anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Okay, I finally have my laptop so I can post pictures! :flower:
Jordyn: congrats on Asher. He is beautiful! I'm glad he is doing well and not needing any oxygen. They will prob monitor him for a while right? You look great!!! It's funny because I have been very behind havnt been on since right after Jonathan's surgery. But before I got on I thought today is the 9. Let me check on jordyn and sure enough today was the day!!! Please keep us updated on his progress!!! Congrats

Melissa: i love the pic if Sophia she's soo cute!! I'm sorry about your dhs job.

I'm loving all the pics ladies!!!!

Heather. I'm sorry to hear about Ben having asthma. Weird though because when Jonathan was that age and on oxygen and breathing treatments his doc said it's to young to tell if it's truly asthma. But now he doesn't have as much prob as before.

Rachel: I too agree that your dh has a lot to say about when the next comes lol! You are lucky to have a dh who is willing to stay home.
Vanessa: I'm sorry your ms is still bothering you... Your boys are soo cute.

Eva is sick. She's got runny nose and a horrible cough. I will be taking her to the doc tomorrow.

I will do a proper update hopefully soon ladies :)
He's so cute Jordyn! Good to hear he's doing so well. I hope you guys get to go home soon. :hugs:
Jordyn- Asher is absolutely gorgeous!!!!! congrats mama! praying he doesn't have to stay in NICU long <3 you look fab for just having a baby :thumbup:

Stacey-hope the baby gets better fast!

Heater- thanks for the prayers! and just saw your future ttc ticker, yay!
Thanks, ladies. Asher is doing well. They released him from the NICU after only 6 hours yesterday because he was doing so great. He was having a little trouble remembering to breath while he ate, but he seems to be doing better with that now. It looks like I'll be discharged today but then I'll stay as a "hotel" guest until Asher is discharged, which will probably be tomorrow. :flower:

Stacey, that's funny that you thought I might have had Asher, and I did! I had been wondering for quite a while if I might go into labor on the 8th and have him on the 9th, because of that full moon on the 8th, since I went into labor with Alia on a full moon, too.
Oh Jordyn he's absolutely beautiful and that's wonderful that he's doing so well! What's he like? Does he remind you of Alia or Liam as a newborn? And how does it feel to be a mum of 3? You look great in that picture!

Sorry to hear that Eva is sick Stacey, hope she feels better soon. I hate hearing babies with a hacking cough, bless them.

All is good our end, although I've had a tiny bit of spotting :nope: Barely anything but enough to make me panic. But I've calmed down, I still look pretty darn pregnant (I know it's bloat but it's still caused by baby!) and I also had the reappearance of the linea nigrea or whatever it's called. Decided to wait for my scan but it will be a long couple of weeks, it's on 24th.
Vanessa, I hope the spotting was nothing. I had a teeny tiny bit of spotting around 9 weeks with this last pregnancy, and it was nothing. I can't wait until you have your appointment so we can hear all about it. Will you be having a scan? :flower:

Asher looks similar to Alia and Liam when they were newborns. I think Asher is going to be a cuddly baby (unlike my other two) because all day yesterday, he'd be unsettled and cry easily in the bassinet, but as soon as I held him, he'd be fast asleep and stay that way until I had to lay him down again.

Alia and Liam got to meet him yesterday, and though Liam seemed totally oblivious to Asher's existence, at least Alia seemed excited. At one point while they were here, Asher went to nursery for a little bit and Alia didn't see him leave. As soon as she noticed he wasn't there, though, she got very concerned and started calling for him. It was really cute. It was sad when they went back home, though, because Alia kept asking if Asher and I could come home, too. Thankfully, they're on their way over to the hospital right now and we'll all be going home together this time. :flower:


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Vanessa: it is very scary to spot. I remember I did when pregnant with Natalia. I'm glad it wasn't anything to worry about. I would love to see a bump pic if you have a chance and yes bloat is caused by baby so I agree lol

Aww jordyn he is soo cute. He looks like he's got a bit of hair. Am I right? That's soo cute that Alia was wondering where he was. She's a good big sister. Have they told you how long Asher is supposed to stay in the hospital?

Well Eva had another ear infection and croup again. I just can't believe it. This is her 4th ear infection in 6 months. Doc has out a referral to see Jonathan's ent. Possible tubes in her future as I think I've mentioned before at her last ear infection a month ago. This is her third time with croup. Not sure what I can do to keep that away from her.

