Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

I remember when I went to my first FS appt I was disappointed at how long I had to wait to start treatments. It sucks but they are doing the right thing in trying to diagnose the root of the problem before putting you on meds. It sounds like she has a good plan for you and you are finally on your way to your bfp. At least now you know you are in good hands. Did your dh ever get a SA done?
I remember when I went to my first FS appt I was disappointed at how long I had to wait to start treatments. It sucks but they are doing the right thing in trying to diagnose the root of the problem before putting you on meds. It sounds like she has a good plan for you and you are finally on your way to your bfp. At least now you know you are in good hands. Did your dh ever get a SA done?

Yes, dh got his SA done, and everything is well above the "normal" levels. Now he is convinced he has "super" sperm, haha, what a dork. Glad that came back good though.
That's great news! My dh was on his high horse too when he found out his was good :haha:
Great bump pic Rachel. Very high up like I was and I didn't ever really drop until right before going into labor either. So exciting. You'll be amazed how much more you can grow! It's lovely though. You look great!

Michelle I'm so happy that the specialist is getting the ball rolling. You'll have your bfp soon. I know what you mean when you say you almost hope they find something wrong so they can fix it and it isn't just a fluke that you haven't gotten pregnant yet. I'm sure something is slightly off andI hope they can find it and fix it for you. Then maybe you'll have that much awaited boy!

As for me, busy and tired! Hope youre all well!
Been so busy and flustered! Having a new baby leaves me a little stressed and foggy. I feel like I have ADD or something. lol. I hopy you are all doing well!
I am sure it must be crazy with a baby to care for. Sometimes I get a little freaked out thinking about how if I finally get pregnant I will have a tiny little person to care for and she/he will be MY responsibility full time, no giving the child back to my brother or sister. Then I see my nieces and nephews and I don't care about all of that because I know that the hard baby stage is a little time frame in the span of all the years that I will have to enjoy that child and love them to pieces. Then they turn into teenagers and will hate me, haha.

As for me, just waiting about another week until I can waste a pregnancy test and then start taking provera. Once I finally start my period I can call and schedule my hsg and ultrasound. Right now the DH and I are focusing on eating healthy and working out. We just got an elliptical, and found some nature trails near by. I am hoping all this hard work will show the next time I see my doctor and my weight has gone down. Knowing my luck, she won't even notice or care. I just hope that working out gets my blood flowing and helps out with my journey to bfp.

I hope you ladies and your little girls are doing well!
Michelle- it sounds like you are on the right track with eating healthy and getting all the tests out of the way. I am so excited for you because I know it's only a matter of time until you announce your bfp!

Steph-I can only imagine how tough it is adjusting with your new baby. I hope things continue to get easier for you as time goes on.

All is well here...the baby is kicking a lot which I love and I have noticed some bh contractions now. I have two baby showers coming up. My first one is not a traditional shower it will be with men and women because my mil I throwing it for us in Philly so dh will be attending it as well since it is all his family and friends...that one is on feb 9th. Then I will have the just girls shower on march 3rd here at home, my mom is throwing that one for me. I can't believe how fast time is going, I will be in the third tri in a few weeks :shock:
Michelle it's great that you are getting in shape. It reallly does come in handy during pregnancy and labor. And also a lot of women lose some weight and then fall pregnant more easily. I did it also. I know your bfp is coming soon!

Rachel I can't believe that you're nearly in your third tri! Time is flying!

Baby needs to eat, will reply more in Thurs!
Starting provera today, which means I can make my HSG appointment soon. Hopefully it won't hurt as bad as the nightmare stories I have heard about. I am going to assume it won't, because tensing up during it is not going to help at all. I so hope this $950 worth of tests finds something useful!
Keep us posted on how everything goes! I have heard its not all that bad unless you have blocked tubes and you probably don't so no need to worry. You are supposed to be really fertile for a few cycles after the hsg so that's exciting!
Michelle I hope everything goes well with your hsg and everything. I'm sure you'll be ok. Even if it does hurt a bit just think about giving birth! It also hurts but is totally and necessary and if you need to endure a little bit of pain along the way it's worth it. I'm sure it'll all go great and you'll get your bfp soon!

