Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

No side effects so far, but tonight is only the second day. I didn't get any side effects last time except getting really dizzy 7 days after ovulation, so I excpect that if I do get side effects this time it will still be awhile until I feel anything... I don't know, I just hope that I ovulate and just avoid side effects. If I am going to feel unpleasent things I would rather they be because I am pregnant. This weekend we are having everyone in DH's family bring over stuff to sell in a family garage sell at our house and his parents are staying here for a weekend. It's going to be a good way to past the time while I wait to ovulate.
Michelle I hope you don't get any side effects and I hope you O nice and early! It'll be so exciting to see you catch the egg. I'm thinking it'll be pretty soon:thumbup: Maybe this cycle?

Rachel sorry to hear that you had your first bout of morning sickness. Does it feel more real though!? Make sure you show your doctor your prenatal and ask if he wants you to switch it up or take it at a certain time of day to avoid throwing it up! Is today your appt?! I know it's this week sometime. I hope you catch a good view of your tiny bean and it's heartbeat too! So exciting. I hope everything goes great!

I am 28 weeks today! Seems like only yesterday I got my bfp! I really hope the next 10-12 weeks don't drag now! I have began counting kicks this AM and luckily I was up early and so was baby. I got my quota in by 8AM. I'm still nervous that she's going to have a lazy day and I'm going to have a panic attack and be running to the ER. So frustrating but what can I do?:shrug: I just hope the time flies and baby is born safe and healthy!

Hope everyone is doing well and having a nice day!
Michelle-I also hope you don't have to put up with nasty side effects, hopefully the side effects you have to deal with will be after your BFP and they will be BFP side effects not clomid.

Steph-I feel like it was not long ago at all that you announced your BFP, that is crazy how fast it has gone!

I had my first ultrasound today and it went great! I was so nervous but it all turned out fine. The baby measured perfectly and we were able to see the tiny heartbeat :cloud9: It was so amazing to be able to see that so early. My next appt is early october, I will be over 9 weeks by then we will be able to hear the heartbeat then, I can't wait!! I attached the scan pic, it really doesn't look like much yet though.
Awesome, Rachel! Tiny bean looks good! I know it's hard to tell now but if you go back at 9 or 10 weeks it'll actually begin looking like a baby! You'll be surprised! You're so lucky to have seen the little heartbeat! Isn't it amazing? I'm really happy your appt went well!

The baby is back and forth active today but mostly gentle. JUst hoping everything is ok in there! I go to see my OB again on the 27th and I'll probably be going every 2 weeks from there on out. Then I have my 32 week scan (for growth due to my slightly elevated AFP) on the 15th of Oct. I can't wait until baby is here. I'm getting more excited and anxious everyday!
Michelle-I also hope you don't have to put up with nasty side effects, hopefully the side effects you have to deal with will be after your BFP and they will be BFP side effects not clomid.

Steph-I feel like it was not long ago at all that you announced your BFP, that is crazy how fast it has gone!

I had my first ultrasound today and it went great! I was so nervous but it all turned out fine. The baby measured perfectly and we were able to see the tiny heartbeat :cloud9: It was so amazing to be able to see that so early. My next appt is early october, I will be over 9 weeks by then we will be able to hear the heartbeat then, I can't wait!! I attached the scan pic, it really doesn't look like much yet though.

:thumbup: Exciting to see that first little bean picture :) I agree about Steph's pregnancy seeming to go by really fast, I am sure yours will seem just as fast to us (maybe not to you though lol.) Can't wait until I have the third little bean on this thread. I also can't wait to see pictures of Steph's beautiful little girl. I wonder what gender your little bean is Rachel, are you leaning toward one gender over the other?
I am kind of leaning towards it being a boy. I am curious what the gender is but I will be 100% happy with either...I am just so excited to be having a baby period. Ultimately like most people DH and I want one of each so I think it would be cool to have the boy first then a girl so she has an older brother to look after her. :)
I am kind of leaning towards it being a boy. I am curious what the gender is but I will be 100% happy with either...I am just so excited to be having a baby period. Ultimately like most people DH and I want one of each so I think it would be cool to have the boy first then a girl so she has an older brother to look after her. :)

I thought for sure this baby was a boy and then I began to change my mind and I wasn't sure it was a girl but I also didn't think it was a boy and I was right. You'll get a better feeling of what baby is as time goes by or maybe you won't know at all:shrug: I'm sure you'll be happy either way. I'm honestly still so happy and surprised that ours is a girl! Will you be finding out the gender or haven't you decided? A silly gender predictor that I did was put a tbsp of baking soda in a cup and pee on it. If it fizzes it's a boy if it doesn't it's a girl. It actually was true for me but obviously it's not a sure thing. Just fun to pee on as us women here on bnb like to do, lol.
I heard of that baking soda test, I may try that sometime for fun!

We will find out the sex of the baby for sure. I like to be prepared with a name and I would like to decorate the nursery for whatever gender it is. :)
I could never leave baby's gender a surprise. I'm not that type of person I guess.

