Aww, Jordyn, I remember you telling us about your mom before, but I had forgotten. Sorry.

I kind of know the feeling (not quite the same) because I lost my dad at 13 and I really wish my kids could have known their Grandpa Jim. We're naming Jimmy after him (he was named James, went by Jimmy when he was young, and then Jim when older). My mom recently gave me a framed picture of my dad when was young - maybe about 10 years old or so. I'll try to get a picture of it. That's at least one way that Jimmy can be connected to his grandpa.

And way to go on the weightloss so far! That's awesome. If I recall, it took me like 6 weeks to lose about half of the total weight that I had gained during pregnancy, but you'll be there closer to 2 weeks! And I definitely found that breastfeeding helped me lose weight faster. Makes sense, since your body uses lots of calories just to produce milk.
And what a sweet picture of Alia giving Liam a kiss! Adorable! And I agree, they do look a lot alike. But I think Liam has more boyish features. Not quite sure exactly what it is, but I just tend to think boy when I see him.
Heather, Sam's haircut looks great! And wonderful that he did so well; I hope Ozzy handles his first haircut as well as Sam and Jonathan did. And I just bought that A to Z book for Ozzy today! How funny. (I was out shopping for birthday presents for my nephew and I couldn't resist getting something for Ozzy too.

Stacey, those first few sentences you wrote about Jonathan could have been about Ozzy! He was 25 lbs. and 32 inches at his 18 month check up, didn't make a sound when he got his one shot, and waves good bye to everyone! But I wish Ozzy just pouted when we tell hime no. Heh. He gets a lot more upset than that right now. You'll have to show us the cute little pout if you get a picture. And how wonderful that you've found someone already who's so willing to help with breastfeeding. Hopefully that makes it all less stressful right from the start.
Not much to update on here. Ozzy and Daniel are napping, then we're heading out t IKEA and then to our nephew's birthday party. A pretty busy afternoon and evening ahead, but Daniel let me sleep in this morning, so I'm feeling good.