anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Congrats I did 3 under 3 then 4 under 4 I see a pattern developing lol its great fun havingbthem so close together
Congrats I did 3 under 3 then 4 under 4 I see a pattern developing lol its great fun havingbthem so close together

Its nice to hear that side of it, because most people just tell me, "Wow, you're gonna have your hands full." :dohh:
Your hands might be full but thats nothing to how full your heart will feel
welcome WAG :)

and welcome back 2ndtime :)

haven't been on in forever.

Rachel- hope it was ov! :dance:

Jordyn- cant wait to hear how your sonogram goes. I always joke with DH that we are gonna have twins, but honestly I would be terrified lol. when I actually have the baby im thankful its only 1 :lol:
Thanks 2nd time. :flower:

Melissa, I can't wait to just have the ultrasound and know for sure! Once I see one baby, I can just relax and stop worrying and wondering, because it's starting to drive me crazy. :wacko:
I hope its just 1 then. with all your crazy dreams you're bound to have multiples at some point lol
That's what I've thought! (Had another dream last night, in fact, where I was having triplets. Lol).

Or maybe I just have a seriously over-active imagination. :dohh:
Hi, there, WAG and 2nd time! Nice to have you! (Or have you back... But I don't think I was in here yet when you were here, 2nd time.)

And congrats on #5! That's awesome!

Jordyn, I know I said this already, but I can't wait to hear how your u/s goes!

Well, even though I'm pretty darn certain I o'd two Sundays ago, I still have not started my period. I did, however pee the bed today during my nap. I have no clue why/how that happened! It made sense when it happened shortly after giving birth, but 9 moths PP? I'm not so sure it's baby related. Maybe stress? Or a UTI? I suppose I should get that checked out. *sigh*

Anyway, on a lighter note, here's a family photo a friend took after church yesterday. :)


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Huh, I'm not sure about the peeing the bed, thing I still have problems wetting myself when I sneeze or cough, but thankfully that's the worst it's been. If you had cramping and/or a lot of discharge when you think you ovulated, that could also be a sign of a UTI, so maybe it's worth checking out? Have you taken a hpt?

I love the family photo! We got one on Sunday, too. :flower: (Too bad we couldn't get one where BOTH kids were looking at the camera :dohh:)

Aw, great photo, Jordyn! Love Liam's smile!

I did take a HPT on Saturday night and it was neg, as expected since we haven't DTD unprotected since mid-March. That's a good point about the cramping maybe being UTI related. I think will call to schedule a doctor's appointment today.
Thanks as long as you don't mind, I don't overly go into ttc anyone since I have my journal.

I have a 10 month old, 21 month old, nearly 5 and nearly 12 years old.

I get the 'you have yur hands full' grrrr
I'm just waiting until we get to the point when people start asking if my two are twins, because my daughter is pretty petite and my boy is pretty big (as you can see in my avatar pic), so as soon as he loses some of that baby look to his face, I'm sure the questions will start coming. :haha: My brother and I are 13 months apart, and we got asked if we were twins a lot.
Welcome, WAG and 2nd time! You both are more than welcome to join us. :flower:

Jordyn, I can't wait to see if you have more than one in there too! And I love the Easter picture. I wish we took one with all 4 of us but honestly I never even thought to do so but we got a bunch of the boys.

Rachel, I would definitely check into a UTI. I've never had one before so I can't say from experience but its worth checking out. I also love the picture of all 4 of you. So cute!!!

On a side note, I'm kinda in the same boat regarding Oing. I am pretty sure that I did on the 5th (according to my monitor) and then DH had an oops that same day so inside I'm freaking out that I'm pregnant! :dohh: I gotta test today!

Melissa, good to hear from you! How are things going with Sophia?

As for us, we are getting closer to closing on the house! I'm hoping that we can move in mid-May or sooner. At least the loan should be finalized by Friday.

Our Easter was nice, nothing too crazy just let the boys and their cousins look for eggs and we just hung out and relaxed majority of the day. It's been the first weekend in a long time that we did nothing!

