Anyone TTC #2 with a LO under 1yr?? Buddies?!


Mama to three
Oct 19, 2012
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Hi! My husband and I are TTC #2 starting this month! We currently have an 8 month old daughter, so I know I will be busy for a while! Anyone else TTC baby #2 that has a really young LO? I'd love to share this journey with you!! :flower:
Not sure if you are still checking this thread but I will be your buddy! I have an 8 month old DS and have been ttc #2 since he was 4 months old. It is super frustrating because I conceived first month with both him and my MC before him. Getting worried that something is wrong.

You actually just responded to my questions about my frer, I think I may have seen a line but not sure so that's where I'm at right now.

So how many cycles have you been ttc#2? What dpo are you? Hope you still check this and we can be buddies!
Hi victoria! It's nice to meet someone who also has a younger LO! I am on my first cycle right now...I dont know if I have much hope for this one though since I keep thinking I'm getting a postive test, but then it'll be negative the next day.
I'm really hoping to have my LOs close in age because my siblings are 5 and 14 years younger than me. I found it very hard to adjust (especially the 5 year age gap) and am not close with either of them. I'm hoping that DS will never remember being an only child. Harder for us but easier for him!

I'm thinking my frer was an evap or maybe just wishful thinking because I took a cheapie and it was bfn this morning. Waiting for AF and plan to try soy isoflavones and b vits with folic acid this month. Time to get a little more aggressive this month, so far we have just DTD and hoping for the best. If nothing else it will regulate my cycles which have been a bit off since I finished BFing at 4 months.

How many do you plan for all together? We would like t at least 4!
Yeah I figure while we are already in the baby stage we should just got for another one! I always wanted my kids close in age brother and I are 3 years apart and were never close. I'm hoping our kids will be!

I took a wondfo last night and saw a positive, so I FRER this morning and think I see something very very very faint, but not feeling super great about it. I have off and on cramping and lower backache...same as I get when AF is coming. But my cycles are still all messed up from having my daughter so I THINK AF is supposed to come anytime from Saturday on. Of course I'm hoping she doesnt show up but I never seen a strong positive on any of my tests yet :/

We would like 3-4 kids!


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Well :witch: got me so on to cycle #5. Not too bummed out as I now know for sure and no more squinting over imaginary lines this month lol! Plus my cycle came forward one day, 30 days this month 31 last.

I do see a faint line on the frer! :happydance:I hope it is your bfp! I really did think I saw something faint on mine but it must been an evap. I hope you get a nice strong line in a few days, when are you testing next?

I am going to try to hold out an NOT test next cycle until later on because I have been doing this to myself every month and I'm going crazy!
Well :witch: got me so on to cycle #5. Not too bummed out as I now know for sure and no more squinting over imaginary lines this month lol! Plus my cycle came forward one day, 30 days this month 31 last.

I do see a faint line on the frer! :happydance:I hope it is your bfp! I really did think I saw something faint on mine but it must been an evap. I hope you get a nice strong line in a few days, when are you testing next?

I am going to try to hold out an NOT test next cycle until later on because I have been doing this to myself every month and I'm going crazy!

Oh no I'm sorry :( I hope next month is lucky for you!!

Thanks! I'm not sure. Like I said, I'm getting off and on cramps with a lower backache which is weird because last few periods I didn't have any signs AF was coming until the day of. So maybe it's a good sign? Idk though. I don't want to get too happy about it. I'm thinking I might try another test later today or tonight.

Yeah I started testing early and I've been driving myself nutty!
Let me know how your testing goes!

Went out and got my soy isoflavones today and am going to start them tomorrow CD2-6. Do you know anything about them. They are supposed to be a natural version of clomid, I've heard really good things about them so I am hoping it might help me as well. Super confused about dosage though because the bottle says 50mg/pill of extract but says only 13.8mg isoflavones. Don't know which to use because you are supposed to take 100-200 mg. I don't want to end up taking like 450mg if I go by isoflavone content and am wrong!

I think I will make a post in TTC and see if the ladies there know what to do
Let me know how your testing goes!

Went out and got my soy isoflavones today and am going to start them tomorrow CD2-6. Do you know anything about them. They are supposed to be a natural version of clomid, I've heard really good things about them so I am hoping it might help me as well. Super confused about dosage though because the bottle says 50mg/pill of extract but says only 13.8mg isoflavones. Don't know which to use because you are supposed to take 100-200 mg. I don't want to end up taking like 450mg if I go by isoflavone content and am wrong!

