anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Oh, Jordyn...I think we posted at the same time. I don't really see anything but is there any chance you could be less further along then you thought?

When should AF be due?
No, I'm pretty sure I'm 12 dpo. :(

Heather, I love the pictures! Your boys are so adorable!

I guess I should share a few pics of my little ones together! Alia actually asked if Liam could sit in her lap, so I put him there. :haha: (And of course I can't get them both to smile in the same picture :dohh:)


Heather those pics of your boys are gorgeous! :cloud9: I can't get a picture of my two together since Milo tries to grab Noah's face/hair/clothes and generally annoys him far too much so Noah runs away :dohh:

By the way, Ben doesn't feed overnight? Oh my God I would love that! We're still on 1/2. I think more 1 than 2 these days but I would still love a decent stretch, four hours is my max.

Oh and BLW is baby led weaning - basically putting whatever you're having in front of them, rather than purees. So far he's had potato wedges (a big hit), scrambled egg (loved it), bagel, chicken and beef burgers. He wasn't convinced on the meat, kind of tasted it and turned his nose up bless him.

Jordyn they're lovely pics! Your babies have such lovely smiles.

Not sure about that latest test pic. I think I can see something extremely faint when I tilt the screen but I'm not sure if my eyes are playing tricks on me.

All is good our end. Milo is now working on his latest trick, pulling himself up to standing. Not mastered it yet, he pulls himself up on one foot then overbalances and falls over, but he did it on the cot bars earlier and I thought oh my God we have to lower the mattress! Crawling is almost perfected. I can't believe how much of a mover he is. Noah couldn't be bothered with any of it for ages :haha:
Vanessa- we did mostly BLW with mason. had a few purees in there, but not many. he eats a lot more variety of foods than my other kids. I def think it made a difference :thumbup: I will be doing it again for sure!

Jordyn- I saw the faintest of lines. hope its just taking a minute to rise :shrug: I would hope you're not preggo as oppose to going through another chemical, but of course more than anything I just hope you are preggo with a sticky LO :hugs:

Heather and Jordyn- looooove the baby pics :cloud9: so precious!!!

my LO mason has a double ear infection and possible pneumonia :( my boys all have a bad cough, so they are checking for whooping cough too. hope its just a bad cold for them. think his went into his ears and lungs since he was already having an allergic reaction to macadamia nuts and is teething. not a happy LO right now :nope:
Such lovely pictures, Jordyn! :cloud9: Have you taken any more tests for us to analyze? :haha:

Vanessa, that is pretty interesting about BLW. I've never really heard much about it but now I'm thinking about maybe considering it with Ben.

How is breastfeeding going with Milo?

It is nice that Ben has been sleeping through the night, however it was quite the battle to get him there. We eventually did CIO with him because he was really taking advantage of night waking to the point that he was up every 1.5 hours. :dohh:

Melissa, I hope that Mason feels better and also the rest of your kids don't get sick! It always seems like my two pass stuff back and forth to one another :nope:
Well, I got a verrrrry faint line in the time limit on a dollar store test this morning! So faint it doesn't really show up in pictures, but I'm hopeful. AF is due tomorrow, and my cervix is so high I can't reach it, and my temps went up. :flower:

Vanessa, that's amazing that Milo is pulling himself up to standing already!! :shock: Liam still isn't even rolling over! He just likes to sit and play with toys. Not much of a mover. :haha:

Melissa, I hope your poor kiddos get better soon! I hate it when they get sick. :(

Heather, that's great that Ben is sleeping through the night! I'm jealous!
Jordyn, I think I can see a super faint line! I hope it's the start of your BFP! :flower:
Yep I also see a super faint line Jordyn :thumbup: Really hope it's the start of a blazing BFP! Keep showing us those tests, I love a good look at other peoples tests :haha:

Oh Melissa your poor babies, especially Mason! I hate having a sickly house, it's just miserable when everyone's ill.

Yes BLW seems to be going well so far. Today Milo tried broccoli, salmon and pasta. He didn't like the salmon, quite liked the pasta and LOVED the broccoli. To the point where when he dropped the broccoli he got quite annoyed :haha: He's just joining in with dinner at the moment, don't want to overwhelm him so I'll bring in breakfast in a week or so I reckon.

Breastfeeding is going really well thanks Heather. It's so easy these days, well it has been for months. My aim was to get to 6 months but I have no intention of stopping now, I love it and I want to keep going. New aim is a year and I'll reassess then. DH has been a bit shocked, he keeps mentioning bottle feeding when I say how tired I am. But I don't think feeding method would change anything and actually I don't mind feeding him in the night. I could just do without the midnight parties he decides to throw sometimes :dohh:
When I was BFing Keira and she was up 5 million times in the night people kept suggesting I formula feed her before bed to get her to sleep. I am so glad I didn't cave and try that - I am convinced it was all just her. Ava is exclusively breastfed too and is already practically sleeping through the night.

It's awesome you plan to continue!
Jordyn I deff see a faint line too. I love the pics of your kids they are so beautiful.

Heather I love the pics of your boys too aww. I'm with Vanessa on the blw. We did traditional weening with Natalia and she ended up Being so picky. I did a few purées with Jonathan but mostly he ate what we ate. He eats much more food then Natalia ever did. I will be doing the same with Eva.

