Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

I'm definately more than baby unfortunately but I guess it'll be worth it. I notice my thighs, butt, and hips are flabby and wide Also a little bit of weight distributed in my arms and face but not too much. I suppose I am lucky that I haven't gained 50+ like my mom and grandmother did with their firsts. But a lot of other women in my prgnancy groups on here haven't gained barely any! I've heard a few say they haven't gained anything! I guess it just depends on body type:shrug:

Michelle Happy anniversary! Sorry you got Af but at least you can go on to ovulate soon! Fx'd that this is your month!
Michelle-Happy Anniversary! I am happy to hear AF showed so you can get on with a fresh cycle!

Steph-For the people who are as far along as you and have not gained weight, that isn't neccessarily a good thing. You are supposed to be gaining a certain amount of weight and if you don't it can be concerning. I think you are doing great for where you are in your pregnancy.
Michelle-Happy Anniversary! I am happy to hear AF showed so you can get on with a fresh cycle!

Steph-For the people who are as far along as you and have not gained weight, that isn't neccessarily a good thing. You are supposed to be gaining a certain amount of weight and if you don't it can be concerning. I think you are doing great for where you are in your pregnancy.

I don't know. These women claim to ave gained nothing and to see their pics they are nothing but bump and they don't mention whether or not their doctors approve:shrug:. I was still considered overweight when I got pregnant so my doctor told me to only gain 15-25 lbs. Therefore my goal is under 25.

Baby has been kicking like crazy since Wed. It makes me feel so much better but it can be really uncomfortable at times too. I think I currently have a tiny pair of feet below my left ribs. I just hope that she stays this active until delivery so I can relax. That way all I have to deal with it my lack of sleep and my hormonal outbursts. I've been getting really angry and sad over stupid things lately. I've been pretty good up until now though so I think I got lucky.

I hope everyone is doing well so far this weekend! Anything new?
Awww I am glad to hear she is kicking more. I hope she continues to do that so you can feel better about everything. :)

Everything is ok here, just feeling a little tired. I can't wait for my scan but I am also nervous for it, hoping everything looks perfect in there!
Awww I am glad to hear she is kicking more. I hope she continues to do that so you can feel better about everything. :)

Everything is ok here, just feeling a little tired. I can't wait for my scan but I am also nervous for it, hoping everything looks perfect in there!

I am always really nervous for my scans. I hope everything looks good, I'm sure it'll be fine!
I was so tired yesterday but I feel much better so far today. Baby was quiet on Sat night and and she's been quiet again since last night. I know I felt a few flutters and pops but nothing like she had been. I know she's probably just tired, but I really wish she would be more consistant. The doctor is having me count kicks starting Thurs and I really don't want to be running to the ER everytime baby has a quiet day. I thought she was doing great because she was super active but now she's quiet again:shrug: It's pretty hard not to worry about it.
I'm also really hormonal and I get very upset and angry at the drop of a hat over every little thing. It's really annoying. Anyhow I'm hoping to get the energy and patience to do some things today. There are also a bunch of things that I need to go and buy for the baby and I'd love to get that done. I feel like time is going kinda quickly and I need things done!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend and everything is going well!
I was so tired yesterday but I feel much better so far today. Baby was quiet on Sat night and and she's been quiet again since last night. I know I felt a few flutters and pops but nothing like she had been. I know she's probably just tired, but I really wish she would be more consistant. The doctor is having me count kicks starting Thurs and I really don't want to be running to the ER everytime baby has a quiet day. I thought she was doing great because she was super active but now she's quiet again:shrug: It's pretty hard not to worry about it.
I'm also really hormonal and I get very upset and angry at the drop of a hat over every little thing. It's really annoying. Anyhow I'm hoping to get the energy and patience to do some things today. There are also a bunch of things that I need to go and buy for the baby and I'd love to get that done. I feel like time is going kinda quickly and I need things done!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend and everything is going well!

I think baby is just tired from all that activity. Hopefully you get the energy to do what you need and want to do today. I have a ton of cleaning to do today, I couldn't imagine doing it with a baby belly in tow, this is definitely going to be an experience because I am guessing cleaning with kids doesn't get any easier until they are past that stage where they grab everything and put it straight in their mouth anytime you look away. I really have no idea how single mom's do it. I just pray DH is a big help when it comes to sharing chores and taking care of baby.

