anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

lol thanks Rachel! my oldest DS wants to see it very much and 2nd oldest DS chose lego star wars for his new underwear lol. glad they didn't find anything bad, but it does still leave you wondering what it was with no real answer :wacko:

Heather- forgot to say, you have a couple of cute lil angels there :cloud9:
Hi ladies, sorry I haven't been on in a while, just caught up :flower:

Sorry to hear about the lupus Melissa :hugs: Going out for a movie sounds great though, especially when you haven't done it in so long! We haven't been to the cinema since Noah's birth :wacko: Still we have been out for dinner and drinks with friends etc.

Ah Jordyn sorry about AF showing, but I'm glad you're more relaxed about it all. Should make it easier for it to happen! I'm also not sure about when for number 3. I know that I 100% want number 3, I'm just not certain of when would be the right time. I'm leaning towards a slightly bigger age gap this time. As Noah and Milo already have each other I don't think it should be a problem when s/he comes along, at least I hope not anyway.

Rachel that's good news about the lump! Well good news that it's nothing serious although it must be annoying to have no clear answers. Could it simply be a stubborn blocked duct?

Heather your boys are adorable! Well done on the breastfeeding, I feel the same on managing to do it with Milo, I'm so pleased. Hoping to get to a year and then we'll see, I'm open to the idea of letting him self wean but I don't want to make any decisions yet.

I went to my best friend's hen do last weekend and it was great, but silly me, I didn't take my pump with me and I was in agony by the end of the night :dohh: I've missed two feeds before and that's been ok, but I'd also increased my supply by pumping enough to be able to go out in the first place. I was in a state by the time I got back and felt like such an idiot because I really risked my health. Luckily I got away with it but I won't be making that mistake again. The wedding itself is in March and we'll be away for a day and night, I'm bridesmaid and DH is an usher. Going to miss the boys like crazy though. They'll be with my mum.

Only other thing going on with me is that I keep getting ill. I've got tonsillitis at the moment and it always knocks me for six. It's my third illness so far this year. I'm also losing weight constantly, I'm half a stone under my pre pregnancy weight now (pre both pregnancies). Doctor wants me to get bloods done to make sure thyroid etc are ok.
Vanessa, yes, it very well could be a stubborn duct. When I go in to feel it, I have to press down in and I always end up spraying milk everywhere! So there is definitely a duct very near by at least. :)

Have you tried hand expressing when you're stuck without your pump? I've heard lots of women say they can get the same or more just by hand expressing. I sure hope your weight loss is nothing to worry about. Do you think maybe you've just been losing weight because you've been sick so often?
Rachel, I'm sure this is a silly question, but have you tried massaging that duct in the shower, like for a long time? That's how I always handled clogged ducts. But I'm sure you've tried that. As for the ultrasound, it's too bad they couldn't seem to tell you anything! How frustrating!

Heather, your boys are absolutely adorable. :flower: And kudos to all you ladies for breastfeeding for so long! I hope someday I'll be able to get to a year, but right now I'm just happy that I made it 4 and 1/2 months, versus the 7 weeks I did with Alia.

Melissa, we don't watch rated R movies, either (most Mormons don't), so I sympathize with you on how hard it is o find good movies. I want to see that Lego movie, too. Also, I'm not sure if it's still in theaters, but The Secret Life of Walter Mitty was really good. It just left me with a positive uplifted feeling afterwards. :flower:

Vanessa, I'm glad you had a fun night out with your friends, but I'm sorry you spent some of it in pain! I second Rachel, hand expressing a little really helps. As for the illnesses, that's horrible. :( That's how my kids have been. In the past month or two, they've both had pink eye, and a cold/flu, and Liam has had a stomach bug, and Alia most likely has impetigo, although we're going to get it checked out at the pediatrician tomorrow to make sure that's what it is. Hopefully your thyroid is fine, although I've always thought that if you had to have a thyroid problem, the kind that makes you lose weight would be better than the kind that makes you gain it. :haha:
Rachel, that's great news about the lump. Hopefully it resolves itself on its own and goes down after breastfeeding.