Vanessa I'm soo happy that bf is going soo we'll for you! I know what you mean about the babies just annoying the older kids lol Eva is the same if you get within reach she will grab your hair and clothes whatever she can get her hands on lol.

Melissa I'm sorry everyone seems to be sick in your house. We are just getting over all of that. Jonathan had ear infections too. It's no fun. Hang in there though.

Skadi I'm glad Ava is sleeping pretty good for you

Afm we'll I am feeling pretty good latly. The pain from my surgery is basically gone. The kids are doing better. Jonathan finished his medicine for his ear infections. Tomorrow is his birthday. I can't believe he is going to be 2. I will make a small party for him tomorrow too. I just have to share this is where I found Jonathan this morning

Stacey, I'm glad you're feeling better, and I love the picture of Jonathon digging in to the donuts! How funny! :haha:

As for me, well, it turns out my body is a con artist. AF just showed up. :(

You know, thought I would be in tears, but I think I'm okay. I think I started out this cycle hoping desperately to be pregnant because I was still grieving the loss of my bean last month, but I'm okay now. I have two beautiful children, and whenever #3 shows up, I'll be happy, but there's no reason to rush it or stress out about it.

However, the next time I swear I'm pregnant, I'll have a healthy dose of skepticism because of this month.
sorry jordyn, that sucks :(

I have spd now and its so painful. never had it in any previous pregnancy so its quite a surprise to me. not sure how to cope.
Melissa, I had horrible spd with Alia, but it only lasted for about a month, and then got a lot better, so I figure my pelvis opened too far and then corrected itself eventually, but until then, it hurt so bad. I had trouble walking, rolling over in bed, getting in and out of the car, etc. With Liam, the only problem I had was rolling over in bed; I swear, it was more painful than it was with Alia, but one trick I learned that helped a lot was to keep my knees together as much as possible whenever I rolled over or got out of bed. I hope yours doesn't get too bad! :hugs:
Oh my, Jonathan is so scrummy!

I had horrible SPD from about 20 weeks on with Ava. Just keep your knees together as much as possible like spiffy says.
thanks ladies! yeah its worse at night for me. I was in so much pain every night getting out of bed to pee. my hips have been popping like crazy every time I sit down and get up. of course standing or walking for longer than 20 mins at a time is horrendous. my ob said to take Tylenol and use heat/ice. I had already been doing that and the worse its getting the less it helps. they can send me to a physical therapist but im already going to her every 2 weeks and after this next appointment will be weekly. don't know when I would go. its already a chore getting around for my ob visits and making sure DH is here to watch the kids. I read last night to pretend my knees were glued together no matter what I did in bed. getting up to pee or rolling over. so I did that last night and it seemed to help a lot. 8 weeks max to go :coffee:
Eurgh Melissa that sounds horrible, you poor thing :hugs: I've never had spd so I can only imagine but it sounds nasty. The things we women have to put up with during pregnancy! I hope it eases for you.

Jordyn sorry to hear AF showed up :nope: I swear our bodies can play massive tricks on us. I guess when you want something desperately your body can kind of mimic the symptoms. I'm glad you're feeling more relaxed about it all though, which will probably help number three arrive anyway!

Stacey oh gosh I could just eat Jonathan! Gorgeous boy. Really glad to hear you're feeling better now, hopefully it's the start of some calmer times for you health wise.

Thank you skadi :flower: I have felt the same about Milo's feeding, I'm sure formula wouldn't make any difference. He's just a tricky little thing.

Speaking of which, I'm beginning to suspect that he doesn't need night feeds so much anymore. Last night he woke for feeds as usual but didn't really feed much, just fussed around on the boob for a bit before I thought it was a bit silly and put him back in bed. Then he went back to sleep. So I think he's just waking out of habit but not sure how to soothe him and change it without feeding him? Any thoughts?

In other news I think my period is on it's way back. Grr :growlmad:
I would try just rocking him a bit and resettling without offering boob first. I bet in a few days even he will stop fully waking and just resettle himself.
Melissa I'm soo sorry you are dealing with SPd. I too never had to deal with it but it sound awful. Especially with your family being sick too. Hang in there.

Vanessa thank you I think Jonathan is very cute but I have to say that cuz I'm his mommy. Lol. I will be watching for advice about how to resettle without feeding too. Eva started waking up once during the night although I know she doesn't need to eat. But who knows maybe this is the 4 month sleep regression?? If so I can't complain lol. I haven't asked latly how's the house

We'll today is Jonathan's birthday. I can't believe he is two. I will take pics today and hopefully get them downloaded so I can show you all.
thanks ladies! im learning how to deal with it and as long as I follow the rules of being careful its not too bad.

Stacey- he is such a cute pants! cant wait to see his 2 yr pics <3

had a trip to l&d tonight. we moved around some bedrooms and I realized she wasn't moving a lot. I know they can be lulled to sleep when you're up a lot so I sat and had a soda and snack. sat for 2 hrs and she moved once. then took a bath and she moved one more time. didn't really want to go in and kept thinking as soon as I get there she will move more. finally decided it had been about 2 1/2 hrs and we better go in. felt guilty I waited so long since I know things can go bad pretty quick. got there and of course she was moving like crazy :roll: heart beat was a little high at first, but settled down. I felt silly, but I guess it was good to know she was ok

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