac and the hematoma stay far enough away from one another. I work in a hospital and was put on light duty for a med reason once (not ttc related) and it meant I couldn't stand on my feet for more than 5 minutes at a time, or walk long distances. Needed to find every opportunity to sit. That was pretty much it. As a teacher, perhaps it'll mean needing to sit throughout your teaching day.

Gaggirl, hopefully you didn't totally miss it. Fingers crossed for you!

Either I didn't O or I missed my surge because my temps are staying up there..
hey ladies, I've been trying to take a step back but just wanted to check in on you.

Angel - BEAUTIFUL scan! So so happy that you got to see your little bub and all is looking great.

Star - great news that you didn't have to have the procedure. I know you were very nervous about it. Just brilliant news.

lots of luck and baby dust to everyone else! x
Hey Mrs. unicorn: I'd been wondering how you've been doing. Looks like you got some well time BD in this cycle! Fx! How's the kitty?

Gagirl: if FF is right in its guess of your od looks like you had some well time BD too! Maybe not out yet

AFM: FF give me CH for cd12. BD that day (and two day after) but would have liked to have got some BD in the day before. Looks like I have a trend of getting false + on the digis around cd 9 (happened last month too) when really my od is around CD 12-13. I'm trusting the wondfos way more now.
Hey Mrs. unicorn: I'd been wondering how you've been doing. Looks like you got some well time BD in this cycle! Fx! How's the kitty?

Gagirl: if FF is right in its guess of your od looks like you had some well time BD too! Maybe not out yet

AFM: FF give me CH for cd12. BD that day (and two day after) but would have liked to have got some BD in the day before. Looks like I have a trend of getting false + on the digis around cd 9 (happened last month too) when really my od is around CD 12-13. I'm trusting the wondfos way more now.

Etis we honestly were so preoccupied this month with everything else from my father in law passing and my kitty and my anxiety acting up, that even with the opks and bbt, I was so nonchalant about it all that it doesn't suprised me I missed it. But hey like you said bd wasn't too far off so who knows. It would be ultra awesome to have my dh first father's day without his dad to be his first father's day.
Etis - I'm ok. Decided to ditch the temping after o this cycle, it was winding me up! Not sure if I mentioned that two weeks ago I found out my SIL was 8 weeks pregnant. Unfortunately this week, at 10 weeks, she had a mmc just like me. It's been a pretty rough few weeks.

Glad you've managed to get to grips with the right opks for you. Was very strange you getting the + around cd9!

Our kitten is doing really great, thanks. Growing and discovering new things everyday!

Gagrl - your bding doesn't look too far off at all - infact fairly spot on. fx for you, it would be so lovely for you DH this fathers day. Hope you're both doing as ok as you can. x
Gagrl - if you didn't O then you wouldn't have had a temp shift. So if your temps stay elevated then you definitely did O. From your chart it looks like you did, you probably missed the surge.Sometimes the surge can be really short and hard to pick up. It's different for every woman and can take a few cycles to get the hang of it.

Etis - Yeah, this looks like it was the real surge. So weird that you keep getting false positives at CD9 on the digi. Was it the same digital reader both times? I Wonder if that reader is faulty?

MrsUnicorn - :hugs: I'm so sorry to hear about your SIL. That's awful. :hugs: I'm so terrified of MC. every week I tell myself "If I can just get through this week I'll stop being paranoid" but then I find someone else who had a MC later, and I Freak out again. One of my good friends told me her first pregnancy was a MC at 14 weeks (I had not known her back then) and then I freaked out because I have been telling myself that once I make it through first tri I Could stop worrying!

Looks like you did have some good BD timing this month. So I'm hoping this is your month. :kiss:
Thanks angel. Oh I hope I didn't add to your worry with that. Try your very best to enjoy each day (I treasure those days) and you're still having weekly scans yes, is that helping? You know you will always find a sad story at pretty much any point in a pregnancy but it is still far less likely to happen after you've seen / heard a heartbeat and then out of the first tri. Hang in there, it's great you are being monitored so closely :hugs:

I'm feeling so very sick at the moment. I was yesterday too. I was doing so well not symptom spotting but this nausea can't be ignored. I keep telling myself it's due to everything that has gone on over the past few days with my SIL, I cannot bare to get my hopes up. I tested today at 10 dpo and nothing so it is probably just because of the upset.
mrs unicorn: So sorry to hear about your SIL! How awful for you guys. The nausea is curious didn't eat anything weird did you or think it could be a stomach flu? Cuz if not...maybe it's an early sign. Wouldn't read too much into a BFN at 10 dpo--most likely the hpt would be bfn either way at that point. Give it another 4 or 5 days and try again. Fx for you!

