Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

So does your insurance not cover that particular dr at all? My insurance didn't cover fertility treatments but did cover my office visits, and basic diagnostic tests like the hsg, saline sono, bloodwork to figure out what was wrong, but when it came to meds, iui, ect that wasn't covered.
Happy you passed your gtt Rachel!

Michelle I hope you can figure some way to get your bloods done through your regular doctor so ins. will cover it. I know things can get expensive and it can be difficult but it maybe worth it if they can get to the bottom of your issues. Hang in there.

Cait got shots on Friday and was awful cranky. Poor baby. Doctor says she is doing well. 10lb8oz and about 22''. Still a little peanut but following her percentile to the T.

Hope you areall doing well.
Hi ladies... I know this group was started over a year ago but is it too late to join? I went off BCPs in the beginning of December and had my withdrawal bleeding on Dec. 5. Didn't ovulate until Cd 57! Had af 11 days later. Currently Cd 7 and no idea what this cycle is going to do. Hoping it won't be another 68 day cycle
Hey welcome, ! I am kind of in and out of this thread lol I thought I might post that after being off BC for 6 months and only ovulating (properly) twice, Ive recently started taking Vitex to hopefully regulate my cycle :)
Hi ladies... I know this group was started over a year ago but is it too late to join? I went off BCPs in the beginning of December and had my withdrawal bleeding on Dec. 5. Didn't ovulate until Cd 57! Had af 11 days later. Currently Cd 7 and no idea what this cycle is going to do. Hoping it won't be another 68 day cycle

It's not too late! Although some of us have went on to get pregnant and have babies we have all dealt with fertility issues that may or may not be due to birth control. I didn't get pregnant until 10 months after going off of BC and that is with about 6 months of active trying. Others have gone longer. It can be so frustrating when you ovulate late or not at all and we understand that. As Mii said, I began taking vitex after many long cycles and after about 8 weeks I began having regular cycles again. I also began dieting and exercising which I also think helped a lot. If you continue to have long cycles I suggest both exercise and vitex and after 3 or so long cycles see your doctor. Good luck ttc!
Thanks. I've heard of Vitex, was considering taking it after this cycle if it was just as strange. I had a major temp spike today at 8dpo. I'm sure it's just a fluke, I couldn't ovulate on Cd 7 right? 50 days before I did last time? See what it does tomorrow I guess.
Thanks. I've heard of Vitex, was considering taking it after this cycle if it was just as strange. I had a major temp spike today at 8dpo. I'm sure it's just a fluke, I couldn't ovulate on Cd 7 right? 50 days before I did last time? See what it does tomorrow I guess.

Probably a fluke but stranger things have happened. Just keep an eye on how long your cycles are and if you have 3 or more I'd go to the doctor for blood work. I'd also try the vitex because the doctor probably won't do much for you for a while. I think vitex works for most people unless there is some other reason that they aren't ovulating.
Rachel and Michelle, I hope you are both well.

We are ok. Cait's hip has shown no improvement so it's longer in the harness or surgery, I hope that the harness stars working because I dread having my baby operated on. Fx'd the next scan shown improvement!
Fingers crossed she gets better and doesn't need any surgery!

My insurance doesn't cover anything fertility wise, so therefore it wouldn't cover ANY fertility doctor or anything test or blood work that a fertility doctor requests. Therefore if my fertility doctor suggests more blood work being done and vetos going to my regular doctor or my gynocologist then I am going to have to stop seeing her and go back to the normal female doctor, or take a break until I can afford this. I am really against taking a break though as I have already been on a break for so many months just waiting. I feel like if she would just give me femara already I would be ovulating and I would have a chance. I want to get to the bottom on why I am not ovulating, but I obviously need help to ovulate, so I just feel like we need to just start the ball rolling already. I am at the end of my patience, and I am a very patient person most of the time.
I have no idea why it went up those three days but it dropped down again Cd 11 and I took an opk on Cd 10 that was very negative. I always have a second line but it was really faint this time. Hoping it will start getting darker soon. Taking them eod and BDing ever other day as well
Michelle, could you just refuse more bloods and ask to get the ball rolling with something? You've already had a bunch of bloodwork so I really think more would be just 'beating a dead horse' if you will, unless she plans on testing you for something different? If so could she tell you what and then you could ask your gyno or family doctor if they would order it for you due to insurance? It may not work out but it's worth a shot, right? I understand you are frustrated and really just want to ovulate so you have a good chance of catching the egg. I hope it works out for you, I know it must be upsetting having to wait.:hugs:

babyrogers sometimes temping will show some fluke temps that are up for a bit maybe just due to something in the body. It happens:shrug:. I hope you are able to have a shorter cycle and catch the egg this time. Good luck.
Michelle- that is frustrating that your insurance won't cover anything. I really hate insurance companies, I mean what are we paying them for? This is an unforeseen health issue and it should be covered :growlmad: hopefully you can work something out so it is affordable for you.

Steph- I will also keep my fingers crossed for Caitlyn, hopefully she just needs more time and no surgery!

All is still well here. I have been feeling pretty good overall, hoping I can continue to feel good long as possible. I expect the bigger I get the more uncomfortable I will get, but just hoping it is minimal time I feel uncomfortable. Dh and I are heading to the beach this weekend and staying at the hotel we got married at for his bday. Looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend together and I will really try to appreciate it as it will likely be the last one for a long time!
Happy you are feeling well, Rachel. I felt mostly well until the last 6 weeks or so. I hope you continue feeling good and I hope you enjoy your beach trip.

