Ooh I forgot to mention, we had the most amazing last two nights of sleep! When I first went back to work Melody went from waking 2-3 times a night to waking 4-5 times a night!

It was insane, but I think related to the change in her environment and caregiver schedule. By Friday last week she was back down to only two wake ups a night for food, unfortunately they were around midnight and 4am. A 4am wakeup is incredibly inconvenient when my alarm is going to go off at 5, so by the time I feed her I might as well stay up. :/ But the last two nights she has only woken up around 2am to eat! It's amazing how great those two nights have been with only 1 wake up! She actually woke up 2 other times last night and I heard her on the monitor but I try to wait a few minutes if she isn't really crying before I go in and see if she settles herself down and both times she put herself back to sleep quickly. So proud of my girl!

She's still 95% BF, we give a bottle "dream feed" at night when we go to bed to help hold her over a little longer. I usually use whatever breastmilk is left over in the fridge that my mom/sister thawed but didn't use plus a little formula (she drinks about 3-4 ounces at the dream feed so if she has 2 oz of BM left over then I add 1-2 oz of formula). Either way, I'm so proud of how well she's sleeping. Bedtime is between 6-7pm, she might wake around 8:30 to eat, depending on when her last meal was, and then just the one other wake up. And then we're up at 6am (perfect timing for me to feed her before I have to leave for work).
Keeping FX that it continues!
cutestuff - the nice thing about your dd wearing smaller clothes is that at least you get to have her in them for awhile! For some of our 3-6 month clothes, Melody only got 1-2 wears out of some outfits before she was too tall! Melody's 99% height, 50% weight, but only 10% head circumference! I don't know if that's bad, but the doctor didn't seem overly concerned. She said she was glad to see it was growing, I assume if there was a concern she would have said so.
Kat - the jumper or exersaucer would help to strengthen his core muscles as well as legs. I actually have an exersaucer for Melody because she really prefers to be upright but can't hold herself up just yet so I put her in the exersaucer with a textbook on the floor (she's just a tiny bit too short still for the one I have) and then put a blanket around her to keep her from toppling. Since I have started doing that, and I Have started sitting her between my legs and having her sit with my hands right near her so she has support but has to use some of her own muscles, I've seen an improvement in her muscles. She's actually at a point where she can "tripod sit" for about 5 seconds before she falls. I think it would really help Alexander.