Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

:dohh: My Dh has days like that where he is just overly moody. I know where you're coming from, Michelle. I hope that provera gets you going soon so you can O sooner. I'm sure the 100mg will be more effective and I hope that this is your cycle coming up! I'll be wishing it for you!

Rachel you will start feeling some light cramping as if af were coming and some stretching like deep muscles and ligaments. Maybe a little heaviness or pressure even. It's all normal but you might not really feel pregnant for weeks or even months. Then you'll start feeling your uterus harden more and more and you'll get some sort of stand out symptom. If my belly wasn't so big and I didn't feel the occasional kick now a days I wouldn't feel pregnant either!

My baby is very quiet today. Much quieter than yesterday and I hope she is ok!I'm not sure how my test went. I hope well. I don't know when we get the results but I see the OB in 1 week anyway so we may discuss it there if he got any bad results. Fx'd I don't have gestational diabetes! The blood work hurt more than usual. I don't know why, maybe I'm just overly sensitive? It just stung for quite a while when it's usually just a sting and done. I think perhaps she used a bigger needle than they usually use on me. I'm not sure though because I don't watch. If I watch I WILL move. I always have. Anyway I need to cook dinner and than probably do some shopping. I just hope I can get baby to do some moving tonight. Oh btw DH FINALLY felt her kick the other night. He was so proud!
Michelle-DH gets moody sometimes too, I think its normal but I hate being around him when he is like that!

I agree that if the 50 mg worked for you once 100 mg should work well. Can't wait to see you O again and hopefully get your BFP this time!

Steph-I hope you get good news when you get your results back next week. I know it is always nervewracking getting tests then waiting for results, I hate the waiting. That is great that DH got to feel her kick, how cool!

I got a call from the nurse with my blood results from yesterday. My HCG was 206 which she said was good and my progesterone was 18.6 which she also said was good. She said the dr may still want to put me on progesterone supplements to be safe. I think fertility specialists are extra caustious and treat every pregnancy as high risk. From what I read in weeks 4-5ish normal progesterone levels are between 12-20 so mine seems like it is good which I am relieved about, I always thought I had low progesterone. I go in tomorrow to get my hcg checked again, the nurse said they like to see it double. I read if it doesnt double in 48-72 hours that could mean you will miscarry. So of course I am nervous to get the results I really hope they are good. I won't get them until Tuesday because of the holiday weekend.

Still feeling ok, I did feel some cramps for a minute while I was at lunch today. My stomach is majorly bloated, it always gets like this after I O so I am assuming since progesterone is here to stay so is the bloating. I feel like I already need bands to expand my jeans, they are really uncomfortable now!
Yay :) I like to call it alien belly, I watched some videos on youtube of babies kicking and rolling around in their mom's belly, so crazy. It is going to be strange when it's my belly with someone growing inside of me rolling around and kicking.

I have used the hair tie around the button of my jeans before when I have been extra bloated.Sad that I already do that, but I hate tight pants. I would wear yoga pants everyday if I could.
I know I HATE tight pants too, it is so uncomfortable!

Even though the little bean I have growing inside me can't be felt yet it is still really weird when I sit here and think about having that in my belly. Such a strange concept, but really cool.

I am looking forward to being at the stage Steph is and feeling the movement.
Ugg to tight pants! I can only wear elastic bands or maternity pants now. My stomach is much too huge to wear pants without elastic. It's kinda sad but the pants are comfy. Rachel that sounds like a great hcg level. Like I said, my doctor didn't tell me my number and didn't even check them the second time because we saw the heartbeat on the sonogram. I'm sure your numbers will double just fine, don't worry about it. The cramping I had definately came and went during early pregnancy and I had them for a while too, like up until 14 weeks or so and then I had a few more ligamnet pains in between and then nothing until like 20 weeks and now I get braxton hicks contractions, kicks, and the occasional ligament pain. I'm sure you'll be feeling all sorts of weird things in the weeks to come. The bloating is really common. I think I still bloat on a daily basis but it's less noticeable because I already have a huge belly.

I'm still waiting for her to get really active today. She gives me a dull bump every now and then but I just get so nervous. I have been able to see my whole stomach move from time to time when she kicks. It is weird and it feels weird but I love it. I just wish she'd do it more often!
That is so cool that you can see your stomach move! That would be such a weird and amazing thing to experience. I am really looking forward to it.

I took a couple more HPTs today and they look about twice as dark as they did two days ago so hopefully that is a good sign my HCG levels doubled. I am going soon to get my blood drawn again and then I have to wait until Tuesday for the results. Luckily DH and I are going to the beach for the weekend so that will be a distraction.

My boobs are just now feeling a TINY bit sore, I wouldn't even notice if I wasnt poking at them :haha:
Rachel I really wouldn't worry about it. Iknow it's hard not to but I am sure your levels will double. Your lines being darker and your boobs hurting, even if just a little, are great signs that your hormones are on the rise. I do recommend however that you don't test too much longer just to keep your sanity. You don't want to be second guessing lines and stressing yourself out. I am confident that you will be just fine! Enjoy your weekend at the beach and be prepared for more crazy symptoms to pop up at any time.