We bought baby's mattress, changing tbl pad, and and laundry detergent today. It wasn't too expensive but with all of the things we have been buying our bank acct is not happy. We'll be fine, we just need to work through this rough time and make sure we are well prepared. I'm really hoping that our friends and families are generous at the shower, as selfish as I sound:blush: We registered for quite a bit of stuff that we really need and also some odds and ends. I'm so flustered about next month because we will be really busy but it'll make the time fly and before I know it baby will be here. DH and I still have not decided on a name though. We'd better work on that.
Haha, I will most likely be trying that baking soda test when I finally get my bfp. I have tried the ring on a string trick and it said I was having a boy first then a girl, but it didn't stop there... and I only plan on having two... I tried it multiple times and it always said boy then girl. I don't know what to think about all that stuff, but I know I will try all the ones I read about.
Yeah I looked up most of those old wives tales and chinese prediction calendars and stuff. Most of them actually did say girl though I know they don't hold much water otherwise. It's fun anyway.

I didn't sleep well at all last night! I was nearly asleep at 1AM when the dog began to bark. I came downstairs and yelled at her and I set up camp on the couch in case she began again. She did once or twice but stopped before I even got the chance to yell at her and then she must have gone to sleep. I was up until probably around 245 just waiting for her to bark and unable to sleep. She didn't though and this was the first times in weeks she acted up. I finally went up to bed and I passed right out. I woke up at 6AM when the construction started outside and the loud neighbors were leaving for work. I fell back asleep breifly until DH's alarm went off at 7AM. Then I tossed and turned listening to the construction and i was in and out of a very light sleep. I felt baby kick maybe a half dozen times while I was lying there. Then at around 815 I put in some earplugs and a sleepmask and i slept until probably 1030. I think baby may have popped me a few more times as I went off to sleep so I marked my chart that I had felt her the 10 times. The whole counting thing has got me pretty scared and I'm going to make a big point of it when I go to the OB next. Not that I don't want to count but i want them to check up on the baby to see why some days she is very active and strong and others she is quiet and kicks softly and I see no pattern and I don't know when things are ok. They think I should do this to pick up on a pattern so I will be able to tell if things are ok or not but she hasn't got a pattern. She's just lazy most days and every once in a while will kick a lot. Anyway that's whats on my mind today and I'm really just hoping I can get through the rest of this pregnancy without getting overly crazy or worried. Wishing I could sleep away the next 10 weeks! Way too stressed!

Hope everyone is having a good day so far and I hope you have a good weekend!
I am sorry to hear you had such a bad nights sleep and also sorry to hear your dog was acting up again :( I hope your dog doesn't keep doing this to you. Once in a while my cat will be noisey and cry at my door at night. He only does it once in a blue moon but it drives me nuts!

I felt better sickness wise for a couple days but today I am back to feeling really sick. I have no appetite and the little bit of food I managed to eat at lunch I ended up throwing up. I called my dr and left a message asking for some anti nausea meds so I can eat again. I know it will be worth it in the end but right now feeling like this sucks, I feel like I have a bad hangover :sick:
I went to a baby shower on Sat. It was very small and relaxing. It was nice to talk to another preg lady face to face even though she is 8 weeks ahead of me. My belly was still almost the size of hers and she's due in 4 weeks:blush:.

I think something I ate at the shower or what DH made for dinner on Sat didn't agree with me. As of Sun morning at 4am I've been in and out of the bathroom A LOT:blush:(sry tmi). It's giving me awful stomach cramping. I just hope baby is ok. I feel her kick every once in a while so I hope she's fine. I just hope I start to feel better cause this bug is awful:cry:

Hope you girls had a nice weekend and are doing well.
Steph-Sorry you are not feeling so well :( I have been having a sensitive stomach lately too with lots of gas cramps it is so uncomfortable.

Everything is going well here. I have been feeling better the past couple days, I haven't thrown up since Friday so thats good. It seems to come and go. Today I am starting to feel a little light headed/dizzy, I hope that doesn't lead to more nausea.

We had 6 friends over Saturday for a dinner party. Some of them know we are TTC but I am not ready to tell everyone yet so I had a fake glass of wine so they wouldn't question why I wasn't drinking :haha: I really hate having to lie to people...My next ultrasound I will be over 9 weeks so if all looks ok maybe we will start telling people then, or we may wait until 12 weeks, I haven't decided yet.

How are you Michelle?
Rachel I hope your nausea doesn't turn into any more sickness. You seem to be doing pretty well though, only getting sick from time to time so far. Fx'd it stays that way and doesn't get any worse. It's great that you were able to have friends over without letting it slip out. I'm sure you were just bursting at the seams! It's so hard not to tell but if you can make it 6 more weeks that's great! I couldn't, but luckily everything is going ok.

