anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Skadi: I hope they can give some advice from keepng your membranes from going early. I think thats a great start to just be prepared just incase.

Rachel: Wow you are working until 39 weeks. Thats great. I know what you mean about finding someone to watch the kids. I do have my MIL who will be watching my kids but i hate having to drop them off pick up. Idk lol it would be nice to just get up and go when the time comes.

Well ladies i started another 24 hour urine catch today. Well see tomorrow how much protien i have. I really hope its less since i havnt been working. I also have a doc apointment and another ultrasound in the morning. I will also be seeing my doc so we will see what he says.

It was kinda quiet yesterday huh lol. I hope vanessa and jordyn are enjoying thier little boys!!!
Skadi, I hope that you don't end up having this baby early! That's good you'll get in up see the doctor soon but crazy they didn't want to see you before 20 weeks! :nope:

Stacey, I'm glad you've been able to rest some. Hopefully there won't be any protein in your urine? If there is how much do they consider to be a problem where they would induce? Or can they somehow bring it down so you don't have to have Jaslynn too early?

Rachel, it is nice having in laws here to help with Sam in case we have to hurry to the hospital! It sounds like you are a bit more prepared now, and only 2 more weeks of work is very exciting! Did Ozzy come early?

Vanessa & Jordyn, I hope you are enjoying spending time with your little boys! :flower:

AFM, last night we went to a BBQ at a friends and Sam played with their little boy who is 2 months older than him. It was a lot of fun! I felt totally normal and then at 3am I woke up from being dead asleep with horrible contractions! They lasted about an hour but they were so bad I had to wake DH. I couldn't seem to get comfortable no matter how I laid or walked around. I thought for sure this little guy was coming early. Thankfully they ended up subsiding and I could go back to sleep. I never felt anything like this with Sam before so it totally caught me off guard! :shrug:
Oh they DID want to see me prior to 20 weeks. My Family Dr screwed it up. I told him and the receptionist at least twice each that I should be referred sooner and they kind of shrugged it off. I had to take matters into my own hands which is why I am now on the cancellation list to try and get something sooner at the obs.
Hello ladies! How is everyone doing?

Stacey I'm so sorry to hear about all the issues you're having and that your doctor has had to sign you off work :nope: Consistently high blood pressure can be such a problem. I couldn't understand why mine was so high during labour either. Hope you can find some help with the money side of things. I get what ou mean about not wanting to apply for these things, I'm the same :hugs:

Heather that's so weird about the contractions! I guess your body is just practicing. Doesn't mean it's enjoyable though!

Skadi I hope they can keep you going a bit longer this time :thumbup: How irritating that your doctor messed up in terms of your appointments :growlmad:

Rachel we sorted all our baby clothes by size and couldn't believe how much we have! Milo won't need anything at all for the first year! Hope you can find a good childcare solution. We were lucky in that our labour was overnight so Noah didn't really know what was going on.

Melissa congratulations on your BFP! That's fantastic! :happydance: Really nice to hear from you as well :flower:

Jordyn I hope all is going well with Liam :flower:

All is good our end. Milo is a good feeder and sleeper generally and breastfeeding so far is going well. My milk has come in. My nipples are very sore but I'm pushing through it and I'm sure that if I can get through the next few days it will be a bit easier.

Noah has been fabulous. He's so curious about Milo and cracks up when he makes noises like hiccuping! He always runs up to his Moses basket and grins in at him :cloud9: It's so cute!

DH has been a star and is doing almost everything for Noah, as well as cooking and cleaning and looking after me. So I'm just able to recover and spend time feeding the tiny turtle, as we've nicknamed him :haha:
Heather: I think as long as my blood pressure is not like dangerously high like going into seizing high and the protien is not enough to be considered pre eclampcia then i think we are ok doing what we are doing now. It would be so nice if there was no protien in my urin this time around!! I have been trying to watch my diet cutting down on my sodium and stuff. Trying to stay more hydrated. It seems like my bp is alot lower earlier in the day but gets high again later in the day. But they said that high bp can get out of control fast witch is why we are under these caustions. I am also on baby asprin to keep my blood from clotting while having the high bp.

Aww the bbq sounds likeit was fun. I bet sam had a great time!! That is crazy about those contractions!! Maybe ben has other plans on when he wants to show is presences. I would let your doc know about those contractions at least

vanessa: I am soo happy to hear that milo is doing soo well. That is great he is bf soo well!! Dont worrie the pain in your nipples will go just fight threw it. Put that special lotion on them xx. Aww i bet Noah is a great brother. That is soo cute that he laughs at everything lol And what a great dh you have!!! I hope i get that kinda of help when the baby comes along.
Hello ladies, sorry I've been MIA the past few days. We've had family over a lot, so I haven't had a chance to relax on my own much. I've just read through all the posts, but I apologize if I miss anyone!

