Oh, Jordyn! That's too funny/weird that he sleeps sitting up. He keeps bobbing up and down it looks like! I guess as long as he sleeps.
How was the family reunion? Any new bump pictures (since I don't have one I'll just envy yours)?
Rachel, I can't really tell if that is a true line or just an evap. I'll be curious to see your next test. Did you buy a FRER?
How is potty training going? That is great that Ozzy pooped on the potty!

Sam still hasn't...

BUT I think we might be close. He will pee all day but that's it.
Stacey, that's awesome that Eva is crawling! I'm so sorry you missed it though. That is the tough part of being a working mommy.
That's awesome that you got approved for a home loan. Its so fun looking at houses but also frustrating at the same time because it can be a long process. I hope you find something quick and can get settled. If you're gonna buy in Texas I know you will be able to get a lot for your money. I told DH last week if we decide to ever move it will be Texas since weather is similar to here and cost of living is very low.
AFM, everything is good here. Been working like crazy every free moment on the house. We hope to move in within the next 2 weeks. We are getting carpet this weekend so after that we can start slowing moving stuff over.
I'll have to snap some pictures once we move in. Right now it looks like a huge construction site!

And it doesn't help that on Sunday I decided to take off all my cabinet doors and repaint them.
The boys are doing great! Sam is busy as usual and talking like crazy. Still working on potty training and its starting to get less frustrating and easier now. Ben is pulling up on things and explores the house every chance he gets!
My little men are getting so big, making me sad

and getting slight baby fever!