Stacey, I'm glad to hear that your appointment went well. That's crazy to think that you'll be having your little girl in 5 weeks!
Heather, sorry to hear about the sciatic pain.

I had it for a little while with Alia, but thankfully it went away. I hope you get some relief soon, and if not, well then at least you only have 4 weeks left!
Logan, I have the Evenflo Simply Go electric pump and it works okay. I got it from my friend, who ended up with two pumps, so she gave me one. So I got pretty lucky. And yay for feeling your baby move! That's always so exciting.
Rachel, I had a little bit of mucous plug the morning of the 2nd, and then went into labor the next day, so you never know.

I sure hope it's soon for you! I feel like I cheated a little, since I never had to go through the final countdown weeks with this pregnancy. In fact, it's weird to think that I have a one week old baby, but if I was still pregnant, I would only be 37+6 weeks!
Vanessa, I'm glad to hear that things are going well with Milo, and that breastfeeding is a success. That's great that your nipples are already starting to heal up! I can't wait to experience pain-free breastfeeding, since I never got to that point with Alia.
As for us, things are still going well. My DH was able to work from home yesterday, so he kept an eye on Alia while I got a little extra sleep in the morning, and then today my MIL stayed home from work half day so that I could get some sleep this morning, too. So I think that's really helped. I'm still dealing with a lot of pain from breastfeeding, but I'm hoping that my nipples will start to toughen up soon. As for Alia, she's had some trouble napping the last few days, and I think it's because her schedule has been thrown off so badly this week. Tomorrow will be my first full day on my own, but then we'll have the weekend, so hopefully next week she can get back to her normal routine. I think one of the hardest things for her is that I can't pick her up all the time, since I want to make sure I don't mess up the healing of my stiches. But I feel like I'm healing really well, and a lot faster than I did with Alia, so hopefully I can resume my normal lifting sooner than the prescribed 4 weeks. Also, my postpartum bleeding has gotten really light, so I think that's almost over already, which is great.