Stacey, good luck at your appointment! I really hope they can come up with a solution that will be good for your job situation and for your health.
I'm recovering really well. I'm so ready to go home, but have to wait for them to do a car seat test for Liam before we can be discharged (it's mandatory if the baby is born before 37 weeks...even if only by one day!

). Other than that, I don't see why we can't leave, since Liam is doing great, also. I was able to get about 6 hours of sleep last night (in chunks, of course, between feedings) so that was nice. I no longer feel like I'm ready to pass out from exhaustion. I swear, my next baby better come during the day, because laboring at night just sets you up worse for the coming sleep deprivation.
Anyway, here's my birth story for you.
Starting at around 8pm, I was having some kind of painful contractions, but I brushed them off as probably nothing. However, they continued to get stronger and stronger, until I knew I was most likely in labor. So we had DHs dad stay at the house while we headed off to the hospital! By the time they checked me, I was 5cm dilated, and the contractions were getting pretty bad. So they admitted us and transferred us over to a delivery room, and got me the epidural, which was so nice, because by that point, the contractions were probably the worst pain Ive ever felt in my life. By then I was 7cm dilated. Soon after, they broke my water, and a little while longer I was at 10cm. The nurse thought Liam was back to back, so she had me lay in a few different positions to see if we could persuade him to flip over, and it must have worked, because when Dr. Ponder came (she was the on-call doctor, not my OB) she said he was face down and we were ready to try a push. Because Id told her that it took three hours of pushing with Alia, Dr. Ponder said we would just see what a push looked like, but she wouldnt get her gown on yet. Well, after one push, she said, Okay! Im grabbing my gown! I think this will be pretty quick! And it was, thank heavens. It took only about ten minutes of pushing for Liam to be born at 2:29am. As soon as he was delivered, they put him on my chest and DH got to cut the cord (which was great, because Alia had to be whisked off as soon as she was born so we missed out on the early bonding time, and DH wasn't able to cut the cord). Once he was weighed and cleaned off, they let me do skin-to-skin and start breastfeeding. He was so alert, and kept sucking for about 40 minutes. I knew right then that he was probably going to be a better eater than Alia. So after we had a little time, they moved us upstairs to the recovery room, and Ive been here ever since. Because Liam was a little early, they had to do blood sugar tests every 4 hours, but he's been passing with flying colors. Now I'm just ready to go home!