anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

ohh my goodness blessed that is great news congrats!!! how far along do you think you are??
Congrats, Blessed! That's very excited. :happydance: I'm very happy for you! I second Stacey, how far along are you?

Stacey, I hope you get good news at the doctors tomorrow and they let you still work without full bed rest. I don't know if things are different there but one of my friends that just delivered her baby a few months ago was put off of work completely for back pain, etc. I do know that she got paid disability and she went off work around 30ish weeks, I think. Maybe if you aren't physically able to work you would get disability?

Vanessa and Jordyn, hope you're both getting to enjoy your babies and getting some much deserved rest! :hugs:

Rachel, you're next!!! Only a few more weeks now for you. :thumbup:
well I think I am due in march. I am only 13 dpo today I think. I was due to start af today based off my last af. I have been irregular since they came back so its kinda confusing. I wasn't expecting a bfp, but it was a great surprise! I will take it lol
Melissa! So glad you're back online! And a HUGE congrats on your BFP!!! ::happydance: What a lovely unexpected blessing!

Ack! Heather, I hadn't really thought about it that way... I am next aren't I?! Eeek! So exciting. Time to do some serious nesting. Maybe if I pack my hospital bag and do some cleaning I'll go into labour the next day like Jordyn did. Tee hee. :haha:
Vanessa, huge congrats on the birth of your little boy! I'm sorry to hear that your labor didn't go very smoothly, but like you said, it was definitely worth it! He's adorable, and I live the picture of him and Noah together. :cloud9:

Melissa, congratulations on your bfp!!! I'm so happy for you! And it's so nice to hear from you. I was starting to wonder if you'd left us for good, like some of the other ladies had. Good to see that you haven't! :winkwink:

Rachel, I really did leave the packing and cleaning until the last minute didn't I? I kept saying how I thought Liam was coming early, but then I never really did anything about it! :dohh: I'm so curious now to see when Jimmy will make his appearance!

Stacey, I hope you can find a good solution with your work situation. Hopefully they'll just modify your duties so that they're not so demanding. :hugs:

Oh, so Alia's reaction to Liam was to point at him excitedly and say "Baby! Baby! Baby!" And then strain to try and touch him with her pointer finger. After that, she pretty much ignored him. :dohh: So here's a closer picture of Liam so you can see his cute little face better. :flower:


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Aww Melissa that is great news!!! I cant believe that almost all of us have gotton pregnant!! I am soo happy for you!!!

Rachel: OMGG!! you are the next one. That statement made me laugh that you will get everything ready then maybe you will go into labor like jordyn haha. That is very true jordyn went into labor the next day right haha

Heather: Your not to far off. about 4 weeks for you!! It will fly by before you know it!! Then we will be meeting little ben!!!

Vanessa: I hope you are recovering well! Rest when you can hun!!!

Jordyn: Aww that had to be soo cute to see alia say baby baby baby haha. Now she doesnt pay attention to him but she will dont worry lol. How are you doing. Are you recovering well. Are you going to write a birth story? I was just wondering like how did you go into labor. lol

Today is other doc apointment for me!! So i will update you ladies later with what they said. I know they will do some more testing so it might be awhile! Im dropping my kids off at MILs so they will enjoy that! Wish me luck ladies
Stacey, good luck at your appointment! I really hope they can come up with a solution that will be good for your job situation and for your health. :thumbup:

I'm recovering really well. I'm so ready to go home, but have to wait for them to do a car seat test for Liam before we can be discharged (it's mandatory if the baby is born before 37 weeks...even if only by one day! :dohh:). Other than that, I don't see why we can't leave, since Liam is doing great, also. I was able to get about 6 hours of sleep last night (in chunks, of course, between feedings) so that was nice. I no longer feel like I'm ready to pass out from exhaustion. I swear, my next baby better come during the day, because laboring at night just sets you up worse for the coming sleep deprivation.

Anyway, here's my birth story for you. :flower:

