anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Stacey, I'm sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well today. :( I hope your blood pressure can regulate itself so that you don't have to suffer with the side effects, like that headache. I've had a headache today as well, but I'm pretty sure mine is just from not having enough sleep.

Heather, I hope things go well while your DH is away. That's great that you got a nap in today! In fact, you should try to use this time with your DH away as a chance to get lots of rest so that you're as ready as you can be when Ben arrives. :flower:

Logan, cute bump! :thumbup: I still have the icky postpartum bump, which makes me miss my pregnant bump. At least there was a good reason for it then! :haha:
Jordyn, it was me who had the baby blues pretty badly first time around, so that is so nice to hear that you are doing much better this time! I did find someone to do placenta encapsulation for me, so I'm doing that a proactive measure to combat that. I could tell that sometimes I was crying because I was just sleep deprived and other times I could tell that I was sad for no good reason at all. I'm hoping this time is easier.

Heather, Daniel's parents are fairly close, about a half hour away, but we honestly don't see them very much. They came to the hospital when Ozzy was first born, but didn't hold him because they had been sick (their choice, not mine). They came to our house when he was almost a week old to actually visit with him the first time. Anyway, I'd much rather have my own mom there helping than Daniel's! She's a great lady, it's just not the same, iywim. And Daniel's sister lives pretty close too, but she is super busy a lot of the time and is single with two girls of her own. Hope you had a good nap! Sounds like you'll need to be well rested for the week ahead! :)

Stacey, I hope your head feels better soon. Do you think it's related to your BP or does it feel different. Either way it can't be fun. And we really need to get Ozzy's hair cut, but I'm reluctant because I love his little curls on the back of his head! But we will get it cut before we have the photographer come over to take Jimmy's newborn portraits, since we'll also so some family and brother shots too. :)

Logan, cute bump as always! Starting to look like a genuine baby in there. ;) And happy 18 weeks! Yay!
Stacey, it is nice having the option of taking Sam to work but its kinda a pain too because he is at the age of wanting to get into everything so like you said I don't get as much done like I could without him there.

Logan, what a cute bump you have coming along there! :flower:

Jordyn, that's the plan; rest as much as I can because my days are numbered before Ben makes an appearance! :haha: then I'll never get to take a proper nap. :dohh: I missed my bump after having Sam too but I do look forward go getting back into shape now and meeting this little guy! Does it seem like the weight is coming off quickly?

Rachel, I can totally relate and understand what you mean by having your own mom. I do like my mil but its not the same as my own mom. Never feel as comfortable with her like with my own! My mom and I are so much alike that we argue sometimes but she 100% gets me so it will be nice having her here! I never felt judged after having Sam like I did with mil about some things.

Ah, well woke up from a nice nap. Sam is still napping so I'm gonna leave him be so I can shower without him constantly looking in on me in there! :dohh:
Heather, I'm down 17 pounds so far, which means I have to lose 23 more pounds to get back to pre-pregnancy weight, and 31 pounds to get to my goal weight. But I feel like it will go better this time around since I'll be up and moving more to keep up with Alia, and if I can breastfeed for longer, I know that will help, too.

I have to admit ladies, I'm pretty jealous. I only have my MIL since my own mom passed away when I was 11, so I don't even know what that's like to have my mom there for me now that I'm a mother myself. Sometimes I just really wish that my kids could know their other grandma. :(

Okay, on a lighter note, I have a picture of Alia giving Liam a kiss, and then I also have a picture of Liam and then a picture of Alia as a newborn to compare him to. They do look pretty similar!


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Jordyn, 17lbs so far is awesome especially since Liam is only a week old! :thumbup: Liam and Alia really look similar, even still! Very cute :cloud9: I'm sorry you don't have your mom and she wasnt able to meet her grandchildren. :nope: you'll just have to make sure to tell them all about about her as they grow and how wonderful she was! :hugs:

I took Sam this afternoon to get a haircut. He did so good! The girl was complimenting on how well he did for his age! :cloud9: then we went to the mall to look for a new pair of shoes and a book!