Well Jonathan is doing super well. We can't hear him breath anymore making us constitanly check on him. But he's always fine. He is eating everything like he used to and has even gained two pounds. He has grown to but not sure how much just using out bar as a measuring thing lol he used to be able to walk under the counter too sticking out and have like 4-5 inch now he has maybe 1-2 inches lol. Natalia is doing sooo great in school she has learned to read me him her we you and a few more I can remember. Parent teacher conferences are next week. I can't wait to see her teacher and know how she's really doing lol. She got a 100% on her first test. Well at 10/10 lol.

Have you all heard about he cases in Dallas of Ebola. How scary is that. It's scary because when I was finally convincing my dh to consider moving down to Texas this happens. I worry for my parents. My mom works as a rn in a huge hospital in Fort Worth. I hope and pray that the virus never spreads there!!
Stacey, I'm so sorry Eva is sick again.:( Hopefully she feels better soon, and if she needs tubes, hopefully they'll help. I'm glad to hear that Jonathon is doing so well, though! Sounds like that surgery really made a big difference for him! And way to go, Natalia for doing so great in school. :thumbup:

I hope the Ebola virus outbreak gets under control and that your parents aren't affected. :hugs:

As for us, we all came home on Saturday, and Asher has been doing really well. The little stinker was awake for a super long stretch last night, though, which was tough on DH and I. After being awake for 3 straight hours, I finally had to hand him off to DH for the rest of the night. Thank goodness we're formula feeding so it's possible to do that!

Here's a super cute picture of Asher that I took last night. :flower:

Oh Jordyn he's absolutely gorgeous :cloud9: I had forgotten how tiny and squishy they are! Hope you're managing to get a bit of rest in between nightly parties. It's fantastic that you're all home together now.

Thanks ladies, I do feel better about it now. It's happened three times so far and I feel fairly certain that I have an irritable cervix. Twice has been after exercise and once has been after going to the toilet and struggling a bit (sorry tmi), so I think these things have just irritated it a bit. My scan is next Friday and can't come soon enough! But my gut instinct is that everything is fine, it's simply been smears on toilet paper and barely anything more, no pain, belly growing, everything feeling normal.

My sickness is starting to ease which is nice. My stomach now feels just a bit weird if that makes sense, I never know what I want to eat and certain things make me feel really ill (usually the boys' dinner :dohh:) but the nausea which I was having all day long is now better.

Oh Stacey, bless Eva, poor little thing. I hope she feels better soon, hopefully the doctor can recommend a course of action to help her. My goodness Jonathan is doing so well! It's amazing what a difference that surgery has made! And well done to Natalia :thumbup: I really hope my children enjoy school like that, I loved it myself.

The Ebola outbreak is really scary :nope: We actually had news here today, our health minister believes it will reach the UK. They've started screening at airports, not that I know how much good that does because some doctors believe it's pointless because there's such a long incubation period. It's so sad that in this day and age we can't seem to contain an outbreak like this. I know it's Africa but surely we should have been able to do something? I hope it doesn't reach your parents' area Stacey.

Otherwise not much else going on here, the boys are good and funnily enough have really started to bond over the last couple of months, I've really noticed it. Noah mostly ignored Milo up until about 6 months ago but now they're starting to chase each other all over the house and play silly little games, it's so cute. Noah tries to help Milo get on to things and yesterday went and patted him when he fell over to try and make him feel better. At the weekend they were holding hands in the car and giggling, wish I'd gotten a photo of it :cloud9: I'm really starting to see the benefits of the close age gap.
Aww, Vanessa, that's adorable that your boys are starting to bond! :flower: Alia and Liam have their moments where they like to play together, but as she gets older, we're noticing that Alia really prefers to play by herself most of the time, even when other kids are around, so she gets easily annoyed by Liam, who wants to play with her all the time. We're now pretty happy that we had a third child close in age, too, because hopefully Liam and Asher can play together and Alia can have her time to play by herself and everyone will be happy. That's the hope, at least!

I'm glad to hear that your morning sickness is starting to go away. That's awful not really knowing what you want to eat and just feel yuck most of the time. Hopefully it continues to get better over the next week. As for the spotting, that does sound like your cervix is just being a bit sensitive.
This is just a quick update from me. I've had a missed miscarriage. I went to a private scan yesterday for some reassurance and it turns out the baby had stopped growing at 7 weeks.

I'm in bits. I feel absolutely devastated. I have to go to hospital today to have it dealt with and it feels like a nightmare. Can't believe I've lost my baby.
Oh, Vanessa! :cry: I'm devastated reading your post. I'm so sorry for your loss. :hugs: I hope everything is taken care of quickly at the hospital and you get your rainbow baby soon.

