anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Stacey, that's exciting that Natalia is losing her teeth already and you get to do fun things like putting money under her pillow and see her get excited about it! :)

Poor girl getting stung by a wasp though! That must have been scary for her and I'm sure she will be running from them from now on.

Jordyn, that's crazy that you had 2 bees in your mouth! I would be freaking out. I got stung by a bee when I was in 1st or 2nd grade because there was one in my desk at school and I stuck my hand in there and stepped on one when I was 2 or 3. I HATE bugs!

It's so crazy to think that next month you'll have a baby! That has flown by so fast!!! :wacko:

Well, last night Ben was walking around with this ceramic bird that I have under the TV on top of some books and fell on top of Sam's face and cut the corner by his eye. Poor guy, it didn't get too swollen but it was bleeding pretty bad.

I swear it probably looks like I beat my boys with all their cuts and bruises! :dohh: Which couldn't be farther from the truth...they are such boys!
Heather, I totally understand! The other week Liam had those hives on his thighs from the milk, and after a day, they looked like welts! And around the same time, Alia fell out of a shopping cart (because she refuses to sit down!) and got a black eye. I almost didn't want to leave the house because I was worried people would think I was beating them! :dohh:
Yikes jordyn I would have freaked out! At least you wernt stung. Wow 30 weeks! It has gone soo fast. Yes keep us updated on your ob apointment.

Heather: aww don't feel bad I know what that's like. Jonathan constantly is covered in bruises. But they know when it look intentional and not. Kids get hurt. It happens. I remember Jonathan's first trip to the ER was when he was 9 months exact. He started walking about a week before that. He fell and cut his eye open on this stupid stone fireplace this house has. I got a letter from insurance asking what happend and why. Ugh... After that he was constantly running into doors fallowing down and hitting his head on he trim around the doors. And once he was at the park fell of corse and knocked his head bad on a wood post that had no purpose being where it was. Boys especially. Havnt had prob with Natalia nor Eva yet..

Jordyn: I'm glad I'm not the only one who has a kid who refuses to sit in the cart. Jonathan. Will scream like I'm hurting him if I try to put him on the cart. Before he used to run touching everything but just once I brought him only to the car for not staying with me and yea now he stays wih me and listens pretty good when I tell him not to touch something. Lol

Ok do you ladies remember before all our youngest were born one of you ladies asked if we knew why their lo had like whitish poop? I can't remember who it was and can't find the page. Since I switched Eva to whole milk her poop is like whitish color. Do y'all remember that?

Oh and I saw Vanessa on the baby threads she is pregnant again too!! Congrats to her!!
Yes, I agree that you can tell when it was intentional and when it wasn't. That's crazy that you got a letter in the mail from the insurance company, Stacey! :growlmad:

Jordyn and Stacey, I'm glad I'm not alone. Sam will NOT stay in a cart anymore. Its kinda annoying since hes going around and touching everything it makes it hard to shop sometimes. He can be really good but so damn busy! :wacko: Sam fell out of a cart once at Target while I was turning the aisle, he started crying and all these people were looking at me! It was pretty embarrassing! :blush:

Stacey, I thought it was Rachel talking about the poop but I can't recall now?

Congrats to Vanessa! That's exciting :happydance:

One of our friends is pregnant with their second and having a gender reveal party on the 21st. She will only be 13 weeks and seems early to me but I guess that's when she found out with their first too! :shrug:

I'm excited for her! I was sorta sad at first when I found out since I wanted our next to be close in age to theirs. oh well.
Yeah, I'm sure it was Rachel that had the problem with the white poop.

Wow, that's awesome that Vanessa is pregnant again!

Heather, I wonder if your friend had the genetic testing done that also tells you what the gender is. Otherwise, I can't imagine any doctor would be very sure at only 13 weeks! And I understand your sadness. Our good friends just announced that they're 12 weeks pregnant right now, and I'm so happy for them, but I'm sad that it took so long for them to get pregnant, because I wanted this baby and theirs to be a little closer in age.

Stacey, I definitely see a difference between Liam and Alia as far as getting hurt. Alia had her fair share of bruises, but Liam is always trying to do things before he's quite ready, which leads to way more falling and collisions. In fact, while I've been typing up this reply, he's ran into DH's computer desk twice. :dohh:
Jordyn, I believe they are going to a private gender scan place to find out. They went there with their first and it was reliable so who knows.

