Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Yes I know it's normal to go past my due date but I am just more than ready for this to be over. I get more and more stressed each day wich isn't good for me or for baby. It's time for her to come out and I am really trying to be patient but it's VERY difficult when everything is done and all I can do is sit here and worry.

No bump pic yet. DH has to take it as I can't reach far enough to take it myself anymore. I will probably have him take one tonight or tomorrow.

Good luck at your appt, Rachel.
Well looks like I am on the same team as you steph...we are having a girl!! :cloud9:
Awww :) Now I really need to have a boy to add a little testosterone to this thread :)

Dh's SA results came back today. He is 100% normal, so now we just need to get me all figured out. I am kind of sad that I am the only one with a problem, but I am glad that we don't have to deal with issues from both sides.

Steph, I agree with Rachel on the late factor. I was a week late, hopefully your little girl isn't as stubborn as I was. I am getting more and more nervous to be at that ready to get it over with stage around late summer/fall when I am burning hot. She will be here just in time for cold snuggly weather :)
Michelle that is great news your dh's SA came back normal. Trust me that is one huge thing that you can check off the list and one less thing to worry about. I was sooooo relieved when dh's came back good. Have you ever had an ultrasound? I wouldn't be surprised if you have polycystic ovaries. You can have it without abnormal hormones levels because you ovulate so infrequently that is pretty much what happens the cysts form because your body likely tries to o and fails and those follies become little cysts. That is what was happening with me. Good news is with the meds out there today it is an easy fix and maybe you will do better with femara as opposed to clomid. I wish you the best of luck and I know your bfp is around the corner.
Wow, Rachel! Congrats on the pink bump. It's pretty exciting isn't it? Even though I was leaning toward boy myself I was more than happy that baby turned out to be a girl! Girl clothes are the cutest anyway.:flower: I wouldn't mind a boy next time though!

Michelle it is great that your DH's results came back normal. I agree with Rachel about the polycystic ovaries buecause you seem to be healthy otherwise and your bloods have come back normal in the past. That isn't really a big deal for most women though and they'll have you fixed up in no time. I wouldn't be surprised, now that you will be seeing the specialist, if you got your bfp right off the bat!

I went to the doctor yet again today and he says that my cervix still hasn't changed.:nope: I was hoping it would have because I've been getting a lot of sharp pains in my cervix and BH contractions. I also woke up with a bit of an upset stomach which got me excited that my clearout might be coming. But of course the doctor dashed away all of my hopes. I go again on Monday and then again Thursday unless of course baby comes somewhere in between. The doctor said I should have this baby by next weekend regardless as he won't let me go more than a day or so past 41 weeks. I'm glad for that but at the same time I just hope it happens naturally sooner than later. I don't want to wait that long. I can't wait until she's here. Also I'm really getting annoyed by the whole world calling and asking how I am. :dohh: I feel like screaming at them!

Anyway hope you're all well and I hope you have a great weekend! I'll hopefully have a baby soon!
So I got a positive face on my digital OPK yesterday, and BD'd last night just in case. I am not getting my hopes up that I actually ovulated, but I guess my temps will tell. I too think an ultra sound will tell us a lot, I can't wait to hopefully get some answers finally. I am a little afraid of it being something that is a little more hard to fix then PCOS though... I am nervous and excited at the same time.
I wouldn't be worried, Michelle. If it were something more serious the odds are that they would have figured it out by now through bloodwork or whatever. I think you may just have some sort of small issue that is preventing you from ovulating regularly. Fx'd for that pos opk! I hope you get a nice temp rise in the next few days.

I woke up at 330 just completely unable to sleep even though I am tired. I had A LOT of BH contractions last night and some mild cramping on and off. Now this AM I think I had a bit of bloody show/ loss of mucus plug and the cramping has continued perhaps with some mild contractions? I keep feeling as though I need to use the bathroom but I think I'm still a bit constipated. :dohh: I hope a good clearout happens before I go into active labor! I have a feeling it's close though and I may be a mommy by Monday? Fx'd for that but I'm not going to hold my breath!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Ohhh how exciting steph it sounds like your baby will be here soon!!!

Michelle- yay for a +opk! I hope you get a temp rise soon!
Well the fact that we haven't heard from you steph I am assuming is a good sign that you are having your baby girl!! Yay!! I can't wait to hear how everything goes :)
Fingers crossed! Can't wait to hear that she is here.

