anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Rachel, I'm glad to hear that the transition back to work has been a good one for you! :thumbup: And that's awesome that you're able to pump so much in one go during the day. I used to pump a lot more but I notice that if I don't pump 3x a day my body stops producing as much. I still get about 12oz a day on average though.

Jordyn, that's great that Alia's reset button worked! :haha: :thumbup: And that's great that Liam is crawling and seems much happier now that he is able to get around. I've noticed the same with Ben since he started crawling and rolling.

Melissa, good to hear from you. I can imagine you're super busy! Hope you're doing well. :hugs:

As for me, to answer your question Rachel, I think it was my period. It lasted about 7-8 days and is gone now. Just waiting to see what happens next month. I read that it is normal to have weird period like that though while breastfeeding so maybe that explains it :shrug:

Other big news for us, we close on our house today!!! I'm so happy to have the whole process over and get keys and start tearing things apart! :haha: :happydance:
Yay for closing on your house, Heather! :happydance: I hope you'll post a pictures so we can see it! :flower:

If you bled for 7-8 days, I would sure hope that was your period! :haha: But you're right, until you see the same thing next month, it's hard to know for sure. I never got my period until after I stopped breastfeeding, so I have no experience with it.
I will surely post pictures after we get in there and start working on it. We probably won't actually live in the house for about a month.

As far as the period goes, I didn't get mine until Ben was 5 months old but have had one monthly since so I'm hoping that it will stay regular especially since I'm nursing less now that he is older. We will try for #3 in about 9 months! :happydance:
Heather, that's exciting that you've set a date for TTC #3! I hope you get your little girl. :cloud9:

So the home you're buying needs a lot of work? Was it a HUD home? (By the way, I think you'll have to fix that ticker. :haha:)
Heather, that's great news about the house! Super exciting! And that sound like a period for sure. I still haven't had a period... So frustrating. And that's nice that you've picked a date to start TTC. I can't see us starting before Jimmy's one, but we are technically NTNP right now, so we'll see how that goes! You never know!

Jordyn, apparently Jimmy drank about one once from a cup today. I guess that's some progress. He "drinks" water from a cup too (he mostly bites the cup and gets himself all wet, but I do think he actually drinks some too). I asked Daniel if he's been having the same number of wet diapers and peeing the same amount and he said he thinks so, so that's good. I do feed him before I go to work and then 3 times between when I come home and bedtime.

Not much to add from here. Work is good, the boys seem to be doing well. Ozzy has been having a number of mini tantrums the last two days, so I think he is being affected by the change whether he realizes it or not. And I think Jimmy is getting some new teeth, just judging by his behaviour.

Do you all have any Mother's Day plans? There's a free family fun day in a park here in town on Saturday, and we will go down to have either lunch or dinner with my mom, brother, sil and their kids. Other than that, just enjoying my weekend with my boys!
Well, that's good that Jimmy's still having a decent amount of wet diapers. Hopefully he'll just get so desperate for the milk that he'll learn to drink it from the cup! (At least it must be nice to know that you'll probably never have to worry about weaning him from a bottle :flower:).

That's too bad that Ozzy is having tantrums. :( He must miss his mommy. :hugs:

As for Mother's day, My MIL is going to take me and my two SILs out for pedicures and brunch on Saturday and then we'll be going back over to my in-laws house on Sunday to have a Mother's Day lunch with all of my DH's family. (Hopefully my DH will do a breakfast or something, because we had a year where we celebrated his mom all day, and I got left out of the mix :() It will be nice when my kids are old enough to understand what Mother's Day is and make some cards or something. I always help Alia to make a father's day card, even if it's just a card with her scribbles on it, but my DH doesn't think about that kind of stuff. :dohh:

Liam, however, must now that Mother's Day is coming up, because all week he's been saying "Mama". Obviously he doesn't know what it means yet, but it's still really cute to hear him say it. :cloud9:
Rachel, that's fun that you're NTNP! I kinda want to go that route with #3 however I know the control freak in me won't let that happen! :blush::haha:

That is no fun that Ozzy is having tantrums...I wonder if it has to do with his change in routine? We have them but less often then we did a few months ago. Hopefully it doesn't last too long for you.

Have you tried giving Jimmy a sippy cup to see if he will drink from it. Ben is drinking from a sippy cup now and only gets a bottle for naptime at daycare otherwise he nurses at home or gets juice in a cup during the day. After he turns 1 we will no longer give a bottle.

Jordyn, that's so cute that Jimmy is saying "mamma"! :cloud9: And I too agree that I can't wait till the boys are old enough to understand Mother's Day!

That sounds like a relaxing day for Mother's Day too! I hope this Mother's Day is all about you this year :hugs:

As for us, we talked about going to the San Diego Zoo with the boys depending on weather. However, since we get keys today (was supposed to yesterday, but you know how that goes :growlmad:) we may end up working on the house and just stay local. :shrug:

We have been potty training Sam for the last 2 weeks or so and he is doing awesome! Still some accidents and hasn't actually fully pooped on the potty yet but he goes pee throughout the day so we are making progress! I told DH that we can't have #3 until Sam is potty trained because I refuse to change THREE poppy diapers!!! :rofl:
Heather, there's a possibility that I might be changing three diapers, because Alia will only be 2 and 1/2 when the new baby comes and so far, she does NOT like the idea of going potty in the toilet. Hopefully she'll come around, but I know it won't be until she wants to do it, because she is very strong-willed and independent. I think if she had an older sibling who used the potty, she would be more interested, but for now it's just a thing grown-ups do. That's great that Sam is doing so well! I had hopes that Alia would be totally trained by now because she's always been an excellent communicator, but I wasn't counting on the stubbornness. :dohh:

I hope you get your keys today! If you remember, our closing got pushed back a week at the last minute, so I understand the frustration!
Awww. Speaking of Mother's Day, our church just released this sweet Mother's Day video. :cloud9:
Jordyn, we tried the whole potty training on Sam's terms for a little bit and then one day he just decided to go on his own and has since. He is still afraid to poop though but we are just taking it day by day. Alia will get it when she is ready! :thumbup:

As a house warming gift my parents are paying for us to get our ceilings scarped. We were going to do it ourselves but they offered and I'm all for it. We have old popcorn ceilings in our house and I detest it! It makes it look so dated.

