anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Babydust- my daughter is 8+weeks and aww his hair sounds adorable- how old did he have his first lot my daughter has her 1st lot on the 1stof may @ 9weeks dont know what jabs tho she had a 'bcg' jab at 4 weeks old to prevent tobacolis - did ur lo have this?
Im dreading it too.. i heard about baby gets fiverish etc how do u knw its not a real flue n just body responding to the jab? How was ur lo after it? And ahah thts a normal thing to want to do lol thts ur maternal/motherly instinct! And my oh will be at work and i dnt mind needles at all! Lol
And aww how selfless r u!! Thats great that u want her to get pregnant first is she doing all the opks calanders and temping? I never did temping as itts abit to much effort for me to figure out lol i like to keep it simple lol x i hope u get ur wish n she does get pregnant first x

Duejan- hey hun wow ur on ur second alredy thats great hun!! I see u have a cute age gap between them and 3 or 4 by 28! Fab! I thort i wanted them close hehe best to get all the babys out the way i think then i can get my body back instead of getting it back and having to start all again and i for sure know how it is lol little bit of working on him and ul be able to convice him i think lol atleast for one more lol

Missmummy- we havent really told anyone my mum knows as she fully supports us! Lol if i had a vaginal delivery she wud of suggested geting pregnant even quicker lol as thts what she did x my 2 friends ive also told but they think im joking just said im redy for next. One is very supportive. Suprinsly my bestfriend who has a kid also just jokes about it n doesnt take it seriously. I dont think i was redy for a kid at 18thinking back but i was super broody then mum was suprised i managed to wait till i was 20 to get pregnant lol i was obsessed with babys mothering and pregnancy lol x

Steph - lol we can all be crazy together aha goodluck! Also bf here wud be intresting if u can keep me updated so i can see how ttc ntnp worked while on ur bf journy xx goodluck hunni
Breana- thts great news tht u got the ok @ 8weeks after a section u dnt hear tht often but i gues sometimes docs r tryna cover there own backs so if GOD FORBID anything went rong they dnt want u to be able to say " its this docs fault they sed it was ok". And do. U get a good night sleep cosleeping? I sleep with her in my bed in the afternoon and can never fall asleep properly as i feel il roll over her!! And ho do u manage to do any hanky panky if u share the same bed lol wow!! And same here about hearing about the guy needing convincing lol my husbnds almost more broody than me!! He told me before i gave birth the biggest age gap he will be ok with is if we got pregnant after one year lol i explaine to him thts not a big gap hun! Lol luckily were on the same page! Thank goodnes! Its a shame u and ur brother arnt close . I gues some peoples personalitys dont blend well together weather ur siblings or not hop ur able to get closer does u not havin a baby make u abit closer now hes an uncle? And wow a twin sister how exciting did u both feel u had equal amounts of attention ? Theres noeone better to ask tht question as ur age gap cudnt get any closer haha - whos older? And by how much? X and true u cnt make it happen but havin them close togethr cnt hurt lol and may help as there similer ages and can relate to one another better i think x

Id love for you to share the PROS and CONS
No suger coating lol always good to be aware of them

How old was first when she got pregnant?

And goodluck to u too hun! Aw hugs its not nice seeing tht bfn! Is ur period regular now? And goodluck xx
Steph - jeeze mc at 8 weeks! Im sorry hunnie! Xx and ur daughters outfit is the cutest!xx
I was just like this after having my DD1 ~ I now have my DD2 :cloud9:

They are 14 months apart in age :baby::baby:
i was like this after my son whos 3in july,sadly after a mc it took a long time to get preg again and my baby now is 10wk but if i cud of i wuda had them closer in age ... im on the pill now :lol:
I'm waiting until 1st September when Tanwen's nearly 9 months old to start ntnp/ ttc again! I'd love to be trying now but know I'd find less than 18 months too small an age gap! I'm incredibly broody though and am really looking forward to trying again!

Beca :wave:
Babydust- my daughter is 8+weeks and aww his hair sounds adorable- how old did he have his first lot my daughter has her 1st lot on the 1stof may @ 9weeks dont know what jabs tho she had a 'bcg' jab at 4 weeks old to prevent tobacolis - did ur lo have this?
Im dreading it too.. i heard about baby gets fiverish etc how do u knw its not a real flue n just body responding to the jab? How was ur lo after it? And ahah thts a normal thing to want to do lol thts ur maternal/motherly instinct! And my oh will be at work and i dnt mind needles at all! Lol
And aww how selfless r u!! Thats great that u want her to get pregnant first is she doing all the opks calanders and temping? I never did temping as itts abit to much effort for me to figure out lol i like to keep it simple lol x i hope u get ur wish n she does get pregnant first x

