anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Lol good. She is walking longer distances now that was like one of the first time. It was funning because I literally read on here about Liam and Ben the just stood her up and said ok Eva walk to me haha and she did. Then I text my dh and said she's walking he was soo and he missed it. But when he got home she walked to him!!! Her daycare lady told me she was walking like crazy today lol. I will try to talk to Jonathan to see what is happening in daycare. And if he is going to the bathroom there etc.... He just keeps getting mad. Maybe he needs alittle mommy Jonathan time. Natalia and I are going to get pedicures so I'll find something for Jonathan and I to do.
Stacey, is that a bear?? :shock:

That's awesome that both Eva and Jimmy are walking now too! Looks like Liam is a little trend-starter (or it could just be that he's the oldest :haha:). He walks everywhere now and can successfully turn around and start walking a different direction without falling over.

Stacey, the pictures and the video were adorable! I'm glad her party went well. :flower: I'm sorry to hear that Jonathon is having a rough time. I know for being a teacher that some people get frustrated with the kids who acts up all the time, and so (whether they intend to or not) they end up paying less attention to that kid and giving out more repirmands than praise, which usually only makes the kids act out worse. I wonder if that's what's happening at the daycare. :(

Alia is going through a bad phase right now, too. She has very dramatic tantrums and bursts into tears over the smallest things, and does this high-pitched scream that drives me crazy! (Especially since I've been getting daily headaches.) The worst part about it is that she goes off into a freak-out whenever Liam so much as looks in her direction, and if he actually comes over and touches her, you'd think he was murdering her. Ugh, it gets SO TIRING by the end of the day. :growlmad:

Rachel, I'm sorry your kids have HFM. :( I don't actually know anything about it, other than hearing women on this forum talking about it. What kind of symptoms does it entail?
Jordyn: yes that is a bear lol. Yea that's kinda how Jonathan has been. Today though so far he has been very good! I've been really trying to talk to him and explain things. They said he had a great day.

How you feeling besides tired
I've been alright. The contractions are in full swing now, and sometimes come every 2-3 minutes in the evenings. I have my 28 week appointment today so I have the glucose tolerance test (should be tons of fun hanging around my doctor's office for an extra hour with both kids :dohh:). I think I'm also going to ask my OB if she'll check my cervix for me, since it's a new pregnancy, and I'm making myself paranoid about the contractions and "what ifs?" so hopefully she'll just say I'm closed up tight and I can stop worrying about every twinge and pain.
Stacey, that's crazy you saw a bear that close!

I'm glad that Jonathan had a better day yesterday :thumbup: It's probably just a phase.

Just like you and Jordyn, Sam is going through the same thing right now at home...he will scream or burst into tears for no reason and then 2 minutes be totally happy! :dohh: Its like having a teenage girl sometimes :haha:

Jordyn, I hope your trip to the doctor goes well and Liam and Alia are good for you. My doctor always gave me that nasty drink the appointment before I had to drink it and I would just drink it at home and then go in to get my blood drawn an hour before.

I hope they will check you and confirm that everything is closed so you can relax a bit :flower:
It was crazy seeing that bear haha.

Jordyn I too hope your appointment goes well. Make sure you keep us updated!!

Heather: this must be a phase. He started up last night but quickly stopped.

So today was Natalia first day of kindergarden!!!!
Yay! Look how grown up she looks! I hope she has a great first day :) How many hours is school for?
Wow, what a grown up little lady she is! I hope she loves it!

Heather, it was funny that you said Sam was acting like a teenage girl, because I was just saying to DH the other day, "If Alia weren't 2 years old, I would swear she was PMS-ing!" :haha:
How was your glucose tolerance test, Jordyn? It hope the kiddos were good. :flower:
The kids weren't too bad (playing youtube videos on our tablet was a life saver). I passed the glucose tolerance test. My fundal height was measuring 29 weeks, so that was good, and my cervix is still nice and closed on the inside, so that was reassuring. My OB decided to go ahead and do a fetal fibronectin test, though, but that came back negative. She also said that she wants to see me back in two weeks, instead of four, and that she might do another fetal fibronectin test at that point.
Yay! It sounds like a very good appointment then :thumbup:

What is a fetal fibronectin test? I've never heard of that before.
I also don't know what that test is. The only thing I know is that apparently a neg result is good. Lol. I'm glad you passed your gtt, Jordyn. And also that your cervix is nice and closed. Sorry the contractions are not letting up. Are you worried about going early? Seems like baby will make it term, or at least pretty darn close (like Liam).

Hfm is a virus, so the main symptoms are a fever and then a few days later little red spots show around the hands, feet and mouth. They are more like little blisters or sores. Jimmy has them all in his mouth, so that was bothering him for a few days. He and Ozzy both seem to be mostly back to normal, just a little extra clingy now and then. And they are contagious still for up to 10 days or even a few weeks after they first have it. Thankfully, it only affects kids up to about five years old, so we don't have to worry about getting it. Can you tell I just did a bunch of reading about it? Ha.

