Anyone TTC#2 and wanting to chat

lol sarah-just down the m25 and m3! lol

did frer and clear line. I posted in BFP forum as got a 'oh'; from my mum and silence really, we told early as i had issues with ollie when he was a dot so we want the support there is anything happend. not sure about that just yet!

your camera sounds extremly posh! way to complex for me!
Great frer jem :) Congrats again hope you have a lovely pregnancy :)

Well today we met up with Stef & co again .... It was really nice to see them all after so long and finally meet little Isla :)
We met at Costa had a latte and a chat and baby snuggles :) Then we went off to a pub and had some lunch xx
It was a really wet cold day so there wasnt much else we could do unfortuantly :( But it was still nice to meet up xx
Glad you had a good time, I think our winter is finally kicking in! Its freezing here! Ollie is being a pest today I have so much work to do and he wont settle so dh is getting cross and i have to keep intercepting! They are currently ging 'jump jump' a trip to mother in laws may be needed
Must be a day for pests, Olivia is being such a pest, I have so much housework and college work to do and I cant find the motivation either between tearing my hair out at Olivia and thinking about everything I need to do... I swear there is a break down inj the middle of all that somewhere.

Also need to pop to the supermarket to get stuff to make butternut squash and spinich curry for tonights tea

I had a lovely day yesterday despite getting wet, never mind though, heres to typical british weather.

Jem, im sure your mum will come round, perhaps she wasnt expecting it just yet if your doing your masters etc. I know my mum questions how I think im going to cope with uni if I get in... especially as ill be giving up my job.

Jem - congratulations hun, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months :)

M25, M3 means nothing to me :blush: where in Hampshire are you?

Kerri and Stef - glad you had a good day yesterday, shame about the weather but i'm sure you'll have some summer days where you could make up for it :D

not much to report here, i spoke to sam about visiting the Dr earlier than April, he is off on Tuesday and has suggested we book a Drs appointment for then :wacko: I think it will be good to get checked out and know if there is anything that could be causing me not to get pregnant :)

Got my outfit for my friends wedding on Saturday (shes Twiglet on here) cant wait :) Izzie will be meeting Caitlyn for the first time :) I hope they get on as well as we think they will :) need to pop to Next tomorrow to get her, her outfit :)
Hey Sarah :hi:

Sounds a good idea bringing drs appointment forward, you have been trying well over a year since we started this thread so surely cant hurt to go and ask for some answers. :hugs: let us know how you get on.

Next have some lovely girls things in their new seasons clothes, hope you find something nice.

thanks Stef, i'm hoping they'll just say everything is fine but we'll see at least we're a step closer to finding out if there is anything not quite right :) so glad i have you girls still :hugs:

i cant wait to look in next although i am officially broke now - manged to spend £91 in Dorothy perkins today - bad times when that happens! OOPS! gonna be on low spend for the rest of the month now :wacko:
You will always have us Sarah xx and hopefully the dr will say all is well ... Like Stef says let us know how you get on xx

thanks sweet, sometimes i feel like i dont belong here now as everyone has got there bfps and had there babies :) i am so pleased for everyone but sometimes i just feel that i cant really talk about it now :shrug:

Anyway i'm being silly this week has been quite hard, my friend at work is going to start ttc in June, and i know that if shes get a bfp before me i'm gonna be gutted really
Aww Sarah, you will always have us and thankfully this thread seems to be coming together more lately too.

You can always talk about it to us, I know it hasnt taken as long for some of us as it has for you but dosent mean we forgot how much it can drag you down etc. :hugs:

Nooo dont be daft of course you belong here.. Infact you belong here more than us seen as were all gatecrashing the ttc boards after having our babies .... Tut tut!!
Talk about it, rant about it or whatever as much as you like ., that's what we're here for xx

Your new goal Sarah is : Beat the friend to a bfp!!!
Thanks girls :hugs:

Kerri - defo need to work on it :) will try my best :)
:hi: girls hope you are all well went for a family meal for my aunt's 60th last night was really nice to see them all well don't no what dpo i am but no i Defoe ovulated on cd17 i had a +opk and egg white to x x x
best of luck for this month Caz :) i'm ok thanks :)

ohhh girls so funny went to ring the drs up (my mum is a receptionist there) and she was on the phones - never have i hung up so quickly in my life :haha: note to self ring in the mornings when shes not there lol
:rofl: Sarah, did you manage to get in today then?

Ive been invited to another uni interview, my heart is telling me to go as I really want to go to uni this year and im not confident my interview went well in my 1st choice uni but my head is telling me that its not probably very likely if I got into this uni that i'd be able to commit to it. The commute is further, which is gona be so hard when Chris works a silly shift and having 1 child in school and 1 child in nursery. Also the placements are going to be spread across Yorkshire rather than in/around the north east which automatically makes it hard for when ive to do night shift placements. Dont know what to do for the best. Thinking of just going along any way, probably more for the experience than anything else and then if I dont get in either ive experience and kinda what what to expect and what to improve upon if I need to apply again next year! Waiting til March to find out if ive got in my first choice is killing me already! Grrr!!

head is in a pickle

If it were me I'd go anyway, as you say you can gain experience and you don't know what's gonna happen yet so there's no point guessing the outcome yet either way :) and you won't be thinking what if which are the worst things :)

Didn't manage to get to the drs or ring them, will ring tomorrow :) currently Sam says hed going to make the effort to dtd every day for the next 10days :wacko: I doubt this very much so we'll see I guess lol
Just go to it anyway then see what happens and try not to worry about it in the meantime .... I know what your like

Oooh sarah ..... Make sure he does!... Headstart in beating the friend to the bfp!! hehe xx
Yes you girls are right!!

Sarah, 10 days in a row... bloody hell... I think that might even beat Kerri's record. :rofl: Defo a head start in beating your friend to a bfp though :thumbup: Tell Sam if he dosent hold his promise you wont wash his clothes for the next 10 days men have a proper washing machine phobia.

hahaha my record worked :) We produced my amazing little babakins :)

I agree .... Steven has been off for 3 weeks .... yet he moaned that he didnt have any socks in his drawer ready for going back to work cuz I hadnt done the wash load that had most of the socks in so they were ready in time ... erm youve been off work for 3 weeks .... you could of turned the washing machine on!
Hii ladies do you mind if I join you all?? I'm not officially TTC just more NTNP (just without opks) just DTD and hoping things happen. Got my implant out yesterday so not even sure where abouts I am ATM which is frustrating lol!! Anyway :dust: to you all :) x

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