Stacey, I'm sorry they've taken you off work. :( I know how badly you wanted to avoid that. Will you be taking your kids out of day care since you're at home? If so, that should help with the money, right?

Heather, that's weird that you had just an hour of painful contractions, and then nothing. I had a lot of random contractions, but they usually weren't painful. The only time they were was when I had that random hour of contractions the day before I went into labor. Hopefully they're just practice contractions for you, and not a sign that labor is coming! Got to keep Ben cooking a little longer!

Rachel, you're so close! Of course, that's easy for me to say, since you're now 36+6, which is when I had Liam. Hopefully Jimmy will cooperate and come when you want him to. :flower:

Skadi, I can't believe your doctors screwed up so badly, but I'm glad that you got it fixed. Hopefully they'll get you in to see your OB soon, and hopefully you won't have any problems with this pregnancy and you can make it to term. After all, every pregnant woman should have to endure the long, uncomfortable third trimester at least once. :haha:

Vanessa, I'm glad to hear that everything is going so well with Milo. It sounds like Noah is really taking to the big brother job! I completely sympathize with you on the nipple pain. I'm feeling it, too. I got my milk in yesterday, and am now dealing with the dreaded engorgement phase. I hope it passes quickly!

As for Liam and I, we're doing great. :flower: He doesn't fuss much, except when he wants to eat or has a wet diaper, and I hope it continues, because I remember having to go to great lengths to get Alia to calm down when she was really little, especially in the evenings. Breastfeeding is going well, except for the aforementioned pain and discomfort. Liam gets on there and gets down to business pretty well, which is a relief, because part of the problem with Alia was trying to keep her awake and feeding for longer. I'm just really hoping my supply lasts longer this time around because of it.

Alia still gets excited and says "Baby!" every time she sees Liam, but we still can't let her get to close to him, because she'll inevitably start pointing out his facial features and saying, "Eye! Nose! Mouth! Hair!" etc, which also involves poking the body part she's naming off. :dohh:
haha jordyn that made me laugh about how everyone should have to endure the long third tri at least once. It is soo true i think lol going to almost 41 weeks really sucked lol. As for the daycare. I will ask tomorrow if my doc will let me do a job the is mostly sitting and interacting with the residence. That will be nice if he would let me then i can still have alittle income coming in. But we already paid daycare for this month so they will for sure continue daycare this month.

I am also happy to hear that you and liam are doing well!! And that bf is going well. I too hope that your milk stays up longer this time around as well. How was it will family around? I dont like it much when a bunch of family comes arounds. I feel like just leave i wanna be free with my shirt off where i want to be instead of going in the room and such to feed the baby.

Vanessa and jordyn: When do you go back and check on the babies? Cant wait to see more pics!
Heather, I went into labour with Ozzy at 40+5 and he was born the next day. So, I don't have much hope for Jimmy coming early. I feel like I'm in the two week wait except instead of looking for signs of being pregnant I'm symptom spotting for signs of labour! Seriously, every time I go the bathroom I hope to see bits of mucus plug or something, but nope. No signs of impending labour at all!

And that's so weird about your hour of contractions. They must have been pretty bad to wake you up like that. Hopefully Ben will stay in there longer and get nice and big before he comes. Did Sam always enjoy playing with kids his age? I feel like Ozzy is just now starting to be interested in other kids.

Stacey, I hope your urine test comes back okay this time. Would be nice to know that your staying home is having a good effect on your bp.

Vanessa and Jordyn, it's nice to hear that you are all doing well. And especially that BFing is going well. It was one of the hardest "skills" to learn for me. I sure hope it's a bit easier this time around for me and Jimmy to get the hang of it, if you know what I mean.

That's funny about Alia wanting to point out all of Liam's body parts (except for the poking, of course). :)

Skadi, of course you wouldn't know if they recommend anything yet... You haven't been to the OB. Silly me! I hope you get in soon to see them. And I had to chuckle a bit thinking of your OH packing thong underwear for you! I forget if you've said whether you'll be finding out the gender or not?
Rachel dont give up hope lol. I had natalia at 40+6 then i had jonathan at 39 weeks. So you never know you can still have jimmy before your due date!! I also had no signs of labor only that day i knew something was going on but nothing before..

