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Anyone Type 1 diabetic on here ?

SNAP I have a water infection too. I'm on Amoxycillin for it.

I rang the ante natal clinic and they have given me an app on the 29th August!!! My obgyn has been on hols and so has a back log. I have to see him and they won't let me see anyone else because of my history. I probably haven't mentioned ti before but I had Non Hodgkins Lymphoma Stage 3 as a child and I was told I could never have children. It was taking all the steroids that has led to my diabetes so they think. So I have a very complicated medical history. I argued for an earlier app but they said I will have to wait for a cancellation. They said they ring me if one came up sooner but the chances are slim. So it looks like my dh won't be able to come with me as he is working early on that day!!
Made up your appointment has come through :happydance:, bet it feels more "real" now!

I am on Cefalexin. I dont even feel like i've got an infection!! I have been peeing more but thats about it really!

Oh hunny, no you didnt mention that you had Non Hodgkins Lymphoma :hugs:, is everything ok now? :hugs: - you have defined the doctors and have had 2 healthy children :happydance:

How are you feeling today hun? I know you ssid you felt bloated yesterday. Do you actually feel pregnant? Cos i certainly dont! I did another preggo test before just to make sure :rofl: - i went for scan on Tuesday for f*** sake :rofl: - must be going insane! :hugs:
pmsl at you doing another test when you have seen the baby on a scan!! That is class!! :rofl:

I actually have 3 children, my daughter was 11 2 weeks ago and starts a grammar school in Sept. This will be my 4th child and I will have 3 under 4 yrs of age!! Think I'm a bit mad :rofl:

I still don't think I feel pregnant I only have really mild symptoms where as before I have had really strong symptoms. I dunno maybe it's because it's a girl and I haven't had a girl with my husband lol. You never know!!
Wow...4 kids!! I nearly choked on my tea reading that:rofl:

I have had slight period pains today so went to bed before and doesnt feel as bad now!

What symptoms have you got for your water infection? if any? I'm sure they must of mixed my urine up with somebody elses as i've got no symptoms! :rofl:
Just needing to pee alot and it burns a little and I can feel pressure in my bladder when I pee. It's not bad though, I have had alot worse. Just feels like early pregnancy symptons really lol
Think my only symptom is i constantly need the toilet and feel a pressure but it doesnt sting or anything.

How have you blood sugars been lately? The last 3 days mine has been quite high! Do you know if that is that normal??
The thing I have found with blood sugars and pregnancy is that so much can affect them. I can really struggle, all mine have been high lately and as I am in the hospital on Friday for my scan and booking in then I'll pop along and see my diabetes nurses to discuss it. I am still having low sugars after my lunch but I don't eat alot and I am feeling so bloated that I have been really hungry but not wanting to eat if you know what I mean?

The lows I have after my readings, like 3 hrs after food, seem to make up for the highs after. Like 2 hrs after my brekky my bs will be 10.2 for e.g and then before my luinch it will be 4.2 or something really low. I have more lows than highs but they really push you to get the readings low after eating and I can't do that!! I guess you will learn as you go along how certain foods and the times you eat affect your sugars in preg. It's so complicated hun lol

Let's stuggle through it together hey! I know that there will be patches where you really struggle and it seem like you'll never get control but you do. You can go for weeks of being in control and then loose it. Then you get it back again. It usually coinsides with the baby having growth spurts too.

What have your readings been like??
Aww thanks hun, i'm so glad i have got you :happydance: The other day my b/s was 6 (before bed and before lantus) so i had 3 biscuits and glass of milk then i checked my b/s about 1.5 hours later and it was 13 ! So i gave myself 4 units of Novorapid and my usual dose of Lantus and had loads of water - checked it again about 30 mins later and it was 13.4! So had MORE water and just before bed it was 5 !! So then i had to have more biscuits :hissy: The past 3 weeks my 1st b/s reading ranges from 4.7 - 5.8 but the last 2 days it has been 7.2 ??? Isnt it soooooooooooooooo hard :cry:

It is really hard and as if being diabetic isn't enough when you are pregnant it really does take over your life. I take methyldoper for high bp do you take anything extra? I have metformin too!! so every meal time is pill taking and injecting. I have 5 pills with brekky, met, folic acid, methyl, pregnacare, omega 3 and then I inject and then eat. My food goes cold lol. I have methyl at lunch and inject and then at tea time I have methyl and met and then inject. I have my Glargine at 10 pm and then do my sugars at bedtime. I usually have supper too as with having small kids I have tea early so usually aroun 4.30pm. So I ma starving by 8pm and have to take more Apidra with some snack at that time. The key to remember with food is don't check your sugars within 30 mins of eating unless you're coming out of a hypo as it won't be a true reading!!

In the evening if you have a few biscuits and a glass of milk give yourself the extra insulin before you have it then take your bs an hour later, if it's over 7 then give yourself some more Novorapid. That's what I do and I always have good sugars at night, never had a hypo at night anyway!! Touch wood lol
No, i dont take anything else except for folic acid, what is metformin for?? I had a hypo in work today, it was 3.6! Trust me to say that my b/s has been high :rofl: I am going for another scan in the morning, so dreading it! Should look foward to it but i dont :cry:
Hope your scan goes well this morning hun, what's this one for?

