anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Rachel, that's a funny picture of Ozzy giving Jimmy a little glare! :haha: And what a cute picture of jimmy on that log! I love that they're starting to get so silly at this age. Yesterday Liam was walking around, and then he started slapping his belly, turned in a circle, and then started shaking his head side to side really fast, got dizzy, and fell over. DH and I were laughing so hard. :haha:

I'm sorry the daycare situation this week got so awkward for you. I would be feeling the same way, wondering whether I should have taken him or not, and then telling myself that it was her choice to take him, but then wondering if she regretted it, and wondering if it had caused any damage in the relationship with her as the care provider. Ugh. Why do we women get ourselves so worked up over things like that? Men seem to just let it roll off, like, "Well, it was her choice," and then never think about it again. (Except my DH, actually. He's worse than me when it comes to worrying about what other people think and running past conversations through his head over and over again. It's really annoying, actually! :dohh:)
Rachel I love your pictures!!! Your boys are soo cute!! For me I wouldn't feel guilty. I have 5 years dealing with daycares. It is the daycare providers job to keep sick kids out. If they agree to take a kid it is 100% the providers responsibility. You should not feel guilty at all k lol

Jordyn: that made me laugh about Liam. Haha wish I could have seen that lol

We Eva had her 1 year check up today. It was great. She got her chicken pock shot a measles I think. She weighed 21 lbs and was 27 inch. Her weight was on the 75th percent. Her height was on the 1 st. And her head the 80th. Very healthy!!
Stacey, when we had Liam's 1 year check up, he weighed 21.5lbs and was at the 29th percentile, so now I'm just confused! Are our doctors using different charts? :dohh:
So I know there will be a difference because Liam is a boy. So the charts are a bit different. I think 21 lbs for a boy is almost on the 50% or so. According to the WHO charts. For a girl it's like 73 %? Who knows lol
Okay, that makes sense with the gender difference, although if 21lbs is closer to 50th percentile for a boy, I wonder why my doctor's chart said 29th? :shrug:
Idk jordyn lol. Google baby percentile calculator and you can put his info in. It will tell you. The WHO chart is what my doc uses lol
Haha! Jordyn, I wish I could have seen Liam do that. I think I would have laughed pretty hard too. Jimmy is just starting to do some silly things too. The other night, he kept putting a towel over his head and then crawling and bonking his head on things. He would just take the towel of and giggle though! Haha!

Thanks for the perspective, Stacey! I really appreciate it. I do feel okay about the decision, but like Jordyn said, I just hope it hasn't damaged the relationship at all. I don't think it helps that she is also brand new at this whole daycare thing too. She said she just needs to learn how to say no, which I think is probably true.

Anyway, I forgot to mention that I'm finally done with pumping at work! Yay! I had been thinking of stopping and then over the last few weeks Jimmy has just started drinking less milk during the day. The whole week before vacation he hardly drank any of the milk that DH gave him. Rather than letting that all go to waste, I decided to just stop pumping. So, he just gets water during the day and then a really big feeding when I get home from work. Then he still has a little bedtime snack and a feeding in the morning before I go to work. Plus, he is still waking around 3 or 4 am for a feeding. ugh. But I am happy to have my full lunch break back at work! Yay!
Rachel that's great that jimmy is kinda self weaning. I can imagine it will be great having your full lunch break! Haha that's so funny about the towel over Jimmy's head haha.

