Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

I will Keep my fingers crossed that she doesn't need the surgery! [-o<
We go to find out tomorrow whether the harness has made any improvement in Cait's hips. Today she got her 3 month pics taken and she did great! So cute.

Rachel, I hope you are doing well. If you are thinking of doing newborn pics the website thehairbowcompany has adorable angel wings and tutus, fairy wings and leg warmers, knit hats, etc. So adorable. We didn't do NB pics but I ordered a tutu for her 6 month pics. Amazing prices and such cute stuff!

Michelle hope you are ok and your appts are going well!
I can't wait to see some of the pictures! I really hope you get good news at her appt :hugs:

Thank you so much I will definitely check out that site!

I am doing well all in all. My back is starting to bother me more and sleeping is even more difficult but overall I really can't complain! We still have so much to get done, I just want to get everything finished by time I am 37 weeks. When did you pack your hospital bag?
Oh I packed it quite early but in all honesty I used NOTHING in it. I used a few sleep/nursing bras, chapstick and my hairtie, a camera/phone and a comfy going home outfit. Not to mention my pillow.
Thanks, I will make sure not to overpack!

You could pack a nursing nightgown or pajamas or a robe but you will bleed a lot the first 2 days (so be sure to have the big heavy over night pads at home) and I didn't want to risk ruining my clothes. They kept coming in and checking me all over and the lactation consultant literally had to touch my breast to show me how to get Cait to latch better so the hospital gown was fine for the 2 nights I spent there. Also they usually supply you (well my hospital did, it's worth looking into) with the spandex panties which aren't comfy but it's ok when they get ruined. I believe I may have wore some of them home. But other than what I mentioned in the last post all I used was the baby's carseat and coming home outfit (obviously pack a diaper bag if you'll go anywhere else before going home or you have a long ride), some socks, toiletries and flip flops because the bathroom floor seemed dirty to me. You might want some make up to make you feel pretty when you aren't feeling your best but I was honestly too tired to care what I looked like. We live close to the hospital so DH really didn't use anything in his bag either and I labored all night so I kept trying to sleep instead of doing anything to keep me busy, besides I was in too much pain and too focused on my labor to do much else anything. I sort of regretted packing a thousand things in my bag but better safe than sorry I guess, and some hospitals don't supply much. The hospitals in the UK must not supply anything because the UK ladies always pack a ton and use it. It's really personal preference what you pack I guess but I didn't really need much.
Thank you that is so helpful! They do provide pads, the underwear, diapers and things like that. I wondered about what pjs to bring because of the bleeding, I don't want to ruin anything but I guess I will bring something and if I am comfortable in the gown I will just stay in that.

I think your right, it is different in the uk they provide a lot more here. Did you pack snacks?
Rachel I did not pack snacks because I couldn't eat while in labor anyway and our hospital has decent food. You could pack some but I doubt you'll want any until after you have the baby anyway. Your DH may need some, at least a drink or something but they often have a pantry with soda, snacks, and popsicles (for laboring ladies, I had a cherry one just an hour before Caitlyn was born) in labor and delivery if you ask. About the clothing- if you think you may be more comfy in your clothes by all means I think you should wear them but the first 2 days you will bleed heavily so choose something you won't mind ruining. Also you may just be too tired or sore to change. I think that's mostly why I stayed in the hospital gown the whole time. I hope you aren't too nervous by anything I say like bleeding, etc. It all goes by pretty quickly and you will soon forget the pain and all. I just tried not to think about the labor beforehand and when I finally got there it was very painful but manageable. Our bodies really are made for it. How are your appts going? All well? Baby must be getting big in there!

On a different note, we went to the ortho today. Cait's hip is staying in place! We are very happy about that but unfortunately she still has to wear the harness until JULY! SHe has 6 more weeks full time in it, then we can reduce the time until July and she'll have an xray and she'll be done with it. Another downside is she won't be able to use her jumperoo or exersaucer as it isn't good for her hips but it's all better than my baby having to have surgery! So yay!