I am pretty sleepy today as I woke up at around 5 AM. I didn't really have to pee but I went anyway and then I got myself a little water. I went back to lie in bed and baby kicked for maybe 5 to 7 minutes but she was pretty gentle. I was up for maybe and hour or so and then I went back to sleep but I've been up and down since. Then about a half hour ago I decided i was hungry so I came down to eat. I was fairly comfortable for once and the dog didn't make a peep all night so I'm clueless as to why I can't get a good night's sleep! Maybe just nature preparing me for:baby:?

I think I am beginning to 'nest' as people say. I have bursts of energy from time to time where I just NEED to get thingd done. Last night I went to walmart and bough things I'll need for after the birth. Breast feeding stuff, nursing pads, and huge maxi pads for all of the bleeding I will surely be doing. I got travel size shampoo and stuff to take in my hospital bag.I also bought baby a hamper. I had this urge to just go and buy and buy but we are tight on money so I think the cheap part of me woke up at some point and said stop! It's all very weird and interesting:shrug:

Hope everyone is doing well!
It must feel good to be getting things done. I am looking forward to getting that nesting urge because normally I can be such a procrastinator.

Maybe the sleeplessness could be your body preparing you. Hopefully you get a good sleeper though and she doesn't get you up more than a few times a night :)
It must feel good to be getting things done. I am looking forward to getting that nesting urge because normally I can be such a procrastinator.

Maybe the sleeplessness could be your body preparing you. Hopefully you get a good sleeper though and she doesn't get you up more than a few times a night :)

I can't say I've ever been a procrastinator but I feel like pregnancy has made me lazy. I'm usually so on the ball when it comes to house work and planning events, like the baby shower, but I've been giving myself a lot of slack. So every once in a while lately, when I get these urges to do things I take full advantage. I just hope I'm ready by the time she comes!

I hope I get a baby that sleeps decently. According to my mom and mil both I and DH were decent sleepers as babies. So I hope it's genetic, lol. I can't believe that I will have a baby within the next 16 weeks! Still so unreal!
Day seven of provera. I spotted right after BDing friday night/saturday morning, hopefully that means my body is almost ready for af. Also yesterday my left nipple was tingling all day, don't know what that was about, but it was really strange. I have twenty digital OPKs and some concieve plus all ready to go for next cycle if it would just hurry up already!
Michelle-I really hope AF shows for you very soon so you can get on with hopefully your BFP cycle :)

Steph-How are you feeling?

I hope you both had a great holiday weekend.

DH and I were away at the beach for the weekend, it was so nice to get away. We did a lot of relaxing which felt really good.

The nurse from my drs office called this morning on Labor Day which I thought was awesome, to tell me the results of my 2nd blood test. My levels went up from 206 to 856! She said that was great! I think they normally double every 48 hours but mine quadrupled :shock: My boobs are finally a little sore and I am feeling tired off and on but aside from that all is well so far :)
Awsome :) That is great that your levels are going up so fast.

My weekend was okay, I worked Saturday and Sunday, but I was off today, so I had a good nap, made some chocolate chip cookies and did some much needed house cleaning. I'm just trying to enjoy the day off, felt like I could have taken a three hour nap, but I didn't want to waste the day away. I still need to put away some laundry so I can dry my work clothes, but I hate folding and hanging up laundry.
I'm ok I guess. I'm worried about baby as usual an thinking about going into my doctors office just to check up on her. But I might not as I have an appt on Thurs She isn't moving too much and I think she is really low down. I'm just a wreck. THelong weeknd was ok. Nothing special. I musthave eaten something that did not agree with me because I have a lot of gas and it's actually quite sore. Just hoping everything is ok.

Rachel your numbers are great. Your symptoms will be creeping up on you now.

Michelle I hope you get AF soon so you can start a new cycle!
I'm ok I guess. I'm worried about baby as usual an thinking about going into my doctors office just to check up on her. But I might not as I have an appt on Thurs She isn't moving too much and I think she is really low down. I'm just a wreck. THelong weeknd was ok. Nothing special. I musthave eaten something that did not agree with me because I have a lot of gas and it's actually quite sore. Just hoping everything is ok.

Rachel your numbers are great. Your symptoms will be creeping up on you now.

Michelle I hope you get AF soon so you can start a new cycle!

:hugs: It will be okay, I hope thursday comes fast for you.
Steph- :hugs: Try your best not to worry, I am sure everything will turn out ok.
I need to rant some more as I'm so angry and stressed right now. First of all the baby is basically inactive. I think she is down low and maybe turned so even when I do feel something it is muffled and I'm very nervous that something may be wrong. All I can really do is hope that when I go to my appt Thurs that she is ok and my bp is fine. So worried about pre-e and I still haven't heard about my gtt.