It turns out I didn't ovulate, so I am ready to start taking the provera again and start over. I don't know if I should start provera soon and be in the middle of my cycle Jan 10th, or wait for another week or so and be at the begining of my cycle around my Jan 10th appointment. I guess it doesn't matter which i choose, since I will probably not get another real chance until Feb after all the testing... I guess I will wait a few days since my average cycle has been about 35-36 days.
Sorry to hear you didn't o Michelle :( good thing provera is available so you don't have to have any more crazy long cycles. Your appt will be here before you know it and you will be on your way to your long awaited bfp!
Sorry I've not been on. As you can imagine, I've been busy! On friday my doctor's appt showed no progress and I thought for sure I'd go way overdue. I woke up at 330 am feeling just kinda blah. I snoozed on and off until about 7am when I woke up feeling like I had to use the bathroom and crampy. I lost a bit of plug while using the bathroom and I tred to go back to bed with DH. Then the contractions began. They went on all day and by about 5pm theyhad gotten STRONG. They were still irregular but we decided that since I wouldn't be sleeping through them we would go to l&d anyway. We got there at around 9pm andthey checked me and I hadn't made barely any progress! They monitored me and at mdnight gave me pain meds. Overnight I progressed quickly and by 630 am I was 10 cm. I got my epi at about 5cm. I am not sure hat time that was and to b honest I was in so much pain the whole time it's all a bit foggy. I do remember the doctor saying that they would let me start pushing at 730 and by 8:04 aby Caitlyn Isabel was here! My DH wasn't much help when I was pushing because he was queezy but by that time I didn't need him anyway I was way to focused on the pushing. He cried like a baby when he saw her for the first time though and we both love her so much. She was 7lb 7oz and 19in long. She's doing pretty well but we haven't slept since she was born and we're getting really drained. I'm also super hormonal and I cry a lot but honestly my baby is so wonderful and I love her. Here are a few pics. She has Daddy's hair and maybe his eyes but the rest of her looks like me. :cloud9:


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Omg she is beautiful!!! I have been dying to hear your update :)

Happy to hear aside from being exhausted that everyone is healthy and doing well!

She has so much hair already, love it!
She's adorable! I was thinking the same thing, look at all that hair :) Love it. I am sure it is all worth it just having her there in your arms. Makes you think how crazy it is that she started out as sperm and an egg...
Yes. Really crazy that she was once a sperm and an egg. I'm so happy to have her here and so far so good. We are all learning together. It's still hectic but the first few days were the worst!It's getting better everyday and we're so in love with her.

Anything newwith any of you? Hope you're doing well!
Nothing new here, just started taking provera, I just want to start af already. I am guessing that I won't be ovulating until hopefully my feburary cycle. I don't think that I will be ovulating on my own, so I just hope that we can do all the tests in January and get the ball rolling in feb. I am enjoying not following a zero tolerance on caffine and wine, and not having to bd on set days, but I just hate waiting for my bfp. On the plus side I have all these holidays to cheer me up. My in laws are all having christmas here this weekend, and my mother and father in-law will arrive this wednesday. I have been doing some spring/winter cleaning big time.
Michelle-That's good that you are keeping busy and the holidays are here. After all that is over you will be on your way to getting things sorted out fertility wise and be that much closer to your bfp!

Steph- glad to hear things are getting easier and you are beginning to adjust to your new life :)

All is well here. I feel kicks here and there but they are still very subtle and no pattern yet. The ultra sound tech told me I have an anterior placenta so I may not feel obvious kicks until 22 weeks or so. Steph, didn't you have an anterior placenta?
Rachel I did have an anterior placenta and because of it I think I felt baby less than a lot of other women feel their babies. But I did feel things here and there early on and of course as she got bigger I felt it more and more.

Michelle the holidays will surely keep your mind off of ttc until you can get to your appts. I'm sure everything will go well and they will get you sorted in no time!

I'm just running around like a nut lately. Caitlyn keeps us crazy busy and I'm dreading after Christmas when DH has to go back to work and I'll have her here all by myself! SHe is just so much work and I'm finding it so hard to keep up on the housework and everything. DH has been a lifesaver even though he isn't much help at night as he just doesn't wake up when she cries. I'm hoping that once her lungs grow and she can scream louder that he'll be doing some night feedings as well. Breastfeeding is super difficult so I've also been pumping and supplementing her with formula as I just don't feel like she is getting enough because she is hungry within an hour after breastfeeding. I don't know. We are just trying to work through it. The first 5 days were just awful and I was such an emotional wreck but it just keeps getting better and I hope it continues with that pattern.\

Hope you're all well.
Steph- everything you are saying sounds completely normal. I just know you are doing an amazing job with your baby and things will continue to get easier. I am sure it will be so difficult when your dh has to go back to work. I am going to try to have my dh take off and be home for the first 10 days and then work from home for another week or two after that so at least he will be in the house. Unfortunately with the type of job he has (sales) his income would suffer if he took too much time off and we need his income.

Last night I saw my stomach move a little when she kicked it was amazing! :cloud9:

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