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Anyone waiting to get their cycles back (regardless of the reason) to TTC?!

Welcome along Gagrlinpitt! Hope AF shows for you soon.

RubysMommy, you're so right and it's hard not being able to tell people why you're not on form. I've been able to hide behind having that mole removed a little but think that won't work for much longer. Hmmm yes you're right I think mint gum would be a great help thank you!!

How's everyone doing? I'm currently on cd 10 and just waiting for fertility signs lol. Hopefully in the next week and not cd 26 again! I've been trying to keep myself occupied with dd and ds. Dd is in the process of potty training, so that takes up A LOT of my time. :) and it's been in the high 40's and up in the high 50's the past week so we've been playing outside as much as possible. We all have spring fever for sure!

I tried taking the super b complex with my prenatal one evening. Then I decided to double check google and started freaking out that I overdosed on b vitamins!! I even called poison control to get the correct answer, and they said I would be fine lol. It made me feel a little weird and since it freaked me out so much I decided to stick with just a prenatal from now on! And even took the last few days off from that just to be safe lol.

How are you feeling Scarlett? Any morning sickness?

Did af show up kksy or gagrlinpitt?
I finally ovulated on cd47!!!!! Urgh! Started vit b6 to try lengthen my LP at least until ovulation sorts itself out! Was 6 days last cycle but it was my first in 2 years. It's "normally" 12 days.
I thought cd 26 was a long time to wait. Yay! for ovulating though! Fx your lp gets longer! I know i got my bfps with dd and ds by 8dpo so I'm hoping I can get to at least a 10 day lp this month.
Hello ladies - may I join?! I'm waiting for my PP bleeding to stop from my daughter being stillborn. It's been 6 weeks. I may or may not have my first pp AF happening/gearing up to happen but I'm not 100% sure if it's still lochia or if it's my first AF. If it's still happening Monday I'm going to call my doctor to see what's going on. Fingers crossed it stops soon because it's one step hopefully closer for me to get my cycles back so that DH and I can start TTC! SO anxious/impatient!
Welcome gym bunny and I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Best of luck regulating your cycles and i hope you will get your rainbow baby soon! It's so tough waiting for our bodies to readjust back to normal and to be patient!

It's nice to have somewhere to talk about it though. I'm not telling anyone in my family that we want another baby. My sister continually tells me to wait until my ds is 2 to ttc again, but that's so far away. Lol and if anyone asks when I'm planning another one, I tell them not any time soon so they stop asked my me for a while.
So incredibly sorry for your loss gym. I hope that you are able to get the green light to try again soon :flower:

Rubys- FX you ovulate sooner!! Are b vitamins water based? If so you will filter out excess in your pee. Better safe than sorry though!

Ljo- how frustrating! Glad you O'd but FX LP is longer this time. Have you talked to your doctor about any methods to bring ovulation on sooner?

Scarlett- hope you're doing well!!

I've been off Bnb for a couple days. I hadthe stomach flu earlier in the week that I passed to DS. AF showed uo after only an 8 day LP and then DH changed his mind and doesn't want to try this cycle. Its been a sucky week. We had a long talk tonight though and we are fully on board and committed to trying next cycle. About 3 weeks to go!
This is only my first proper cycle since having LO and cause she still feeds so much that can't help with the hormones so just gonna leave it to nature to sort out. Could do with no babies yet anyway with already having a Dec and Jan baby ha ha ha.
Gymbunny I'm so sorry for your loss. I think mine lasted 8 wks after DD, but I had a emcs don't know if that makes a difference. Hope you can start trying again really soon.

Kksy9b hope you're all getting better now? Why has OH changed his mind?!?!

Ljo how frustrating for you! Hopefully things will sort themselves out soon for you!

Rubysmommy we've had my mum making comments for a while about waiting it's frustrating! That was a few months ago but then we had to delay ttc anyway so think she'll be ok now but it's nobody else's business! I'm ok, thank you 😊 Got my private early scan tomorrow so nervous and excited for that!

Kksy they are water based but I kept reading conflicting things on google so it made me go crazy! Lol I hope you are all feeling better now. Why had dh changed his mind? Maybe lp was only 8 days bc of the flu?

Ljo my ds still nurses all the time and taking my prenatal has seemed to help lengthen my lp a couple days last cycle. But that's all I'll be taking to lengthen lp from now on too!

Scarlett I agree it's no ones business. And overall I don't think anyone would say anything negative to me if I was pregnant, just seem to have opinions about me waiting. Ha ha. I'm glad you are doing ok! Good luck with your scan. I'll look forward to an update :)
Thank you ladies. It's definitely been the most challenging thing I've ever dealt with, but my husband has been incredible and I really credit him (and therapy) with how I'm doing. Honestly looking forward to TTC has helped a ton too, giving me something positive to focus on.