Angel: So the weird thing about last cycle was that both readers picked up the surge on CD9--I was using them both at the same time at that point. This cycle I used them at different points in the day. So yes, one of the readers picked up a + on CD 9 both cycles. One of them did not and picked up the true surge on CD12 this cycle. Remember last month how we were convinced based off the wondfos that I really ovulated sometime around CD13-15? Same thing this month. The wondfos are proving to be more reliable than the digis for sure. So strange, but now I'm just going to trust the cheapies. Glad my BBT leveled out this month too so it could confirm the wondfos.

Gagirl: You really did seem to time your BD well even if it was kind of a fluke. The opks can take a while to figure out. I've learned that smu and late afternoon/evening testing works best for me. But fx that this is your cycle and you won't need to worry about it! You sound like you all deserve some happy news. Good luck!
Angel - glad the doc is not seriously concerned about the hematoma. it sounds like you are in good hands. your doc seems very thorough. i hope you don’t spot and it just reabsorbs. that way you won’t have to worry about how to deal with the restricted activity. i think you mentioned you were off for the summer, right? i hope i remembered that correctly. if so, enjoy! Do you find that the B complex helps with energy? i have low energy, maybe i should try it.

Miss doc - thanks for the feedback on your vitamin regimen. i’ve been taking the prenatals and off and on the omega 3 which has vit D in it. did you doc suggest any particular supplements or did you do the research on your own after you learned that the multis don’t sit well with you.

Gagrl - your temps are looking like you did O. i got sick and FF got confused and thought I had O this cycle and a few days later when my temps started dropping it removed the line. So only time will tell. But if you did not get sick or there is not some other reason why the temps are high, then it looks like you did O. I’m still pretty new to temping though.

mrs. unicorn - i am sorry about your SIL, that is awful news. it’s very nice to hear from you though. it looks like you are in your TWW. fx for you this cycle! i know how hard all of this can be. and i understand that the temping can be hard. ive been taking my temp for the past few days but not recording it because i am concerened that FF will say I have ovulated and get confused because I am taking progesterone to induce AF. maybe it wouldn’t matter, maybe i’ll input it, but maybe not b/c i know i am not pg and im just waiting for AF to show so i can relaly just start temping when AF arrives.

ettis - well it does take some experimenting. now you know that the wondfos might be more reliable for you. I think your BD looks good for this cycle. Yea, the day before would have been nice, but I think you still have a great shot. fx for you!
Etis - I don't think I've eaten anything dodgy. DH and I have eaten the same home cooked stuff and he's ok. It's probably down to the upset with my SIL, which has coincided with my second week of the TWW so I'm trying not to read anything into it.
mrs.unicorn: How are you feeling today? Any better?

Star: Did you ever end up getting the wondfos? Curious how they work for you, since they seem to be more reliable than the digis in my case. Also, I think I was more likely to have O on cd13 since that was the day I got a blazing positive on the wandfo after only a two hour hold in the am. The spiked BBT that I have on CD13 may not be accurate. I forgot to set my alarm that morning and woke up 2.5 hours later than normal. I used an online calculator to try and adjust my temp to what it would have been at my normal temp time, so who knows how accurate it is. I just decided to discard it in case it was throwing things off.
etis - thanks for asking hun. No nausea today but I did a FRER and bfn so pretty fed up with that. I'm not going to test again this cycle, it would have shown up by now (11 dpo). Oh well, it's a 3 day weekend as Monday is a bank holiday in the UK so I can drown my sorrows in wine for next couple of days :wine:

Just looking at your chart - you might have o'd cd14 with that dip? Sorry, don't want to add to the confusion! I tend to get a blazing +opk in the am of O, I also have the temp dip then too.
haha no worries on the confusion. As long as I o'd sometime between CD12-14 I'm happy because we definitely got our BD action in during those days. Just gonna have to wait and see is all.