Melissa, that lego movie looked so fun! I actually said to DH that I wanted to see it.

Vanessa, I'm sorry you spent most of your night out in pain! I agree about trying to hand express...I've never personally done it but I have heard it works for a lot of women to relieve a tiny bit of pressure.

As for losing weight, didn't you say you've been going to the gym a lot? Possibly the combination of the gym, taking care of the two boys and breastfeeding is causing you to lose weight? :shrug:

I am about 10lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight with both boys now but I could still afford to lose 10 more lbs :blush:

Well, I thought my sinus infection was gone and I was in the clear but yesterday morning I started feeling really crappy again and could hardly hear out of my left ear. I decided to make a doctors appointment and good thing I did; I have a borderline ear infection in my left ear and a sinus infection again! :growlmad:

I got antibiotics so hopefully I'm on the mend soon. I had the doctor look in Sam's ears while we were there and she said she noticed light pressure probably from a head cold but to keep an eye on him. I hope he doesn't get it too! :nope:
Sorry to hear that your sinus infection is back, and an ear infection to boot! :( I hope you get feeling better soon. That's amazing that you're 10lbs below your pre-pregnancy weight! I'm still hovering around 148lb, which is where I was when I got pregnant with Liam. But DH and I plan on exercising together, so hopefully that will help me get back to 140lbs, which is my ultimate goal.

So I guess I haven't mentioned this yet, but DH and I might have 3 kids a little sooner than we thought! (Nope not pregnant yet. :winkwink:) My brother has an almost 3 year old daughter, and he's a single dad in the military. Well, within the next couple of months, he's going to have to go to a school for his new job in the military, and it will take 2 and a 1/2 months, and he can't take Lily with him. So DH and I offered to take care of her for him. Now I'm just really hoping that we have a house by then! :wacko:
Jordyn, I've noticed that going running has what really helped so I bet as soon as you start exercising with DH the pounds will drop off :thumbup:

That's so great that you offered to take care of your niece for a few months. Give you some good practice before you have your own third! :winkwink:

How is the housing market around there? It seems like so many houses are for sale here but I don't know how fast they are moving now. A year ago it was hard to buy unless you were an investor with 100% cash purchase. Now that rates have gone up it seems like that weeded out a lot of the investors, thankfully.
The housing market isn't too bad, it's just that the houses here are just expensive, compared to the salary. Plus, every time he prays about it, DH feels like we're supposed to live in this little town called Magna (it's only about a 20 minute drive from where we are now) but there aren't a ton of choices for houses in our price range, so it's tricky.

Okay, so I have to share this video of Alia. I was trying to get her to sing the ABC's song, since she was doing it earlier, but I ended up catching her reading the numbers off of her stacking cups. She got two of them wrong, but actually got the rest right, which surprised me!

Hope you ladies are all doing well! :flower:
Jordyn, that's not a silly question at all. I have tried to massage it. Not for a long period of time, but I first noticed it when I was massaging my breasts a lot at the end of feedings to try to get all the nice fatty milk out for Jimmy.

I got a call from the maternity clinic because that's where the official results of the u/s were sent. They are going to send them to my family doctor and said I should call him to make an appointment to go over the results. But it looks like I just have lumpy breasts. I think the official name is fibrocystic breast condition, and it's apparently very common and totally harmless. But they also said my doctor might want to send me for another u/s in 6 months. Oh joy.

