Welcome, WAG and 2nd time! You both are more than welcome to join us.
Jordyn, I can't wait to see if you have more than one in there too! And I love the Easter picture. I wish we took one with all 4 of us but honestly I never even thought to do so but we got a bunch of the boys.
Rachel, I would definitely check into a UTI. I've never had one before so I can't say from experience but its worth checking out. I also love the picture of all 4 of you. So cute!!!
On a side note, I'm kinda in the same boat regarding Oing. I am pretty sure that I did on the 5th (according to my monitor) and then DH had an oops that same day so inside I'm freaking out that I'm pregnant!

I gotta test today!
Melissa, good to hear from you! How are things going with Sophia?
As for us, we are getting closer to closing on the house! I'm hoping that we can move in mid-May or sooner. At least the loan should be finalized by Friday.
Our Easter was nice, nothing too crazy just let the boys and their cousins look for eggs and we just hung out and relaxed majority of the day. It's been the first weekend in a long time that we did nothing!
And yesterday, Sam learned how to climb out of his crib!!!

I had to move the mattress to the floor to confine him but I think we will be transitioning to a big boy bed soon. Is anyone else's LO's climbing out yet?
Here are some photos from this yesterday/Easter.