And yesterday, Sam learned how to climb out of his crib!!! :dohh: I had to move the mattress to the floor to confine him but I think we will be transitioning to a big boy bed soon. Is anyone else's LO's climbing out yet?

Here are some photos from this yesterday/Easter.
Heather, I love the pictures! Ben is getting so big!

As for the crib thing, we moved Alia to a big girl bed last year, but I don't think she'd be able to climb out even if she was still in a crib. :dohh: Speaking of cribs, we have good friends that are going to be getting rid of their crib in about a month, so we said we'd buy it off them so then we'll have two. That way when this baby comes, he or she will have a crib and won't have to sleep in the pack n play until Liam is ready to move out of his crib. :flower:

Heather, you definitely need to test!!! And if there's any hint of anything on it, you better post it so we can have a look. :winkwink: :haha:
Jordyn, that's great news about the crib. How does Alia do in the big bed? I'm so nervous about switching Sam since I think that he won't stay in bed if he can get out. :dohh:

And, after I test if I think I see anything I will definitely post! :winkwink: And I will definitely be freaking out!!! haha.
Heather, I was worried, too, but she did great! She sleeps just as well as she did before, although now she can roam about the roam and play for awhile before taking her nap (so make sure you check for things you don't want them getting into! Right now Alia has literally nothing in her room but her bed and a nightlight, since her clothes are with Liam's in his room). But at least 80% of the time she ends up back in her bed when she sleeps, although in the beginning I'd find her sleeping in all sorts of places. :haha: It helps that she doesn't know how to open the door, though. If Sam knows how, I would put one of those child door knob covers so he'll stay in the room. Oh, and we just put a twin mattress on the floor so that if she falls out of bed, it won't hurt at all. I figure we'll put the box spring under it when she's a little older, and then add the frame later, so that it gradually gets higher off the ground.
Good idea about putting the mattress on the floor. Yes, Sam does know how to open doors! Yesterday when he climbed out he opened the door and then closed it behind him and came into our room like nothing happened! :dohh: Little stinker.

When we move we may try to switch him into a big bed. I just worry about the roaming mainly.
Sometimes my oldest get mistaken for triplets lol my oldest girls are fed up of being asked if they are twins lol we have decided not to announce this preg for a good while as dont want all the negative comments just yet. Blessedmomma were you concidered high risk by number 5 im abit concerned about it
Welcome wag and 2nd time!!

Jordyn: I can't wait to see your ultrasound. I love your new avitar pic and your family pic. Look at Liam his smile is soo cute!

Rachel: I think possible uti as well. That is usually a tall tale sign. Sometimes meds can cause that too are you taking any meds? Deff get checked though xx I love your pic too! I can't believe how fast our babies are growing.

Heather: test!!!! Deff make sure you post if you see anything lol. I hope you guys get into your knew house soon! As for the climbing out of the crib Jonathan has been doing it since sept lol I'm soo scared to move in to a big boy bed because he sleeps soo crazy. He falls off my bed all the time when taking a nap or something. I never had that prob with Natalia. Lol. I'll tell you though it was a nightmare once Jonathan learned to climb out cause he never stayed in his crib anymore like before. Before I could lay him down and not hear from him til the next morning after that it was a nonstop putting him back in bed for like 4 or 5 days. It's better now but omg it was tiring lol.

Melissa: glad to hear from you how is everyone doing?

Afm well we are all ok. All three kids have ear infections right now but they are handling it pretty well. I'm doing much better. Eva is getting so close to crawling. She manages to scoot on her butt to point a to point b lol she gets into position. Face plants and does it again haha. She is 17lbs 8 oz and 25 inches. Jonathan finally hit 26lbs lol

My SIL will start work with me next week. It will be fun I'm sure lol. Eva's first tooth just cut through too lol it's cute cuz it's just one lol. She loves fresh squeezed orange juice. Jonathan has learned to say orange juice but in Spanish is kinda hard to say it's cute though. Jugo de naranja is how you say it and he says the naranja part soo cute he shakes his head up and down with each salable haha

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