We go to the same hospital and the earliest they will do a gender scan is 18 weeks which I think is typical.

And poor Liam! Sam is so clumsy too! he's always tripping over his own feet :dohh:
Thank you so much ladies! I'm very excited. And a bit nervous! How are you all doing?
We've missed you Vanessa!! I was so happy to see your expecting again when I saw your post in baby club. It's weird cuz I havnt looked in baby club in forever!!! Just that day I desided to browse
Stacey it's lovely to hear from you! I am terrible, if I haven't posted in a few days sometimes it just feels like too much to catch up, must pop in more often because this is the best group I've ever been part of on here!

Thank you! I was really starting to worry because AF only came back at 11 months pp, and I wanted a similar age gap as the boys have. It's two months more so pretty pleased with it in the end, just thought that period was never going to show up. First time I'd ever wanted to see her ugly face :haha:

How are your babies doing?
Vanessa! Hi! We have missed you for sure. Huge congrats on your new little bean. :) If af didn't come back until 11 mos. pp, then I guess it didn't take too long to get pregnant. My cycles only just came back too. I know what you mean about actually wanting it to show up! We are waiting to ttc though. Probably until at least February.

Jimmy is doing great! He just turned one and recently started walking. He has 4 teeth all the way in and is working on two more. He and Ozzy play pretty well together, which is nice. He is daytime weaned, as I am back at work, but still nurses 2-3 times per day, morning, evening, and still once during the night. *sigh*

How are your boys?

Stacey, it was me who had the white poop issue. Or rather, it was Ozzy. When I looked it up, it seemed the most likely reason was just a poor diet, but apparently it can also be a liver problem. Basically, if the poop is white or really light in color, it means they haven't been getting adequate nutrients. Either from poor diet or a liver dysfunction, it's just more likely to be a diet thing. Funny thing is, Jimmy has been having really light colred poo since starting to drink cow's milk too. He doesn't seem at all bothered by it though. :shrug:
Thanks Rachel! Yes it wasn't too long, three cycles in all. It was nice to go without periods for that long though! Milo kind of weaned himself off nursing at about 13 months, he wasn't really interested when he got to about 11 months truth be told but I was kind of hanging onto it :blush: I miss it, I'm looking forward to BFing the next one (fingers crossed!).

It's crazy when they start walking! Milo started at 11 months which took me by surprise, Noah didn't walk until 15 months so I was like what?? They're starting to appreciate each other's company a lot more and chase each other around giggling which is so cute :cloud9: Milo is absolutely huge, ridiculously tall and almost as tall as Noah is, crazily. He eats like a pig and sleeps so well, 12 hours and not a peep, which considering what a tricky little thing he was I can hardly believe it.

Noah is generally good but he does have a significant speech delay. It appears to simply be that he's a late talker but he's having speech therapy. He's also sleeping terribly which is great fun, I really hope he grows out of it by the time bean arrives!
Vanessa, it's so nice to hear an update from you! I'm glad Milo sleeps so great for you! Liam still wakes up several times a night, but the last two nights he's only needed to be fed once (so fingers crossed we're heading towards better sleep!). Liam started walking about a month ago. In fact, it was kind of crazy, because Liam, Ben, Jimmy, and Eva all started walking within about a week or two. It was pretty exciting. :flower:

My kids are doing pretty good. Liam is allergic to cows milk and struggles with eating solids, so that's been real fun. He is a total goof-ball though and loves to tackle and wrestle all the time, which Alia does NOT love. I'm excited for him to have a little brother that he can rough-house with eventually. Alia is going through a bit of a phase where she freaks out at every little thing and screams and whines a lot, so that's been requiring a lot of patience from DH and I.

We decided to name our new little boy Asher, and if he comes around the same time as Liam, I only have about 6/7 weeks left! And speaking of that, I had my 30 week appointment today and am measuring 31 and 1/2, so I think he'll be a nice size, like Liam was (for his gestation, anyway).

How are you feeling? Any morning sickness yet?
Vanessa, its so good to hear from you!!! We've all missed you. :hugs: It sounds like you're doing well and the boys are great! I agree, its so fun to see them start to interact together :cloud9:

I totally understand what you mean about being sad about BF ending. I'm still nursing Ben but no longer pumping at work. And basically down to only nursing him in the evening before bed. Its sorta bittersweet for me...I love the bonding time but at the same time the "freedom" is kinda nice too and knowing he's not so reliant on me being home to feed him.

