Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

I am not looking forward to needing to take a bunch of naps, that will make it hard to work for sure. I agree about wanting fatigue versus morning sickness though. There is nothing I hate worse then upset stomach, you can halfway function through fatigue (or at least attempt to), but having an upset stomach puts me down for the count, and all I want to do is lay perfectly still all day until it goes away. Hopefully your fatigue doesn't last too much longer Rachel, and hopefully your swelling stays at bay most of the time Steph.

As for me, DH is getting tired of BDing, but we are trying. It's hard to have later ovulation and be using clomid, because you don't want to start BDing too late, but if you start early and BD several days past when you think you O'd, that equals a lot of BDing no matter how tired you are, and it's a lot to handle when you both work 40 hours a week. I think I have almost convinced DH to make an appointment to get a semen analysis, but we have to think of an excuse to tell his boss since his boss is his uncle and we don't want the whole family knowing our business.
Michelle I agree. I hated the nausea but it wasn't as bad as a lot of women have so I really got lucky. I've been tired a lot lately though. I didn't want to get out of bed this AM. As for the Bd'ing I know that it can get tiring when you do it all of the time. There were months that DH would be all for it and then he'd have a month where it was tiring for him and he didn't give in every time I wanted. It's hard but you've got to take it when you can get it. I also never told DH when I got a pos opk or fertile cm. It was much easier for him if I just kept it to myself because I think it was too much pressure for him to perform on cue. I'd say you should bd every other day from cd 14 to 22 every other day and then give him a break. That turns out to be only 5 times and you'd be pretty well covered. The clomid seems to make most women O around cd 18 or 20 so hopefully that'd work for you. As for the making up an excuse we sort of had to do the same thing when I got my bfp. DH wanted to come to my first appt but he works in a company that his uncle owns and his father is his boss. When he asked for the day off he got 20 questions of why, where, and when...:dohh: I wish you lots of luck though and I hope you did O and getting DH on board won't be an issue.

I am sooo sleepy. Baby is a bit more active today than yesterday. Tomorrow I'll be 30 weeks and I go see my OB. I'm pretty nervous! Hope everything goes well!

I hope you ladies are having a good day.
Michelle I agree with Steph if you don't get your BFP this cycle (which I think you will) you really only need to worry about BD'ing cd 13 or 14-cd22ish. No need to start too early. I understand how tiring it can get when O is so unpredictable.

Steph-Good luck at your appt tomorrow! Do you get an ultrasound then?
Michelle I agree with Steph if you don't get your BFP this cycle (which I think you will) you really only need to worry about BD'ing cd 13 or 14-cd22ish. No need to start too early. I understand how tiring it can get when O is so unpredictable.

Steph-Good luck at your appt tomorrow! Do you get an ultrasound then?

No ultrasound yet unless they want to check on baby for some reason. Not until Monday the 15th of Oct which is less than 3 weeks away now! I really hope she is growing well and healthy in there. She seems to be quite active again this morning so I'm pretty happy about that. I really didn't want to get out of bed this morning though. I only got up because I got one of those stupid recorded phone calls about the presidential election. :dohh: I'm really quite worried about my weight though and I don't want to hear the doctor's disappointment if I've gained a few. Maybe I'll just get all hormonal and start crying and he'll leave me alone:haha:

How are you Rachel? Happy 8 weeks!
Thanks! My scan is a week from tomorrow, it can't come soon enough. Originally I had it scheduled for Tuesday but changed to it Thursday because DH is out of town until Wed night and I didn't want him to miss this!

I am starting to feel really tired again, I may have to take a nap soon :dohh: Nausea has been very mild and for the most part isn't even there anymore so that's good but I still don't have much of an appetite which sucks.
Michelle I agree with Steph if you don't get your BFP this cycle (which I think you will) you really only need to worry about BD'ing cd 13 or 14-cd22ish. No need to start too early. I understand how tiring it can get when O is so unpredictable.

Steph-Good luck at your appt tomorrow! Do you get an ultrasound then?

No ultrasound yet unless they want to check on baby for some reason. Not until Monday the 15th of Oct which is less than 3 weeks away now! I really hope she is growing well and healthy in there. She seems to be quite active again this morning so I'm pretty happy about that. I really didn't want to get out of bed this morning though. I only got up because I got one of those stupid recorded phone calls about the presidential election. :dohh: I'm really quite worried about my weight though and I don't want to hear the doctor's disappointment if I've gained a few. Maybe I'll just get all hormonal and start crying and he'll leave me alone:haha:

How are you Rachel? Happy 8 weeks!

Hahaha, the old crying card. Sadly, I am sure I will be randomly crying a lot for real and not just because I can get away with it :) My temps are still high, but I wish they would get higher. We are going to BD tonight, but I am still afraid those few days we missed might have screwed us over... I made him mad on one of the days we missed, and he can't BD when he is mad because I totally killed his mood. I guess I need to be crazy nice to him on those days if I want a baby!