Starting at around 8pm, I was having some kind of painful contractions, but I brushed them off as probably nothing. However, they continued to get stronger and stronger, until I knew I was most likely in labor. So we had DH’s dad stay at the house while we headed off to the hospital! By the time they checked me, I was 5cm dilated, and the contractions were getting pretty bad. So they admitted us and transferred us over to a delivery room, and got me the epidural, which was so nice, because by that point, the contractions were probably the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life. By then I was 7cm dilated. Soon after, they broke my water, and a little while longer I was at 10cm. The nurse thought Liam was back to back, so she had me lay in a few different positions to see if we could persuade him to flip over, and it must have worked, because when Dr. Ponder came (she was the on-call doctor, not my OB) she said he was face down and we were ready to try a push. Because I’d told her that it took three hours of pushing with Alia, Dr. Ponder said we would just see what a push looked like, but she wouldn’t get her gown on yet. Well, after one push, she said, “Okay! I’m grabbing my gown! I think this will be pretty quick!” And it was, thank heavens. It took only about ten minutes of pushing for Liam to be born at 2:29am. As soon as he was delivered, they put him on my chest and DH got to cut the cord (which was great, because Alia had to be whisked off as soon as she was born so we missed out on the early bonding time, and DH wasn't able to cut the cord). Once he was weighed and cleaned off, they let me do skin-to-skin and start breastfeeding. He was so alert, and kept sucking for about 40 minutes. I knew right then that he was probably going to be a better eater than Alia. So after we had a little time, they moved us upstairs to the recovery room, and I’ve been here ever since. Because Liam was a little early, they had to do blood sugar tests every 4 hours, but he's been passing with flying colors. Now I'm just ready to go home! :flower:
aww jordyn that sounds wonderful!!! i know what you mean about laboring during the day. Natalia was born at 5 47 am i was awake all night then the next day i was flat out exausted lol. BUt then jonathan was born at 511 pm so i never felt exausted with him. It sounds like you did great!! Have they weighed liam again? Just curiouse if he has gained some weight since you said he was such a great eater!!
Jordyn, it gives me great hope to know that you only had to push for 10 minutes! I'm hoping that phase will be shorter for me this time around. And I'm so glad you were able to rest last night.

I'm getting jealous of you ladies who already have your babies. It's not that I'm sick of being pregnant yet, I just really want to meet my little guy!
Wow im off for a few days and 2 babies come and a bfp.. :)

First off congrats to you both on your beautiful (handsome) boys.. makes me broody lol to get mine out.. and love on.. :)

Congrats blessed on the bfp :) so happy for you

17 weeks for me today..

Hmm my previous labors, McKenna-I went into labor at 2am got to the hospital at around 4am and had her by 7am.. very quick and great..
Bryce-went to my 38 week apt was 3cms did the nst and the contractions were on top of each other had decreased movements so he kept me and labor just kept going.. was a great experience oh and I was admitted at 4pm and had him at 8:08pm.. :)

Hoping for one last final easy quick labor.. :)
Jordyn, that's cute that Alia said "baby, baby, baby" when seeing Liam! He has such a cute little face. :flower: I'm glad you're doing well and got some rest last night and hopefully you'll soon be on your way. :thumbup:

Rachel, I can't wait to see your little Jimmy now! Maybe you should start getting organized and packing to get things moving... :winkwink: And I agree, seeing all these babies is also making me kinda jealous too...I can't wait to meet our Ben!!!

Stacey, I can't wait to hear how your appointment went! Hopefully they can come to some sort of solution so you can stay working. :hugs:

Logan, it sounds like you really did have very quick labors with both Bryce and McKenna. Hopefully this last birth will be just as quick and as enjoyable as possible or you. :flower:

I'm so exhausted today. :sleep: Last night someone was playing their music down the street so loud that it was making the windows in our house vibrate! :growlmad: I was up till almost 1am and even ended up calling the police at 11:30 because I was so mad. The music stopped shortly after that but it took me a long time to fall back asleep again! I'm thrilled its Friday and I'm off till Tuesday again.

Only 4 more weeks of work for me!!! :happydance:
Rachel: Dont worrie you will see your little man soon enough!!!!

Heather im sorry about the music last night. Hopefully tonight you will sleep better! Yay for the few days off!! Wow only 4 weeks thats great!!

Logan: It does sound like your deliverys were very fast indeed!! Im sure number 3 will be the same!!!

Well ladies i just go home from my doctors apointment very disapointed! She is taking me out of work. Im soo upset i dont know what we will do with one income. How on earth are we going to pay all of our bills and stuff? I just dont know what to do honestly. Im scared.

I am to go in to see the doc 2 times a week. So like mondays i go see the doctor and then go for a non stress test for the baby. Then on thursday i go see the doctor and go for a ultrasound to check fluid and such around baby. This ruitine will repeat until the baby is born. She said her goal is to keep baby in until 36 weeks. She does not think i will make it to my due date. Today i had to go get a non stress test witch was showing me contracting every 3 min but baby was just fine. And a ultrasound. Baby was measuring 34 weeks and 4 lbs 8 oz. Fluid was great! I am to take my blood pressure twice a day and anything over 170/100 i am to call the doc right away.

Im scared i wont have a job when i return because now my fmla paperwork is out the window. I just honestly ladies dont know what to do.....
Oh Stacey, I'm soooo sorry for the bad news from the doctor! :nope: so since the baby is measuring at 34 weeks are they changing your due date? What is the reason that they won't let you work???

