anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Yep, we're still set on Asher right now and are at that point where we're starting to refer to him as "baby" half the time, and Asher the other half. I don't know why, but it's always been hard for me to call my unborn babies by their names, maybe because there's still that part of me that worries that we might change the name last minute. But I think it makes it easier for my DH to bond when we use an actual name, so I have to consciously make an effort to call him Asher sometimes and not just "the baby". :dohh:
I totally understand not calling the baby his/her name. I never really could either since he was still inside of me and not here yet it was usually "the baby" in our house as well! :dohh: DH never really seemed to mind either way. I think he always just referred to him as "him" or "he".

Well, Ben has a doctors appointment today. I'm looking forward to seeing how big he is, etc.

He has been walking so much more now. Probably 60% walking and 40% crawling. Last night he was walking back and forth in the garage. I should have taken a video but didn't have my phone! :dohh:

Its funny because I never had put shoes on him since its always so hot here and hadn't really had a reason to before so now that he has shoes on he's so confused and doesn't know what to make of them! :haha:
Yeah, I don't have any shoes for Liam right now. Like you, I never really had a reason since it's been warm, and he wasn't walking anyway. I guess I better invest in some! I'd say Liam is walking 90% of the time now. He had a breakthrough on Sunday where he figured out how to stand up without using anything to help him, and since then, he's been walking a lot more, since he can fall down and get right back up, instead of crawling to the closest available furniture.

Good luck with the appointment today! We don't have another until the 15 month appointment in October. :flower:
Jordyn I like that name. I can't remember if I told you that already. I'm glad your feeling relaxed about the contractions now. I to never really said names when pregnant. It was either he she etc so I understand!! I hope that Alia does better after baby comes home

Heather: can't wait to there how Big Ben is getting. Let us know. That's cute when you put shoes on for the first time. Eva also doesn't have any shoes yet. I need to get some. I'm just having a hard time finding a shoe to fit her. It's so small but fat it's hard to get into shoes. Then a bigger shoes slides off. It actually funny in a way haha

So my sister is coming sept 8th. I'm soo exited I havnt seen her since Jonathan was born so 2 1/2 years. I'm soo exited to see her!! Eva is now walking almost 100% of the time. It's very cute cuz she still walks with her hand out haha
Stacey, that's awesome that your sister is coming out! Where does she live? 2.5 years is such a long time. I bet you're super excited. :flower:

We order all the boys shoes when they are young online at I like the pedipeds brand. They allow for a fatter foot and are easy to slip on and off. And have a leather sole. Sam wore his all the time and are still in great shape. I've been putting them on Ben until I order him a few pairs. My boys both never really had fat feet though but I think these would work well for a baby that does since they are very flexible to get on and off.

Ben has a pair of Vans but I'm waiting to put them on him a few more weeks since they are stiffer then other "baby shoes"

Ben had his appointment this afternoon. It went well but the vaccines sucked! :cry: he had 5!!! Sam even cried for him. It was so sweet. He was mad at the nurse after for "poking his brother" So sweet :cloud9:

He is 23.5lbs and 30 inches. Doctor said he's perfect. And apparently advanced in speech since he says 3 words and most his age only say 1 :thumbup: I had no clue. He's talking more actual words sooner than Sam did at this age. Sam's first word was at 13 months.
Heather, the boys are doing great, thanks for asking! The HFM is all passed (Ozzy has a few tiny spots left, but they are both feeling normal again), and it seems the relationship with our daycare provider is still the same. I kind of apologized, or at least let her know that I felt bad and that we were still new at the whole daycare thing and she said it was totally fine and that we are all new at it (because she is too).

It is really nice to have my lunch breaks back. I went for a little walk today and it was glorious! lol But I don't think Jimmy will totally wean anytime soon. Yesterday he started crying and crawled over to me the instant I walked in the door and didn't stop crying until I sat down to nurse him. *sigh* He's so much more of a mama's boy than Ozzy ever was! It's so funny sometimes.

And what a great picture of Ben sitting in the dirt. I love it when kids get dirty. Haha! And yay for a great check up! That is so sweet about Sam crying for Ben getting poked. What a great big brother.

