anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?




Heather, I love the pics! How did Sam fit in that bucket? That is so cute! And I love Ben's fuzzy hair right on top of his head.

We recently moved Ozzy from a crib to a twin bed. It was a bit of a bumpy transition, as we'd put him down and he would immediately get up and come out to the living room. Eventually we put up a baby gate across his door. The door can still be opened and closed, but he can't get out. I think every house should have those doors where you can open the top half but leave the bottom half shut - built in baby gates! Wouldn't that be nice?! lol Anyway, he still gets up and comes to the gate sometimes and will half-heartedly call for us, and most of the time he will get back in bed and go to sleep on his own. Sometimes he starts really fussing and/or crying and we go back and put him back to bed (we snuggle and sing to him as part of bedtime). It's been a slow transition, but he's finally got the hang of it I think. He does really love his big boy bed too. :)

Oh, and he did fall out of the bed a few times during the first few weeks, as he was a very active sleeper. He seems to have settled down now, though, and he hasn't fallen out recently, at least not that I'm aware of.

Jordyn, that is excellent about the crib! That's nice that you won't have to use the pack n' play as a bed.

Stacey, that stinks that they all have ear infections! boo! At least you're feeling better. And I hope it is indeed lots of fun working with your SIL! ETA: Oh, cute pics! Love the little soccer outfit! Is that a Team Mexico jersey?

I think I might have told the story, but Ozzy and Jimmy got mistaken for twins when Jimmy was a few months old! Not only that, but the lady thought they were both girls at first. :dohh:

Well, I've got a doctor's appointment for tomorrow afternoon. The more I think about it, the more I'm sure it's a UTI, but we'll wait and see. I also booked an appointment for Jimmy since he'll be 9 months tomorrow. He's perfectly fine, but I figured it'd be good to just get a check up, introduce him to our doctor and get his file started there since he did all his post-natal visits at the mat clinic. I might also ask for some formula samples since he seems to be strongly against drinking BM out of either a bottle or cup. I go back to work in 2 weeks and he needs to be able to drink something during the day!
Rachel: yes that is team Mexico for the World Cup lol. My dh just ordered the outfit from lol he's soo exited that we have our boy for the World Cup this year. Lol. That's good that you have made a doc appointment but I hope it's not a uti but if it is it's easily cured. I recommend gerber good start for formula. You know have you given him anything in a cup. My mom stopped bfeeding me when I was 8 months and just gave me formula in a cup. I never took a bottle she said. Xx
Yes, we've tried two different bottles and one sippy cup with a soft silicone "nipple". He likes to play with the cup and even bites on the "nipple," but I'm just not sure he's swallowing it. DH thawed out 7 oz. of milk today and at the end of the day there was 5 oz. left. I'm thinking 1 oz. ended up in his belly and 1 oz. on his bib! lol I've stopped storing that much in one bag because I hate the thought of having to throw it all out at the end of the day! Makes me want to cry, actually.

I emailed back and forth with our daycare provider today and she asked how the bottle feeding is coming along. She seems pretty chill about the whole thing and willing to help us make it work. I'm so glad she's flexible like that! I really hope it all works out.
Rachel, I hope you can get Jimmy drinking from a bottle or sippy before you go back to work. I'm sure that would be a big relief! And it's good that you have an appointment for the possible UTI. I went in to get checked for a UTI at the end of February, and when they called me back to say the test was negative, I was actually holding my positive pregnancy test in my hand, so I said, "It's okay. I think I figured out what the problem was." :haha:

Stacey, I love the pictures! That's great that Eva has figured out how to scoot herself around. Liam is really trying to crawl, and he sort of gets himself around but still can't quite do a proper forward crawl. That's awesome that your kids are also learning to be bilingual! I was actually proud of myself that I remembered enough Spanish to know what orange juice was, before you said it. :haha:

So Stacey mentioning her SIL reminded me, my SIL announced that she's pregnant on Easter! She wasn't sure she wanted to have more than two kids, so this is exciting. Plus, we love having Alia and her cousin so close together, so I'm excited for this baby to have a close cousin, too. :flower:
Oh, Jordyn, that's fun that this baby will have a close cousin. Ozzy and Jimmy have that too (Ozzy is 6 days older than one cousin and Jimmy is 6 months older than another), but any of our future kids won't since all our siblings are done for sure. I think all of them are "fixed" now too. :haha:

Well, as expected, I have a UTI. I've started antibiotics, so hopefully I'll start to feel normal soon. I'm still so confused because I was just so certain that I had o'd two Sundays ago. Maybe my LP is just really long now? I'd like to start temping again, but I'm not sure we've got a solid enough sleep schedule right now. Plus, we've been sleeping with Jimmy in our bed every night, which means waking up with him every morning. It just seems like it'd be hard to temp first thing in the morning before doing anything else when there is a super squirmy baby climbing all over me!
Rachel, I'm sorry about your UTI, but t least you have an answer and can get better. As for temping, I'm not sure. I temped when Alia was really little and would just temp when DH got up for work, since it was before Alia woke up, but if you're waking up with Jimmy that would be a little tricky.

