Hello ladies! Please excuse me because I have to go back and read through everyone's updates.
But yes, I have had my second baby boy

I've had a pretty rough time of it in labour and ended up being transferred into hospital. When the midwife saw me on Tuesday evening my blood pressure was high and I had 2+ protein in my urine, so she suspected pre-eclampsia. As a result I went into hospital. It turned out I didn't have it and I knew I didn't, but I understood why she had to bring me in.
So anyway, when we got there it turned out Milo was back to back. I'd already been contracting regularly from 7pm and labour just stalled. They checked me at about midnight and I was 5cm dilated, four hours later I was 6cm. Just wanted to cry. They broke my waters but it still remained stalled. So they put me on a syntocin drip to ramp up the contractions and oh my God I wanted to die, they were that awful. On top of each other, no respite and so much worse than the natural contractions I'd had with Noah. At about 7am I broke down and asked for pain relief, they gave me diamorphine which helped a little by making me sleepy.
He finally got into the right position and I got to 9cm dilated at around 9.30am. I was able to deliver his head but we then had a case of shoulder dystocia. I knew exactly what was going on when the midwife pulled the emergency cord and yanked my legs up, scared the living daylights out of me but they handled it really well and got him out quickly with no lasting effects. They put him on my chest crying. DH was sobbing with relief after having watched the whole ordeal and that he was safe and sound.
So I ended up with a second degree tear. They put me on iron tablets because my levels dropped very low. But they really were fantastic and took very good care of us.
Milo is gorgeous

And worth it all! We're trying to crack breastfeeding and doing ok so far, but my nipples are already very sore. Trying to push through it. He weighed in at 7lb 11oz so kind of glad he was two weeks early!
I'll be honest, that labour and birth was horrendous, 15 hours of back to back labour, it absolutely sucked and I really didn't see me getting through it without a c-section. But funnily enough, as hugely different as both my births have been, I feel so proud of both of them and having got through it. I'm battered and bruised but I'm a woman with a badge of honour!
I'll upload a couple of photos shortly.
Jordyn - congratulations! Liam is beautiful! And we had our boys one day apart! Funny how we both had our suspicions that these boys would be early, mother's intuition
Stacey that sucks about your blood pressure, mine was sky high for a bit too so I know how that feels. If it persists surely bed rest is the right way to go?