As for me in my current life, I am just waiting for day five to start my first dose of 100mg clomid. Can't wait until yall have more doctors appointments and more good news, right now I have to live through yall because everything on my end baby wise is going slooooow.
Michelle I bet you can't wait to ovulate! Hopefully It'll be nice and early and you and your DH can catch it! I'm routing for you and I hope your doctor will monitor you more closely and help you get that bfp! It's just so exciting and I know it will happen soon!

It's definately getting to be a pain to do things around the house. I get tired easily, I waddle, and I get random aches and pains. Bending over it pretty difficult now a days and it's also pretty hard to get up off of the floor. Surely it'll only get worse until after baby comes and then i'll be struggling to get it done around baby's schedule! I just hope it works out well because I love having a clean house and I'm kinda OCD about it.

I also think you're right about her being tired. I just felt her hands and feet for about 2 min when I sat down to read the threads. She has stopped again but it was enough to make me feel confident that she is ok and certainly enough kicks if I were counting today.

I go see the doctor on the 27th! My appts are getting closer together as I get closer to delivery! There are a lot of things coming up for me actually. Our anniv is on Oct 2nd, our birthing class is the 6th, my shower is the 14th, and my 32 week growth scan (for that protein they found on my blood screening) is the 15th! I'm really hoping time flies because I'm getting eager to meet the baby!
I am a little OCD about keeping the house clean too so I know what you mean! I couldn't imagine doing the cleaning I do with a huge belly. It seems like it would be so difficult.

I agree that the baby probably is just tired. It sounds like in general she is kicking a fair amount and everything is going well in there. I understand why you worry though, I am sure I will be the same way.

Michelle-How exciting that you are starting your 100 mg of clomid soon :happydance: I hope you O by a decent time and catch the egg this time :)

I am starting to feel off and on nausea as of yesterday. Not enough to where I feel like I have to vomit but I just have that feeling in my stomach. It has ruined my appetite though which sucks, I really don't feel like eating anything. I had to force myself to eat a little salad, an apple and some crackers for lunch. Oh well, I know it is worth it so I will deal with what I have to. :)
Rachel it definately sound like your nausea and food aversions are beginning. I had them too but luckily never enough to starve or vomit! I ate a lot of saltines during that time :thumbup: Whatever you can get yourself to eat is good enough! Hopefully your doctor will suggest or prescribe you a good prenatal so you won't worry too much about your diet while you are suffering through these next few weeks. I would have your DH pick the menu and do some of the cooking though as everything I cooked made my stomach turn and I could never decide what I wanted because everything just sounded awful... I'm so happy that's over! But it is totally worth it and it will eventually pass. I hope you get lucky and don't have it so bad!

Baby is on and off lazy today. Definately lazier than she has been but if I had to count kicks today we wouldn't have had to go to the doctor, so that's good. However I'm still waiting for her to be really active today, perhaps after I eat dinner she will go nuts like she does sometimes!

Hope everyone had a good day!
It's chilly here yesterday and today, which I love! It's so much more comfortable to wear sweat pants and a hooded sweatshirt than shorts and a t-shirt when I am this big. And the heat and humidity just makes me not want to move as it's a bit difficult to move around in my situation anyhow. I'm just hoping it stays this way and doesn't get hot again. September is unpredictable around here.

I have been so tired yesterday and the day before. Maybe the baby is having a growth spurt because we have both been pretty tired and I'm getting a lot of ligament and muscle stretching pain. I plan on napping today after I get some laundry done. Baby was fairly active when I got up at 4am to pee but I've only felt 5 good pops since waking up again at 8ish. Hoping she has an active day today. I feel like I have so much to do but no energy to do it lately. I'm waiting for that major nesting feeling to kick in and give me the jolt I need!

I hope everyone here is doing well. Anything new?
Nothing new, just starting clomid. I agree with you about the cooler weather. I LOVE hoodies and sweaters and snuggly clothes.
That is great I can't wait to hear all of the updates from you, Michelle, I have a great feeling about this month for you!