Ben started walking almost a month ago and he seems like so much more of a happy, less clingy baby now! He has been a total opposite for me from Sam which threw me for a loop since he was very needy and always attached to me. I'm finally feeling like hes gaining some independence and confidence.

Sam is great but such a typical rough boy :dohh: He's always wanting to play rough with Ben and show him the ropes. He is a little smarty pants though and really growing into his own little person. He started preschool yesterday and absolutely loved it!

We have started potty training him but as of right now he is only peeing on the potty and does better in public, surprisingly. Its still a work in progress.

We plan to wait for a bigger age gap with our next one since daycare is kinda expensive and we wan to still feel like we can vacation or do things with the boys. We plan to start tying in 2016 unless DH lands a better job beforehand. I'm a little sad about it but its getting easier every day.

How is your house? I hope this pregnancy isn't too hard on you thus far.
Jordyn oh my gosh you're 30 weeks already! Where has the time gone? Asher is a lovely name and sounds great with Alia and Liam! Fantastic that you're on track for growth :thumbup:

That does sound like a struggle on the eating front. Not as bad but Noah has gotten so so fussy. I find it hard to prepare meals both of them will eat but I refuse to make more than one meal!

Morning sickness has actually started here and there - in fact my stomach felt a bit odd even in the week before I got my BFP. Which is pretty irritating considering it didn't start until at least week 6 the last two times! Eurgh I hate it. The worst for me right now is tiredness. That pregnancy fatigue has already started to hit me.

Thanks Heather! I'm impressed at the potty training, Noah is nowhere near it unfortunately. Glad to hear he's loving preschool!

I too have mummies' boys. Milo has always been a mummy's boy, Noah wasn't particularly but now he's older he's starting to be more attached to me. So I've usually got one hanging off each leg :haha: God knows where I'll put the third. Attached to my back maybe!

That makes sense on the daycare front but I do imagine it must have been hard to make that decision :hugs: We're lucky in that DH can support us all but the costs my friends pay are astronomical. One of the reasons we've gone for short age gaps is because I want to get back to work, I miss using my brain!

Don't know if I told you ladies but I plan to retrain as a midwife. Not sure when to do it really - this is our last baby and I'm not sure how old s/he should be before I do it. I was thinking four so they'd all be in school but that seems like such a long time away.

Noah starts back at preschool today after the summer holidays, thank goodness because he's been getting pretty bored at home! He's now doing three mornings a week.
heather, I'm sorry that baby #3 got pushed back for you. I hope it ends up working out better for your family, though. :hugs:

Vanessa, maybe you won't need to attach #3 to your back. Maybe it'll be a daddy's girl this time. :winkwink: As for potty training, Alia doesn't care one bit about it, so who knows when it will happen for her. I've resigned myself to the fact that I could be changing three kids' diapers for quite a while. I know you weren't really around when I was in my first trimester, but I got morning sickness with this baby for the first time ever! I was so worried that it was going to be twins because of that, but it was just one. My OB said that symptoms sometimes just get worse in subsequent pregnancies. (Hooray! :dohh:)

I do remember you saying that you were planning on training to be a midwife, which I think is awesome! I've had daydreams of becoming one myself, though I don't think it will ever really happen, especially because I have a bachelor's degree in education already. Plus, I plan on being a SAHM until my youngest is in school, and then I think I would actually become and aide at an Elementary school, rather than the classroom teacher, so that I can have the same hours as my kids (since teachers have to go in early and stay much later). But that's still many years down the road, so we'll see. :flower:
Jordyn, I'm glad that your appointment went well and that you're measuring a little bit bigger so that way in case you do go early he will be a good size! :thumbup:

Vanessa, do you plan to find out the sex of this baby? I'm hoping for a little girl you for you :cloud9:

I do remember you talking about becoming a midwife and I too think that is awesome! What did you do for work before you had Noah?