Thank you i really hope so to. i already feel better. I have a good feeling about tomorrow. I hope that my bp is steady. I have noticed it is steady in the morning and toward the end of the day it starts to rise.
Well ladies i went to my doctor apointment and again got nothing but bad news. My urin came back again with +1 protien. Last tues when i did the 24 hr urine test my protien came back as 140 something. I did another 24 hr starting yesterday morning til this morning. The results came back as 280 this time. 300 is preeclampsia. So i am to go thursday directly to labor and delivery at 9 am so they can do some more test and monitoring. My doc will meet me there. I dont want to deliver early. If i do i will have to go into denver where there is a nicu. Thats almost 2 hours away. And then if she has to stay in the nicu for a while then i will be driving back and forth until she is strong enough to get out. Im just really scared ladies. I want her to keep cooking longer.

How is everyone else? Quiet day again today lol. I know everyone is getting ready for there los huh haha.
Spiffy lol.... I'm dreading the third trimester a bit. I had only a small taste but it was already very uncomfortable. VERY uncomfortable. That said I will take it with a smile and be happy for a Christmas day baby as long as this one reaches term! Seriously! I just want a baby I can hold after labour and not have whisked away from me. :/

Harley - Yes, I really want to find out the sex as soon as possible. If Its a girl I only have to buy a crib and mattress but that can be put off for a long while. If its a boy though I'm going shopping in the states for a layette. I won't be building a huge wardrobe like I did with Keira though. Lesson learned! lol

Duejan - Oh I hope your numbers drop when they check you again! Having a preemie isn't the end of the world but its not fun. Do they have the Ronald McDonald houses there for you to stay at while she is in the NICU if that does happen?
Im not sure skadi. It would be nice if they did have a place like that i could stay at Im sure i will learn about all of that if they deside to deliver. Im sure its not the end of the world. BUt im just thinking again about my children now. How are they going to do without me. I dont think i can handle taking them with me especially jonathan as he will just be all over the place. I wont be able to focus on the baby with him there. Lets just pray that she makes it to term! Or closer to it. Then i dont care when she comes lol..

It was hard i think going from a girl to a boy. I had all pink stuff from when natalia was born. Car seat stroller clothes swing i mean EVERYTHING lol. I had to sell ALL of it when jonathan was born. I kept only a few outfits that i loved of natalias. But that time i bought all the big idems gender neutral. So the carseat and stroller etc will be used by this little girl. I just need clothes now lol.

Tomorrow is the rodeo parade over here and natalias preschool is going to be in it!!! i will dress her up all cowgirl!! im soo exited i will take pics and show everyone lol. I think im more exited then she is haha
Stacey, that's unfortunate that your urine test came back so high. :( I'll be praying hard for you and baby between now and Thursday. Out of curiosity, if she does come early would you then still be able to file that paperwork for your maternity leave? Might be a (small) brightside to a sucky situation. And please do post pics of Natalia as a cowgirl! Cute! Have fun tomorrow!

Skadi, what's the earliest they'll tell you the sex where you are? Most places in my area make you wait until at least 20 weeks. I think it'd be fun to have a boy and have an excuse to go buy some clothes! Heck, we have all the clothes we need and I just couldn't help but buy more!

AFM, I'm 37 weeks today! Hooray! Still no signs of labour, although my BH were much more noticeable today. I don't usually feel them all throughout the day, but they kept coming and going all day. I have an appointment tomorrow, and I'm going to insist they check my cervix! And ask if it's possible to do a sweep. Before they even knew I had GD they suggested I start getting sweeps as soon as possible because of the likelihood of having another big baby.

I also bought a Moses basket on a little rocker stand today. It was $60 at a consignment shop, which seemed pretty good compared to the full price ones online. I really wanted a Moses basket for the living room, so this a good solution since it's a basket and bassinet in one. :) I'm excited! Now I just need to clear off the floor on my side of the bed so we have a place to put it! :rofl:
So glad you're both doing well with your little men, Jordyn and Vanessa! :flower: Can't wait to see more pictures.

Skadi, I hope you're able to get into the doctors soon! That sucks they screwed up so bad and didn't book you in sooner. :growlmad:

Rachel, congrats on making it full term! :happydance: I hope that Jimmy decides to make his appearance soon. :thumbup: I can't wait to hear about how your appointment goes today and hopefully they will do a sweep for you too.

