Heather those pics of your boys are gorgeous!

I can't get a picture of my two together since Milo tries to grab Noah's face/hair/clothes and generally annoys him far too much so Noah runs away
By the way, Ben doesn't feed overnight? Oh my God I would love that! We're still on 1/2. I think more 1 than 2 these days but I would still love a decent stretch, four hours is my max.
Oh and BLW is baby led weaning - basically putting whatever you're having in front of them, rather than purees. So far he's had potato wedges (a big hit), scrambled egg (loved it), bagel, chicken and beef burgers. He wasn't convinced on the meat, kind of tasted it and turned his nose up bless him.
Jordyn they're lovely pics! Your babies have such lovely smiles.
Not sure about that latest test pic. I think I can see something extremely faint when I tilt the screen but I'm not sure if my eyes are playing tricks on me.
All is good our end. Milo is now working on his latest trick, pulling himself up to standing. Not mastered it yet, he pulls himself up on one foot then overbalances and falls over, but he did it on the cot bars earlier and I thought oh my God we have to lower the mattress! Crawling is almost perfected. I can't believe how much of a mover he is. Noah couldn't be bothered with any of it for ages