A few pictures: Sam and his new shoes and books (he won't let me take off the shoes lol)

And his new haircut...looks the same from the front though, mainly cut the back!
Jordyn: I too hope my bp somehow regulates. Doc says he doesnt put people on bp medicine though as it alot of time can hide preeclampsia and lead to worse problems. I would have refused them anyways but that is good to know. I am sorry about not being able to have your mom here. I agree with heather just make sure you talk about her with your kids so they know her:hugs: Aww those pictures are soo cute. Before i read your post i thought the last two pics were the same pics exept i saw pink in the last one lol. They look very much alike! And wow 17lbs that is awsom!!!!

Rachel: Yes im pretty positive that my head ache has to do with my bp. I feel that head ach and also you know how you feel when you stand up so fast you get like dizzy like if you need to sit down again. Ive been feeling like this all day. Even when lying down:nope: ugg i hope these 5 weeks go fast lol. I feel the same about the parent stuff. I love my MIL i really do but there is just nothing the same as your own mom... Im very happy your mom is coming out.

Logan: What a beautiful bump you have! Congrats on 18 weeks. Not long now until your scan!!

Heather: Aww what a nice hair cut. That is great that he did so well. I hear not alot of kids our los ages do well. Jonathan sat up there like if he had been doing it for years lol. Even when she took out the trimmers he just laughed at it lol. He loves getting his hair cut, but the lady cutting his hair said that she has been trying to cut her grandsons hair forever and he screams and screams and doesnt let her cut it. He is now 3 and still fights it lol Love the shoes. And the books. Jonathan has started falling asleep with his books the past two nights. Its very cute. haha

Today jonathan had his 18 month old check up. He is now 25lbs and 31.5 inch. He is short and fat basically haha. But he checked out great. He got the hep a shot i think it was and didnt even cry. I mean not even a peep out of him lol. The nurse was like he was my best patient all day haha. Aww but i was very proud. He is in this phase now where he says bye to everyone. I mean everyone lol. We went to the store after his apointment and if someone walked by he says bye and starts waving haha its the cutest thing. And omg he has started doing this pouty face when we tell him no. Next time he does it im going to try to get in on camera. Its just priceless haha. The nurse today that jonathan had specializes in breast feeding and stuff. And like i have been going to labor and delivery for my apointments the nurse there told her about me. SO today she told me that she is going to really help me this time to try to establish it well before we go home from the hospital. Especially because baby might come alittle early. Even at 37 weeks sometimes they still have problems. So that was very nice of her to talk to me about it.
Aww, Jordyn, I remember you telling us about your mom before, but I had forgotten. Sorry. :( I kind of know the feeling (not quite the same) because I lost my dad at 13 and I really wish my kids could have known their Grandpa Jim. We're naming Jimmy after him (he was named James, went by Jimmy when he was young, and then Jim when older). My mom recently gave me a framed picture of my dad when was young - maybe about 10 years old or so. I'll try to get a picture of it. That's at least one way that Jimmy can be connected to his grandpa. :) And way to go on the weightloss so far! That's awesome. If I recall, it took me like 6 weeks to lose about half of the total weight that I had gained during pregnancy, but you'll be there closer to 2 weeks! And I definitely found that breastfeeding helped me lose weight faster. Makes sense, since your body uses lots of calories just to produce milk.

And what a sweet picture of Alia giving Liam a kiss! Adorable! And I agree, they do look a lot alike. But I think Liam has more boyish features. Not quite sure exactly what it is, but I just tend to think boy when I see him.

Heather, Sam's haircut looks great! And wonderful that he did so well; I hope Ozzy handles his first haircut as well as Sam and Jonathan did. And I just bought that A to Z book for Ozzy today! How funny. (I was out shopping for birthday presents for my nephew and I couldn't resist getting something for Ozzy too. :blush:)

Stacey, those first few sentences you wrote about Jonathan could have been about Ozzy! He was 25 lbs. and 32 inches at his 18 month check up, didn't make a sound when he got his one shot, and waves good bye to everyone! But I wish Ozzy just pouted when we tell hime no. Heh. He gets a lot more upset than that right now. You'll have to show us the cute little pout if you get a picture. And how wonderful that you've found someone already who's so willing to help with breastfeeding. Hopefully that makes it all less stressful right from the start.

Not much to update on here. Ozzy and Daniel are napping, then we're heading out t IKEA and then to our nephew's birthday party. A pretty busy afternoon and evening ahead, but Daniel let me sleep in this morning, so I'm feeling good. :)
Heather, I love the pictures! That's great that Sam did so well during his haircut. I don't think we'll have to worry about cutting Alia's hair for a loooong time. :dohh:

Stacey, Alia will do the same thing as Jonathon, except she says, "Hi" to everyone. And then when they start talking to her, she runs over to me and starts patting my legs, saying, "Mama, mama, mama." That's awesome that Jonathon didn't even cry during his shot! I can't imagine that Alia will be so tough, since she bawled during her 15 month shots.