I think I will make a post in TTC and see if the ladies there know what to do

I honestly have no idea how to take those lol. Hopefully the ladies on the TTC board will know alot more!

Here is this afternoons test, I cant tell if its an indent or if it has pink. It's sooo faint. I'm going to test again tomorrow with fmu but I'm not holding out much lower back is still hurting and I'm cramping still :( But I keep getting waves of feeling nauseous so I have no idea what is going on.


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How is it going today? I definitely see a line on your second test, seems darker than the other one! I feel a little skeptical of the frers now though after mine kind of tricked me but I have just been overly hopeful and making myself see what I wanted to see. I hope this is it for you! Will you be testing again today?

I will be starting my soy tonight cd2-6 and I think I will take the dosage based on the isoflavone content so basically a ton pills. It does say that women taking it for menopause should take 7 per day so I hope I am right. I'm a little nervous that I will screw up my cycle by taking too much but based on the research I've done I think it will be ok.

As a side note DS was up like 5 times last night and I'm so exhausted today, ergh! He is so excited about learning to crawl and pull up that he doesn't want to sleep anymore.
How is it going today? I definitely see a line on your second test, seems darker than the other one! I feel a little skeptical of the frers now though after mine kind of tricked me but I have just been overly hopeful and making myself see what I wanted to see. I hope this is it for you! Will you be testing again today?

I will be starting my soy tonight cd2-6 and I think I will take the dosage based on the isoflavone content so basically a ton pills. It does say that women taking it for menopause should take 7 per day so I hope I am right. I'm a little nervous that I will screw up my cycle by taking too much but based on the research I've done I think it will be ok.

As a side note DS was up like 5 times last night and I'm so exhausted today, ergh! He is so excited about learning to crawl and pull up that he doesn't want to sleep anymore.
Not too good today. Feeling really discouraged :cry: My test from this morning is definately a negative. I'm just so confused...DH and I dtd everyday during my fertile window so I'll be so confused if I dont end up with a positive this cycle.

I'm thinking that maybe I never actually released an egg? I had a long ovulation window...I was getting dark positive OPKs for 7 or 8 days straight. So idk if something happened or not. But I"m guessing I am either 13 or 14dpo. I might be a little less. But with my daughter I had gotten a positive on my test like a week before my period was due. So I dont think it's going to happen this month.

Good luck with those pills! I hope it helps you! :hugs:

Yeah my daughter wasnt fun last night either. She didnt want to go to sleep. Finally fell asleep from 9:30pm and woke up at 6am. Not happy about her early wakeup


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Sorry about your BFN :nope:

What you describe is exactly what happened to me this month. I thought I was pg for sure because everything seemed perfect, but no luck. I don't temp or use oks (yet) because I get up too frequently at night and I think that OPKs would stress me out too much. I do get O pains and track my cm though and this month I had really strong pains along with 3-4 days of great EWCM. We DTD everyday or every other day until CD 22 so we could not have missed it. I just don't know what happened!

I worry too that if I am Oing and we have been DTD at the right time what could possibly be wrong?? This is my 5th cycle: 1st I think was a chemical, 2nd wasn't great timing but the last 2 were perfect and BFN!

I guess it can just take a while. I am so scared that something is wrong with me though!
Sorry about your BFN :nope:

What you describe is exactly what happened to me this month. I thought I was pg for sure because everything seemed perfect, but no luck. I don't temp or use oks (yet) because I get up too frequently at night and I think that OPKs would stress me out too much. I do get O pains and track my cm though and this month I had really strong pains along with 3-4 days of great EWCM. We DTD everyday or every other day until CD 22 so we could not have missed it. I just don't know what happened!

I worry too that if I am Oing and we have been DTD at the right time what could possibly be wrong?? This is my 5th cycle: 1st I think was a chemical, 2nd wasn't great timing but the last 2 were perfect and BFN!

I guess it can just take a while. I am so scared that something is wrong with me though!

It's like both of us have babies though so obviously we can get pregnant lol I just dont know how it happened with my daughter. She was a surprise so I wasnt tracking symptoms or anything...I just took a test because I felt weird haha. Now that we are trying I feel stressed because I'm wondering why I havent gotten a positive yet :/

I think if I dont get pregnant this cycle I'm going to try a different crank of OPKs. I felt like these were faulty or something...