Hiya Youngwife !!
He was 8weeks+ when he had his first lot of injections my OH held him whilst it happened....i took a sort walk out of the surgery i couldnt eve sit in the waiting room as i didnt wanna hear him scream and bust in there lolol.
Hes got his 2nd lot today and again im on edge:wacko: even though last time he was a bit miserable but fine after he had a bit of calpol. The nurse prescribed it for him. He didnt even have any bruising or fever and was completly fine that evening. I hope it goes well today.
Im sure you bubba will be fine aswell the Calpol helps a lot!!
My OH is dreading it too as he doesnt want bubba too associate the pain of the injection with him so he always gives him alot of kisse n hugs after the needle has gone in and whispers 'naughty nurse' to him lolz.

How was she on getting her BCG??my bubs has got that next week i couldnt get an appointment sooner as every time i called i got answer phone left a msge and no callback to my msge!! had to make a complaint to my HV to get the nurse to call me back!!

awww thankyou yh my sis is using Clearblue smiley face thingy to know when she is ovulating . no temping I didnt do that last time (just had a lot of fun:blush:) but will try them out this time but no pressure or anything...not gna do temping either it takes the sexiness and fun out of the experience for me. I stil want it to be fun and full of love like last time i got pregnant!!:haha:
Babyjan- ahah welcome aboard! Lol hw long have u not been using anything? U cud be prego now lol and i actualy miss bein pregnant too i didnt think i wud when ppl said i wud i was like "how cani miss it i have my baby here" even my husband will rub my belly at night then remember theres no baby in there and say " i forgot there isnt a baby in there! I want one in there now" lol its funny ive been pregnant since we moved intogether n got married so hes never realy been around me for this long not pregnant lol x

Well I haven't ever gone on birth control actually , so I guess whatever happens happens really, although I do hope it isn't too soon I haven't got back my periods so that might help, just like u I was pregnant throughout most of me and OHs time together, got married last feb and got my bfp april 30th so this time last year I was pregnant, It's weird cause while I was pregnant I couldnt wait to give birth but as soon as he came I missed pregnancy, do u have any worries if u do become pregnant this time now that u have an LO, my main worry is how will I cope with MS and a lil one, my MS was horrible before and I just spent my days lazing around x
We are too ... we first dtd 6 week pp, didn't and haven't used protection since.
Our baby was IVF so every month is precious to us in terms of ttc ...

Missmummy- we havent really told anyone my mum knows as she fully supports us! Lol if i had a vaginal delivery she wud of suggested geting pregnant even quicker lol as thts what she did x my 2 friends ive also told but they think im joking just said im redy for next. One is very supportive. Suprinsly my bestfriend who has a kid also just jokes about it n doesnt take it seriously. I dont think i was redy for a kid at 18thinking back but i was super broody then mum was suprised i managed to wait till i was 20 to get pregnant lol i was obsessed with babys mothering and pregnancy lol x

I have wanted kids since i was about 2 years old according to my mum i treated my baby doll as a real baby changed its bum feed it washed its cloths bathed it the whole lot :D

I said my whole life i wanted my first at 19 as long as i found the right guy and lucky me did :D we have been together for 2 years now and are getting married on the 24th of October 2015 :D
We are! I have been funny about telling anyone cause I thought people would say we were irresponsible having another so soon. We haven't used protection since Lily was born and we are just hoping to get pregnant again whenever it happens. I absolutely LOVED being pregnant. OH wants us to have 3 in total, but I'm gonna see how I get on with 2 first! Lol x
Sorry it took so long to get back! You know how babies are, lol. :)

Steph- It is good to hear that maybe there is hope this month! Sorry about your loss. :( I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks a few months before I got pregnant with my daughter and I was devastated.
Another bfn this morning (12 dpo) though so not looking good. . .

Answers to youngwife20-
I was surprised too when he told me I could ttc right away, I wasn't really expecting that when I asked. I guess it is an individual thing and maybe also what type of incision they use on the inside and how well you heal probably.

The way I sleep is not exactly co-sleeping. After months of not sleeping (I actually had to call OH home because I was hallucinating from lack of sleep!) we dismantled our bedroom and put 2 full size mattresses on the floor. One is for OH and I and one is for LO and I. I nurse her to sleep then crawl to the one I share with OH. Then when he goes to work early I move back with her and feed her. It's hard to explain without a picture.

I sleep a lot better because she is a snacker and eats small amounts every few hours (even at night) so it was driving me crazy. I only started since she was about 4 months and too big for the bassinet. I probably would have felt I would roll over her when she was smaller though.