Rachel I hope you are doing well! I know you must be excited that you are getting nearer and nearer! It's such a lovely feeling I'll never forget. Almost makes me want to have another...but then again, not yet, lol.

Caitlyn is doing well but we're still working on a schedule. She also has a sublaxation of her left hip which is somewhat common in first born girls (but more common in breech girls). We have to go back to the pediatric orthopaedist tomorrow to see if they want to put a brace/sling/harness type thing on her. It's only a slight case and it should be fine. Her pediatrician doesn't think it will affect her at all and isn't even sure a harness is necessary. I'm hoping the orthopaedist says the same tomorrow. As for me I am obviously busy and still missing out on some sleep so it's leaving me a little frustrated and confused but I'm loving my baby. I had my 6 week gyno appt last week where we obviously discussed BC which I was worried about. Overall the appt went well. They said everything looked good and I may still be a bit sore (which I am from time to time). Also I am now on the minipill which I feel much more comfortable with than a full hormone pill. It's also aparently better for breastfeeding which I am still doing on occasion. I hope the minipill doesn't do to me what the last BC did. Fx'd for that.

Hope you're all well!
Steph- I am glad to hear Caitlyn is doing well. I hope all goes well with her appt and a brace isn't needed. But if it is I am sure everything will turn out fine especially since it is not uncommon for this to happen.

I wonder what we will do for birth control after the baby comes. I don't want to go back on bc so we may just use condoms or something. We plan to ttc when she is about one because I will stay home until our youngest is 3 or 4 then I will go back to a full time job again so we want to have them close in age so I can get back to making money!
Caitlyn's legs are harnessed. Aparrently what she has is just like hip dysplasia and we need to keep it harnessed for 2 weeks straight (taking it off only to bathe her) and then make another expensive and long trip down to the hospital that does the ultasounds on her hip to see if it has helped. Then the week after that we see the pediatric orthopaedist again (who was a bit rude to me at this last appt:nope:) to see if we can begin weening her off of it or whether she still has to wear it full time. I am an absolute mess over this. It is so hard to see your baby like that even if it is a 'minor' problem and it's necessary. I was up crying most of the night looking at the poor baby in the harness. It looks really uncomfortable and I can't even put pants on her in the middle of winter. I may have woken her up with my sobbing at 2am:cry:. DH is no help and seems to be ignoring the situation completely. He was so sweet when I was pregnant everytime I was worried but he isn't helping this time. I am so worried and anxious and I feel so bad for her. :cry::cry::cry:.
Also my milk production is dwindling and that makes me feel like an awful mom.I hope this is all just a rough patch and we can get through it...

I've began bleeding again but it looks mostly like old blood with very little fresh mixed in. I'm not sure if it's my period or what. I'm also still sore especially when I go to use the bathroom. It's pretty confusing and not helping with the other things I have going on right now.

I hope you're all well.
Aww :hugs: I am so sorry to hear she has to have this done :( I totally understand you being upset about it I would be the same! I hope they find in two weeks it did the trick and she can get it off.
Cait is still in her harness and she is doing really well. We don't go to have another ultrasound until next week so fx'd the harness has helped and she won't have any further issues and we can get her out of this harness. We also go to the pediatrician next week where she will be getting some vaccinations...not fun. I'm sure I'll cry more than the baby will. Overall we are getting by. I am still struggling to get Caitlyn on a better sleep schedule so I hope to get that taken care of soon. I also need to lose some more baby weight:blush: I sometimes feel so ridiculous because everyone on my parenting thread is back down to their weight and have this big healthy babies where as I have about 15lbs to go and have a tiny little 9lb baby:cry: It can be so frustrating sometimes.

How is everyone? I hope you are doing well! Rachel, did you have your showers yet? Let me know if you want any advice or to know anything while it's all still fresh in my mind. I know there were a lot of things I don't use and a lot of things I wish I had more of, as well as a lot of things I didn't need in my hospital bag and everything. I'll definately know for next time.:thumbup:

Michelle I hope you are doing well. Have you had any more appts?
I am glad to hear Caitlyn is doing well in her harness. It's a good thing she is getting this problem fixed now while she is young, she won't even remember it!