Rachel, I didn't realize that you had lost your father when you were younger. I'm sorry. Did you mom ever re-marry? My dad got re-married three different times, but none of them ever worked, and right now he's single. That's so special that you're naming Jimmy after your dad. We gave Alia my mom's middle name as her middle name as a way of honoring her (my brother gave his daughter my mom's first name as her middle name, so that's why we chose to use her middle name).

Well, nothing much new here. I've been having a lot of pain when Liam nurses on the right side, and today I realized that there's actually a split in my nipple. :( I can't wait for this to not be so painful!
Stacey, that's great that Jonathan did so well at his appointment and didn't even cry for his shot! :thumbup: I wish I could say Sam doesn't cry but unfortunately he does and it's alway so sad because he's so happy while I talk to him and as soon as they poke him he gets this look on his face like what the heck just happened?! :dohh: poor guy! That's cute that Jonathan says bye to everyone and waves. Sam started that as well, except he says "hi" and waves when we come inside and when he leaves he waves bye! :haha: it's pretty cute!

Rachel, that's great Daniel let you sleep in! :thumbup: and it sounds like you have a busy afternoon. I'm jealous you are going to Ikea, did you buy anything good?? I plan to talk DH into going next weekend! I love that store.
Stacey, that's great that Jonathan did so well at his appointment and didn't even cry for his shot! :thumbup: I wish I could say Sam doesn't cry but unfortunately he does and it's alway so sad because he's so happy while I talk to him and as soon as they poke him he gets this look on his face like what the heck just happened?! :dohh: poor guy! That's cute that Jonathan says bye to everyone and waves. Sam started that as well, except he says "hi" and waves when we come inside and when he leaves he waves bye! :haha: it's pretty cute!

Rachel, that's great Daniel let you sleep in! :thumbup: and it sounds like you have a busy afternoon. I'm jealous you are going to Ikea, did you buy anything good?? I plan to talk DH into going next weekend! I love that store.

Jordyn, sorry you're having pain breastfeeding! :nope: I hope it starts getting better soon. Have you tried a nipple shield to help it heal but still allowing Liam to nurse?

Not much new here, my aunt and uncle visited this afternoon and brought lunch. It was good to see them one last time before they head back to Oregon. They love Sam, it was cute seeing them play with him! :cloud9:

I'm ready for DH to get back, I miss him and never sleep good when he is out of town! Still 3 more nights without!
Grr. Just lost a long post again because the ethernet cable came loose. I love this new laptop of ours except for that!

Jordyn, my mom has never remarried. She's tried some online match-making sites and even met a few of the guys from there in person, but nothing's worked out so far. I hope she finds someone she can grow old with though. :) And both my brothers had already used by my dad's first name and his middle name as theirs sons middle names, so I decided I would just go ahead and use the first name as the first name!

And a split nipple?! Ouch! I'm super impressed you're powering through the pain. I'm sure it'll be much better once Liam's tongue is "untied."

Heather, we never made it into Ikea today. :( Ozzy had a long, late nap so we had to go straight to the party. That's okay, though, he had a great time at the party! Mostly played with a balloon, kicking it around. :)

Oh, and we scored some more hand-me-downs, which is nice. We're trying to stock up on 24 months sized stuff since we don't have much of it right now. And they (Daniel's brother and SIL) also gave us their Baby Bjorn! We have a carrier, but it's not super comfy and it doesn't allow baby to face out, so I'm very happy we got this one for free!
Rachel: Im sorry to hear about your dad i dont think i knew that:hugs: That is great that jimmys name has such a great meaning!! That is great you got a bjorn! I got one when natalia was born and absolutly LOVE it. They face in when little and then out when alittle older. Love it lol. Mine was from a garage sale for 10 bucks. Brand new lol. So you will love it lol. How are you feeling?

Jordyn: Im soo sorry to hear about your split nipple. I had that with jonathan and acually refused to latch him on i was in soo mmuch pain. I just fed him with the left nipple and pumped the right so my milk stayed in. It was just awful. And the part i hated the most was acually showering.At this time our shower head kept falling off causing TONS of pressure from the shower and this just so happend when i was in there washing my face. very painful. Hang in there. Not long now before he gets his tongue tie fixed!