I know I just feel so much more comfy in socks and pants rather than flip flops and shorts. I also love to wear long sleeves because I feel so much more covered and comfortable. I put on one of my xl hoodies yesterday to run to the store and it rides up over my belly:blush: I can't very well get a bigger one as it's big everywhere but over my belly so I think I will be wearing DH's hoodies this winter. I'll be happy when I can fit in my regular clothes however I'm more than happy right now just to wear ill fitting warm clothing and NOT sweat! Love the Autumn weather!
I am is still hot here! We don't get our fall weather until about mid october, so a ways to go. But the good thing is it stays perfect here mid october through May so I can't complain. I always start to get really sick of the heat and long for the cooler weather in September. But at the same time I miss when the hot weather is gone because we don't get much use of our pool when it cools off and I love being able to relax in the pool.
I am is still hot here! We don't get our fall weather until about mid october, so a ways to go. But the good thing is it stays perfect here mid october through May so I can't complain. I always start to get really sick of the heat and long for the cooler weather in September. But at the same time I miss when the hot weather is gone because we don't get much use of our pool when it cools off and I love being able to relax in the pool.

Ugg, I just hate the heat and I have for quite a while. Maybe 10 years? I guess that's when I discovered that sweating is not attractive but now that I am pregnant it's much worse because I get overheated easily and hormonal even more easily! I feel for you down there in Florida as I'm sure it gets hotter down there but we had quite a hot summer in the 90's everyday and if it weren't for the AC I would have melted. I'd much rather it be naturally cool like today where it has been 73 at the highest and low humidity. It's beautiful, you can still wear shorts or you can wear pants and it's great! You are so lucky to not have to be pregnant in the hottest weather!
I am really grateful for the timing of this, thats for sure! It is in the 90s here all summer but the humidity is what gets me after awhile. I love the heat but the humidity not so much. It is usually a high in the mid 90s but with the humidity the feels like temp is around 105-110.

The sick feeling is still with me all day today, nothing is appealing to me food wise. I guess I better get used to it because I probably won't get relief for quite a while.
I am really grateful for the timing of this, thats for sure! It is in the 90s here all summer but the humidity is what gets me after awhile. I love the heat but the humidity not so much. It is usually a high in the mid 90s but with the humidity the feels like temp is around 105-110.

The sick feeling is still with me all day today, nothing is appealing to me food wise. I guess I better get used to it because I probably won't get relief for quite a while.

You'll probably be ok by the time you start your second tri, give or take a few weeks. I'll keep my fx'd for you that it doesn't get too bad! Keep eating crackers and whatever else you can force yourself into eating. You'll probably have good days and bad days with the nausea and aversions. You know it'll all be worth it in the end:winkwink:
Yes I know it is worth it and I will put up with whatever I have to. Luckily by the evening yesterday and today I felt better. So it may be a morning/afternoon sickness for me. Better than all day and night I guess but it makes getting work done during the day difficult.
Yay for 6 weeks Rachel! Again, I hope that the sickness isn't too bad for you. I know that I got off lucky:thumbup: Maybe you will too! It seemed to be afternoon and evening sickness for me and it was particularly difficult to brush my teeth at night because I would gag. Other than that though I didn't think it was so bad because i never actually threw up. I know around 8 weeks I started peeing more and more probably because I was always, always drinking. It's so strange how these symptoms come about.

I am just sitting around this AM. I slept in quite a bit even though I woke up at 4 to pee again and my sleep afterward was very light and I tossed and turned. I just didn't want to get out of bed. I felt baby kick once when I went to the bathroom at 4 but I haven't felt her since so I'm getting nervous. I guess baby must be sleeping or something:shrug:. I just hope that she wakes up soon so I can get her to kick 10 times by 3pm. I'm going to go crazy counting kicks starting tomorrow:dohh: I just hope she's ok. I have about 12 more weeks of this nervousness until I actually have a baby to worry about! :wacko:

I hope everyone is having a good day!
oh yea once the baby is here you will have all kinds of other things to worry about thats for sure! Enjoy sleeping in while you can, its nice you are able to do it now and don't have to go to work every day.

Well I think I jinxed myself last night when I said I felt better because when I went to bed I was laying with DH watching tv and felt fine when all of the sudden I felt really sick and for the first time I felt the need to run to the bathroom and sure enough I threw up for the first time. It was about 30 mins after I took my prenatel so I wonder if because my stomach is extra sensitive it made me sick :shrug: I hope I didn't throw up the vitamin and that this is going to be an on going problem because I need to keep that vitamin down. I have been on the same prenatel for well over a year now so I would think my body would be used to it by now :dohh:

I am going to jinx myself again because so far today I feel pretty good!

Michelle-Hows the 100 mg of clomid treating you? Are the side effects any worse than the 50 mg?

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