anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

I can't seem to work up the balls to TTC! lol
I would love them to be close in age and my husband is ready to go anytime I am.
Maybe after the summer is done and out of the way we will TTC. Last summer I didnt get to do anything. No jumping off clifts, rollercoasters, laying out and having a nice drink. Plus I want to give myself a few months to work on my ab muscles so I don't get so huge! lol
But I guess you could say NTNP? we use pull out method only (also breastfeeding though)
Mamoosca- thank u! I remember u too! And i just realised if we conicve may or june they will have the same birthday month! Oops lol x and tht age gap ur plannin is stil super close hope it does go to plan for u hun x
Nugget thanks for saying tht i think the age ur had ur babys is perfect! And i know what u mean by 6 LONG months it feels like forever when ur ttc doesnt it lol every month feels like a lifetime! Hoepfuly this tme round wil be more laid back and relaxed about the whole thing x x
i ntnp'd for a few months had sex twice and got caugth wasnt expecting it to happen so soon infact we had decided just before i got bfp that perhaps we should sort some contraception out as we wasnt ready yet so we decided i got for a coil i was waiting for period so i could go get it fitted but my period never came grrr lol oh well my family got complete a bit sooner than we anticipated lol
i think if you are going to ntnp you need to make sure your fully aware it could happen the first time you dtd or the second like with me lol
Good for you Hun, I wanted to ttc when lo was 6 weeks but everyone told me it was hormones and I'd change my mind, when he was 3 months we had an "accident" and when af showed 2 weeks later I was so upset so we decided to ttc. I fell when lo was 5 months old so there will be 14 months between them and we are super excited about that. People tell me all the time that I'm crazy but I turned 30 this year and dont want to wait any longer, and we never thought we'd have 1 baby so 2 is such a huge blessing for us.

Good luck ttc huni, I hope you get your bfp soon :hugs:
i was ff as dd was in special care for 4 weeks and ff was quickest way to get her home! periods came back pretty quick! was very lucky it was so quick and think consultant was surprised as well! forceps were a little scary but tbh by then i was too tired to care! im only 5ft 1 but seem to have big babies... ds was 8lb 3 and 2 weeks early!
We're planning on 3 or four children. Right now she just a little over half on breastmilk but hopefully it will soon be more. I had the opposite problem with breastfeeding she'd constantly be on but no milk lol. I had a normal perfect delivery but my recovery was hell, my stiches got infected and about 5 different antibiotics and 2 months later I was finally back to normal.
We hope to start NTNP (we did this with emma and was only 4 months till we were pregnant so hope for around he same) when LO is around 18 weeks old, so here will be 18 months ish hopefully!! It would be sooner but I've had to have my rubella injections again so have to wait 12 weeks after my second one next week but I will be checking with the doctor if thats right or we can earlier, I'm so excited again lol!
We decided we wanted our kids close in age for a few different reasons, my OH being 44 wants to have all our kids sooner, me having a younger sister who is 8 years younger I personally hated such a big gap, me being a SAHM till all kids Are in school, if we finish having our family in the next 3-4 years they will all be in school when I am 30 and it is ideal for me finding a career still.
Belle- thanks hun! Whats ur babys age gaps? And i see ur wtt how long r u waiting xx

My first 'baby' is 6 :haha: so 6 year age gap. We plan on waiting 3 years or so. Its circumstances that dictate the gaps for us, such as bigger house etc
Jenn- lol me and hubby cudnt ever be bothered trying to pull out method lol and i know what u mean about wanting to do a few things b4 gettin pregnant agan theres so much u cnt do when u pregntn when i had her i felt free again lol to eat and drink what i want lol but i must say im alot healthier pregnant than not lol as i eat super healthy etc and u got plenty of time to "get some balls to ttc " lol x
Leahsbabybump- congrats!! And ur right ur mind set is abit different from ttc mode to ntnp maybe super laid back tht i might nt realise how quick it could happen lol - were u bf orff? X
Chels- thanks so much hun and congrats! And ppl have told me its just hormones tht im broody they didnt know tht was the plan before i even fell pregnant first time to have them super close! I wish u lots of luck n hope il be joing u in pregnancy sooon! X
dianna- oh wow sounds like a trumatic time - i had a womb infection after my delivery and was on anttiboics for 2 weeks then my baby was on iv antibioics for one week with a lung infection i for sure hope the next birth goes smoother!! And i hope ur able to up ur supply i have to much milk due to over pumping when my baby was in nicu x
Caz- thats sounds like a reely great plan!! Id love to be a sahm but unfortunaly will be going back in december UNLESS im pregnant before i have to go back lol ...hmm i have no clue if im uptodate on my shots im sure my docs will let me knw if i need any - why did they say u needed the shotsagain x
Belle- i get wat u mean we just bought a new house the day before i went into labour lol we were in a 2bed house before.. im thinking 3 bedrooms will be enuff for 4 kids.. defently enuff for 3 ..gues it depends.. im wondering if we will actualy stop @ 4.. i just thought if we have 3girls way wud i want him to be the only boy feeling left out! Oh dearr! Lol we may need a bigger house eventualy aha but i wont plan tht far ahed lol let me get number 2 out the way first lolx
The blood tests from the first midwife appointment during pregnancy tests if you are immune to rubella measles etc and I know I had my injections but they said sometimes they don't work which I never knew!! I would have said I'll have the injections after I've had all my babies but if you catch rubella in the first trimester it can be really dangerous.
Hope you are pregnant before you have to go back to work if you can time it right can you go straight on to maternity leave?
We have told everyone from the begining we want another one straight away everyone laughs at us and says we will change our mind we havn't yet!!
We're NTNP and LO is 10 weeks old. The only I am a bit worried about is my SPD and how bad it will be next time.

I'm BF so not sure how long it will take but we plan to start TTC in August.x
Sadly we have aaaages till we TTC again, jealous!!
Oh wow that sounds like it wasn't fun either, definitely hope your next birth goes smoother. Thanks I really hope pumping can do the same thing for my supply it's working but slowly so far.
Jelly- thank you hun i remember u in third tri- how r u feeling? Its exciting trying again.. first time round i was so axouis and realy didnt enjoy ttc i just wanted a baby so much! Some part of it i found excitring lol ( i like orgonising so plannin a calnder of when to dtd was fine) but now its more laid back because we have one baby so im like desperate the way i was! I was so obbsessed lol xx have u told any ur ttc ? Wev only told my mum x

Hi:hugs: I remember you from third tri too:)

Yeah...I'm not in a rush like I was either. I mean, I don't really feel stressed about it, but I'm using opks, etc. I find all of that fun.

I've told my family, and most of my friends. Everyone is happy. No one thought it was too soon, or gave me weird looks, etc. Everyone was really supportive (to my face, ha ha).

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