Heather: That great you got to see your aunt and uncle again before they left. Aww i know what you mean about seeing them play with sam. I be that is soo cute. Im sorry your dh still has 3 days to be gone but hopefully it will come and go before you know it.

Everyone lol: Aww its soo cute when our babies talk like that huh? I am soo exited because natalia never spoke to anyone at this age. She was always soo shy. So i just get soo exited to see maybe jonathan will start talking before natalia did. Its just soo cute.

So last night i had this dream that all of us ladies desided to get together. And let our kids meet and play. We all had our new babies as well. It was soo weird but a nice dream.

So today my kids are getting baptized! We are soo exited although its all rainy today. And all the kids are wearing white of corse. We are just going to have to try to keep the outfits as clean as possible. The bapitizm is at 6pm then we have a party after. I will post pics when i can!
Stacey, I hope the baptisms went well! I'm looking forward to seeing some pictures. In my church, kids don't get baptized until they're 8 years old, so we have quite a ways to go before then.

That's cool that you had a dream that we all got together. I wish we could!

Well, my split nipple is starting to heal, but it's still incredibly painful when he latches on that side. I really hope that having his tongue tie clipped will help. If not, I know I'm in for a long haul, since it was still killing me at 6 weeks with Alia.

So I took my kids for a walk today with our new double stroller. I thought if I went early, it wouldn't be too hot yet, but at 8:30am, I was still breaking a sweat. It will be nice when it's not quite so hot.

Vanessa, have you ventured out of the house on your own with the two kids, yet? I had a pediatrician appointment this Thursday that I'll have to go to on my own, and I'm a little worried, because I'll have to carry Alia as well as the car seat with Liam in it. (They tell you not to lift too much during the postpartum weeks, but as a mom of a young toddler and a baby, how is that even possible?)
well ladies the baptism went great. We enjoyed every bit of it. We had alittle party afterwords that the kids had a great time. I will post pics when i can.

Jordyn: I am glad it seems your nipple is healing. WHen is Liam suppost to get his tongue tie fixed? Aww that was great you were able to get out of the house for a bit even though it was soo hot. It was raining all day yesterday stopped for the baptism then started raining all evening and night lol. So it was nice for me.

Well ladies i just got back from my doctor appointment. Baby looked great on the monitors and bp was only 146/85 today so thats great! My daughter has her surgery on thursday so the doctor told me i can wait to come in until monday. Then he got the results on my 24 hr urine collection and now my levels are at 363. I am officially diagnosed with pre e. My doc is just shocked. He cant understand why i would have it this time and not with any of my previouse babies. He told me if i didnt have my other two kids then he would hospitalize me until she is born. But that is one of the last things he wants to do with having 2 kids at home. He is even calling a colligue of his from denver to see what he suggest. Now i have to go back to see him on friday to check baby again. The dr will get back to me later today when he figures out how he wants to proceed. ugg now i have my mom telling me that this needs to be my last baby and i dont need anymore. and bla bla bla. I want one more kid. And my chances of this happening were almost none. I just wish my mom didnt have to mention stuff like that now. I know she doesnt want me having anymore kids she made that clear when i got pregnant this time but its really not her desicion.....
Jordyn, that's great that your nipple is feeling better (hope that trend continues!) and that you were able to get out of the house. Too bad it was so hot! I was just talking with a mom yesterday at church and we were remembering how hot and sweaty we were in the first few weeks after birth. I imagine it's a little glimpse of what we'll all go through in menopause someday! ha!

Stacey, that sounds like a good BP reading, but I'm so sorry your urine came back so high. I'm sure your doctor will figure out the best way to proceed from here. And don't worry about what your mom's saying; you're right - it's your decision! Plus, there is no reason to think you'll have pre-e with any future pregnancies. My mom had three kids and only had it during her second pregnancy. First and third were just fine! As far as I can tell, it's totally random.