Sorry to hear about the BFN. So frustrating! But hey, get some good wine to drown your sorrows. Might as well enjoy it while you can! We have a three day weekend here as well. Cheers to holidays!
Etis I haven't purchased them yet. I will though and have some time bc I still have to take my progesterone till wed and then wait a few days for AF to show and them go through AF. hopefully they will work better. glad you got your bases covered this cycle w your BDing. good luck this cycle.

mrs unicorn so sorry about the bfn. glad you have the wine to look forward too. I've been happily drinking during my wait :) good luck next cycle.
Hey ladies, nothing exciting here. It's CD 9 and I'm getting EWCM, so we're BDing daily, starting yesterday, or at least that's the plan. I often get a whole week of EWCM, so it doesn't necessarily mean O is that close, but Bding just in case. If this cycle follows my typical pattern, I'll O some time this coming weekend, likely Saturday or Sunday. So until then, lots of dancing the baby dance.

I've re-started daily exercising and am paying attention to get enough water and veggies into every day, as well as sleep and daily vitamins. So hopefully it's making for a nice cozy healthy little place for a bean to sprout this month. :-P
Good luck miss doc! Sounds like you're covering all your bases.

Star: Hope AF arrives quickly for you so that you can finally get back to trying.

Mrs unicorn: did AF officially show?

AFM: 10dpo (according to FF) and a bfn this morning. Not super optimistic about my chances as I am due for AF Saturday, but I also think I may have o-Ed a day or two after FF's prediction so I'm still in the too early to tell zone. I have almost no symptoms though other than the left side of my left boob being sore and some on and off minor cramping that's been persistent throughout this cycle. I don't think either are pregnancy symptoms but time will tell for sure. Got an appointment with my obgyn next week regardless so if AF shows, I'm ready to get started on testing and next steps
Etis - yep cd1 today. I'm ok, don't really feel anything towards it - which is nice, the emotions are very draining! What tests are you hoping to have?

Miss doc - good luck this cycle! I'm also starting up a new exercise routine. Although I had to take yesterday off due to pulled muscles, I'm a bit rusty :rofl:

Star - hope you're doing ok? You're taking this cycle off right? Whats the plan for next cycle?

I've decided I'm not going to chart this cycle. My o day hardly changes (cd12/13) so no temping or opks! Just going to bd every other day from cd8-16.
Good luck miss doc! Sounds like you're covering all your bases.

Star: Hope AF arrives quickly for you so that you can finally get back to trying.

Mrs unicorn: did AF officially show?

AFM: 10dpo (according to FF) and a bfn this morning. Not super optimistic about my chances as I am due for AF Saturday, but I also think I may have o-Ed a day or two after FF's prediction so I'm still in the too early to tell zone. I have almost no symptoms though other than the left side of my left boob being sore and some on and off minor cramping that's been persistent throughout this cycle. I don't think either are pregnancy symptoms but time will tell for sure. Got an appointment with my obgyn next week regardless so if AF shows, I'm ready to get started on testing and next steps

My AF is due Saturday as well. Had some random ewcm at 9dpo last night.. But I'm sure that could be due to AF coming as well. Trying not to test again until Sunday.
Ladies need some help here. Took a hpt this am and at first glance it looked like a BFN. But at second glance I could swear there might be a shadow line. It's nearly impossible to tell but I still tried to take a picture with a marker showing where I think I might see it. It's really only at a certain angle that I catch a hint of it and the picture is even less clear than in person but I've attached it for the hell of it. Having major line eyes so I won't be upset if you guys don't see it. I'm not convinced I do either. Other than that, feeling bloated and crampy this morning though my temps have stayed up and my cf is still creamy.
View attachment 948742
Ladies need some help here. Took a hpt this am and at first glance it looked like a BFN. But at second glance I could swear there might be a shadow line. It's nearly impossible to tell but I still tried to take a picture with a marker showing where I think I might see it. It's really only at a certain angle that I catch a hint of it and the picture is even less clear than in person but I've attached it for the hell of it. Having major line eyes so I won't be upset if you guys don't see it. I'm not convinced I do either. Other than that, feeling bloated and crampy this morning though my temps have stayed up and my cf is still creamy.
I don't see anything there but Fx this is your bfp

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