Hope you are all well!
That is great news that she doesn't need surgery!! So happy to hear that :)

Like you I am trying not to think about or stress about labor too much. I just want to take it as it comes. I don't see the point of worrying, it has to happen and she has to come out!

Appts are going well. I wonder what appts I should have dh come to with me? He came to all the ultra sound appts but that's it so far. I don't want him to take off of work much and all the appts lately are just so basic I don't see him needing to be there. Which do your dh go to?
That is great news that she doesn't need surgery!! So happy to hear that :)

Like you I am trying not to think about or stress about labor too much. I just want to take it as it comes. I don't see the point of worrying, it has to happen and she has to come out!

Appts are going well. I wonder what appts I should have dh come to with me? He came to all the ultra sound appts but that's it so far. I don't want him to take off of work much and all the appts lately are just so basic I don't see him needing to be there. Which do your dh go to?

DH really only went to the ultrasounds and one or two near the very end. There really isn't much DH needs to do. We went to a childbirth class when I was about 30 weeks pregnant and it was actually mostly for DH to help me and just tell me what to expect. It turns out though, besides the timing contractions, DH didn't do much in the delivery room. He was tired and nervous and a little queezy. I didn't really need him once I got to the hospital either but it was nice to know he was right there if I needed him. I was in too much pain and focusing too much on getting the baby out to worry about whether he was by my side. The nurses were a huge help so it's ok if DH gets a little queezy. lol
We did go to birthing classes together. I figure there really isn't much of a need for him to go to appts. Maybe at the end I will have him come if he isn't too busy at work. Thanks!
So we are ready to go in and get one last ultra sound and then get put on femera... but my insurance apparently doesn't cover maternity. I thought they all did, but apparently individual insurance doesn't unless you have a maternity rider policy which makes you wait 6-12 months before you can become pregnant. I wish I would have realized this before now, because I am pretty sure that I could have passed those months up very quickly. Now I have to wait until I can get switched over to my work's insurance now that I have been there long enough to qualify. We make too much to qualify for government insurance for pregnant ladies, but WAAAAY too little to be able to afford the thousands of dollars it takes for all the appointments, tests, and delivery. I hate that having a job and making more money puts a hold on being able to afford a child. Hopefully the switch only takes a month or two, I wouldn't think that work insurance would put a hold on how long I have to wait before becoming pregnant, especially being that it is through a big company and they must have thousands of pregnant ladies every year that work at Walmart. I am reluctant to ask all these questions about pregnancy coverage at the HR office because I don't want them in my personal business. I have been trying to ask associates, but I guess I will have to drag myself into the HR office, or see if I can find anything in all the benifits paper work.
Being that you've been at your job longer than 90 days and you work enough hours it should only take a month to get on the insurance and they'll most likely cover maternity. I'm not sure, however if there is a specific enrollment period that you'll have to wait for. If you aren't comfortable asking too many questions I wouldn't worry about it, just ask if you can get on the insurance soon, whether it covers maternity, prescriptions, bloodwork, etc. That way they'll think you really want to know all about the insurance and not that you are doing it just because you're trying to get pregnant. Try not to worry too much about it it'll all work out fine. Somehow people in much worse situations with a lot less money have babies everyday so you've got to be able to do it as well. I had my own insurance that wouldn't have covered anything but luckily when I got married DH's work insurance covers everything. I don't think they'll have any waiting period for you to get pregnant and I know it's frustrating but I hope it works out for you. It must be really exciting though to finally be getting things started.

As for me I haven't gotten my period yet and my hormones are all over the place. My hair has been falling out again for a whole month and I have breakouts from time to time and I'm emotionally all over the place (but not nearly as bad as first few weeks post partum, or with full hormone BC) I have to say though...the hair loss and acne are bothering me enough to want to go back on BC. I should really decide before going back to my Gyno in April whether or not I want to start BC and stop Bf'ing completley. If I do go back on BC though, I think I'll go on a full time diet and exercise routine so when I come off of it to try and ttc again it may be easier for me to get my cycle back on track and get pregnant again. I'm dreading the whole BC thing but I really just want to be normal again!