But I'm not getting my hopes up on the house till we get the keys in hand and are 100% finished with all this stuff.

How are you liking your own house?? I'm sure you're loving all the extra space! ;)
Oh yeah, we love having our own place! Nothing quite like living with the in-laws for over a year to make you appreciate your own house! :winkwink:

So I have to share this video I took of Alia and Liam playing together this morning. I'm just so happy that they're starting to get to the point where they can really interact with each other. :flower:
Jordyn, that video is so cute! Its funny you say you waited so long for them to play together...I was just thinking the same thing on Monday and commenting to DH how they are starting to interact now and its so great to see! :cloud9:

How long has Liam be able to crawl and get into a sitting position? Ben isn't doing that yet...

And I must of missed it but that other video that your church posted was really nice too! :flower:

Yes, living with the in laws for a long time will really make you appreciate having your own space. I can't wait to move out...the help was nice but at the same time the privacy and space will be even nicer! hehe :blush:
Liam has been able to go from crawling position to sitting for a couple of months, but just couldn't actually do the crawling itself until a few weeks ago. The only movement he needs to work on now is getting from standing back down to sitting, because he'll seriously just stand there and cry because his legs are tired and then eventually collapse. :dohh:
Hey ladies,
Sorry I have been dormant for a while (a long while), 2 bubbas and back at work are tricky to juggle! Brilliant to see such gorgeous photos of you new additions (and not so new additions anymore ;) )
Congrats on upcoming number 3 Spiffy, and your beautiful little lady Blessed.
Will try not to be so long between posts this time ;)
Hey Ozzi! Good to hear from you! I'm glad things are going well with your little ones. I think we all understand the busy factor! :winkwink:
Hi, Ozzi! Nice to hear from you. And yes, definitely understand being busy. :)

Jordyn I love that video of Alia and Liam playing together! Super cute! Jimmy and Ozzy have started doing a few things together recently too. (Peek-a-boo, putting Hot Wheels into the Batcave... ha!) Of course Ozzy still has his moments when he doesn't want to share, but I'm thinking that will be a phase for a while. heh.

That's a nice Mother's Day video too. :cloud9: I don't know a lot about LDS, but they do seem to put a huge emphasis on parenthood. Why is motherhood considered the holiest calling? (You can PM me if you want to give a long theological answer. Haha! I love that sort of thing. :))

And that does sound like a nice Mother's Day you have planned (although I hope your Dh does something for you...) Mother's Day came up naturally in conversation the other day and Daniel was like, "Oh, that's this Sunday?" :dohh: I told him that meant Ozzy only had a few days to make me a card if he was going to do that sort of thing. We'll see... I'm not getting my hopes up, because he did forget my birthday this year. :( I know my mom will have a present for me, though, because she told me to bring a cooler down when we visit so I can take my present home in it! Whaaat?! I'm thinking it must be homemade frozen meals because she also told me to make sure there was room in our freezer.

How exciting that you're finally in your house, Heather! Yay! I'm sure you'll have a fun day on Sunday wherever you are. :) And to answer your question, yes, we do have Jimmy using a sippy cup. It's got a nice soft silicone "nipple," so it's kind of like a bottle/cup hybrid. Apparently he drank like 3 oz. from it today and was super enthusiastic about it. Yay! :D And I agree, I think Ozzy's little tantrums were because of the change in schedule and missing me during the day. He seemed to do a lot better today. They go back to daycare tomorrow, though, so we'll see how that goes. Should be fine, and then it's the weekend, so we'll be able to have some nice family time. :)
Rachel, I sent you a PM, just in case the other ladies weren't interested. :flower:

That's great that Jimmy is starting to get the hang of the sippy cup! I bet that's a relief, especially because I know you don't want the milk you worked hard to pump going to waste!

Hmm...that's a good way of encouraging the Mother's day cards from the kids....maybe I'll have to drop that line on my DH. :haha: Oh, and I know that he's definitely going to make me a breakfast, because he already asked what I wanted, so he does get credit for that. ;)
Thanks! I just sent you one back. :)

Well, it turns out Daniel did remember and he got me my favourite chocolate treat. yay! I may or may not have eaten the whole bag already... :blush:

Also, the boys each made me a little "card" at daycare. It's their handprint on top of a stem so that their hand makes the flower. I'll see if I can get a pic of them; they're pretty cute, and it made me feel nice that she did that.

We went to that family fun day today, and Ozzy ended up having a lot of "firsts." His first time blowing bubbles (with a big ol' wand), first time in a bouncy castle, and his first time doing mini golf. He had such a blast!!!
Rachel, that' so fun! I'm glad Ozzy had a great time and that Daniel remembered Mother's Day. :flower:

My DH made me breakfast, and also got me a little treat and some flowers. Then we went to church (they gave all the mothers chocolate covered strawberries) and then we went over to my MIL's house for a lunch, and then we all went to a viewing for DH's grandma. Today is the funeral, so I hope the kids can behave. It was bitter-sweet when she passed away because she had severe Alzheimer's and had been struggling with pneumonia for weeks, and now she's back with her sweetheart again, since DH's grandpa passed away a year and a half ago.
Also, just thought I'd share my (almost) second tri bump. :flower:


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