anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Logan: Im not sure about the best type of pump. I know electic are the way to go but the one i have doesnt seem to get all the milk out. So i will see what others have to say about this question lol
Yeah I do know that electric and double.. just don't know much else lol
Logan, I have a manual single pump, but I haven't tried it out yet. I'll let you know how it goes in a few weeks!

Good to hear from you babyhopes! How're you doing? Hanging in there? I've been lucky so far, since this pregnancy seems much easier than my first (and that one wasn't so bad to begin with)!

Jordyn, that's great that you've figured out that Liam is tongue tied and can get it corrected. I hope that solves the soreness for you. Hang in there in the meantime. And I know everyone says this, but I really do hope you can get in some good sleep here and there when you're able to. I'll be joining in you in the sleep deprivation stage soon enough!

And it does feel good to be getting stuff done. And Stacey, one of the things I did last night was get out my labour/yoga ball and fill it with air! I'm going to start bouncing on it nightly. :)

And oh my goodness, Natalia is so stinkin' adorable in that cowgirl outfit! The cutest one out there, for sure!

Logan, I agree that must have been scary to find out Bryce had the cord around his neck, even if you were only aware of it for a short time. I try to pay attention to Jimmy's movements so that I'll know if they start to become abnormal or reduced. Sometimes it's hard to tell, though, whether he's just running out of room and that's why it feels different or if something is really wrong. So far, though, he's still been super active at night with really powerful kicks, so that's good.
Hello babyhopes! :flower:

Stacey, Natalia looks so darn cute in her cowgirl outfit! I bet you're so proud of her and how well she is doing at the new school! :thumbup: how are you feeling today? I really hope you're appointment goes well tomorrow. :hugs:

Jordyn, it's good to hear from you. I hope the lactation specialist is able to help you! Breastfeeding is so hard, you're doing great sticking with it and trying to make it work. I was never able to with Sam so I just pumped instead. Do you plan on getting a pump or or do you already have one? How is Alia coping with having a baby brother? I would be lying if I didn't say I'm not nervous about having 2 in a few weeks! :wacko:

Rachel, how are you feeling? Any new progress? :flower:

Logan, I bought a pump before having Sam so I didn't have to worry about it. I got the medela pump in style advanced. I liked it because it was a double electric pump so I could pump hands free with the bra you hook them into. It was less than $300. I also think you are able to rent one from the hospital usually that way you don't have to buy one to see if the whole breastfeeding works for you and usually insurance will cover it. Maybe check into it? :shrug:

AFM, I think my sciatic nerve is acting up! I feel it more in my left leg than right but it's not too bad at the moment though I'd be okay if it went away! Only 28 more days!!! :happydance:
Ick, Heather. That stinks about your sciatic nerve. Hope it stays manageable for next few weeks! Not long now! Wheeee!!!

And no, absolutely nothing happening over here. No spotting, no mucus, no extra BH. Not even loose stools today (had them for the last week, sorry for the TMI moment, but it just kinda sucks that all possible signs of labour have gone away today!)

That's okay, though. I just heard from my brother and SIL that their passports are expired and it'll be 2-3 weeks before they get their enhanced drivers licenses to be able to cross the border. So maybe it's okay if Jimmy comes on time or late, then they'll be able to come visit him right away! :)

Oh, and I forgot... Someone asked if I had sweeps with Ozzy. I had one at 40 weeks, but it didn't do much. A little bit of extra mucus came out, but I didn't go into labour until a few days after that.
I got a double electric breast-pump. It's a Medela Pump in style tote... which I think is the same as the Freestyle. In the NICU they have the Medela Symphony which I wish I had just ordered to buy as it works so much better as its hospital grade. I do like the pump I have, its quick and the suction is pretty good.

I would hold off on buying a pump for a few days to see how breastfeeding goes. If its not going well it might be worth splurging on the hospital grade so you can pump and bottle feed ebm at least? It would still be cheaper than the cost of formula I think and with the hospital grade you wouldn't have to worry about your supply dropping like you would with even the normal double electric pumps. It really depends on what your plans are and how BFing works out.