Jordyn, I hope you're doing well and that Asher turns out to be your good sleeper. You decided to just formula feed this time around, right? I can't believe he is already a week old. I love his precious little sleepy smiles. :cloud9:

Stacey, I'm sorry that Eva is sick. Hopefully she is feeling better now. Poor girl. Its so hard seeing them not feeling well.

That's great that Jonathan healed so quickly and is really starting to gain weight now. :thumbup:

And way to go Natalia, I'm glad she is doing well in school and is enjoying it.

Well, my parents come in this evening and will be here until Tuesday. I'm pretty excited to see them. They will be watching the boys tomorrow night so Tim can take me on my "surprise birthday plans"! It will be nice to have a night out but I'm sure I'll be thinking about the boys the entire time :blush:
Vanessa, my heart just sank to the pit of my stomach reading your post. :( I just can't even imagine the heart break you're going through right now. :nope: I know there's nothing that I can say that will help ease the loss of your sweet baby, but just know that I'm praying for you. :cry: :hugs:

Heather, I'm glad you'll get a night out with your hubby for your birthday. :flower:

And yes, I decided to formula feed this time around, and I'm so glad I did, especially with him being premature. My pediatrician told me the other day that if I had chosen to breastfeed, we'd probably still be in the hospital. Plus, it's just so nice to be able to have DH's help during the night.
Jordyn, that's great that your DH can help you a bit for feedings with Asher. How are Alia and Liam coping with their new baby brother?
Alia is doing amazingly well. I think it helped that she was old enough to understand that I had a baby in my stomach, and I spent a lot of time talking about how he was going to be coming out soon and that I'd bring him home from the hospital, and he'd sleep in that room, etc. So she was prepared. Liam still doesn't really take notice of Asher, except he does get mad when he wants something from me, but I'm feeding Asher and don't have a spare hand, so he'll try to smack the bottle out of his mouth or pull on his blanket. But I know it's just his frustration, not negative feelings towards Asher. So, over all, it's going a lot better than it did with Alia when Liam was a newborn.
Yay! That's awesome. It probably helps too that it isn't the first time she got a baby bother so its somewhat familiar to her.

Hopefully Asher will be a good sleeper for you. I'll be really curious in a few months about how it felt going from 2 to 3. I hear its easier than from 1 to 2. :shrug:
So far, I'd say it's easier going from 2 to 3 than 1 to 2, but like Melissa said, I think it's because I already know how to juggle more than one kid. :flower:
Oh my, ladies, I've missed so much!

First, huge congrats, Jordyn!!! I was so surprised to see that Asher came that early! I really thought he'd stay in there longer. But I'm sure you prefer it this way, especially since he's doing so well. And, oh, he is just so adorable! That last picture of him with the little smile and his fingers interlocked... Ah! So much cute!

Vanessa, I'm so sorry for your loss. :( Such devastating news to hear, and I'm sure you're feeling a lot of different emotions right now. I'm not sure there's a lot I could say right now that would help ease the pain, but I do know it can start to get better. Not that we ever forget our little ones we've lost, because that little space we've started to prepare in our hearts for them can never really be filled by anyone else. But you start to be okay with living and grieving at the same time. It's okay to be sad and shocked, because it's a sad and shocking thing to lose a baby. I

posted about my early-term MC on facebook yesterday (it was "Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness/Remembrance Day"), and a friend who had lost a baby just hours after he was born said, "It doesn't matter when you lose them, it's still a gut punch. My prayers are with you, dear sister." And I'll say the same to you now. :hugs:
Thank you everyone.

I'm so low right now. I'm heartbroken. There was a stupid, naive part of my brain that thought this wouldn't happen to me because it never has before. There was another part of my brain that thought 3 healthy pregnancies = 3 healthy babies was just too good to be true, and it was proved right.

The worst is that the hospital won't see me until Wednesday and I'm still not miscarrying naturally. They said because I'm not bleeding heavily or in pain, I can wait until then. It's my own personal hell. I have to walk around for almost another week carrying my lost baby :cry: When the doctor told me that I completely flipped out and sobbed for half an hour. How can I grieve properly and move on, when it still hasn't been dealt with?

I feel so angry. Angry at nature, which I know is stupid because nature knew it wasn't right so did what was necessary. Angry at my body for not dealing with it. Guilty at feeling so upset because after all, I have two beautiful boys and am blessed. And I can't help myself, wondering what that little person would have been like that I will never meet.

Just feel lost :cry:

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