"Cuch-kah," or "Cuch-ky"? That's weird! And I do see something, especially when it's inverted. Fx'd for you!!!
Well, haven't heard from Melissa all day... I'm starting to wonder.... Eeeee!!!
Heather, our snow is pretty much all gone now and the sun came out today. In fact, I didn't even take a coat with me when I went out! Kinda wish I had, though, because it was super windy once I got down the hill into the valley.
Ozzy does hate to be dirty, but only dirt he can see. Haha! His hands can be all sticky and slimy (you know how they get), but he doesn't care until he can see something like dirt or food on it. They he says "yucky" and wants them cleaned. And today he noticed my hand get dirty (Jimmy got pureed peas on me) and said, "Mommy yucky!" Ha.
Well, Jimmy is just over 7 months, and my cycles came back last time at 7.5 months, so I'm thinking that might happen soon. Of course, we did introduce solids to Ozzy a bit earlier. Anyway, I'm kind of looking forward to it again, as weird as that is. I'm sure once it does I'll think the opposite though!