Heather, the boys are doing great, thanks for asking! The HFM is all passed (Ozzy has a few tiny spots left, but they are both feeling normal again), and it seems the relationship with our daycare provider is still the same. I kind of apologized, or at least let her know that I felt bad and that we were still new at the whole daycare thing and she said it was totally fine and that we are all new at it (because she is too).
It is really nice to have my lunch breaks back. I went for a little walk today and it was glorious! lol But I don't think Jimmy will totally wean anytime soon. Yesterday he started crying and crawled over to me the instant I walked in the door and didn't stop crying until I sat down to nurse him. *sigh* He's so much more of a mama's boy than Ozzy ever was! It's so funny sometimes.
And what a great picture of Ben sitting in the dirt. I love it when kids get dirty. Haha! And yay for a great check up! That is so sweet about Sam crying for Ben getting poked. What a great big brother.
Jordyn, I hope you're guess is right about Liam adjusting more easily to a new baby than Alia did. And I hope Alia will take to this new baby more quickly as well. Do Alia and Liam play well together now? Or at least reasonably well?
Oh, we totally called both boys by their names as soon as we knew they were boys! We had the names picked out well before they were even conceived, so as soon as we knew we called them by their names. The funny thing is, once they were born we started in with the nick names or would just say, "Oh, don't cry, baby" and stuff like that. So, they ended up being called by their names more before they were born than in their first few weeks of life! lol
Sounds like Liam is a much more advanced walker than Jimmy right now. Although, I think Jimmy is getting pretty close to the 'breakthrough' that Liam had. He'll stop walking to squat down and pick something up and then stand back up again to keep walking. But, he can't do it from a sitting position, so that keeps him from walking as much. Plus, he still falls down a lot.

He's getting more sure on his feet every day though!
And oh my goodness, Jimmy is so much more advanced in his speech than Ozzy was at this age. If I'm remembering correctly, Ozzy said his first word around 16 or 17 months. Jimmy says 3 words (just like Ben)! His first word was "banana" and he also says "cheese" and "kick."
Stacey, I totally know what you mean about the fat feet! Ozzy's feet were like that and sometimes we still have trouble with certain shoes. The sandals he wore all summer were great because they have velcro straps on the back AND the entire top part of the sandal is basically made of two big flaps that velcro together. They are really easy to get on his chubby little feet!
Phew. I think that's everything I was going to say... Other than that we found Ozzy's Halloween costume this weekend. It's an owl! We found it for $2.50 at a thrift store (and it's machine washable, yay). Can't beat that! Now we have to find some sort of woodland creature costume for Jimmy.