As for me, it was just one baby after all! He or she was measuring 11+4 weeks, so a little big, but not enough to account for how big I look. I must just have an ambitious uterus! :haha:


  • Baby #3 at 11 weeks.jpg
    Baby #3 at 11 weeks.jpg
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Hooray for baby! Lol, I guess you have an irritable and ambitious uterus. Haha!

I forget, are you planning on finding out the sex or will you stay team yellow? I'm sure you've mentioned it but I can't recall. I seem to think you might be team yellow? If you can manage! I've been thinking more and more that if we do have a third that I just might be able to manage waiting until baby's arrival to find out the sex. But we'll see (if that day comes).

I think it will be easier to temp once I'm back at work and waking up at the same time every day. I'd be waking up before Jimmy usually does, too, so that would make it much easier too. So I guess I can start in a week and a half! Crazy!

And I'm already feeling much better after just one day of the antibiotics. I will, of course, take the entire dosage until they are gone, but I'm so glad to be feeling better already.
Yep, we're staying team yellow. :flower: Of course with this MS that I've never had before, we're both thinking it has to be a girl. But I guess only time will tell!

Rachel, I'm glad you're feeling better already! I've had a few UTIs, and the antibiotics always gave me pretty fast relief, too. Unfortunately, both of my UTIs happened in the first trimester of pregnancy and the pills made me so nauseous. It makes me wonder how I'd cope with them if I had to take them while I wasn't pregnant.
Jordyn, yay for only one baby!!! :happydance: :haha: I can't believe you're almost to second trimester!

Rachel, I'm glad the medication is helping the UTI. Any sign of AF??

Stacey, I love the pictures! I can't believe how big Natalia is! She's turning into such a little lady. :)

Everything is pretty good over :thumbup: We had a busy weekend. On Saturday we did the Relay for Life walk in honor DH's nana that passed away in February. It was a great turnout and everyone walked their times they were scheduled.

On Sunday we went to a meet the baby party at a friends. It was so weird seeing a tiny baby again since Ben isn't so tiny anymore! No baby fever yet though! :haha:

And, my period finally came Friday but it's been really weird! It started out like it would be the end of it with darker blood and now today it is kinda normal like it would be on day 2-3?? :wacko: I don't know what caused this. I mean, I would assume this is my period, right!? :haha: :dohh:

How is everyone? It's been pretty quite lately!

Here are some pictures from the walk:
Ben with his (hopefully soon-to-be Auntie)
Sam in the police car! He couldn't get enough of all those buttons. haha.
And Ben yesterday!
Cute pictures, Heather! :flower: I've done Relay for Life a couple times and it's always been a good experience. (Not sure if I could manage staying up all night nowadays, though! :dohh:)

I would assume that was your period. Are you still BFing/pumping? I guess the only way to know for sure is to wait and see if it shows up again next month! :winkwink:

Yeah, it's crazy that I'm already almost done with first tri! In some ways, it feels like it's dragged, but then when I think back to getting my BFP, it doesn't seem that long ago!

Also, Rachel, I seem to have gotten lucky and had MS like you! It really only lasted from 9-11 weeks, because it's a lot better now. :flower:
Sounds like a fun weekend, Heather! And I agree, that sounds like AF to me. And no, no signs of AF for me yet. Boo. Great photos too. Sam does seem really happy to be in the police car. We have a photo of Ozzy from last summer sitting in a police car and he's just ecstatic. So fun.

Jordyn, that's great that your MS is better already. And wow, 2nd tri is really close isn't it? Crazy. Feels fast to me, but then again, I'm not the one who's pregnant. lol And I think it's wonderful that you'll be team yellow this time.

I go back to work in less than a week. Eek! So crazy. We'll be going on a church retreat the weekend before. I think it'll be nice to have a bit of a break and relaxing time right before going back. I think the biggest adjustment (other than being away from my boys) is going to be my sleeping schedule. I go to bed really late right now (like 1:00-2:00am) and take lots of naps as needed. I'm not looking forward to going to bed "early" (11pm) and not napping! aaaahhh! I know I'm probably not going to get a lot of sympathy for that, but still. Ha! And the other part I'm not looking forward to is having to wear a bra all day! :haha:
Yeah...I'm trying to muster up some sympathy... :haha: Does your DH watch the kids while you take naps? My DH works away from home so naps are never really a possibility, especially since Alia has been going through a phase of resisting naps. But I would love to be able to stay up later at night, especially because I feel like that's the only time I get to really relax and have fun, since the kids are in bed.