As for waiting a bit for #3...Its kinda bittersweet for me. I feel like this way I can enjoy my last pregnancy more not chasing around two little guys but I just pray that the age gap isn't too big and the 3rd doesn't feel so much like an only child. If all goes as planned Sam will have just turned 5 and Ben will be 3.5. I think it will be okay :shrug:
I have to say Jordyn I'm kind of glad that Alia doesn't care about potty training either, because Noah refuses to even sit on a potty! :dohh: All his friends are potty trained which doesn't help how I feel about it. That plus the speech and the awful sleeping kind of gets me down :nope:

Still, he was back at preschool today and the staff said they saw a huge improvement in his speech and that was so lovely to hear, especially because I didn't ask, they just volunteered the information :thumbup:

Oh my goodness I would LOVE a little girl :cloud9: I am so close to my mum and I would love to have that same relationship with a daughter of my own. It would be the most wonderful completion of our family. We're not going to find out the gender. Because it's our last baby and we've never experienced the "it's a boy/girl!" thing when they're born, we'd like to experience it this time. Plus if it's a boy I will be able to be just as happy as if it's a girl, because he'll be in my arms and it won't matter. Does that make sense?

I was a secondary school teacher actually, but I never loved it. At best I liked it a bit, mostly I tolerated it. I just never knew what I wanted to do so I kind of fell into it! It's taken me such a long time to figure out what I wanted to do. I thought in the meantime I might train to be a peer breastfeeding supporter because I'm sure that would look good when I'm applying :thumbup:

Heather I think that age gap will be absolutely fine. A friend of mine's sister is 4 years older than her and they're so close. There are pros and cons to every age gap I think. Just have to do what works for your family.

That sounds like a good plan Jordyn. We have teaching assistants here and whilst their work is challenging it's nowhere near as hour intensive as teaching is.
Vanessa, that's awesome that the preschool noticed an improvement on Noah's speech and freely mentioned it to you! :happydance:

Don't worry about the potty training. Sam isn't anywhere close to being super reliable. He is better in public because of the fun of seeing the bathrooms, I think. At home he gets too distracted and sometimes throws a fit when I tell him that he needs to go and try. I'm hoping in a year he will be 100%...and then we start all over again! :haha: :dohh:

That is fantastic that you guys are not finding out the gender until he/she is born! That is our plan for our 3rd as well since we never had the "its a ....!" moment! To be honest before I would have never went for the idea but this time I'm so excited to do it!

And the whole thing about not being disappointed when you are holding the baby if it is a boy TOTALLY makes sense. I kinda feel the exact way. I was sorta sad to find out Ben was a boy but none of that mattered the moment I held him in my arms.

My brother and I are 4 years apart and not close but I think that having Ben in the middle, so to speak, helps bridge that gap a bit.
Vanessa, it made me feel a bit better when you said Noah wasn't potty training yet, either. I feel like I should be more proactive or something, but I've had enough people tell me that it's better to wait until the child is ready, so I think I'm doing okay just waiting for now. A lady I know said that she was so eager to get her first potty trained, that she pushed and pushed, and actually caused more damage than good, and at 5 years old, her daughter was still having anxiety about going to the bathroom and wetting herself frequently. She told me, "Please, please, for your sake and your child's, just wait until they want to do it."

I don't know if you remember, but I was planning on staying Team yellow this time around, but I ended up getting flashed during the ultrasound, which ruined the surprise. But in my case, I'm kind of glad it happened that way, because I was so convinced it was going to be a girl, and when I found out it was a boy, I realized how much I'd secretly hoped it would be a girl, and I was pretty disappointed. So if I'd gone all the way to birth thinking it was a girl, I think the moment when I first met him would have been tainted a little bit by disappointment that it wasn't a little girl. (And maybe that makes me a bad mom, but I'm already prone to depression and baby blues after birth, so I can see it happening in my case). But because I know it's a boy, I've had a chance to think about all the good things about Liam getting a little brother. So next time around, I will be finding out the gender, because I already know that I want another girl. But if we have a girl next time, and then get pregnant a fifth time, I'll definitely try Team Yellow again, because I do want to experience the "It's a ...!" moment. :flower:
That doesn't make you a bad mum at all! I so desperately want a girl that I do fear gender disappointment. Last time I was a bit disappointed when I found out Milo was a boy, but I managed to push past it quite quickly and he's the most wonderful little character, I wouldn't change him at all.

But this time it's our last so I am worried about how I'll feel if it's another boy. It's funny how it affects us differently isn't it? I know I'm better off not knowing until birth. I think I will no doubt convince myself I'm having a third boy because that way I will be fine with it, and if it's a girl I will have an extra bonus.

Me too Heather! I love the idea of the excitement when I'm going into labour, who am I going to meet?

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