And I'm feeling alright; thanks for asking. :) My stomach's a little queasy today, but I'm trying not to read that as a sign of labour and just be patient. Little Jimmy will get here whenever it's time. I know God's got a date in mind, so I'll just try to patiently wait until things get going! I do plan to get a sweep still tomorrow, and I'm hoping to DTD tonight as well. :)

Sounds like the baptism went really well! Looking forward to pictures of your cuties!
Stacey, I'm so sorry to hear that it's officially pre-e. :( I hope they can come up with a good system for keeping you and baby girl healthy while still letting you be home with your other two as long as possible. I do think it's interesting that even though there are not too many of us on this thread, we still ended up with Rachel getting GD, you getting Pre-E, Vanessa having shoulder dystocia, and me with an Irritable Uterus and a slightly pre-term birth. What are the odds? I hope everyone else's pregnancies stay complication-free!

Rachel, I get hot flashes sometimes even when I'm not pregnant, so I can't imagine how bad it will be during menopause! :dohh: As for Jimmy, you're right. He'll come in his own due time (although I hope it's before not too long!). I'm excited to see whether your sweep tomorrow will do the trick! :thumbup:

Oh, and Stacey, my pediatrician appointment is Thursday, so that's when we'll get Liam's tongue tie looked at. I'm glad that I now know it's genetic, so I'll have my future babies checked for it right away, hopefully before my nipples get so bad. Oh, and DH will have the day off on Thursday so he can come with me to the appointment, which is a relief, because then I won't have to manage both kids by myself. :flower:
Rachel, sorry you didn't make it to Ikea. Were you looking for anything in particular? I could spend all day in that store...:haha: That's great you got more hand-me-downs for Jimmy! :thumbup: I feel like we have more than enough for Ben right now but I still want to buy more clothes are so much fun to buy! I'm looking forward to hearing if your sweep does anything for you...hopefully Jimmy won't keep you waiting too much longer! :flower:

Stacey, I'm sorry to hear about you being pre-e! :nope: Hopefully your doctor can come up with a plan to keep your little lady baking a little longer and keep you home with your kids! I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the baptism pictures.

Jordyn, that's great that your DH will get to come with you to the appointment on Thursday! I'm not looking forward to having to take Sam with me for appointments for Ben. I can already see it...I'll be chasing him around and Ben will be crying and I'll be getting grey hairs by the minute!!! :dohh: Is the surgery for the tongue tie done in the hospital or right in the office with a pediatrician?

DH will be back this afternoon, I'm super excited! And no more business trips planned until November :happydance: Yesterday Sam was asking "where's daddy" all day so we did FaceTime and Sam wouldn't even talk! :dohh: Silly boy!!! This weekend we are moving the bedrooms and getting the nursery set up, I'm so ready to say we are ready for Ben...right now I feel a bit unprepared for him :wacko:
Heather, we were hoping to find some storage solutions at Ikea. (That and meatballs! ha!) And that's great that your DH will be home today. So cute how Sam was asking for him but shy on Facetime. Silly boy!

I had my sweep this morning. I'm still only about 1 1/2 cm dilated and still have some thickness to my cervix, but the doctor said she was a bit more aggressive this time (it was a different doctor than last week, though, so I'm not sure how she knew how "aggressive" the one last week was :shrug:). Felt a lot more uncomfortable, though.

I'm so tempted to call in sick stay home the rest of the day. I want to be able to say I'm totally ready for Jimmy just like you want to be all ready for Ben, Heather! I feel like the only way I'm going to get stuff done is during the day and not in the few hours of free time I have at night after Ozzy goes to bed. Plus if I stay home, I can do some walking and be active and that might help after the sweep. I don't know. I think I'll go wake Daniel up and see what he says. He'll probably be able to convince me to stay home. :D

ETA: I'm totally taking a sick day to nest. :)
What is a sweep btw? Like I know what its for but what are they actually doing down/up there?
Heather, the tongue tie just gets clipped with a little pair of scissors, so it's done in the pediatrician's office. I remember being worried about it with Alia, but it was so quick and she didn't cry for very long, either, so I hope it goes as smoothly this time, too.

That's great that your DH is coming home soon! It's always so weird going to bed without your spouse, and the kids don't understand why they haven't seen them in so long. I bet Sam will be so excited to see him. :flower:

Rachel, I'm glad you got your sweep done today and I hope it does the trick. I'd say, go for a walk and dtd tonight. Both days when I went into labor, I'd had an internal exam, went for a walk, and dtd, so that's my recipe for success! :haha:

Skadi, as far as I know, they're stripping away the membranes that attach the amniotic sac to the uterine wall. Correct me if I'm wrong, ladies!

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