Anyone waiting to get their cycles back (regardless of the reason) to TTC?!

I'm so happy for you! Just make sure to mention it before the procedure in case they decide it's not safe. But when I had a couple moles removed 10 years ago, they just gave me a shot of novicane and either burned or cut them out depending on the size.

If you are on an iPad, like me, you switch to desktop mode and go to advanced. Click on the paper clip and you can attach a picture.

I've used a couple ics the last few days and all were bfn except one I put too close to an opk :dohh: oops. That's the main reason I took 2 more tests lol even though I was pretty positive the dye came from my opk. I o'd on cd 26 both last month and (most likely) this month and I got af on cd 31. So I'm kind of expecting af to show in a couple days.
Like Ruby said with how to upload the pics.

So excited for you. Are you going to call your doctor/midwife?

Things here are...frustrating honestly. My CM was looking good and then today, so far, is practically gone. I typically get a surge of EWCM and then O within 24 hours and so far nothing. I would be feeling fine with that if my CM was still nice and fertile quality, but alas....

If it turns out I dont ovulate this month, I will give it one more (our first month trying). If I dont ovulate again (giving me 3 anovulatory in a row), I will call my doctor. I'm hopeful she will intervene then and put me on something to induce ovulation. I know its being a bit baby crazy (read: a lot) but I dont want to "waste" the time if my body isn't doing what its supposed to do. It's a different story if I'm ovulating and we just aren't catching the egg. But I dont want to spend the next several months without even a shot. Sigh. This whole thing can just get overwhelming at times. Thanks for letting me vent :flower:
Sorry it's so blurry! I did warn them that we were trying and I could be at last appt so I'll tell them today but I know they'll take mole off anyway. How do I switch back to mobile as I'm on my phone so it's easier that way? How frustrating Ruby,
Have you any symptoms?

Kksy9b I'm so sorry to hear that, really hope O shows for
You soon. If it doesn't could you not go at end of this cycle or do got
Think it needs to be three in a row? I know exactly what you
Mean and I'd be the same as you! With Orla it took so long cos I wasn't ovulating properly and when I found that out it was so frustrating!!

My parents are here looking after O so I can have mole sorted
So can't book in with midwife til they've gone. I've found number from last time
Round so will just ring them rather than doing it through dr. Also emailed the local
Place that does private early scans to get booked in with them ASAP!

Hope you both have some good news soon xxx
Eeeeek! That's fantastic news!
I'm cd 36 now! Started with period type cramps yesterday, still going on but nothing yet! I had two lots of positive opks last week but no ovulation pains or Ewcm like I normally have so think my bodies trying but not quite getting there! It just needs to decide to let AF show up already! Sick of waiting now.
Clear as a bell!!! So so exciting!! Congratulations again!

Thanks scarlett- I had a bit more CM last night that was better but that was it. Big temp jump today (though I didn't sleep great and felt a bit warmer waking up so not sure if I can trust it). Kind of hoping for another increase tomorrow. I can love with getting an egg out but not good CM- there is plenty of things out there that can help that issues!

Eta: there should be a button at the top of the screen that says "switch to mobile view"
Kksy: fx you are ovulating! I would do the same and give it one more cycle then get checked out.

Awesome bfp Scarlett! Not really having any symptoms. My nipples are a little sore while nursing ds, but that could be because of anything.

Good luck, Ljo! Hopefully you'll get your bfp soon!
I've had the odd random month when there's not been much EWCM but I know I've not been drinking enough water and too much tea and sure that can make a difference. Fingers crossed for tomorrow kksy9b!

Fingers crossed you get your bfp soon ljo and Rubysmummy being in limbo is so frustrating!!
Had my surge this morning and have been having ewcm today!! Now let's hope an egg actually manages to get out. Good point with the water- I've been slacking quite a bit lately. Going to start today upping my intake to where I used to be (at least half of body weight in ounces daily)
That's awesome, kksy!! It makes sense that water intake would make a big difference. I've been trying to up my water lately too.
That's great news kksy9b! Are you trying to catch the egg this month or is it next month? Sorry, I can't remember.

Yes, water defo makes a difference! I took EPO up until O as well to help with it as well.
We are waiting until next cycle so about 2 more weeks!! Sucks that its really a month until action time but as soon as AF hits next I'm considering myself full on TTC!
Boo to waiting but at least it's not for much longer!
Well af showed up making me have a 6-7 day lp this month. Still not long enough but almost 3 days longer than last month! I'm just going to keep taking my prenatal and probably add in a bcomplex this month and see what happens :)
I hope it keeps getting better for you Ruby's :flower: if you have the same improvement next month you will be on the cusp of it being an okay length. Have you called your doctor at all?

Scarlett- how are you feeling hun?

AFM, got my crosshairs today!! Looks like I O'd on Sunday, so perfect at CD14. Hoping that LP is a good length and that I actually did ovulate (and didn't just mess up my temp taking). AF should be here anywhere from next Thursday thru Sunday and then I'll be officially TTC!
That's awesome kksy!! Hoping you lp is a good length too! How exciting to be so close to ttc. I look forward to your updates :)

I haven't called the dr yet. This is very similar to what happened when I was ttc my ds. My lp was short for the first couple cycles and I got pregnant on my 3rd. I think the vitamins are making a difference for sure. And that's what helped my lp lengthen with ds' pregnancy I believe. I'm going to give it another couple cycles and see how things regulate themselves.
Sounds like a great plan!
:happydance::happydance: Kksy9b that's brilliant news!! Fingers crossed for a good LP and TTC so close now!!!!

Rubysmommy pleased AF has arrived and you can crack on with the next cycle, sounds like the vits are helping hoping your LP is longer again this time. Are you going to use both vits then?

AFM I'm ok, feeling a bit tired and sick and realised today I've made some really silly mistakes at work, which is most unlike me - frustrating not being able to explain why!! It still doesn't seem real, but we've got our early scan on the 14th, and I think I'll be able to get properly excited after then as I just want to know all is ok!

:) x
Hey guys. I'm late to the party but I'm 31, had my mirena out Feb 5 and I'm waiting for my first AF so we can start trying for #1!
Welcome gagrlinpitt! Hope everything goes smoothly for you. :)

Scarlett: I think I am going to take both. What I've read is that you can get too much b6 but you have to take a ton. I looked up all the amounts in the two combined vitamins and I won't be taking too much extra. And since b vitamins are water soluble I will most likely pee any excess out I don't need. So hoping it does the trick!

The first few weeks are the hardest while your body adjusts to the extra hormones. If you want a pick me up, you could try mints or mint gum. They could help you focus better too.

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