It sounds like everyone had a good Valentine's Day! We didn't do anything. Tim sent me chocolate covered strawberries to work and I bought him beer

I figured it was a safe bet!
It's kinda funny, I was taking care of sick babies that night thinking three years ago I wasn't wiping booger noses and would be going out to a fancy dinner however I wouldn't change what I have now for anything!
Melissa, that is crazy that Sophia is so big already!

I hope they do something soon before she gets too big and you don't have to risk having a c-section
Rachel, that's great that the lump isn't anything to be too worried about.
Jordyn, I love that video of Alia! Sam knows most colors and can count to 10 also. However, the alphabet is another story...he will skip over so many letters and then end with L, M, N, O, P!
Well, the last week or so has been quite hectic! I got a second sinus infection and finally seem to be doing better. I ended up taking the boys to urgent care on Wednesday night to get some medication since they haven't been getting better. Sam had an ear infection and both boys had bronchitis

They are 100x better now though which is a relief!
Sad news though, Tim's Nana passed away on Friday from cancer. It all happened so suddenly. She went in on Monday with the "flu" and they found her whole body full of cancer. She never was in any pain though and went very peacefully so that part is good but still so very sad! No one expected it.
Now time for some pictures!
Sam's Valentine treats he took to daycare
Ben 2 days old vs. 6 months!