Hope everyone is well!
Michelle- that sucks you are having insurance issues, the insurance we have in the u.s. is a joke! I am glad you are at least on track to get started and hopefully it won't take long to get on your insurance at work :thumbup:

Steph- sorry to hear your are having those issues :( I have noticed for the past month or so that I am not losing much hair and I am loving it! I dread after pregnancy when it falls out like crazy :( if you think you will be happier back on bc then do it, it is important you are happy and I am sure you can plan ahead and get off bc and give your body time to get back on track.

I had a dr appt today and everything is going well with the baby. My next appt is two weeks from Friday and they will do the strep test and will check my cervix. I can't believe how fast this is going, I still have more to do and feel like time is running out!
You don't have long to go Rachel! Feels like yesterday I was 33 weeks! Time goes by so quickly! Enjoy every minute! Spend some extra time with DH because you won't be alone again for a while after baby is born! You must be so excited. Makes me want another baby but I know I already have my hands full so I'll wait!
I am looking forward to fuller hair/less hair falling out during pregnancy. I can't imagine loosing much more than I already do though. Sometimes it gets so bad that the bathroom floor and sink will be covered everytime I blow dry and straighten my hair. Recently, it has been a lot less, but I can't imagine how bad it will be after pregnancy. You girls both took less time to recover from BCP then me, for me I don't think I would ever go back on BCP until after I have both my kids. I pretty much never recovered from all those hormones telling my body what to do. Every single blood test so far is normal, yet I have no periods. My body just doesn't know what to do without the hormones in BCP dictating everything. BCP yelled stop ovulating, and my body took that as a demand to follow forever.

On a good note, I signed up for my work insurance two days ago, and it covers maternity even if I was pregnant right now. Also, I read on the benifits that it covers infertility if there is an underlying issue, which I assume that me not having a period would be considered an underlying issue. It doesn't however cover artificial insemination, IVF, or fertility meds, but femera isn't a very expensive drug from what I hear. Since everything else is 100% normal, if they can just get me ovulating, hopefully I won't have to do anything more then ovulation medication.

Also, I just called the alternative teacher training program that I went through, and all I have to do is send in the internship application, and fee, and they will start talking to the local school districts about letting me student teach in the fall semester so I can finally get my teaching certificate :)

Maybe I won't have a child by the end of 2013, but hopefully I will be a pregnant, certified elementary school teacher by new years. Ideally, I would like to have a baby by the end of winter/very very early spring so I have time before school starts in the fall to be with him/her and find child care that I am comfortable with.
That's great news about the insurance and working towards getting your teaching certificate! :happydance:

Since it is just a matter of getting you ovulating i bet it wont be long until you are pregnant! :thumbup:

Any time frame for when you can start the femara?
Awesome, Michelle. I'm sure that once they get you ovulating with meds you won't need any further assistance getting pregnant. Sounds like everything is getting on track for you!

As for the BC I am both dreading it and wanting it. It was so nice while TTC and being pregnant not having to worry about birth control but now I don't want another so soon and I fear I'll go bald if I don't get on some sort of hormones! I lose a handful of hair a day and to be honest I didn't have very thick hair to begin with so it's making me pretty nervous. Hopefully next time it won't take 10 months to get pregnant after stopping it, but I'll stop taking it with time to spare this time as I know it may take a while.

Cait went to see the Easter bunny today. She was so cute sitting on his lap. She's much too young to be afraid yet and just sort of sat there clueless looking around. Very cute though.:cloud9: We also got her pics back from the picture studio so hopefully I'll get a chance to upload some of them soon.

I hope you're all doing well!
Aww that must have been so cute seeing her with the Easter bunny! :)

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