I think I'm beginning to feel a little better. My stomach doesn't feel quite so crampy and I've only been to the bathroom twice today and that was this morning. I hope I'm getting better because I was starving from not eating barely anything yesterday so I made myself mac n cheese just before and ate the whole thing!:blush: I figure baby has to eat and I was really hungry, but if I get a stomach ache again I'm really going to regret it! Baby gave me a good 20 min of hard kicking on my right side right above my belly button before as I was lying on the couch. I'm just so happy to feel it because with my being sick I was worried for her health and the gas and cramping was masking a lot of her movement yesterday. Also, I think that it really sucks to be pregnant when you have a non-pregnancy related sttomach bug because when she moves she makes my stomach gurgle and the cramping comes back. Fx'd I'll feel better and this is the last of my sickness!

Michelle O must be coming up wthin a week or two! Exciting! Hope all is well!
Yup, just waiting and waiting... My opk lines are getting darker, maybe I will get lucky and O earlier this time. Last time was CD20, maybe I will O before then this time. We started the BD every other day athon on saturday, I want to make sure we caught it if I O earlier and keep going until I am for sure I ovulated. I slept terrible the past few days, so my temps are really wonky and I drank the night/morning my temp spiked way up so I discarded it. Hopefully I sleep well for the next week so my temps can settle down so my wonky temps don't screw my coverline temperature up.
I hope you do O earlier Michelle. You just might with the upped dose of clomid and no O last cycle. So exciting! I have a good feeling about this cycle for you and I'm keeping my fx'd.:dust:

I'm feeling much much better so far today. I'm very tired and extra hungry because I didn't eat too much on Sun or yesterday. It's rainy and windy here today and I thought it would be a great day to get some cleaning done. I cleaned half of the bathroom and now I'm tired. So I guess I'll try and at least finish that room and take a little nap. There's just so much I wanna do but I don't have the energy. I just feel crappy cause my house is getting dirty and I HATE it!

Baby was really quiet this Am and I was worried but she has since started rolling and kicking. She's still pretty gentle most times and every once in a while I get jolt of a kick. It worries me that all of the women I talk to on bnb that are as far along as I am say that they feel their babies really strong and all day long. I go for hours without feeling her sometimes and she doesn't really have a pattern. I hope she's ok. I mean every one is different, right? Maybe she is just a calmer baby or she faces inward a lot? I'm going to bring it up to my OB when I go next week. I'm just hoping that it's not abnormal that I go hours sometimes without feeling a thing.:shrug:

Anyhow I hope everyone is doing well!
Michelle-I have a good feeling about this cycle as well, O should be coming very soon! :)

Steph-Yes everyone is different so you can't compare your situation to what others are feeling. It can't hurt to mention it to your OB but if you feel her kicking daily I wouldn't worry.

Nothing new here just counting down the days for my next scan, it is 2 weeks from Thursday. It would have been next week but my dr is out of town next week so I have to wait an extra week. But I will be further along, I will be over 9 weeks so hopefully it will look more like a baby, can't wait!
Rachel- horray for another scan, and it will be cool that you will be further along and hopefully get to see more then a tiny speck (or sweet pea) :)

Steph- It seems like she is kicking plenty enough, I would think that it would be very tiring for her to kick 24/7, for her and for you.

As for me, still more of the same. I have been having tons of cm, feels almost like af is starting sometimes, it's still cloudy/creamy, but it's more of a watery lotion, so hopefully it starts to turn more clear and stretchy as the days go by. I am a little nervous, I have this cycle and the next, and then if I don't get pregnant after next cycle, my doctor wants me to talk to a fertility specialist. I have to keep reminding myself that I have only had one real chance at getting pregnant, and this cycle will hopefully be the second time I have ovulated, therefore technically this cycle is only my second cycle ttc even though I have been waiting/practicing/trying to regulate my cycle for about a year.
Thanks girls. Baby is probably moving plenty enough and I know I shouldn't compare myself to the other girls because every one and every pregnancy is different. I must admit though, I am a bit jealous that some of these women have barely gained any weight and feel their babies kick all day long. I am going to mention it to my OB and see what they have to say about her not moving consistantly. Maybe they'll give me a quick scan at the doctors office!? It'd make me feel so much better. My next u/s is Oct 15th and I'll be just a nervous wreck waiting for it. I see my OB next Thurs so fx'd all is well! Again, I didn't sleep well last night. It's so frustrating because then I'm tired all day and I'd really like to do more cleaning around the house today. I talked to my best friend on the phone yesterday which makes me so happy because she lives in a different state and I miss her as I don't get to talk to her too much. She is able to come to the shower and then she will graduate and be better able to come and visit when the baby is born. She is so excited and I can't wait to see her! Oh and DH and I may have finally decided on a name! We are pushing it around for a few days and then we will revisit it but we were both pretty happy with what we chose. We just need to decide on a spelling. Can't wait!

Rachel you'll be so surprised to see baby again! You'll see little arm and leg buds and baby will actually look like a teeny tiny person wiggling around. I had a scan at around 10 wks because I had some spotting and when I saw baby she was kicking her little bitty legs and moving all over. I was so happy to see her. You'll be happy to see yours too! I hope time flies for the both of us!

Michelle I think you'll definately O this time and I hope you catch it! I know it's hard, but have a little confidence in this cycle and the next. I just know it'll happen for you soon and I'm excited to see you get your bfp! I've got my fx'd for you!

Hope everyone is having a good day!

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