It's been awhile! Melody keeps me busy and I've been stressed about going back to work. I can't believe my Mat Leave is over and I go back on Monday!
Melody was getting so much better and then turned around and her cold settled into her chest. She's got rattling in her chest, and a cough.

Poor baby. I talked to the doctor and she said as long as it's a wet cough and she's breathing and eating okay then she's fine and no need to bring her in. If she spikes a fever, or eating decreases or labored breathing to go in. The last two days are slowly getting better though. We've been doing lots of warm baths in a very steamy bathroom (run the shower as hot as it'll go until the bathroom is fully steamed up then start her bath in warm water, she loves water so this is a fun time for her). That plus nasal drops and the NoseFrida seem to be working to pull out the mucous and she's not quite as raspy when she breathes now.
I feel like we made a breakthrough in her sleep. I got her on a good schedule where she goes down for bed between 7 and 8 every night, getting up around 6am. The last three nights I have started to give her a "dream feed" (feed while she's still sleeping) around 9pm before we go to bed. Then she has only woken twice, around 12-1am and 4:15am (always 4-4:30am, that one is becoming habitual). I really think in the next week I'll be able to start encouraging her to push that 4am feeding forward closer to 6am. My doctor says at that age, even EBF, she can easily go a solid 6 hours over night without food if she's getting enough calories during the day. Since I've seen her go 5 hours on her own before overnight I'm sure she's close to being ready. If she continues to do this for a week (only wake twice a night) I'm going to start encouraging her to go back to sleep at the 4am feeding. if she goes back to sleep easily (within 15 minutes) I'll go back to bed, if she fights and really wants to eat I'll feed her. If I feed her at least I'll be waiting at least 15 minutes later and I think eventually she'll start to shift her wake uptime a little later. It just sucks because by the time I finish feeding her at a 4am feeding it isn't worth going back to sleep (alarm for work goes off at 5).
I'm also really excited because she's started to put herself to sleep without my help!

Not every time, but twice after we do our sleepy time routine when she's resisted me patting her back and is too busy looking around and wiggling in bed I will just kiss her goodnight and say "good night sweetheart, it's sleepy time. I'll see you when you wake up" and walk out. If she cries (not fusses but cries) I go back in and comfort her, and help her go to sleep (patting her back and "sh" noises), but on two occasions this week she just laid there and looked around and wiggled a bit and started to drift to sleep and next thing I know I look at the monitor and she's asleep! Same thing with the middle of the night, Monday and Tuesday she woke at 1am (after eating at midnight) , fussed a bit but before I could get up and go to her she settled back down and so I waited and watched and within 20 minutes she was asleep again. Of course if she cries I go right in but when she's just making noise I let her try to put herself down first. She's getting there slowly.
Since I start back to work Monday, I hope it continues. I'm afraid that she'll regress a little because of the disruption and change. But at least right now I know she is capable of letting me get a solid 3-4 hours of sleep before waking! It's like I'm a new woman with 4 hours of sleep.
Kat - DH did start to help with her wake ups, thank goodness! She doesn't go to sleep as easily for him, probably because she's used to me, but I think it helped her to start to sleep better because she doesn't associate nursing or comfort sucking with him. I also moved her to her own room middle of this week and I think that's helping. The monitor is very sensitive so I still hear her noises but in our room if she even shifted her weight and rolled to her side I woke up and would check on her, and that seemed to wake her even more. This way she has the opportunity to settle herself and she seems to be doing well.
I'm so sorry about your DH. Honestly, I would have lost my sh*t if my DH had talked to me like that. Seriously. It sounds borderline abusive the way he talks to you, telling you that you'll do it just because he says so.
In fact, I'm pretty sure i would have packed up my stuff and gone to stay with someone else or even at a hotel and he would have just come home to find me gone.

But...I was in a very abusive relationship with my ex for 6 years and once I got away I quit taking any BS from anyone so my personality is just a little more "aggressive" about that.

In fact, my husband and my BIL joke that you can't tell my sister or I what to do unless you want us to do the exact opposite because we are just too strong willed.

(it's only half way true

Alexander is adorable! Love the pics!
Jezika - The house hunting sounds awful! I'm so sorry that you lost the house you had tried for 2 years ago. I'm so glad you were able to pull out of the dark house though, it's never good to buy out of desperation. I would rather continue to rent than buy a home I would hate! Congrats on Tilly's teeth breaking through! She's adorable by the way! Too cute! Hope she's settling down and sleeping better now!
How does Tilly like the exersaucer? I got a free one yesterday from our community group and even though Melody can't sit up unaided yet she likes to be sitting so I'm giong to let her sit in it with lots of blankets packed around her to keep her upright and see how it goes (and I'll be right there in case it doesn't work out). She gets so frustrated if she's laying for too long, she wants to sit upright!
I was really iffy about the NoseFrida but after a ton of recommendations from friends we got it. And OMG it's amazing, even as I'm gagging as I do it.
That finance issue sounds tricky. I'm so glad that DH and I combined our finances. We almost didn't, and until we were married we had separate accounts even though we lived together. I think we have less money contention now than we did when we had separate accounts. I'm so thankful he doesn't moan about my student loans. I've got quite a bit, but my job wouldn't be possible without them, so he just tolerates it.
drjo - a boy?! Congrats!!!
Gagrl - So what does that mean, that they saw those instances of cardiac.... is there anything you have to do or just be careful?
That situation with your FIL's house sounds awful!! I'm so glad that things are getting going though. It's wonderful that you have people who can/will help you.
cutestuff - your DD sounds adorable! So cute