I feel mild nasuea today, it woke me up early this morning and I couldn't go back to sleep for about an hour because I couldn't get comfortable and make the feeling go away. The nasuea is still lurking and it's 10am, lucky for me it's my day off.

Yay for 8 weeks Rachel, hopefully your time flys by.
Steph- your little one will be pumpkin size before we know it :)
Yeah I hear ya. I'm going to try and put some laundry away and then I'll probably lie down for a while. Then I'll wake up starving, eat, and lie around until I get the energy to do something else around the house. I'm just absolutely exhausted some days.

You must be so excited for your next ultrasound! That is great, I hope everything is perfect with baby! In a few weeks the nausea will be completely gone and your appetite will be back. Do you have an increased sense of smell? Mine was awful and DH liked to call me beagle nose because I could smell EVERYTHING and it all just disgusted me which was why I had no appetite. I think that ended around 16 weeks and I began eating normal again. I hope you don't have to many crazy symptoms and have a nice, healthy, and enjoyable pregnancy!
I haven't really noticed an increased sense of smell on a daily basis but certain things seemed strong to me. DH had thrown out scraps of raw chicken in the trash which is in the cupboard under our sink. When I would go near the sink I would gag and almost vomit. I told him I swore there was something rotting in the sink. He said he couldn't smell anything and even when he put his face near the trash to smell it he said it didn't smell too bad but it almost made me vomit so that was likely due to my increased since of smell. Also yesterday while at the grocery store there was a lady that was wearing strong perfume and I could smell it from 5 feet or so away and it was really bothering me.
I do get teary-eyed rather easily sometimes, Michelle. It's really ridiculous sometimes, lol. I hope your temp gets higher so we know for sure you O'd! I don't think you O'd in those few days that you didn't bd it was either before or not at all yet. I've got my fx'd for you. Sorry to hear about the nausea.

I know I can't believe how big baby is already. Probably about 16 or 17 inches long and about 3 lbs! She'll be out before we know it! I can;t wait to hold her!

Ps- Rachel. Sounds like the beginning of increased sense of smell to me!
Well I go in to the doctor early tomorrow morning to get my day 21 blood tests to see for sure if I ovulated or not. I can't believe I am as nervous for that as I would be for a pregnancy test. Last time I had to take the day 21 blood tests I was 100% positive I ovulated, I just took the test because they told me to. This time the test is actually going to solve the mystery for me.
Well I go in to the doctor early tomorrow morning to get my day 21 blood tests to see for sure if I ovulated or not. I can't believe I am as nervous for that as I would be for a pregnancy test. Last time I had to take the day 21 blood tests I was 100% positive I ovulated, I just took the test because they told me to. This time the test is actually going to solve the mystery for me.

Fx'd you O'd. Your timing would be beautiful! I really hope you get that bfp this cycle!
Temp still up today....

Have yall ever experienced pain in the right or left ovary area when sneezing or standing up after being seated for a long period of time? Over the past two days I have been having pain on the right side when I sneeze or stand up and stretch that area... I looked those symptoms up and it mentions round ligament pain from the uterus stretching, but says that 4-5dpo is way too early to feel that. I have no other explanation for the pain, but I think it is a sign that I did ovulate. I am just not going to be able to 100% believe it until I get the results of the blood test back. Oh and also I felt sick today again until I ate some chicken noodle soup. I am guessing all this is just the effects of progesterone, which I will be more than willing to deal with if that means I ovulated :)

How are yall today?
I have had ligmant pain when sneezing, stretching, moving too quickly. The first time it happened to me was the day after I found out I was pregnant so I was only 12dpo. I'm not sure 4 or 5 dpo is too early really. It depends on how fast you grow. I think it is possible. It's great that your temp is still up and I hope your bloods come back and say that you definately O'd. Hopefully this is your cycle. Fx'd for you.

My doctors appt went pretty well. I've gained 19 lbs so far and it's really upsetting me. Also baby has been really quiet today and I should've had them scan me but I didn't because I thought she'd start up. It's making me a nervous wreck. Not to mention MIL took me to the appt and of course she had to talk about the shower and made me cry. She said she's sorry that she upset me. Truly she just doesn't care as long as she's happy. So the added stress on top of baby being quiet is really taking it's toll on me and I've been crying ever since I got home. Poor baby is probably too scared to move. I just hope she's ok in there.:cry: I have another OB appt in 2 weeks. THey are closer together now that I'm getting closer. I just can't wait until the stupid shower is over. I'm probably scaring my poor baby with all of this stress.:cry:

Hope everyone is doing well.
Michelle-Your temps are looking great, I REALLY hope this is it for you!!

