I just remembered I'm not even sure if i am actually 15dpo or atually 9dpo!! FF put my O day in on cd 15, but it didn't put it in till abuot 6 days after when i was getting really strong opk's for days, then 3 days after that when I put my temp in it moved my O day to cd21 or as i though 6dpo, then I put cm mucus in later on and it moved it back again to cd15!! So af may not be due on tuesday, could be feb9th or something like that if the 2nd O day is right!!
SO now I'm even more confused over these line, If I'm only 9dpo now, its too early to be having all these lines.. and that really good frer I had would have been O day! But If I am 15 dpo, lines are usually easily seeably by now which makes me think all these lines I've had are evaps! GRRRRR
Anyway, I caved and did a tesco test with 2ndmu taht I held for a few hours, theres a shadow line.. but really cant tell if it has any colour.. this is so frustrating!!!!