Everything is going pretty good so far here. I start seeing the dr twice a month now. Tomorrow morning I have to do the glucose test, fun! :haha:

My lower back has been starting to hurt lately so that sucks, I have been using a heating pad on my back while I work and that helps a little to sooth it.

Dh and I leave for Philly this weekend, my mil is throwing us a shower and then my mom throws me one early march :)

I will probably need help figuring out what I need for my hospital bag I am sure I will start working on that next month.
Oh i almost forgot. We have her name picked out, it is Shaelyn Marie

Marie was my great grandmother's first name, my mom's middle name and mine so it was something I wanted to pass down as a tradition. I had never heard the name Shaelyn before, we found it in our name book and it was always the name we kept coming back to and fell in love with :)
Oh i almost forgot. We have her name picked out, it is Shaelyn Marie

Marie was my great grandmother's first name, my mom's middle name and mine so it was something I wanted to pass down as a tradition. I had never heard the name Shaelyn before, we found it in our name book and it was always the name we kept coming back so and fell in love with :)

That is a beautiful name!:flower:

Sorry to hear about your back but it definately happens when you start getting a big baby belly. Next will be your ribs and your sides hurting no matter what way you sit/stand/lay etc. It'll cause some sleepless nights also but that will help prepare you for when baby arrives and you get even less sleep. It's all worth it though and it doesn't last forever.

A tip I just thought of is this; Make sure you have a lot of outfits that button and zip up. Although pant and shirt sets are cute, it's not easy to pull a shirt over baby's head, especially a newborn. It'll also come in handy because baby will have a lot of doctor's appts the first few months and it's easy to get them in and out of. Luckily your baby will be born when it's nice out (especially in Florida, I'm sure) so I'm sure you'l be able to find a lot of cute button up rompers and stuff. I still hate putting Cait's onsies on her and anything that I have to pull over her head because I can feel her soft spots and her neck is still a bit floppy sometimes.Scratch mits are really useful the first few weeks but you only need a few pairs, not a thousand like we have, lol. I also use burp cloths and receiving blankets constantly and not so many fluffy fleecy blankets. And I have like a million washcloths but I only use one at a time so you really don't need that many because the doctor says to bathe baby every other day to keep their skin from drying out.

I hope some of this will help but I know that every person and baby is different so what's best for me may not be best for you.
Also, I don't know if you are plannig on breastfeeding or not. I found it very difficult. Cait latched on just a little while after birth and seemed to be doing really well but then when I went to feed her a few hours later it was like she had forgotten how to do it. My nipples were so sore and bleeding. The nurses and lactation consultants at the hospital were a great help. One of the LC's gave me nipple cream from the pharmacy that was not lanisloh and it was so much better. The cracking and bleeding healed up almost instantly and the pain went away. I then began using a nipple sheild which was a God send because it helped her latch and didn't hurt me at all. However, Caitlyn won't latch now without a nipple sheild and it's sometimes difficult to fumble around with so I do not BF in public. Also don't feel bad if Bf'ing doesn't go well. I caved and gave Caitlyn a bit of formula at 3 or 4 days old because she was constantly clusterfeeding and I literally couldn't get off the couch bcause she was always on the boob! Also she was jaundice and having very few wet diapers so I was nervous that she wasn't getting enough. One of the LC's in the hospital tols me that the first day all of their diapers will likely be dirty with meconium but she may only be wet once. Then she will continue having BM's (eventually turning seedy and yellow for a strictly BF baby) but for the first week her diapers will only be wet as many days old as she is, I.E. 2 days old=2 wet diapers, 3 days old =3 wet diapers, etc. Also because your milk won't come n for 3-5 days. I definately felt terrible giving formula as I had my heart set on BF'ing and it's a great feeling to know that you are feeding your baby and giving her immunities but we are still BF'ing a little here and there and I have a happy and healthy baby even though we don't exclusively BF.

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