Oh Jordyn he's absolutely gorgeous

I had forgotten how tiny and squishy they are! Hope you're managing to get a bit of rest in between nightly parties. It's fantastic that you're all home together now.
Thanks ladies, I do feel better about it now. It's happened three times so far and I feel fairly certain that I have an irritable cervix. Twice has been after exercise and once has been after going to the toilet and struggling a bit (sorry tmi), so I think these things have just irritated it a bit. My scan is next Friday and can't come soon enough! But my gut instinct is that everything is fine, it's simply been smears on toilet paper and barely anything more, no pain, belly growing, everything feeling normal.
My sickness is starting to ease which is nice. My stomach now feels just a bit weird if that makes sense, I never know what I want to eat and certain things make me feel really ill (usually the boys' dinner

) but the nausea which I was having all day long is now better.
Oh Stacey, bless Eva, poor little thing. I hope she feels better soon, hopefully the doctor can recommend a course of action to help her. My goodness Jonathan is doing so well! It's amazing what a difference that surgery has made! And well done to Natalia

I really hope my children enjoy school like that, I loved it myself.
The Ebola outbreak is really scary

We actually had news here today, our health minister believes it will reach the UK. They've started screening at airports, not that I know how much good that does because some doctors believe it's pointless because there's such a long incubation period. It's so sad that in this day and age we can't seem to contain an outbreak like this. I know it's Africa but surely we should have been able to do something? I hope it doesn't reach your parents' area Stacey.
Otherwise not much else going on here, the boys are good and funnily enough have really started to bond over the last couple of months, I've really noticed it. Noah mostly ignored Milo up until about 6 months ago but now they're starting to chase each other all over the house and play silly little games, it's so cute. Noah tries to help Milo get on to things and yesterday went and patted him when he fell over to try and make him feel better. At the weekend they were holding hands in the car and giggling, wish I'd gotten a photo of it

I'm really starting to see the benefits of the close age gap.