As far as dtd, we don't always do it in the bed (like when she is napping) but since we don't really share one as long as she is asleep in her bed it's fine, but we do have to get creative and it's going to be a lot different than when we were ttc her and had plenty of sleep/time/places to dtd, haha!

We are lucky we don't have to convince our OH's!

I thought that once he became an uncle we would be closer too, but he has only seen her once and she was taking a nap! We live 3 hours away so I can forgive it somewhat (even though he does have a car) but I visit my mom every few weeks and he only lives a few miles away from her. I even asked if we could come over to his house but he doesn't want that because he lives with his girlfriends parents and says it would be weird.

Being a twin was great! I feel like we got equal amounts of attention from everyone to the point of being spoiled! We were the first grandbabies (and my 3 of great-grandparents were still alive too) for both my parents and the first baby out of 12 aunts and uncles. We got plenty of attention! My mom didn't find out she was having twins until the day before we were born either and she had us naturally 3 minutes apart. My sister was born first.

My sister has 2 children, a boy and a girl. Her daughter was about 7 months old when she got pregnant again. I have an email of hers with the pros and cons but here are a few of the pros for 2 close in age that I remember

1) some things are cheaper because you already have lots of the baby stuff (like bassinet, crib, clothes, toys, and if you cloth diaper etc

2) they are really close and learn about sharing

3)you get the sleepless nights out of the way. You don't get on a schedule with an older child and then have it disrupted by a newborn

4) she will still be fairly young when they go to school so she can start her career without feeling guilty (these are her words and beliefs about her situation)

1) you never know what the future holds (she was already pregnant when she found out her daughter had problems and her husband got sick so he was not going to be able to help much with the babies

2)some things are more expensive like doctors bills, some clothes (especially if you have different sexes) if you formula feed or use disposable diapers etc

3) you never get to sleep

4)lots more work like cooking, cleaning, laundry etc 4)you don't get to spend as much time one-on-one (my sister daughter had a language problem and needed to have at least an hour a day of help so she felt like she was neglecting her son

5)for her she had to wean her daughter from breastfeeding earlier than she wanted because she didn't have enough milk and she really missed that closeness. Some women can tandem nurse but some can't and you never really know

I don't know if my period is regular yet because it is my first cycle but hopefully iot is so I can predict better.:)

Sorry for the novel!
Emma- i remmeber u! I wrote a thred in second tri about leakyboobs did u breastfeed to start with? I heard even after u start ff babys crying can make them leake alitle omg when my daughter crys they leak like a tap and swell up lol and sorry ur havin problems with ur oh u sound very responsible to try not to concieve till things r sorted hope there sorted soon hun x thanks for the luck x

Yeah I did try for 4 days but LO lost all his 10% weight and I was sore and couldnt cope with trying, my milk came in about a week after LO was born. I feel guilty I couldnt carry on but I suppose he had the best bits. I just stopped at 5 weeks and came back last week ... weird anyway I'm certainly not pregnant I came on today, I have not missed periods one bit :( well when we get on we get on good but we have massive blowouts I had to have the police out last time and social services will be in contact soon. I'm so annoyed it came to that but my OH wont leave when hes asked and after he had a drink he started smashing my house up. Im just so thankful my LO was not here :growlmad: x
Ooo only just saw this thread.
We have been ntnp since LO was born but as I EBF for 6 months and still BF now with no return of periods so I don't really count it as ttc yet. I don't want big age gaps and I would prefer to be done with having children by the time I am 30. I think. I am 25 in July and I would like 3/4.
still bfn 13 dpo. :( no af though.

I might start a new thread about this, but does anyone else feel out of place in the tww forum? I started to post there to find some buddies, but I was afraid people might be mad at me because I have a baby already and a lot of them are trying for number 1.

Is there anywhere else like a "tww for #2" or something?

I'm not - mainly cause of work and maternity pay. To be eligible for maternity pay I need to return to work for a minimum of 26 weeks - if we tried not long after I had my daughter then I'd have to leave her earlier and I just don't want to! We are waiting 2-3 years for any more to sort ourselves out financially but when we have our next 2 we want them close in age. However to do this we're going to have 1 - then wait a full year to TTC so I can have 1 years maternity followed by the 26 weeks I need to be back at work to be eligible for mat pay.

Sorry about the bfn brieanna :( As long as the witch isnt here, theres still hope! I´ve joined a ntnp/ttc # 2 thread and the ladies there are really nice! Heres the link if you want to join (hope it works!)
youngwife that is exactly my thought lol i can get my body back at a still young age lol having kids young is great i really enjoy it

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