If this baby is in the NICU I will probably sell my Freestyle and buy the Symphony.

Poop about no labour signs Harley. :(
Heather: I am very proud of Natalia. She is learning soo much! And she was soo darn cute yesterday lol. My dh and i thought for sure she would come to us when she saw us but she didnt she stayed there walking aww we were so proud lol. Im feeling ok. Sometimes i get this big headache but it only seems to be when im sitting up. When i go to lay back down it goes away. I really hope that i get some good news tomorrow although they may make me do another 24 hr urine tomorrow. I am to meet my doc in labor and delivery tomorrow instead of his office. So we will see what happens.

As for the sciatic. Stretch stretch and stretch is all i can say for it. You know i first got sciatic prob after natalia was born when she was about 4 months old. I have had it ever since. Its not fun at all. But stretching is the only thing that makes it feel better. In that moment after the stretches i find it acually hurts alot but the following day you feel GREAT! So try it before you go to bed xx

Rachel: I am sorry about no symptoms of labor. Maybe next week when they do it again. Let me ask you how did you feel after the sweep? Did you feel kinda crampy or anything. DId you even spot alittle? just curiouse. Maybe your doc didnt do the sweep very well. but i could be wrong. Good for getting your ball out. I think that helped tons with jonathan xx

Skadi: I will look into that breast pump. Just incase things dont work out again this time i can maybe keep her at least with only breast milk. xx
Oh another option would be to rent the Symphony (I think it was like $40-$60 a month to rent) to establish your supply and then buy a double electric like the Freestyle for everyday pumping or just continue to rent the symphony until you are ready to wean to cow milk. I think you have to weigh in cost vs use. If you plan to have more kids then buying might be better? I am not sure as I am not entirely sure myself what the best route to go is. I do regret buying the freestyle over the symphony though. (Freestyle was $300 or $400 and the Symphony is a thousand more than that...)
Stacey, I felt a little crampy and my BH got a bit more frequent yesterday after the sweep, but I had no spotting at all and no mucus. And my BH are back to normal today - not too frequent and not too intense. But this afternoon I did lose a tiny bit of mucus, so that's promising. Probably not the result of the sweep, but at least it's something! And I have to say, the sweep itself didn't hurt at all, so maybe she wasn't able to really get in there and do it properly? I remember the one with Ozzy feeling a lot more uncomfortable.

And I hope you get some good news tomorrow. I'll be checking throughout the day to see what's happening. :)
Rachel, I hope that things start happening for you soon! :flower: I can't decide what is worse...symptom spotting for pregnancy or symptom spotting for labor! :haha:

Stacey, I hope things go well for you today! I'll be thinking about you. :hugs: Update us when you can. What time is your appointment?

Well, DH is leaving again tomorrow for a business trip and won't be back until Tuesday afternoon! I'm not really looking forward to being single mommy again for the next few days. :nope: I'm also getting kinda stressed that Ben is gonna come early...mostly because I'm not really ready for him! Next weekend we will get the nursery all put together so hopefully I'll feel less stressed after that. I really don't want him to come before my mom is here either. I started having more BH contractions last night though which in a way is exciting but I know it could mean nothing too! :shrug:
Well ladies im back from my apointment. My bp today was 150/100. But my heart rate was 140. The doctor ordered all different types of blood test a u/a and a thyroid test. All came back normal. So its just the blood pressure problems. I do a 24 hr urine collection once a week so every sunday i will start and turn it in every monday before my apointment. I will go to nst's twice a week and then ultrasound every 3 to make sure she is growing properly. As long as nothing like my bp gets super high or the protien gets to high he will be delivering me at 37 weeks no questions ask. SO thats kinda something to look foward to. SO as long as my bp doesnt go into siezure rates, protien doesnt get way high and she doesnt stop growing or amniotic fluid get to low at 37 weeks we will have our baby girl so that is i think around aug 15th. Thats all i know right now. We will see what happens on monday with my next apointment xx

Rachel i hope something starts happening soon!! I hope jimmy doesnt keep you waiting very long.