Steph-Sorry you were having such a bad day yesterday, I hope you are doing better today :hugs:

Everything is ok here. I just have no energy to do anything and cleaning the house is going to suck today. I threw up again a couple days ago, fun! That is the third time I have actually thrown up.
Michelle I agree that you probably O'd! That is great and I hope this is it for you! Exciting!

Rachel sorry to ear about the MS but at least you aren't getting sick everyday. I've been really tired a lot lately as well so I know ow you feel. You will get your energy back though. I probably won't get all of it back until the baby is around 10, lol. I expect I'll get the burst of energy a few weeks before baby is born to nest. I'm counting on it because there is so much I still need to do!

I'm feeling better so far today. I think MIL called DH yesterday and told him to come home and take care of me because she had upset me. Because he came home early and was sweet as pie trying to make me feel better (not that he usually isn''t sweet but I think he knew how upset I am about the shower). I told him that I'm just so overwhelmed with this stupid shower and that baby was quiet. He pointed out that ever time I'm stressed out the baby doesn't kick as much. Maybe he is right? So far this AM she is kicking an adequate amount so I think she is ok. It's just so hard not to worry.

I'm going to be so busy in October and it'll surely make the time fly! The 2nd is our 2nd wedding anniv. The 6th is my childbirth class. The 11th is my next OB appt. The 14th is my shower and the 15th is my growth scan. Then I plan to get the baby's room all set up and then halloween comes. I'm hoping Novemeber will be a much more quiet and relaxing month though I know I will be going to the OB probably weekly by then. Then baby will be here!WOw!

Hope everyone is doing well!
Baby is fairly active this AM but still gentle. I'm satisfied with it and I've got my kicks counted. Also my Mom and Grandmother has my stroller, carseat, and highchair delivered to the house this morning so that was exciting.

On the other hand I feel really bad today. DH was supposed to have work at 630am. He asked me last night if I had set the alarm and I had so I said yes but the alarm never went off:dohh:. So DH was at least 45 min late this morning. He was angry and I don't blame him. This is the 3rd or 4th time in 2 1/2 years that I have done this and made him late for work and he specifically asked me last night if I had set it. I don't know what is wrong with that stupid alarm clock....I just hope he didn't get in trouble and his co workers aren't angry with him as it's really all my fault. I'm just feeling bad about it.:wacko:

I hope you girls have a great weekend!
So happy it's October! I love the fall! Just a little over 2 months until my due date. It'll be 9 weeks to go on Thurs. Tomorrow is DH and I's 2nd wedding anniversary and Sat is our childbirthing class! I'm going to be so busy this month but I hope it goes quickly and everything goes well!

Rachel hope you are feeling well! I'm sure baby is growing away in there and you're probably excited to see him/her at your next scan.

Michelle I hope you caught the little eggy! I'll be so excited to see you get your bfp.

Hope you all had a great weekend!
I love October as well, It should cool off here in the next couple weeks, can't wait!

What do you have planned for your anniversary? That is good that you have a lot going on and are keeping busy. The baby will be here before you know it!

Michelle-Your chart is looking good so far, I really hope this is it for you! When will you test?

I am really anxious for my scan and pray everything is ok. I always have symptoms come and go. One day I feel nauseous and another day I don't, one day I feel exhausted then the next ok. Boobs don't really hurt anymore. I always worry that if I don't feel bad enough things might not be ok.

DH is out of town for work until Wednesday night. I really miss him and I have been feeling really down and weepy, I guess it's probably just the hormones. I spent the weekend with my mom but I had to go back home because I can't leave my cat alone for too long or else I would have stayed with her until Wednesday :( My cat better be grateful and hang out with me a lot :haha:
Nothing too exciting planned for our anniv. We are going out to eat and that's probably it. No gifts as we are saving our pennies. This baby is expensive! I just want to spend some alone time with him while we can because soon we will have baby around all of the time.

Rachel I think it's normal for symptoms to come and go. Mine always did. My breasts hurt pretty consistantly but after a few weeks the pain was more when I took my bra off or pressed on them. It was much worse the first few weeks for sure. And everyone is different. I do hope the week goes by quickly for you as I know what it's like to miss DH and be waiting on an ultrasound. I'm sure all will be just fine. Hang in there.
I have no tests in the house, which is the only way I stop myself from testing early. It's easier to stop myself from buying tests then to stop myself from peeing on a stick that is right above the toliet. I am going to try and wait until this weekend to test, probably on Sunday, or maybe even Monday since I will be out of town hanging out with my family.

Rachel, like I used to tell Steph, enjoy it when you don't have symptoms! Enjoy your little raspberry while you can :) I can't wait to join yall and I am sure I will be going nuts about if my boobs hurt or not. I am afraid of morning sickness as I can't stand upset stomach, but I will just have to suffer through. I am having a hard time believing that I could actually have a bfp in a week, it's one of those things that I won't believe it until the lines are darker then dark and I get a blood positive.

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