Jordyn, I hope you're guess is right about Liam adjusting more easily to a new baby than Alia did. And I hope Alia will take to this new baby more quickly as well. Do Alia and Liam play well together now? Or at least reasonably well?

Oh, we totally called both boys by their names as soon as we knew they were boys! We had the names picked out well before they were even conceived, so as soon as we knew we called them by their names. The funny thing is, once they were born we started in with the nick names or would just say, "Oh, don't cry, baby" and stuff like that. So, they ended up being called by their names more before they were born than in their first few weeks of life! lol

Sounds like Liam is a much more advanced walker than Jimmy right now. Although, I think Jimmy is getting pretty close to the 'breakthrough' that Liam had. He'll stop walking to squat down and pick something up and then stand back up again to keep walking. But, he can't do it from a sitting position, so that keeps him from walking as much. Plus, he still falls down a lot. :dohh: He's getting more sure on his feet every day though!

And oh my goodness, Jimmy is so much more advanced in his speech than Ozzy was at this age. If I'm remembering correctly, Ozzy said his first word around 16 or 17 months. Jimmy says 3 words (just like Ben)! His first word was "banana" and he also says "cheese" and "kick."

Stacey, I totally know what you mean about the fat feet! Ozzy's feet were like that and sometimes we still have trouble with certain shoes. The sandals he wore all summer were great because they have velcro straps on the back AND the entire top part of the sandal is basically made of two big flaps that velcro together. They are really easy to get on his chubby little feet!

Phew. I think that's everything I was going to say... Other than that we found Ozzy's Halloween costume this weekend. It's an owl! We found it for $2.50 at a thrift store (and it's machine washable, yay). Can't beat that! Now we have to find some sort of woodland creature costume for Jimmy. :)


  • Ozzy's Owl Costume.jpg
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Rachel, that owl costume is adorable! We got Alia and Rapunzel costume because she's so into the movie Tangled right now. She saw us buy it, but we knew if we let her wear it once, she wouldn't want to take it off, so we put it up in the closet and told her it was for Halloween, and the next morning, when she woke up, she said, "Is it time for Halloween?" Poor kid. :winkwink:

It sounds like both Jimmy and Ben are doing better with speech than Liam. He just says, "mama" "dada" and "no". Of course, Alia was such an advanced talker that in comparison, Liam will always seem behind (she was saying about 50 words at this age) so we try not to compare them.

I had the same shoe problem with Alia as a baby. When she was a year old, she still wore size 1-2 shoes, but had the chubby feet, so nothing fit quite right.

Heather, it sounds like Ben is doing great! (Stacey, I thought it was hilarious that you called him "Big Ben" by accident in your post, since you capitalized "big" :haha:).

Stacey, I'm glad you get to see your sister again! My brother is coming to visit tomorrow, and we haven't seen him since March, and that feels like forever, so I can't even imagine going 2 and 1/2 years!
Heather: sounds like jimmy is doing great!!! Wow 5 shots what did he get? Eva only had 2? Aww that's cute that Sam cried with him. So did Jonathan when Eva got her shots haha. That's great that he is advanced in language. Eva is too. She can say mama papa yaya( Natalia) gracias ten( Spanish for here) and no. Natalia started talking very late. Jonathan before Natalia did but Eva has started even before Jonathan. Thank you for that shoe website I will look at it to see if I can't find Eva some shoes to where!!

Rachel: I'm glad that your boys are doing well!!! And good for you for talking to your daycare lady! I'm glad your feeling better about the whole situation! Aww I love the picture. Ozzy is soo cute!! Natalia is going to be Elsa from frozen as she is obsessed with that movie!! She had to have a frozen backpack for school this year lol. Sounds to me like jimmy is going to be walking everywhere pretty soon!!! That is cute though him going to you as soon as you come in the door. Eva does the same but it's only to be held. Lol.

Jordyn: hahaha the Big Ben thing was acually the auto corrector on my iPhone lol. It usually works pretty well but sometimes does the wrong thing. I just reliZed I said that because you mentioned it haha. Aww that's greAt Alia is such a great talker. Jonathan is better than Natalia was at this age but still is learning how to talk in complete sentences. Haha that's cute about Alia asking about her Halloween costume. I love repunzil and tangled haha.