The Metformin has only just started being used in pregnancy really, it is used by some women with PCOS but I use it as it makes your bodies cells more suseptable to the insulin and therefor it get's used more. I take 54 unit of Apidra at the min but if I don't use the Metformin I will need about 60 so it helps a little.

Let's just hope it keeps working lol I have my scan on Friday and I am absolutely shi**ing it!!
Hiya hunni, just got home from the scan and antenatal. I have weekly scans because of my m/cs. Everything is fine, i am measuring 7 weeks today! Last Tuesday i was measuring 5+4 so i hope i'm not having a sumo wrestler :rofl:

Aww hun, your scan will be fine! I know its easier said than done, as soon as you see the bambino you will feel more at ease :happydance:. Is this your 1st scan? :hugs:
Yeah this my first scan. I keep reminding mysefl that we have only actually known about the baby for just over 2 weeks so it is all a rush and I will be 9 weeks tomorrow!! We found out on the 4th Aug so that's quite quick, that and like I said I have to see my obs cons and no one else which does delay the initial app some what but it's all goooooooooooooooooood!!! I'll be fine but so bricking it!!

Good news about putting you forward slightly, wish we got scanned every week due to former m/c!! I might have had an earlier app. And a sumo wrestler would make you alot of money :rofl:

What you up to today anything exciting?

What is your real name by the way? I'm Suzanne xxx
Hope everything goes ok, will be thinking of you!! Once you have seen bean you will feel so much better. You will have to post a pic of it :happydance:

I'm just in work at the moment but i DONT feel great, i suffer from anxiety and have been feeling "gone" all day and feel quite faint and could be sick :hissy: Just hope i'm not like this when i go to Canada!! I have also ran out of my b/s test strips so havent done my b/s all day, gotta pick them up after work.

How are you feeling today??

My name is Marie :hugs:
That's my middle name Marie lol.

I'd feel quite anxious without my test strips any time, I'm sure you'll be ok hun. I used to suffer with depression and panic attacks years ago and had to seek professional help for it. It turned my life around I can tell you. I used to be a really worrying, stressed out, moaning down trodden kind of person. Most people who knew me said I was mostly miserable. I learned a few tricks which I now apply to EVERYTHING in my life and it helps beyond belief I can tell you. Think about your blood pressure and the baby and try to calm yourself down and think postive nice thoughts for now hun. When you get home you can relax and have a nice hot bath!! I'll miss you when you are in Canada lol. I am sure you will be fine, is your hubby going with you?
I have seeked counselling and they seemed to think i have a bit of depression and anxiety, like you, i am a complete worrier, even the slightest thing i start flapping! Maybe it is because i havent got any strips left. Yes, hubby is going is going to canada with me. I started flapping before thinking we should cancel the holiday "incase" something happens over there! Going to have scan the day before we go - not sure if that is a good move !! Aww i'll miss you too:hugs:
Remember to think positive thoughts, if you can get a warm bath with some smellies and quiet music if you like then sit in the bath by candle light and imagine your baby growing insde and what it's doing right then. I know it doesn't help right now but do it tonight. It will work I promise. Then when you get out of the bath have a hot choccy and snuggle up on the sofa with your hubby and a good movie or what ever you like to do together. It worked for me the other night. It feels great to be totally relaxed xxx
Aww thanks hunni, i will deffo try that tonight but it wont be till MUCH later as i've got his mate coming for tea! Just got my strips so feel little better for that. I have also got my Dating Scan through the post!! Its on 26th Sept !! Thats about 10 days after i get back from my hols :happydance:

Anmyway, i'm going to have to lie down for a bit now as i feel all lightheaded - oh the joys :rofl:

Catch ya later hun :hugs: xxxx
Morning Marie, how have you been feeling the last few days? You've been quiet. I posted my scan pic, did you see it? If not I have attached it here for you to see. I have got my 12 weeks scan on 19th Sept and then my 20 week scan on 14th Nov. I was so sick on Friday and they kept me in the hospital for 7 hrs to check my bp. They knew I have high bp and was away from my pills for hours so I would be going up buit they insisted, pain in the arse!!

Got home late so I posted my pic in the first tri. How are your holiday preps going? Is it this week you go I can't remember? D'oh :rofl:

Hiya hun, it was great to see your scan :happydance:, i actually posted a reply to your other thread, i was waiting for you to post but i went to bed bout 11pm that night. How are you feeling now? much better i bet?!! :happydance:

I am ok - been feeling quite dizzy and sick :hissy:, and today i went out with my mum and had a panic attack (i think), my heart started thumping really hard, mouth was dry, was very light headed, sweating and felt really sick! My mum doesnt know bout :baby: as we are waiting till week 12. If it was a panic attack then i think its cuased by knowing we go away in 9 days and being anxious bout flying etc, just wish i could learn to relax! :cry:

We are not packing till Tuesday as i'm having another scan. :hugs:

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