Well, I hope the adjustment back to work goes smoothly for you. :flower:
Yep. He works part of the day, but as a writer his schedule is fairly flexible. We both take naps and/or sleep in while the other watches the boys. I know I'm SUPER spoiled that way.
Sometimes my oldest get mistaken for triplets lol my oldest girls are fed up of being asked if they are twins lol we have decided not to announce this preg for a good while as dont want all the negative comments just yet. Blessedmomma were you concidered high risk by number 5 im abit concerned about it

I wasn't considered high risk just for it being my 5th. I have heard in some places they do consider high risk from the 5th on. I think from 5th or 6th there is an increased risk of post partum hemorrhage.

trying to catch up but im staying very busy with the house and kids. I got Sophia comfy in her carrier so chores chores chores lol!
Yep, it's been a little slow on this thread lately, but I assume we're all just busy!

As for me, I'm almost to second tri, and feeling pretty good. Liam finally learned how to crawl a week ago and now he's everywhere! (But also a lot happier!) Alia on the other hand is trying to drop her nap, which is not so good. :( But everything is going pretty good overall.

I hope you ladies are doing well! :flower:
Oh, no, Jordyn! I hope Alia keeps napping for longer. I hate it when they change their sleep patterns like that. That's great that Liam is crawling now. So he's happy to be able to get around now, eh? I guess that's good and bad for you. Glad you're doing well overall. 2nd trimester! Eek!

Heather, have you tested yet? Or is it for sure AF? I'm so curious!

Well, my first day back at work today went well. I'm actually doing four days of new staff training (I'm not new, but was never able to do it before because babies), so that's a good way to kind of ease back in. I get two half hour breaks in addition to an hour long lunch, so that leaves plenty of time for pumping. But I won't have those two half hour breaks once I'm done the training and back in my department, though, so I might try to just pump once during lunch and hope I get lots in that one go.

And the boys did well at their first day of daycare too. They both took long naps apparently, so that's good. And Jimmy ate some solid food as well as some oatmeal cereal mixed with BM. It doesn't sound like he actually drank any of the BM. Oh well. He seems happy now (he's nursed twice since I got home and I suspect he'll wake up and eat another time before his long sleep). The first thing Ozzy said to me after I got home from work was "I had fun at daycare." :) I asked him what he did there and he said, "I play trains." Tee hee. I asked him if he did any colouring or anything like that (I know she has crafts as part of her activity plan), and he said, "I colour wall." :dohh: I'm pretty sure he meant the chalkboard on the wall, but my heart lept for a split second!

Hope you are all doing well! :flower:
Rachel, I'm so glad that your transition back to work is going well! I'm sure it was such a relief to hear that the kids did well in daycare, and that they liked it, too. :flower:

Yeah, Liam is a much happier boy nowadays. He used to be so frustrated that he couldn't go where he wanted, so he would fuss most of the day, but now he just goes where he wants, and when I leave the room for a second, he doesn't freak out like he used to, he just follows me. He also pulls himself up on everything. It's just so weird to have a baby who is motivated to move and struggles to do it, since Alia just never really cared, and learned when it was convenient and easy for her. :dohh: Even though Alia was cruising around furniture at this age, I still suspect that Liam will learn to walk much sooner than she did because I think he'll set his mind to it as soon as he knows it's a possibility.

Oh, and I left Alia in her room for an extra hour on Sunday until she finally fell asleep, and then she took a nap Monday, so I hope I was able to "reset" her. :winkwink:
Bahaha! I'm picturing Alia with a reset button on her back. :rofl:

Jimmy follows us around everywhere too. That boy does not like to be alone!

So today I just pumped the one time at lunch and I got the same amount as when I pumped twice. I'm thinking that might be the best idea. Just one pump session where I should be able to get around 6 oz. average. That seems low, but I think it will be enough like I said before. :)
Well, the reset seems to have worked, because she took a nap yesterday, too! Now if I could just get Liam to go back to only waking up once a night, I'd be set! :dohh:

Well, it sounds like your body is adjusting to the pumping schedule! Must be nice to only do it once, rather than twice, especially when you're at work. :flower: Is Jimmy still refusing it from a bottle?

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