Jordyn, that will be quite the adventure to suddenly have 3 kids! Sounds like it will be a nice trial run for the future. :) And that's a super cute video of Alia saying the numbers. What a little smarty pants! Ozzy's just started to be really interested in counting. He started out counting, "two, one, two, one, two!" Now he'll go up to four, skip a few, then end with "8, 9, 10." It's pretty cute, and he's always so proud of himself. Ha.
Rachel, I'm glad to hear that the lump in your breast is likely nothing. What a relief! And that's funny that Jimmy skips through the numbers, because Alia will be getting ready to jump off her bed (which is just a mattress on the floor), and she'll say, "One...two....ten!" and then she jumps. :haha:
Cute! The other funny thing Ozzy does when counting is he'll be pointing to things on a page and actually count to three or four, but then always ends up saying there are two of them. "One, two, three.... Two bunnies!"

So, Melissa is going to the movies, but does anyone else have big plans for Valentine's Day? We totally procrastinated on getting a babysitter so we aren't going out or anything. I helped Ozzy make a card for Daniel while he was out tonight. He had a lot of fun making it (colouring and putting stickers on a piece of paper I wrote "Happy Valentine's Day" on... LOL), and Daniel seemed to really appreciate it. Yay!

In other news, I totally thought I felt O cramps again today. Did an OPK early in the afternoon but absolutely nothing showed up on the test line. So weird. I think maybe the OPKs I bought have "gone bad." The package said to throw them out 30 days after opening the canister, and that time has passed. :shrug: Maybe I'll try a different brand tonight if I can find one under the sink.
Yeah, Rachel, I thought OPK's always had some sort of line, even if it was really faint. So yeah, maybe another brand?

That's cute that Ozzy made a card for Daniel. I helped Alia make red hearts out of construction paper and glue them to popsicle sticks, and then I wrote, I Love You! on them and she gave them to my MIL and FIL this morning, and then she'll give a bigger one to DH when he gets home from work. Oh, and DH got me some beautiful roses and gave them to me this morning, and I made a card for him and gave him some chocolates.

As for plans, we're staying in, and then planning to go out next Tuesday, since it's our anniversary. We figure, if we have to chose one night, we might as well go out on the one no one else is! :haha:


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Fun! Daniel ended up making me dinner. And he got me flowers and chocolates as well. :) I'm pretty happy. lol

I also got a different brand of OPK and last night's definitely had a line. Not positive, but at least it registered.

How was the movie, Melissa? What did you end up seeing?
we went to see ride along. its a funny cop kinda movie. I do have to say, pg-13 aint what it used to be. there is no way I would let my 13 or 15 yr olds watch that. there was a lot of cussing and a scene where they were in a strip club :sick:

I wish they had decent movies to watch without all that. seems like the only ones you don't have to worry about are cartoons, which is ok sometimes but its nice to watch a real movie sometimes too. think I need to start avoiding the pg-13 movies. we already had only a few to watch anyways so its gonna greatly reduce the ones we can watch. oh well. just how it is nowadays.

I did get him the karate kid trilogy for valentines day and he got me a maroon ergo baby carrier to add to my collection :cloud9:
Melissa, it's so nice to hear that other people feel the same way about movies nowadays. I agree, the PG-13's are almost as bad as the Rated R movies now. My DH and I mostly watch TV shows, since they at least have to be clean enough to be on TV, but even some of those are getting sketchy.

By the way, how is Sophia? Is she moving anymore now?

Well, I'm glad you ladies all had a good Valentine's day!
jordyn- we were doing the same. seems like they used to cut out the rotten parts and you could actually watch a movie on tbs or tnt or whatever. lately they are showing more and more and its ridiculous. Im not even comfortable walking through the video sections anymore with my kids. even the covers are raunchy and everything is "uncut" or "unedited" or whatever. :roll: can they not make funny movies nowadays without showing boobies and dropping the f word in every sentence. boo. sorry rant over.

she wasn't moving much at all for a few weeks, but since last week she is actually moving a lot more. im very thankful! her fluid is back to being borderline low again though and at an u/s last week at 35 wks she already weighed 6 lbs 13 oz. meaning she gained 2 1/2 lbs in 2 weeks. that is about what 3 of mine weighed at term for birth. so they estimated her getting to potentially 10-11lbs by my due date :shock: needless to say I will be bringing this up to the ob next week. I had trouble delivering my biggest at 7 lbs 15 oz. he got stuck a while and I don't want her to get stuck or have to deal with shoulder dystocia or need a c-sec if I can do without. its just one thing after another sometimes lol, but im trying not to stress
Melissa, I'm sorry you have to deal with yet another worry. Hopefully they induce you early since you've had so many concerns this pregnancy. :hugs:
It sounds like everyone had a good Valentine's Day! We didn't do anything. Tim sent me chocolate covered strawberries to work and I bought him beer :haha: I figured it was a safe bet!