So when I went to pick up Natalia for school today there was a paper in her Friday take home folder about a class called ELL. It's a English learning class for kids who have learned a different language. I'm so confused because I thought Natalia speaks rely good English. They said that she was assessed and they recommend this class. My dh and SIL took this class when they first moved here from Mexico and basically said it's a waste of time. I'm not sure what to think. So basically this class will replace a normal English class to focus on just speaking the language.
Stacey, I'm an elementary teacher, if you recall, and if you think Natalia can speak English just as well as other kids her age, just tell the teacher you'd like her in regular English classes. Unfortunately, some teachers will see a child that looks Latino and just make assumptions. Ask them for specific examples of her language barrier issues, and if they don't have anything very convincing, don't buy it. The problem with ELL classes, is that sometimes once a child is put in, they tend to kind of stay in that "track" for longer than they need to, and because she'd probably be with kids who really don't speak English that well, the instruction would probably be "dumbed down" a little, and she wouldn't be properly challenged. Like I said, make them tell you exactly why they think she needs the class before making any decisions.
Thank you jordyn. I will talk to her teacher to see how they assessed her. I really think she would benefit more from a regular English class. Thank you for the advice. Did you like being a teacher jordyn?
Yeah, I enjoyed it, but there's a lot of behind-the-scenes work that goes with the job, so it's pretty overwhelming. I really enjoyed forming a relationship with the students, though, and it's always so hard to say goodbye at the end of the year. However, I'm really glad that I'm able to be a stay at home mom, and thankfully some things I learned as a teacher can transfer over to my job as a mom. :flower:
So I thought about what you said jordyn. Although I know Natalia can speak English I know she can't speak it as well as the other kids. But I thought school would benefit her? Maybe she should be in the class. I'm going to ask for more details about the class. My dh was in ell and said it was a mess around class for him. I don't want that for her. But if it will help make her English better than why not? Ugh I'm just soo confused.

I have considered becoming a teacher once Eva hits school age so I can have off most days they do and summer. Here also her kindergarden teacher will fallow her to first grade.
Stacey, I think it comes down to this: if you think she'll learn better from direct English instruction, consider the ELL class, but if you think she'll learn better by hearing everyone around her speaking English correctly, then keep her in the mainstream English class. But it just depends on her skills and her personality and her learning style, which you know better than anyone else. :flower:
Rachel, I totally understand your feeling about not wanting to ruin your relationship with your daycare provider. I feel that way sometimes too. I know its a business relationship but at the end of the day they caring for my babies and it is nice to know we have a good relationship.

I love the pictures from your vacation! :flower: How are Ozzy and Jimmy doing?

Also, yay for now getting your whole lunch and no more pumping! :happydance: Do you think Jimmy will wean soon?

Stacey, it sounds like Eva is very healthy! Ben goes to the doctor tomorrow so we will see how much he weights, etc. I think hes about 24lbs though.

I agree with Jordyn, only you know what is best for Natalia and her English class. If you feel she speaks English well enough I'd say put her in the normal one :flower:

Jordyn, how are you doing? I still can't believe how fast your pregnancy is going! Are you still getting regular contractions?

Not much new here...we hung some pictures this weekend in our house so it feels a little bit more homely and not so sterile :haha:

We went to the rodeo on Saturday...Sam loved it! And Ben had a blast playing in the dirt! :cloud9:
Heather, that's a cute picture of Ben playing in the dirt. :flower: We took the kids to the park last week and Liam had fun eating the wood chips. :dohh:

I'm doing pretty good. The contractions still come pretty regularly, but most of the time I barely notice them because I'm just so used to it. I think it really helped me having my OB check my cervix at my last appointment, because now that I know for sure that I'm still closed up, I can spend less time worrying about it. I'm still thinking that this little boy will come around 36 weeks like Liam did, but I'm not too worried about him coming before.
Jordyn, that's crazy to think in 7 weeks you'll have a baby most likely! Are you getting excited?

Does Alia know or understand that she's getting a new baby brother?
Yeah, it's pretty crazy! I'm excited, but at the same time, a little scared! I remember how hard it was when Liam was born and both he and Alia would be screaming and I'd have to scold her all the time for hitting him. I really hope Liam adjusts to the new baby better than Alia did with him, because he'll never have been the "only child" so he's used to me having to split my time, whereas Alia wasn't.

Alia definitely knows that there's a baby in my tummy, and she knows it'll be another baby brother, but I still think it'll be quite a shock when it actually becomes a baby she can see. I hope that she is more sweet with this baby than Liam, but I'm not going to get my hopes up just yet. :dohh:
Jordyn, I hope this time when you bring the baby home things are a lot smoother then last time! :hugs: What was the name again, Asher? I'm totally drawing a blank. :wacko:

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