So I *think* my PP bleeding has finally started to stop (fingers crossed!). I'm actually wondering if the bleeding I had this last week, light as it was, was my body's feeble attempt at a period. My OB had said it was possible for my body to roll right from lochia into a period so who knows.

Anyway, my husband and I talked last night about TTC again, and he's been a nervous wreck about it which is really out of character for him. Although my OB has said that physically we can try again whenever we feel ready, my husband admitted that he was really scared that he could have lost me too when we lost our daughter (despite my having a relatively uncomplicated delivery). So we spoke about it and I cried and explained that I have this need to be pregnant again and (hopefully) bring a healthy living child into the world this time and he was very understanding, so we agreed to wait 3 months (from the delivery). He initially said 6-8 months so this was a major compromise on his part and I'm so grateful.

So, I have 6 weeks left until we can start TTC, which I've decided I'm going to focus on working out - I've already been eating really healthy but have yet to lose anymore weight. I've been temping and my bbt is allll over the place so hopefully this will give my body time to regulate hormones and then we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed that it happens for us sooner rather than later.

Rubysmom - I feel your pain about the comments from people about waiting. Since my daughter was stillborn, people seem to think it's their business or place to tell me to wait, and I understand it comes from a caring place but until anyone (and I hope they never have to experience it) loses a child, I can't imagine them knowing what I feel. It's so bizarre to me that people think they can jump in with opinions on things that are literally none of their business. I guess one thing I should be grateful for is that since this happened I have more of a backbone and am not as shy as before to speak my mind and tell people to back off ;)
Fingers crossed PP bleeding is over for you gym bunny and pleased you've a date to focus on. I can't believe that people are poking their noses in and telling you to wait! Good for you telling them to back off! Really hope you get your rainbow baby soon xxx
Thank you! I hope so too :)

Fingers crossed PP bleeding is over for you gym bunny and pleased you've a date to focus on. I can't believe that people are poking their noses in and telling you to wait! Good for you telling them to back off! Really hope you get your rainbow baby soon xxx
UGH! Still bleeding! I've called my OB today and waiting for a call back. He mentioned at my appt a few weeks ago that if I was still bleeding in a few weeks he'd want me to go in for an U/S just to be sure everything was removed. He said he was nearly 100% sure but didn't want to leave it without checking so I'm grateful for that. So we'll see if he wants me to keep waiting another week or two of if he wants me to get checked sooner. The frustration is real, ladies! Patience was never my strong suit ;)
Hey ladies. Sorry its been a while....nothing was happening so I hadn't been on here in a while. Welcome new ladies who have joined since I last commented. And congrats Scarlett on you BPF hope you are feeling well! When I last checked in I was still waiting for my AF to show up...haven't had a cycle in 2 years. Well AF made its appearance yesterday! So hopefully I continue to get a monthly cycle (I have PCOS and still breastfeeding my 15 month old so it's hard to say if I will). The only thing is I want to try but I don't haha. I dunno if I really want to get pregnant in March....my son was conceived in March 2014 and I had him December 9th 2014 at 11pm. My birthday is Dec 10th....so we almoat shared a birthday. I really don't know if I want to add another December birthday to the mix. With Christmas and birthdays it's getting to be an expensive month! Plus I dunno if I want to spend my birthday in the hospital again haha
gym- i hope the bleeding stops soon for you. sounds like your husband made a big compromise for you and i hope that you fall pregnant quickly to help in your healing :hugs:

All is going well here- super busy with party planning for DS's birthday, parents are coming into town this weekend, family pictures, a big get together next week....these next few weeks are going to fly by!
Gym_bunny did your OB get back to you? Hope the bleeding is better today.

Yay for AF! Although I know what you mean about another Dec baby. Our DD is Dec 3rd, and it does make it even more stressful and expensive. What do you think you'll do?

Kksy9b, how are you? Exciting for DS birthday! What have you got planned?

AFM had our early scan on Monday and all is good :) baba is measuring 4 days behind which I was kinda expecting as I know I O'd on CD 17. Thought I'd change my ticker after 12 wk scan and official DD I think. Also they've found a cyst on my left ovary - she called it a pregnancy cyst - has anyone had one before? It's like 4cm round so I'm wondering if that's why I feel so huge already?!

Glad to hear you're doing well Scarlett!

Yes, I had pregnancy cysts as well. They develop on the side you ovulated from (this is how we found out I released two eggs with Charles...) and should go away around 12 weeks. They are just there to help get baby what they need until the placenta fully takes over.

We are doing a toy story themed party! I'll post some pics once I'm done with all the projects. I'm Hopi g to have everything g ready by the end of next weekend.
Wow thank you for the info kksy9b. I defo didn't have any with DD as I had an early scan then and I remember her saying there weren't any. Did they cause you any pain?

That sounds like a lovely party theme, hope you have a fab time planning it and when the day comes - looking forward to seeing some pics!

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