I'm hoping I would have gotten pregnant on the first try lol. Wishful thinking? I just thought that since it was easy with my daughter that actually TRYING would be even easier!
First try with DS for me too AND with my MC that I had right before him. I actually got pg ih DS before I even had an AF after MC.

Though for sure I would get pg immediately this time around. Guess I really for granted how easy it was the first tine
Girl I feel you! Haha. I'm now recalculating how many DPO I actually am..I got a positive digi and opk strip on May 21 but I kept testing and got an even DARKER positive on May 25 and finally got a negative after that. If I go by the May 25 test I am only 9 or 10 dpo which does give me some more time to test. Plus, it could also mean that the cramping yesterday was implantation.


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How's it going? have had a crazy weekend so I haven't been online much, we had family from out of town over. How was your weekend? I hope that your calculations for your DPO were right and you actually just implanted later than you thought, any new tests??

It is so crazy how we scrutinise every twinge and symptom when ttc. I've decided I am not going to do it anymore as I was so sure the symptoms were right last month but they were nothing! I would have thought that having had a baby before I would be better at distinguishing AF symptoms from pg symptoms but it appears that is not the case...

AFM I am just finishing up AF and have tonight and tomorrow left for the soy iso pills. I am really really hoping that it does the trick!! It is supposed to be "natures clomid" and I have read a lot of success stories of women who were trying for quite a while and then got pg 1st month on soy. I have really high hopes for this stuff so I am a bit worried that if it doesn't work I will be super let down.

Can't wait for your update! Really want to know if you got that BFP over the weekend!
Hey girl, no BFP for me this time. AF came :/ This cycle I'm going to be using Preseed, I'm taking prenatals, and I ordered a bunch of Wondfo ovulation test strips. I hope that this works! I'm so nervous I'm going to have a hard time conceiving #2.

Please let me know how that soy stuff works for you!! If this month doesnt work out for me I might have to give that a try. I hope this is it for you! Are you going to be tracking with OPKs?

I know what you mean about tacking every symptom. I seriously didn't think that AF was going to come. I didnt feel pregnant but I didnt feel like my period was about to be here either, you know? I cant even remember what my first symptoms were with my daughter lol! Feels like so long ago
Awww I'm sorry that this wasn't your month but it's a new cycle with new chances! March babies are good too!

I haven't done opks because I think that I would end up obsessing over them waiting for that positive and stressing. We just try to DTD every day or every other day for most my cycle and hope for the best. I suppose that if I were to go another 3 or 4 more cycles without my bfp I would try them just to see what's going on. I would really like to temp but I'm still getting up several times night with LO so I don't think it would be useful.

I'm now on CD 6 and on my last day of soy. It's been pretty good so far, no real side effects other than a headache the first day.
Awww I'm sorry that this wasn't your month but it's a new cycle with new chances! March babies are good too!

I haven't done opks because I think that I would end up obsessing over them waiting for that positive and stressing. We just try to DTD every day or every other day for most my cycle and hope for the best. I suppose that if I were to go another 3 or 4 more cycles without my bfp I would try them just to see what's going on. I would really like to temp but I'm still getting up several times night with LO so I don't think it would be useful.

I'm now on CD 6 and on my last day of soy. It's been pretty good so far, no real side effects other than a headache the first day.

My MIL and FIL are in town this week and I was really hoping to tell them I was pregnant in person! My mom passed away 2 years ago this October so my MIL is the next closest person to me. I wanted to see her face when we told her lol. So that kind of depressed me a little bit.

I think this time we are going to use the SMEP which is basically dtd every other day until a positive OPK then dtd everyday for 3 days then skip a day then dtd one more time. So basically all the bases are covered haha. I'm hoping that the prenatals, preseed, and better OPKs will help this month! I am going to try and relax as much as possible and just enjoy having fun with my husband. Trying not to think of it just as "baby making" :haha:

I couldn't temp either lol. My dd gets up once a night occasionally (depending on the night) but hopefully we both get our bfp's this month! How exciting! We could be bump buddies! :dust:
SMEP sounds like a good plan, I hear that taking a folic acid supplement is helpful too along with b-complex vits.

This is the first month the DH is really into ttc, for him before it was really more DTD without protection when I say so or the mood strikes but he has realised how quickly DS is growing up and I think he is starting to get a bit of baby fever. He asked me last night if I think we conceived yet this month (I'm on CD7) :haha:

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