I don't know a lot about it but it seems like you should still be able to qualify for some money if you pay into it every paycheck. Maybe ask your doctor if you haven't already?
Heather: Its because if i understand correctly having high blood pressure so pregnancy induced hypertension is what it is now. I dont have enough protien in my urin for it to be pre e yet. But with high blood pressure the baby doesnt get the same amount of blood flow and oxygen to them. So the more often the bp is high the less blood and O2 witch can cause distress on the baby low fluid around baby and even death of the baby if not watched closley. So working is when my blood pressure is the highest although i dont know why it was high again today as i was off but so she said no working. If i was closer to my due date she would have induced me but because i still have 9 weeks til due date she doesnt want to take a chance.

And about the measuring 34 weeks im not sure. I dont think that they will change my due date as my very first due date are considered more "acurate". I wish they would though because it sounds better to say well lets take you off of work at 34 wks vs 31. The funny thing is too that today my fundle height was right at 34 weeks. And i have asked about the disability and there is nothing here... Im almost thinking to go see if we can get some food stamps or something to help us out alittle. Im just not sure.
I would say see if you can qualify for food stamps or something to help a bit. I'm sorry, you must be so stressed right now! :hugs:

Could your DH pick up extra shifts at work?

Would they induce you at 36 weeks? Hopefully you can keep her in until she is closer to full term. Did you ever have any of these problems with Jonathan or Natalia? Just try not to stress. I know it's easier for me to say but it will probably make your blood pressure rise more. Just take it easy and rest!
That's awful to be dealing with Duejan, how stressful!

About measuring ahead... the later on the more off they are. I think I read at one point the estimates can be as much as a lb off. With Keira they told me she was nearly 4 lbs at 28 weeks and were questioning as to whether or not I was diabetic (I am not). When she was born at 29 weeks she was only 3 lbs. So I've experienced first hand just how far off they can be when you are further along.

I don't understand how you do not qualify for Disability. No offense to you or other Americans... but things like this makes me SO happy to be Canadian.

AFM... I got around to calling the Obstetrician to find out why I wasn't being seen until after 20 weeks with a high risk pregnancy and they FREAKED out. lol I'm on a cancellation list now so hoping to be seen soon. I'm so frustrated with my GPs office for not conveying all the information properly.
Heather i think we would but i just kinda hate having to apply for that stuff you know. I was on it before when natalia was little and only dh was working. I never had any issues with this before. The doc even told me today my chances of this happening were very very very little! She said i did nothing wrong sometimes it just happens. My dh cant pick up any extra hours at his work he is already working 6 days a week. I really dont want him to pick up another job as i would prefer he was here with me. So who knows im sure we will figure it out. We also do.

Skadi: yup i know ultrasounds can be way off lol They are all estimates anyways most babies will just come when they are ready. Im happy that you called the ob and let them aware of what was happening. Hopefully you can get in soon!! What was the reason again you delivered so early??
My Membranes ruptured at 28 weeks. No reason was found for it but there is a good chance it could happen again.

..and OMG I finally had time to read back...

Congrats Spiffy!!! He is gorgeous!

Congrats Blessed! I'm so excited for you! How do you feel about being due in March again? lol
Grr. Had a reply all typed out and then got disconnected and lost it. Boo.

Anyway, here's a shorter version of what I wrote: :)

Skadi, that's awesome that they will see you sooner; too bad there was a miscommunication between the two offices. Have they given you any suggestions on how to prevent early labour this time around? I guess if they don't know what caused it, it would be kind of hard to know how to avoid it...

Heather, I hope you were able to get more rest today! Enjoy your long weekend, and wow, 4 weeks... That's awesome. I've only got 2 more weeks of work myself!

AFM, we managed to start de-cluttering our bedroom last night to make room for a bassinet. It felt so good to finally get that started. And today I sorted all our baby clothes by size, so they are all ready to go too. Next I think I'll start getting a hospital bad ready. And then the next big thing is lining up some options of what to do with Ozzy when we need to go to the hospital. As challenging as it would be to live with parents and/or in-laws, I'm jealous of you ladies who have that set-up right now. It would be so much simpler than having to drop him off or find someone to come here to watch him!
I have no idea Harley because I haven't seen the Obstetrician yet. My family Doctor can't really put a plan in place. I know I will be getting the steroid shots towards the end of my second trimester to help speed up lung development just in case. Not sure what else will be done, if anything can be done.

Harley, I was worrying the same thing about what we are going to do with Keira. Ugh. Especially if I go early again and have to spend time in the hospital. I'll be packing my hospital bag when I hit 21 weeks. I do NOT want to get caught having to give a list of stuff to my OH to pack for me like last time. He thought thong underwear was appropriate hospital wear despite my instructions otherwise.

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