Anyone TTC #2 with a LO under 1yr?? Buddies?!

SMEP sounds like a good plan, I hear that taking a folic acid supplement is helpful too along with b-complex vits.

This is the first month the DH is really into ttc, for him before it was really more DTD without protection when I say so or the mood strikes but he has realised how quickly DS is growing up and I think he is starting to get a bit of baby fever. He asked me last night if I think we conceived yet this month (I'm on CD7) :haha:

Lol Aw! I think that's so cute when the men get all interested in it :haha:

Tomorrow I will be on CD 5. I'm hoping my period will end on Friday/Saturday then I can start using my OPK's a day after AF ends.
Hi ladies, room for another? :) I have 3 year old and 8.5 month old girls and am ttc number 3!
Hi Buttercup! You posted on my other thread! Welcome :D
Hi buttercup! Nice to have another lady with a very young LO ttc on here. How long have you been ttc and what CD are you?

How are you doing Ashley? We are in sleeping hell here with LO wanting to play all day and night and refusing to sleep! All he wants to do is practise his cruising. We are going crazy! We still managed to BD cd6, 8, 10, 11 and 12 :blush:

On CD 13 now and I think I am gearing up to o. I think that the soy has helped to bring forward ovulation. I've had strong o pains and other o symptoms for the last few days.
We just started TTC this month but mid cycle so I think we missed ovulation, i'm currently on CD27. I've been tracking my cycles since I got my period back when DD2 was a few months old and they're back to being irregular which is normal for me unfortunately :wacko: Doesn't seem to stop me conceiving though so i'm not overly worried at this stage. I haven't taken any OPKs this cycle but I have them ready to start for the next one :thumbup: I temped when TTC DD2 but it sent me a bit nuts lol so i'm not doing that again at this point. Trying to be a bit more relaxed than I was last time :winkwink:
Hope you catch the egg Victoria! :dust:
When do you usually ov Ashley? Hope you get a + OPK soon :)
Hi ladies! Sorry I have been MIA MIL & FIL are in town and we have been spending time showing them around!

victoria - you still seem to have dtd a pretty decent amount of times!

buttercup - I have no idea when I usually o lol. Last cycle with my other OPKs I got a positive on CD we'll see what these new OPKs show!
Buttercup- my cycles have been irregular since having ds too. There are a number of herbs you can try if you do find that it is making ttc harder.

Ashley- hope you get that positive opks soon! What cd are you on? Must be to o because I remember started af a few days after me. Good luck!

I am feeling more confident about this cycle and really thinking that the soy did something! I had song o pains starting cd 12 and tapering off by cd 15 (last month I got constant o pains for like 12 days straight) and I had ewcm from cd 10 that started dying up yesterday. Super excited about that as last month I had patches of it through my whole cycle but never for more than one day. I think my body kept trying to ovulate last month but never did. This month is looking good though!
Victoria, it sounds really promising! Cant wait until you test!

I am on CD 11...hoping to get that dark positive over the weekend!
Hi ashley, you must have oed by now, hope you caught that egg!

I'm on CD 21 and I think around 7-8dpo. I did feel some cramping the last day or two which felt like o pains so maybe implantation cramps??? Maybe not though. I'm not going to symptom spot this month because it gets me nowhere and drives me crazy.

I Think I might take a hpt on friday, not sure if I should start so early though. I would be 10/11dpo. Might try to hold out longer because I hate bfns but I'm starting to feel down about this cycle already and scared that there is something wrong with my fertility.
So excting! I cant wait to see your tests!! I hope this is it for you :happydance:

I finally did O I'm pretty sure haha. This is this mornings test and it was confirmed yesterday with a positive smiley CB Digi!


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How is the tww going?? Any symptoms?
I'm currently around 10 dpo I think. I took a frer yesterday and bfn and a test today and I think I MAY have seen a line but I won't post pictures or really take any stock in it because I have been tricked before! I won't call it a bfp until it is blazing.

I have also had "symptoms" but again I have had them before and not been pg. One new symptom I had this month is cramping. Had that with ds but don't usually get it before af. Have had cramping in the same spot from 5dpo on and off. Also I normally have sore breasts from o until af but this month they didn't get sore until yesterday. I t try not to symptom spot but it is so hard!

Yesterday I was so depressed after my bfn that I started looking into what my next steps would be for fertility help. I decided that I will go see the dr if not pg by ds 1st birthday. I did find out some good news though. In my province (ontario) all the diagnostic testing (dr appointments, blood tests, u/s) specialist appointments, procedures or surgery if needed are totally free and covered by the government. Even iui is free! The only thing we would to pay is for semen washing (for some reason our government doesn't pay for that lol). It looks like that varies from $100-500 depending on the clinic. Unfortunately ivf is not covered unless you have blocked tubes but it is heavily subsidised for everyone else. It is a real relief to know that if we need to go down that path we won't really have to worry about the money part. I really really hope we don't have to go there though.
How long have you been trying?? I hope you don't have to look into fertility help!! This could be your month girly! Try not to stress :hugs:

I am okay...tomorrow I am around 4-5DPO..not sure which one since I had a positive both days so I'm just rounding lol. No symptoms yet...still pretty early. I am going to try not to test until the end of the month. We will see if anything shows up for me. I've been having a really good feeling about this month though so my fingers are crossed.
Excited for you ladies to test!! Victoria I had similar concerns as my second dd took 6 months to conceive but I've heard you can be extra fertile in the year after you've had a baby so that's something in your favour :)
Afm I got my bfp on 22nd, so I'm due 3/3! :D I'll definitely still be following this thread though to see you ladies get your Bfps!
Congratulations buttercup!! Wow! That is so exciting!

Ashley: you can start testing soon! Yay! When do you plan to start?

Afm: please look at this pic, taken this morning Smu I am around 11 dpo. I am feeling really excited but scared it is an evap. I had one with a frer last month but nothing like this! This line is definitely light pink and came up fully in 4-5 mins. I'm still terrified. Last month's looked nothing like this, could barely take a picture of it. I don't want to it to dh until I'm more sure it is real. Please g ive me your opinion!


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Ooh I see it on the first one!! Should darken tomorrow I would guess :)
Thanks buttercup! It is nice to feel reassured at this stage. I posted a pic to the pregnancy test board and I got about 9 or 10 replies it definitely looked bfp. I'm nervous though. I've had a miscarriage in the past I never truly believe that I am pregnant until I see a scan.

My due date would be 11 March 2016 I believe, my wedding anniversary is 15 March so that's exciting.
That's totally understandable, I haven't had any losses but it's always in the back of my mind that it could happen. It definitely looks like the start of a bfp to me though as frers don't generally have evaps from what I've read. Congratulations!! :D
Ok I am far more convinced! Take a look at this dollar store test I took just 8 hours the frer. I should have known not to buy the frer, I have always found the $store ones more sensitive and the frer around here are $20 each! It's hard not to be suckered in by a brand name sometimes.


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Congratulations buttercup!!

Victoria - omg yay! That is definately a positive!

I am planning on testing starting Monday or Tuesday. It's still early but I thought I would try it anyways. I haven't been having many symptoms though since it's so early. I've only noticed a slight backache but that could be anything really. So we will see. Hopefully I can join you ladies with a positive test!

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