I'm feeling pretty good. I haven't had AF yet. A few times since I stopped my post partum bleeding I have spotted but no new fresh blood or anything. I am still BF'ing (very minimally) so that may be why. I am also still taking the mini pill which I think, if it works, is far better than the regular, full hormone pill. My hair has begun to fall out again though so I'm kinda missing my pregnancy hormones already. Though I DO NOT miss the first few weeks poost partum when I was so overly emotional and scared. I am feeling so much better than that and I LOVE my little girl so, so much. There are obviously things I'd like to get a hold on, like the bedtime issue, Cait's hip, and of course I'd like to lose the rest of my baby weight. But overall I have to say I am happy. I'm sure I'll be happy right up until I have issues getting pregnant again, if I have those issues again. I hope I do not but I know just as well as the rest of you how crazy our bodies can be.

Hoping you're all well
So I just got back from the fertility specialist. The results of the hsg and ultrasounds were 100% normal other then the multiple follicules in my ovaries which she said were just consistant with me not ovulating. Next step is to get my blood results tracked down, and then take one more blood test which is the AMH blood test to see about my ovarian reserves. After I get those blood test results sent to the fertility doctor, we use condoms for two weeks, take a pregnancy test, then start provera. When af comes then I get to go in for a baseline ultrasound and FINALLY I get to finally start femara.

If I magically get pregnant on my first femara cycle, then I can still have a 2013 baby, but I will probably be having a baby early 2014 on this time scale.
Steph-I am glad to hear you are doing well. Things like loosing baby weight and the bedtime issue will get better with time. I am not looking forward to being an emotional wreck those first few weeks post partum, I hear its tough! I am so excited to meet my baby girl but not looking forward to the actual birth process :dohh:

Michelle- I am glad to hear things look normal that is good news! It sounds like it is just a matter of getting you to ovulate which is good. I know someone who used clomid and it didn't work well but they had a better experience with femera.

I was also told I had multiple follies in my ovaries and that multiple follies was indicative of polycystic ovaries. Your dr didn't mention that?
Michelle I am so happy you are getting answers and that things are looking good so far. I'm sure that if you could start ovulating regularly that you will be pregnant in no time. Fx'd for femera!

Rachel giving birth is very difficult while you are in labor and going through it but it all happens so fast and you instantly forget how difficult it was. I remember a lot about it now that time has passed and I have to say I'd do it all again, no problem. You will do great. Don't worry. I do suggest getting a lot of sleep at the hospital though because when you come home (and your milk comes in) baby will be at the boob every 2 hours or more and you will be even more emotional on no sleep. Also let your family and DH do the cooking, cleaning, etc during the first week or two. It is tough for everyone until they settle in to a routine that is good for them but it does get better. I'm sure you must be getting more and more excited. Are you going to the doctor monthly now? bi-monthly?

Cait is worrying me just a little lately. She is eating less than she had been. She still seems happy and healthy and having wet and dirty diapers regularly. DH thinks that maybe she is getting more breastmilk than she had been therefore when I give her her bottle afterward she isn't as hungry but I don't think I produce much milk. I may be wrong though...?

Hope you are all well.
I go to the dr bi monthly now. Thanks for the advice!

Have you called the pediatrician? Odds are your dh is right and she is getting more breast milk. It's a good sign she is still having enough wet diapers though.
I go to the dr bi monthly now. Thanks for the advice!

Have you called the pediatrician? Odds are your dh is right and she is getting more breast milk. It's a good sign she is still having enough wet diapers though.

I have not called the pediatrician only because she seems 100% fine. Happy, active, still having dirty and wet diapers. She just stops eating after 2 or 3 oz at 2 or 3 feedings a day when she used to drink 4 every time. DH pointed out that since I quit pumping (because I was only getting about an oz between both breasts) I am nursing her more and therefore probably producing more milk so she may be getting 2oz from me where she was probably getting a half oz to an oz before. I've also gotten Cait to bf without the nipple shield about 2 weeks ago so bf'ing has been a breeze and much better for both of us. I am still not producing like I should be for a child her age but I always nurse before her bottle. I am keeping an eye on her weight though and if I should notice she is losing any I will call the doctor immediately.

Rachel I hope you are feeling well and if you wonder about anything just ask and I will tell you what to expect. I have to say I didn't ask anyone about anything and for certain things, I wish I had.

Michelle I hope you are well.
All is well here so far. I just redid the three blood tests I need at my regular gynocologist office so they could try and file it with my insurance under not having normal periods rather than infertility. I am hoping at least two of the three test get covered by the insurance. I am not sure that the AMH test would be able to squeak by, but who knows how the insurance works.

On another note, it is crazy how your whole world changes when you are pregnant and a new mom. I am worried about little things like what to wear to my best friend's bachlorette party in april, and you are worried about your beautiful little girl and her feeding schedule. It just makes me appreciate how different my life will be and how drastically your focus shifts when you become a mom. I am glad you ladies are going through this a few steps ahead of me, I am sure I will have just as many worries and questions, probably more!
Michelle, being a mom is fantastic but the hardest thing you'll ever do. I know that before I had her my priorities were completely different. It will be the same for you as it is for every mother when your time comes. It's so difficult for me to find time and I am constantly worried but Caitlyn is the best thing that ever happened to me and always will be.

Today Cait is still only eating 2 to 3 oz at a feeding after nursing. I'm going to weigh her again tonight and just hope that she hasn't lost anything. It's driving me crazy thinking that she isn't getting enough. I'm thinking maybe that she isn't having a growth spurt or anything and maybe she hasn't needed the extra? It's just frustrating I guess. Also the next ultrasound on her hip is Tues and then we see the ortho the following week. I feel as though there has been no change and I'm not getting my hopes up but I can't help but be nervous. I am so worried that my baby will need surgery and I'm not sure I can handle such a thing at this moment. Perhaps by the time she needs the surgery I will be more accepting of it? Anyway all I can do is hope for the best.

Hope you are all doing well!

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