Then MIL comes over- unannounced- and declared that she would like me to make up 2 more invitations to the shower. For even more people she insists I invite that I don't even know! My mother has actually been quite supportive for once and didn't insist I invite anyone or critisize anything I've done or chosen to do. Which is great, but MIL has insisted I invite a ton of people that I don't even know. I'm not even crazy about the whole shower thing and I've worked really hard on the invitations, writing them out by hand, writing a poem for a game insert and putting a lot of thought into the games and printing them out. I sent them out on Thurs. I was assured by MIL and my mom that I had invited everyone I needed to invite (53 people about 20 of them I barely know and couldn't care less if they attended). So now I have to make 2 more for yet more people I don't know and I haden't saved the games nore the invite inserts to the computer because I was told that was all. I'm so angry and upset. Between baby's lack of movwment and the stupid shower I wouldn't be surprised if my bp was out of control right now. I hate showers anyway! I hated my bridal shower! I hate when all of the attention is on me! If I didn't desperately need things for this baby I would NOT be having one! DH is going to have to calm me down again tonight. I am crying like a baby and so so angry.
Oh and I am officially starting my 3rd tri today. What a great way to crying all day. yippee

I am so sorry you are having such a rough day. I would tell your MIL if she wants more people to come you don't even know she can send out the invitations. You have already done enough work, don't let her stress you out! For my bridal shower I just gave my MIL the addresses of who I wanted to invite and she took care of the rest, that is how it should be done..whoever throws it for you should handle most of that stuff.

I am not a big fan of showers either, I also don't like the attention on I feel you on that.

Didn't you tell me the dr told you because of the way your placenta is or something like that, that you wouldn't be able to feel the baby at times? I am sure she is just in a different position and that is why you aren't feeling anything. I know it's easier said than done but try to relax for the baby, you don't want to raise your bp.
Yes, I have an anterior placenta which means it is in front of the baby. I think it is common for the placnta to move to a posterior position at some point. I thought that is what had happened because I had been feeling tons of movement. But the last 3/4 days what I am feeling is low and muffled and not very often. I'm assuming that she is head down facing my back curled up. Maybe the placenta is still in front of her as well, but it can't be too low because they didn't say there was any risk of the placenta blocking the cervix, which I believe is called previa and makes natural delivery difficult. I felt a few more bumps this morning but it just doesn't feel too near the surface. I will be mentioning it to my OB tomorrow. I think she's ok in there and hoping she has just changed position and maybe is growing so she's sleepy:shrug:.

As for the shower I am NOT excited. Like I said, I hate the attention and especially in front of a lot of people I'm not familiar with. Also both my family and dh's family have a tendency to criticize and it makes me really angry. Lately my family has been fairly kind to me, probably because I am pregnant, only making small jokes that aren't too offensive. But dh's family may not be so nice and I'll be humiliated in front of strangers. I told MIL that I will make out these last 2 invites and give them to her but no more. I have enough stress and I shouldn't have to worry about all of this nonsense. Even though technically my mom and MIL are throwing this shower, money wise, location wise, I am the one doing everything else. If I don't it won't get done because MIL wouldn't know how and my mom works a lot. I have no sisters and my closest friend is away at school so I'm on my own this time. Showers are so expensive anyway! All the favors and prizes and stupid games...I'm not at all happy about the whole situation and if she comes up with any more people to invite I will not do it. I am still completely angry about it and she better just relax about it or I won't be keeping my mouth shut to keep the peace. I realize that she is excited about it but this isn't about her, it's about the baby. Ugg! Sorry so long, I am just so upset....:growlmad::cry: I'm guessing hormones are making everything much worse.

So, Rachel, are you feeling the symptoms yet? When do you go for an ultrasound of your little peanut? At about 6 weeks probably so there is a chance they'll see the heartbeat. It's pretty amazing. The first time you see baby it's a little smudge and about 4 to 6 weeks later it's recognizably a baby and much much bigger! You have so much excitement to look forward to!
Still not feeling much symptom wise aside from slightly tender boobs. I don't want sickness but part of me wants something so I know everything is ok. I am getting the results of my 3rd blood test sometime today. I am anxious and hoping the levels are at least 3600+.

I got a call from the nurse yesterday, she said the dr. decided my progesterone was too low and wants me on a supplement. That doesnt make me feel very good about things. And to top it off no pharmacy near me carries the prescription so they had to order it so I can't even pick it up until this evening. I just want to get started on it. It is a gel I have to insert vaginally once a day. I read that it is messy and I have to wear a panty liner every day, but if it ensures everything is ok I guess I will do it.

My progesterone was at 18.6 and from everything I read it says normal for first tri is between 9-47. But some people say their drs like it above 15 and others like above 20. So I guess I am borderline low and maybe because my dr is an RE he is being extra cautious. It just makes me feel a bit uneasy :(

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