Stacey, I'm sorry that you keep getting more bad news at the doctors. :nope: I hope that on Thursday you get a bit of better news and don't have to end up delivering early! I'll be praying for you and your little lady! :hugs:

AFM, I had a busy day yesterday! I cleaned car, our bedroom, Sam's bedroom. Washed all the bedding, his carseat and highchair...all before noon! I told DH I think I'm nesting! :haha:

In the evening we went over to my uncles so Sam could meet his great aunt and uncle from Oregon. They were in love with him...he is such a little so off when he's around new people! :haha:

Hope everyone is doing well! I'm counting down the days until Ben is here...I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone! :wacko:
Rachel: Im already off work and my maternity papers only cover 12 weeks of leave. I already talked to my boss and she garenteed my job when i came back and to take as long as needed. As for the money situation im going to see if somehow i can apply for short term disability as hypertention should qualify. So wish me luck there lol. Congrats on full term. I cant believe you are term already. I will be curiouse to see if they will give you a sweep. That would be nice. I never got one until 39 weeks here. Good luck and let us know

Heather: That is quiet a bit of nesting lol. I think these pregnancies have flown by as well!! Aww the is soo cute about sam. JOnathan will just stay calm and shy at first and then he is a big show off haha

AFM well off to natalias parade. It starts in 30 min aww she looks soo cute lol. I know im just prob saying that haha. Will come back and update in a little while!
Duejan - I just looked quickly and there is one in Denver so that is good if it comes down to that. Hopefully they can keep you going to term though.

Most of the stuff we bought for Keira is pretty gender neutral. I was given some pink stuff (a bouncer and swing) but I'll just throw a blanket over them if its a boy. lol

Harley - I think 20 weeks here too. I think they do it like that to prevent abortions over the sex of the child. I want to know NOW though! lol

If even if its a girl I will go shopping, but for Keira instead lol.
Skadi, that's the reason I've heard they make you wait until 20 weeks over here too. I didn't know they'd make me wait the first time, and I was so upset they didn't tell me right then and there at the u/s. And I agree about the shopping! I've been trying to find some new stuff for Ozzy. Once he hits the 24 mos. size he's going to have a lot less clothing, so I'm trying to stock up now.

Ah, I see, Stacey. Well, I hope you can qualify for disability pay. And that's so nice that your boss has guaranteed your job. What a relief!

Heather, that is some major nesting! I've already decided I'm not watching any TV tonight. It's all going to be cleaning and organizing for me! And that's really cute about Sam showing off for new people. And so cool that he got to meet his great aunt and uncle.

Well, here's the lo-down of how my appointment went this morning:

Jimmy's still doing great. My blood pressure was a tad high the first time she took it, but she took it a second time and it had gone down, so she was happy with that.

I asked if she would check my cervix and she said they usually don't start checking until 38 weeks. She said she could check but it would just be for curiosity's sake, that they don't do membrane sweeps until 38 weeks. Well, it took a bit of conversation, but she agreed to do a sweep if indeed I was dilated and she was able to do one. She said they don't like to do them before 38 weeks in case the due date is off by a week for some reason, so I said, what if I told you I was using ovulation tests and taking my temperature and I know exactly when I ovulated and it's only one day off of the due date we got from the early ultrasound. That, and the fact that Ozzy was so big (and he got stuck on the way out) and so far everything points to Jimmy being big too, made her agree to do a sweep. She got the ultrasound machine out to check that he is indeed head-down (she didn't want a 'surprise breech' baby). He is head-down, and she also confirmed that he is indeed a boy. :)

She checked me and I'm only 1 cm dilated and not really effaced at all yet, but she was still able to do a sweep (because apparently I have an anterior cervix, meaning it's more in the front). So, if it works, I'll go into labour either tonight or tomorrow morning. Basically, if I'm not in labour by this time tomorrow then it didn't work. She said a good power walk might help too, so I went for a walk around the block right after I left the doctor's office. But now I'm just sitting here at my desk at work, so that's kind of a bummer. I'll go for another walk on my lunch break, though.

So, I guess we'd better actually pack a bag for the hospital today just in case! :) And hence all the cleaning I have planned for tonight!
Stacey, I can't wait to see pictures of Natalia's costume! I bet she looks so cute!!!

Rachel, I'm super excited they did the sweep for you! I hope it works and you so indeed go into labor. All these babies is making me so excited and anxious for Ben! Definitely try to do some walking if you can during lunch to get things moving. And hopefully you can get all your packing done tonight too. I keep putting mine off but I plan to do it Friday no matter what!
Thanks, Heather! I hope it works too! And you are already 35 weeks! Whaaaaatttt?! You are getting so close too!

I also forgot to add that my GBS swab came back positive. So much for that amoxicillin. Oh well.

And as for packing, last night I actually got out the bag we're going to use, so that's something! Ha!
Oh yay Harley, hopefully the sweep works for you then! Good luck!

I JUST got my ultrasound date... It's July 23rd at 1 pm. I can't WAIT! :D

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