Stacey, I love your pictures! Natalia looks so grown up. Sorry about your gallbladder but that is GREAT that you don't have MS. I'm sure that was such a relief to find out.
Melissa, try to take it easy and keep little miss cooking as long as possible!
Jordyn, I think I can see something but then again maybe not. Have you tested recently??
I can't believe how small Alia is still...sounds like Liam will pass her up soon!
Vanessa, it sounds like Milo is starting to sleep better for you. I noticed you said you were going to do BLW. What is that???
Logan, I love the picture of your 3 on Christmas! They are so cute
AFM, everything is good! Glad that the holidays are over...I love them when they are going on but so glad to see them go!

Work is starting to slow down too which is a nice break for me.
The boys are doing great. Ben rolls from belly to back and back to belly now and has been sleeping on his belly most nights. He is pretty much night weaned which has been nice since I can get a full nights sleep most nights.
My stupid period came back on Sunday night though!

I think since I was going so long without feeding overnight it was bound to happen I just didn't think it would be this soon!

Oh well, now I get to track them and do all that fun stuff
Here are a few pictures of the boys...Sam is so in love with his brother, and vise versa! They always seem to be "talking" to each other; melts my heart
Little stinker wouldn't hold still for a picture!
He has so much personality with those eyebrows...I LOVE them!