Heather, did you keep them home from daycare when they had it? And for how long? Like I said I read they can still be contagious for a few weeks.

Love the pics and video Stacey. Wow, Natalia is such a big girl now! Crazy. I bet you miss her.
Oh, and I forgot to answer that we went to Camano Island for this heae's family camp-in. It was so much fun. Ozzy loved running around with his cousins. I'll have to post some pics later. For now, here's a short video of Jimmy walking on vacation. :)

....or not. I'll have to post that from the computer as well. *sigh*
Jordyn: I'm glad all your test came back good!! And that your kiddos did well during it all!! That's good to that your doc is doing soo much to keep a eye on you!

Rachel: glad there doing better. That was great info about hfm. I'm curious to see what heather did about daycare. Sounds like a fun place for a vacation.

Heather: That test jordyn is talking about I think is one that if it comes positive it means you might go into labour within 24 to 48 hours? Jordyn correct me if I'm wrong. I had one done with Natalia at 34 weeks that came back positive. I didn't have her until 41 weeks haha so they are good indicater but many things can cause a false positive if it would be positive. Well off to work ladies!!
That's close, Stacey. A positive indicates that you have a higher chance of going into labor within the next two weeks, and a negative means there's a 98% chance that you won't, so a negative is a lot more useful than a positive, because, like Stacey said, a lot of things can give a false positive result.

Rachel, thanks for the info on HFM, because honestly, if my kids got it, I wouldn't have even known what it was. Sounds very uncomfortable, though. :(

My DH is sick right now, and Liam has had a stuffy runny nose, so I guess he's getting it, too. It's always hard to know when it's a cold or allergies, because whenever my DH has the sniffles, so does Liam, but Alia and I are usually okay. (And this is why I don't buy the whole thing about breastfed babies having better immune systems than formula fed babies, because Liam was breastfed 4X as long as Alia and seems to get sick at the drop of a hat :dohh:).

Rachel, I can't wait to see pics from your vacation. :flower:
Rachel, that sounds just about how my boys were when they had HFM. Their first symptoms were that they were extremely tired though and then after that the spots showed up. I read that is also a very common symptom since it drains their system. :(

I think I kept them home for about a week...basically what the doctor told me was that when the bumps start drying out and healing and they no longer have a fever they shouldn't be contagious anymore. Its the open sores that are super contagious! I'm not really sure where Sam and Ben got it from but I when they had it there was a huge outbreak in Southern California so I can't say I'm overly surprised.

It really wasn't too bad though...the only trouble we had was the boys didn't want to eat as too much but that passed pretty quick.

What day are they on now with the virus?

Jordyn, that test sounds interesting and good news your doctor is keeping a good eye on you! :thumbup:

As for the breastfed baby thing, I think that it means they are less sick as an adult. At least that's the way I understood it. :shrug: But I too agree...Ben has been breastfed longer than Sam and he has had more sicknesses than Sam. Sam was breastfed for just short of 10 months and Ben is still nursing so who knows! :shrug:

Stacey, how was Natalia's first day of school? :)
Heather, that's interesting. I always thought people were saying that breastfed babies had better immune systems from the get-go. Well, we'll see. I sure hope Liam gets a break as an adult, because the poor kid seems to have been dealing with something or other for most of his life so far!

Yeah, the fetal fibronectin test is basically a swab that tests to see if the "glue" that holds the amniotic sac to the wall of the uterus is beginning to break away, since it will be present in the cervix if it is. I had one with Liam when I was 29 weeks, so I figured I'd better go look it up and see what the heck they testing for! :haha:
Heather, that's good to know about the sores being the super contagious part. We actually did send Jimmy to daycare on Monday even though he had the fever Sunday night (it was gone in the morning). He didn't have the sores yet, though, so hopefully he wasn't super contagious. I did let her know that that's what he had and she was fine taking him after I told her that I had read something from our local health authority that said that kids with HFM can attend daycare as long as they are feeling well enough to participate in the activities. She did express some regret, though, when we picked him up. She had to tell the other parents that she had taken him in and some of them were apparently upset. Ugh. I hate feeling guilty about that (it would suck if Jimmy ended up getting someone else sick), but she did chose to take him and so it was up to her to keep things disinfected and make sure everyone washed their hands, etc. I don't know if they'll go this Monday if they still have the sores, though. Especially now that I know that those are the really contagious part.

Sorry for the long paragraph. It's just I feel so weird about the situation right now and I'm still so new at this whole daycare thing! Ugh.

Anyway, here are some pictures from vacation! We had so much fun.

1. A book bench outside a used book store in my old home town. Daniel and I actually had some wedding pictures taken on this bench. :)

2. Ozzy at the beach (his cousins and aunt, my sil, in the background).

3. Jimmy being super cute climbing a log at the beach.

4. Ozzy gives Jimmy a sideways glance.

5. Jimmy really enjoyed the sand!


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