Heather: Im sorry that your dh is going away again. I hope that ben waits until you are ready!!

So today we were able to talk to the father at our church and my kids are getting baptized on sunday!!! I am soo exited. I think more then they are haha. So we have alot of planning to do. My MIL got Natalia a beautiful dress for it. I will be taking tons of pictures!!!
Thanks ladies for the tips.. helps out a lot.. do you want to talk about renting one ahead of time.. like now or wait till your closer or after or what lol.. just trying to figure it all out..

18 weeks for me tomorrow.. cant believe it.. been feeling more movements so that's fun.. Bryce didn't move a ton but I could usually get him to so at the end I knew something wasn't right.. and after 2 mc's I was a bit paranoid..
Stacey, I'm glad you didn't have too much bad news at the doctors today! :hugs: and that is kinda exciting to have a date to look forward to! :thumbup: that's only 1 week after I'm scheduled to have Ben! I just hope your bp and everything stays under control for the next 5 weeks.

Also, super exciting about getting Jonathan and Natalia baptized! Sounds like you are gonna have a busy next few weeks. How ready are you guys for your little lady? Will she sleep in your room temporarily?

Logan, wow 18 weeks already!!! :thumbup: I'm glad you're starting to feel your LO too. :flower: I wouldn't think you would have to ask about renting a pump this soon but maybe just mention it to your doctor and see what they say. I never rented one but was offered to use one in the hospital if I wanted. Though I know they suggest not pumping and bottle feeding until you have a good latch down before introducing a bottle because of nipple confusion. That's part of our problem with Sam and we never could go back! :dohh:
Hello ladies! Hope all of you are doing well :flower:

Give me a minute to catch up!

Stacey I'm glad all your tests came back normal, it's so annoying about the blood pressure but relieving to hear that everything else is normal. Much better that you're delivered at 37 weeks. How lovely that you're getting your kids baptised! Must show us pics :flower:

Rachel sorry to hear nothing's happening just yet. Still it can happen so suddenly and without warning, so fingers crossed!

Logan I can't believe you're 18 weeks now! So exciting that you're feeling movements now :cloud9:

Heather that's rubbish about your sciatic nerve :nope: Hope you can get a bit of relief.

As for me and us, all is good :thumbup: Starting to settle into a rhythm. Breastfeeding is going really well and I am absolutely over the moon that we're cracking it. It has been a personal goal of mine, nothing against formula because Noah has thrived on it, I just wanted to experience it properly if you know what I mean? My sore nipples are starting to ease and Milo is now pretty good at latching well. And I fed him for the first time in public earlier, something that was playing on my mind a bit, and it went perfectly. I've been thinking about pumps too, I did want to give it some time to see if breastfeeding was going to work for us and it seems it is, so thinking about investing in one. I'd like to get a very good one and pay a decent amount, that way I know it'll do the job well.

Noah is still generally in a good mood although he's in a bit of a no phase at the moment. Not that he says it yet :wacko: He shakes his head pretty forcefully if he doesn't want to do whatever it is, can be anything from putting shoes on to getting out of the bath. Still he's reacted very well to Milo's arrival, and if you say to him where's Milo he'll go and point to him or peek in at him and grin!

I'm feeling pretty much back to normal, still on iron tablets but my energy is returning and this evening I even managed to do Noah's bath and bedtime which was lovely since I haven't been able to after Milo's birth.

How are things with you Jordyn?
Yeah I honestly don't see myself bfing though for a long period of time.. so im leaning more towards pumping and feeding.. so baby still gets the breast milk but just not on me if you all get it.. lol..
Pie that is great that things are going so well for you all.. happy to hear it..:)

Haking-my nerve has been a constant problem.. blah sometimes I feel like my leg is going to give out..