It's kinda funny, I was taking care of sick babies that night thinking three years ago I wasn't wiping booger noses and would be going out to a fancy dinner however I wouldn't change what I have now for anything! :cloud9:

Melissa, that is crazy that Sophia is so big already! :shock: I hope they do something soon before she gets too big and you don't have to risk having a c-section :hugs:

Rachel, that's great that the lump isn't anything to be too worried about.

Jordyn, I love that video of Alia! Sam knows most colors and can count to 10 also. However, the alphabet is another story...he will skip over so many letters and then end with L, M, N, O, P! :haha:

Well, the last week or so has been quite hectic! I got a second sinus infection and finally seem to be doing better. I ended up taking the boys to urgent care on Wednesday night to get some medication since they haven't been getting better. Sam had an ear infection and both boys had bronchitis :cry: They are 100x better now though which is a relief!

Sad news though, Tim's Nana passed away on Friday from cancer. It all happened so suddenly. She went in on Monday with the "flu" and they found her whole body full of cancer. She never was in any pain though and went very peacefully so that part is good but still so very sad! No one expected it. :cry:

Now time for some pictures!
Sam's Valentine treats he took to daycare
Ben 2 days old vs. 6 months!
heather- your boys are darling :cloud9: love the valentines thumbprint <3

sorry to hear about his nana :(

i just found out our hospitals here will not induce before 39 weeks unless baby is in distress. so not happening. they say even if it means she may get stuck and have shoulder dystocia and have palsy or die, it doesn't matter. they don't look on a case by case basis and look at history. its just a flat rule. i would think they would want to avoid problems before hand if possible, but i guess its more of a disaster control after probs occur. she will be huge by 39 weeks and i don't want a c-sect if possible so we are thinking the other direction. the ob tues was willing to strip my membranes, but i didn't. think i may start having that done starting next week. im a little concerned with birthing her in a vehicle on the way to the hospital considering my last labor was 45 minutes, but i think i have to weigh out that happening opposed to her growing so large she doesn't fit and her getting stuck.
Heather, I'm so sorry you had to deal with two sinus infections AND two really sick kids! We had a couple of weeks where we were all sick and it was torture. I'm also sorry to hear about your DH's nana. :( My DH's grandpa went very suddenly like that, too, and it was such a shock.

I love the pictures of your boys! So fun to see all the little ones getting so big! I'll have to attach a picture of my kids from this morning.

Melissa, I can't believe your hospital won't make exceptions! I understand them wanting to stop people from just getting inductions for silly reasons, but when it's a case of possible life or death, that just seems absurd! :growlmad:

As for me, DH and I celebrated our third anniversary yesterday, so that was fun. We had my dad come over and watch the kids while we went to the Temple, so that was peaceful and relaxing, and then DH's mom watched the kids while we went to dinner together.

Oh, and Liam has been sleeping horribly lately! I feel like I have a newborn again. Last night, he was awake from 9:30-10:30pm, and from 12:45-1:30am, and then again at 2:30am, and 4:30am, and then up for the day at 5:30am. I feel like I got no sleep at all! And he's been sleeping like this for the past week now. I'm wondering if he's just hitting the 8 month sleep regression a little early. Or it could just be a huge growth spurt, since he's been drinking a lot of milk lately and eating lots of a solids, too. Whatever it is, I will be glad to see the end of it!


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