Afm: well my sister lives in Texas. She has been soo busy and me too we just havnt been able to see each other. But boy do I miss her a lot!! I just can't wait!!! Well big news!!! Natalia lost her first baby tooth!!! It's wierd because I thought usually they lose the front two teeth first but she lost the front one to the side. Lol so she is soo exited for the tooth fairy to come!! So wish me luck ladies hopefully I won't mess it up haha!!! Let me download a pic I'll show you haha
Stacey, that's so exciting that Natalia's starting to lose her baby teeth already! As for the tooth fairy, I remember one time when my mom forgot to leave money for me under my pillow, and when I said the tooth fairy forgot to come, she cleverly said "Lets go look and see if the money fell off your bed", and while we were looking she holds up the dollar and said "yep, it fell down the crack by your bed". :haha:
Jordyn that's great!!!!!!! If I ever forget I will say something like that. But for me I feel if I do forget it's because I will fall asleep and wake up too late. Lol well success so far. I went and got the too the and left the money she did not wake up. Also today I kinda switch Jonathan's and Eva's bed. I have been sleeping with Jonathan in our bed until he gets his tonsils out because I'm afraid of him not breathing. So I out Eva in his crib with Natalia and Jonathan in the pack n play in our room. So soo far Eva is sleeping well being in a different bed in a different room then us. I can't wait to move to our bigger hours that actually has 3 bedrooms!!

Ok so this house has 2 bed upstairs and one down. How would y'all arrange the kids. Of corse you think put the oldest downstairs but I'm nervous to put her downstairs as she has never been so far away from us. I'm worried about being on another floor then the kids if we were to take the room downstairs because Jonathan almost constantly is comng to our room and I would hate for him to try to climb the gates half asleep.
Geez sorry my auto corrector is really changing what I am really trying to say hahaha
Stacey, our house has two bedrooms upstairs and two in the basement. Right now Alia is downstairs, and Liam is upstairs in the room next to us. When Asher is born, we'll move Liam to the other downstairs room and have Asher right next to us. Alia has never had a problem being far away from us, especially since we're awake after she goes to bed, and awake when she gets up in the morning, so to her, we're always nearby, since we can go get her as soon as she needs us. But obviously it's a little different for us, since we still have a safety lock on her door, so we never worry about her climbing the stairs to come find us in the middle of the night. I wish we were all on the same floor, but here in Utah, it's pretty common to have bedrooms upstairs and downstairs because almost every house has a basement.
Jordyn: I think I'll put Natalia in the room downstairs. She's very exited to have her own room and own space to play with toys that I don't let her because they are to small and the younger two are around. Then I think I will let the younger two share a room. Would that make sense putting the oldest in her own room while letting the youngest share. I too have thought to put Eva in her own room and continue to let Jonathan and Natalia share hahaha I just can't make up my mind lol.

Well Natalia got stung by a wasp the other day. My poor baby. It was soo red and I havnt heard her cry like that in soo long. But she did fine after a little while and that night. She said no I understand while you run from them mommy haha.
Oh, poor Natalia! I've only been stung once, when I was little, but I did manage to have three live bees in my mouth once without getting stung. :wacko:
We were camping and I had a can of grape soda sitting out and when I went to drink it, I got a mouth-full of bees instead! I quickly spit them out, and thankfully didn't get stung, but I don't think I'll ever quite forget what it felt like to have their moving, fuzzy, little bodies in my mouth. *Shudder* :sick:
Oh, poor Natalia! I bet she will run from them now! It must have been hard to hear her cry like that. It sounds like she's a pretty brave girl, though.

Jordyn, that is crazy! Like, there are people who do dangerous things like that for a living... Because they are crazy! haha!

Speaking of crazy, you are almost 30 weeks! Say whaaaaa!!!???
I know! I can't believe it either! It was even weirder when it hit September and I told DH, "Well, we'll probably be having this baby next month," and he was like, "Wait, NEXT month??? I thought we had more time!" :haha:

I have my 30 week OB appointment today, so I'll have to let you know how it goes. :flower:

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