Due happy you got some good news for once.. and not bad.. the baptism sounds great enjoy!! I have my nephews this sunday.. :)
Logan, sorry you're having nerve pain too! Have you had it with your other two pregnancies at all? I understand what you mean about pumping instead of breastfeeding from you...that is basically what I did. It's a lot of work but worth it in the long run and saves a lot of money! :thumbup: I'm just really determined to make it work this time if possible.

Vanessa, I'm glad to hear that you're setting into a rhythm with everything and breastfeeding is going well! :thumbup: It sounds like Noah is such a great big brother and truly interested in his brother. How are you finding it with two little ones? I'm feeling a bit nervous but I think once in the position you just figure it out! :shrug:

Rachel, I'm hoping the reason we haven't heard from you this morning is because you're in labor! :winkwink:

Jordyn, I hope things are going well with you and Liam! :flower:
Stacey, I'm glad to hear that your appointment went well. That's crazy to think that you'll be having your little girl in 5 weeks!

Heather, sorry to hear about the sciatic pain. :( I had it for a little while with Alia, but thankfully it went away. I hope you get some relief soon, and if not, well then at least you only have 4 weeks left!

Logan, I have the Evenflo Simply Go electric pump and it works okay. I got it from my friend, who ended up with two pumps, so she gave me one. So I got pretty lucky. And yay for feeling your baby move! That's always so exciting. :)

Rachel, I had a little bit of mucous plug the morning of the 2nd, and then went into labor the next day, so you never know. ;) I sure hope it's soon for you! I feel like I cheated a little, since I never had to go through the final countdown weeks with this pregnancy. In fact, it's weird to think that I have a one week old baby, but if I was still pregnant, I would only be 37+6 weeks!

Vanessa, I'm glad to hear that things are going well with Milo, and that breastfeeding is a success. That's great that your nipples are already starting to heal up! I can't wait to experience pain-free breastfeeding, since I never got to that point with Alia.

As for us, things are still going well. My DH was able to work from home yesterday, so he kept an eye on Alia while I got a little extra sleep in the morning, and then today my MIL stayed home from work half day so that I could get some sleep this morning, too. So I think that's really helped. I'm still dealing with a lot of pain from breastfeeding, but I'm hoping that my nipples will start to toughen up soon. As for Alia, she's had some trouble napping the last few days, and I think it's because her schedule has been thrown off so badly this week. Tomorrow will be my first full day on my own, but then we'll have the weekend, so hopefully next week she can get back to her normal routine. I think one of the hardest things for her is that I can't pick her up all the time, since I want to make sure I don't mess up the healing of my stiches. But I feel like I'm healing really well, and a lot faster than I did with Alia, so hopefully I can resume my normal lifting sooner than the prescribed 4 weeks. Also, my postpartum bleeding has gotten really light, so I think that's almost over already, which is great. :flower:
Jordyn, that's great that you're DH is helping to watch Alia and your MIL is pitching in too so you can get some rest! That is also my biggest worry after having Ben is that I won't be able to pick up Sam like I do now since he won't really understand that I had surgery! :nope:

Do you have any pictures you'd like to share of Liam? :winkwink:
Stacey, so glad to hear you and your doctor came up with a plan to (hopefully) get you to 37 weeks. What a relief! I'm sure everything will work out and baby girl will arrive safely in mid-August! And that's fun about the baptism. We don't do infant baptism at my church, but rather child dedications where the parents commit to raising the child under Christian principles. We dedicated Ozzy when was 3 months, so we'll probably do the same for Jimmy around the same age. :) So exciting!

Vanessa, it's great to hear that BFing is going so well. And kudos on doing it in public. That can be tricky for sure.

Heather, I hope your time as a "single parent" goes well. Not sure how I'd handle that myself. Especially being so pregnant!

AFM, I only did a little bit of nesting last night. I washed the car seat insert and the cover for the moses basket. I didn't feel the need to do much else because Daniel had already done a ton of dishes and laundry during the day, so that satisfied my crazy nesting desires for the day. :)

ETA: Jordyn, so glad you've been able to get some sleep. Hooray for family helping out.

And I agree, pictures of Liam (and Milo!) would be very welcome. :)

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